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#52 Jun 14 2013 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
On the subject of combat...

As you get more abilities there will most likely be a rotation involved. It will not be a "spam" fest.

For example, even at level 7 on Archer: Keep DoT up on mob, keep acc buff up from straight shot, use heavy shot in between. Add about 6 more abilities in there and you won't be spamming anything. You obviously never played anything besides FFXI, or had no idea what you were doing in the other games you played. Since everyone keeps using WoW for an example of a spam fest, let's take a look at what a Warlock needs to do for a normal boss fight:

Single Target Rotation

Apply Agony and keep it up.
Apply Corruption and keep it up.
Apply Unstable Affliction and keep it up.
Cast Haunt when:
you have a Soul Shard;
Haunt's debuff is not applied on the target;
you will not have to refresh any of your DoTs for the next 8 seconds;
you will not need to use Life Tap in the next 8 seconds.
Cast Malefic Grasp as a filler.
When the enemy is below 20% health, Drain Soul replaces Malefic Grasp in the rotation. Doing so will grant you more Soul Shards than you can possibly spend. This means that you should always refresh your DoTs by using Soulburn and Soul Swap (this causes Soul Swap to apply all your DoTs on the target).

At the pull, apply your doTs with Soulburn and Soul Swap.

Remember to apply and maintain Curse of the Elements if no one else in your raid/party can provide the same debuff.

All classes have their own distinct strategy of maximizing DPS, if you just sat and spammed everything you'd do about 15% of what you're capable of. If SE is following in the footsteps of games like WoW and Rift, combat will be far more complicated than you may think.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 8:04pm by Transmigration
#53 Jun 14 2013 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
sandpark wrote:
I am not doing ARR beta due to waiting on my fiance to get her pc up to snuff. What I want to see here is scores given by you for this beta comparing it to other mmos. On a scale from 1-10 for different categories.

Story: 9

Quests: 8

Combat: 6.5 (only played pug, still pretty generic 1-2-3-1)

Visuals: 9

Accessibility: 8

Good Tutorials: 9

Crafting: N/A (haven't tried yet)

Pace of level progression: 10


Fun: 9

Uniqueness of systems: 7

Music: 9

Overall rating: 8.5 (closer to 9 compared to other mmos)

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 6:53pm by sandpark

#54 Jun 14 2013 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Killua125 wrote:

The big thing for me is the mindless gameplay. The battle system suffers from the same issues that it did before. I read in a Q&A that significant changes have been made, but I think that's limited to enemy behavior.

So, in combat, I'm still just spamming through my skill cycles over and over, until the monster dies. I think a big issue is the TP, but I haven't tested a magic-based class yet. Since you get 1000 TP instantly for each fight, and that never runs out, there's really no risk/reward, if that makes sense.

Then, when you aren't battling, you're just going from NPC to NPC completing fetch quests and deliveries. For me, if they're going to use the quest grind/theme park formula, they really had to make the combat fun, and I don't think they achieved that. The game feels tedious while fighting and while not fighting.

Unless I misunderstood, a document that someone posted here (Hallie I think) describes that they'll be removing the global cooldown more or less completely. If that's true, it would at least pick up the gameplay to be on par with games like WoW (which would by no means impress me, but would at least make it tolerable enough that I might play through the story). However, my concern is the absurd amount of counter-balancing that this would require.

I mean, I guess I'm at the point where it's like this: I'm sure the story and world are great. However, I can watch the cutscenes online without having to endure hundreds of hours of tedious gameplay. Is it exactly the same? No. But it is a worthy tradeoff for hundreds of hours of grinding if the gameplay isn't compelling. If I can get as much satisfaction as the rest of you without even purchasing the game, something is very wrong.

Hyrist wrote:
Kachi wrote:
And certainly after the travesty that was 1.0, when the community all but gave SE the okay to release,...

Um... the community was pretty much screaming at them about the problems and SE's responce was "We'll fix it". It was a far cry from the community giving them an all clear. Quite the opposite in fact. There were of course a select vocal community that was utterly devoded to just getting the game out, to the detrement of the game itself. However they were a sire few.

The situation here in ARR is is pretty much the opposit. The majority of the complaints is pushed forward by the same 10 people. (I made a list) While arguing was heavily preventive and whining existed, real feedback was fairly well discussed. And Yoshida took the time to address the major concerns for each aspect of the game.

So criticism as it stand isn't so much as 'squeeky wheel'. There's a place to be critical of the game, and it's very well designated places that's been proven that if your feedback catches traction, it WILL be addressed. (Not to be confused with 'fixed')

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 5:57pm by Hyrist

That's some uh... nice... McCarthyism? lol
I was there during the alpha and beta. Most operated under the assumption that what things needed to be fixed would be fixed, and focused on the things that were good. It's no different here. Most people are not happy with the gameplay, which is 90% of the game. They are operating under the assumption that it will be fixed. But ANY game designer knows that fixing one thing usually means breaking something else. This is not some simple thing to fix that can be rolled out in a week. Literally the most important part of the game is completely unfinished/untested, just a few weeks before the launch.
#55 Jun 14 2013 at 6:38 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Not going to dig too deep because I don't want to lose progress to the inevitable wipe, but I'm basically of the mind the game is satisfactory for what it is and intends to do. Granted, I may go sour grapes at endgame if progression is solely "RAID OR GTFO!" but there should hopefully be enough to keep me away from that in leveling multiple jobs for a few months, if not more.

On the hardware end, had a few hiccups here and there like stuttering in more busy areas or screen tearing during the intro CS, but I'm not ignorant of the fact it could just be my PC showing its age relative to some other issues I've had with games. I guess I should be glad I'm not getting the crash I've been getting frequently with Rift, but sometimes that can take hours to manifest. Still, if I can avoid that, gravy. Already picked the game up on sale, so just a matter of waiting until P4 to get more invested.

Now that I think about it, I don't think I saw a single rogadyn while running around Gridania on Adamantoise. Unsurprisingly, most avatars were female with Hyur and Miqo'te being the frequent sights.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#56 Jun 14 2013 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
I won't lie, as a level 9 Gladiator..I'm a bit bored. And I'm directing that solely at combat.

FATES are a direct knock off of Rift's "events" which I was never a huge fan of..

I can't stand out dumbed down the questing is..Just to add preface to this, when I first started playing DAoC in 2001 I had to print off a map and keep track of where I was...(I know this doesn't mean much) but questing these days is FAR too simple IMO

I hope with the live release the game is a bit more difficult. I understand they want you to powerlevel your way through so you find as many bugs as possible but I'm fighting mobs well out of my level range and putting the smack down on them(I'm a tank too..)

I don't know how I feel all together..It's pretty...It's polished...It's FF...but it's a bit too dumbed down and feels a lot like I'm playing a game that started as a PC MMO and was adapted for a console*hmm.....

JUST MY OPINION! I'm not going to let it stop me(yet)
#57 Jun 14 2013 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
Ravashack wrote:
If you didn't start as Marauder, I think you need to hit level 15.

Then I'll walk my *** over while beating on things!

#58 Jun 14 2013 at 7:26 PM Rating: Default
972 posts
sixstroke wrote:
I won't lie, as a level 9 Gladiator..I'm a bit bored. And I'm directing that solely at combat.

FATES are a direct knock off of Rift's "events" which I was never a huge fan of..

I can't stand out dumbed down the questing is..Just to add preface to this, when I first started playing DAoC in 2001 I had to print off a map and keep track of where I was...(I know this doesn't mean much) but questing these days is FAR too simple IMO

I hope with the live release the game is a bit more difficult. I understand they want you to powerlevel your way through so you find as many bugs as possible but I'm fighting mobs well out of my level range and putting the smack down on them(I'm a tank too..)

I don't know how I feel all together..It's pretty...It's polished...It's FF...but it's a bit too dumbed down and feels a lot like I'm playing a game that started as a PC MMO and was adapted for a console*hmm.....

JUST MY OPINION! I'm not going to let it stop me(yet)

Damn, I was hoping fates were similar to XI public events but spread out, Perhaps some had specialized hotbars to do cool things like build walls, fire cannons etc....

You are scaring me on the quests. So quests are not similar in structure to XI with cutscenes and small arching stories? You just grab quests, read two sentence instructions and do something usually involving the kill the 10 rats type thing? If you mean the latter, I hope SE adds some more meatier quests. I am playing TERA and the quest are mind numbingly boring and similar....

Which is it? More like an actual FF console game or standard mmo with FF undertones?
#59 Jun 14 2013 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
sandpark wrote:
sixstroke wrote:
I won't lie, as a level 9 Gladiator..I'm a bit bored. And I'm directing that solely at combat.

FATES are a direct knock off of Rift's "events" which I was never a huge fan of..

I can't stand out dumbed down the questing is..Just to add preface to this, when I first started playing DAoC in 2001 I had to print off a map and keep track of where I was...(I know this doesn't mean much) but questing these days is FAR too simple IMO

I hope with the live release the game is a bit more difficult. I understand they want you to powerlevel your way through so you find as many bugs as possible but I'm fighting mobs well out of my level range and putting the smack down on them(I'm a tank too..)

I don't know how I feel all together..It's pretty...It's polished...It's FF...but it's a bit too dumbed down and feels a lot like I'm playing a game that started as a PC MMO and was adapted for a console*hmm.....

JUST MY OPINION! I'm not going to let it stop me(yet)

Damn, I was hoping fates were similar to XI public events but spread out, Perhaps some had specialized hotbars to do cool things like build walls, fire cannons etc....

You are scaring me on the quests. So quests are not similar in structure to XI with cutscenes and small arching stories? You just grab quests, read two sentence instructions and do something usually involving the kill the 10 rats type thing? If you mean the latter, I hope SE adds some more meatier quests. I am playing TERA and the quest are mind numbingly boring and similar....

Which is it? More like an actual FF console game or standard mmo with FF undertones?

They are like that. In fact, a lot of the earlier quests do have you hunting rats. The difference is, in TERA, once you actually get out on the field to fight those rats (or whatever), the combat is fun.

#60 Jun 14 2013 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
BartelX wrote:
sandpark wrote:
I am not doing ARR beta due to waiting on my fiance to get her pc up to snuff. What I want to see here is scores given by you for this beta comparing it to other mmos. On a scale from 1-10 for different categories.

Story: 9

Quests: 8

Combat: 6.5 (only played pug, still pretty generic 1-2-3-1)

Visuals: 9

Accessibility: 8

Good Tutorials: 9

Crafting: N/A (haven't tried yet)

Pace of level progression: 10


Fun: 9

Uniqueness of systems: 7

Music: 9

Overall rating: 8.5 (closer to 9 compared to other mmos)

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 6:53pm by sandpark

I asked people to post scores to simulate how the user metacritic score might look. And if SE looks at scores rather than try just try to read and understand a million specific complaints. That might give them an overarching base on what they need to improve on ARR to get good scores.

It looks like the only places you see important improvement could really be made is the combat and quest structure. What in particular are you referring to about how you wish accessibility was better? What do you want done there?

An overall rating of 8.5 is nothing to sneeze at though. It's about where most quality games just below the top echelon score at.
If a few other posters score similarly to you. I will be impressed and SE is in a good place.

Thanks Bartel. :)
#61 Jun 14 2013 at 8:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Only got to play for about an hour and a half. The game looks good. The beginning quests are super easy, but I do like how they highlight quest NPCs. Combat was pretty blah, but I only got to level 4. So far so good from my POV. Looking forward to putting in more time.

Off topic: Is there a way to lock on to what you're fighting?
#62 Jun 14 2013 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
1,429 posts
Story: 9 so far so good

Quests: 8 lots of em

Combat: 8 New system is a lot better .. less 111112111 and more 1213123123123341 plus position

Visuals: 8 (DX11 will bring this up to 10 for sure)

Accessibility: name, password, in. simple. 10

Good Tutorials: 5 Giving this a middle score because everybody has different ideas about good)

Crafting: 10 ....i really like the crafting system

Pace of level progression: starts off fast, but slows as you go ... giving it a 7

FATES: slow start but better later 8

Fun: 8 i find it hard to log off

Uniqueness of systems: tough one ... same systems as a lot of mmo's, but done FF style ... so giving it a 6

Music: 10 BILLION

Overall rating: Avg score = 9.7 ... not a bad score for Beta.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 10:44pm by Teneleven
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#63 Jun 14 2013 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Teneleven wrote:
Story: 9 so far so good

Quests: 8 lots of em

Combat: 8 New system is a lot better .. less 111112111 and more 1213123123123341 plus position

Visuals: 8 (DX11 will bring this up to 10 for sure)

Accessibility: name, password, in. simple. 10

Good Tutorials: 5 Giving this a middle score because everybody has different ideas about good)

Crafting: 10 ....i really like the crafting system

Pace of level progression: starts off fast, but slows as you go ... giving it a 7

FATES: slow start but better later 8

Fun: 8 i find it hard to log off

Uniqueness of systems: tough one ... same systems as a lot of mmo's, but done FF style ... so giving it a 6

Music: 10 BILLION

Overall rating: Avg score = 9.7 ... not a bad score for Beta.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 10:44pm by Teneleven

The average score from all those would be 7.41667, not 9.7. Just saying. That's with assuming your 10,000,000,000 was actually just a normal 10. Smiley: grin

Edit: Would be 833333340.58333 if your 10 billion is to be taken literally. Pretty decent score I must admit. Well done SE! (I'm just entertaining myself at this point, cause I can't play this freaking game. Ugh.)

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 11:11pm by supermegazeke
#64 Jun 14 2013 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Teneleven wrote:
Story: 9 so far so good

Quests: 8 lots of em

Combat: 8 New system is a lot better .. less 111112111 and more 1213123123123341 plus position

Visuals: 8 (DX11 will bring this up to 10 for sure)

Accessibility: name, password, in. simple. 10

Good Tutorials: 5 Giving this a middle score because everybody has different ideas about good)

Crafting: 10 ....i really like the crafting system

Pace of level progression: starts off fast, but slows as you go ... giving it a 7

FATES: slow start but better later 8

Fun: 8 i find it hard to log off

Uniqueness of systems: tough one ... same systems as a lot of mmo's, but done FF style ... so giving it a 6

Music: 10 BILLION

Overall rating: Avg score = 9.7 ... not a bad score for Beta.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 10:44pm by Teneleven

I'm glad the story is well done as it should be for an FF. The only game that arguably out did FFXI in that regard was SWTOR.
Would you go as far to say that the story in ARR tops SWTOR?

Quantity of quest is important. But how was the variety in those quests?

9.7? Is that your way of saying that this is your favorite mmo?
#65 Jun 14 2013 at 9:25 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Anyone expecting some kind of evolution beyond Kill Y, Fetch X, Go to Z, and Escort Q types of questing is bound to be disappointed. It's just not going to happen. I'll also be a downer and state that MMOs have never had top-tier for stories if only because of the generic "You're the hero here!" caveat with nothing of our personality or choices bleeding through. At the very least, I'm glad quest dialogue, CS or not, isn't giant window dumps you have to implicitly click a section to continue. It's easier on the eyes and allows NPCs to be more emotive when CS are involved.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#66 Jun 14 2013 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Seriha wrote:
Anyone expecting some kind of evolution beyond Kill Y, Fetch X, Go to Z, and Escort Q types of questing is bound to be disappointed. It's just not going to happen. I'll also be a downer and state that MMOs have never had top-tier for stories if only because of the generic "You're the hero here!" caveat with nothing of our personality or choices bleeding through. At the very least, I'm glad quest dialogue, CS or not, isn't giant window dumps you have to implicitly click a section to continue. It's easier on the eyes and allows NPCs to be more emotive when CS are involved.

This expecting is not asking for doing something completely different and it might not apply to this mmo right out of the gate. But hugely profitable mmos with years under their belt should be held to deliver more than the accepted mmo fetch/kill/deliver/escort quests. They make more money than offline single player games? Most quest are designed to be easily acheived solo.They want you to pay sub over the course of many years? Not all endgame has to be resigned to raids and PvP.

There is nothing holding back delivery of unique sidequests except money and will. And they do not only need be applied to the leveling process. How about some max level sidequests? FFVI had it(weapons, materia, rare NM). FFXI had it in HNM, trial of the magians, and various other stuff. Some mmos let you participate in dragon combat, spaceship combat,etc. Other FF let you control submarines.

There are a plethora of heroic jobs to do besides fetch,deliver,kill, and escort. Lifeguards, firemen, treasure hunting, feeding starving npcs, through raising crops or animals, uplifting depressed npcs through skilled empathetic conversation.

It doesn't have to be available in all zones and it doesn't have to be a flood of unique quests throughout the whole process. It just has to be interspersed enough to break up the flow of what you expect.

I say this not trying to hold ARR to a higher standard than other mmos. But disappointed or not, this notion that mmos can only do the accepted quests in today's mmo landscape is ********** And the first company that makes the effort to change this. Will raise the bar and the quality of quest we are used to today.

I might stomach it and not be petty. Because I find enjoyment in anything. But accept it as the only truth, I will not.
#67 Jun 14 2013 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Kachi wrote:
That's some uh... nice... McCarthyism? lol
I was there during the alpha and beta. Most operated under the assumption that what things needed to be fixed would be fixed, and focused on the things that were good. It's no different here. Most people are not happy with the gameplay, which is 90% of the game. They are operating under the assumption that it will be fixed. But ANY game designer knows that fixing one thing usually means breaking something else. This is not some simple thing to fix that can be rolled out in a week. Literally the most important part of the game is completely unfinished/untested, just a few weeks before the launch.

I'm just curious, what exactly are you going on to make the inference that most people are not happy with the gameplay? From what I've seen in-game and on the beta forums, the vast, vast majority of players are very happy with the gameplay. On the forums there are several very vocal people making all the complaints, and a heck of a lot of people disagreeing with them. So, are you in the beta? Are you talking to this majority of players that aren't happy with the gameplay? (That would mean communicating with over 300,000 players at this point) Even this forum, I'd say that the majority think the gameplay is at least adequate, many think it's excellent. I consider it above average, in comparison to gw2, swtor, lotro, ffxi, wow, rift, tera, etc. So how are you coming up with it being unfinished/untested? The incredibly limited gameplay videos you've read? The few jaded people who aren't happy with it? Where is this coming from?

sandpark wrote:
It looks like the only places you see important improvement could really be made is the combat and quest structure. What in particular are you referring to about how you wish accessibility was better? What do you want done there?

An overall rating of 8.5 is nothing to sneeze at though. It's about where most quality games just below the top echelon score at.

Those are the two biggest areas I could see them improving. The questing is ok, but it does get somewhat repetitive. Typical mmo fodder, but I also was including FATEs since they are done alongside questing, and although there haven't been many incredibly unique ones yet, they have been a nice change of pace and an easy way to accrue some XP outside of quest/mob grinding.

Accessibility was given that score because there have been a number of issues with accessing the beta forums, and also because I have a desktop PC that simply will not run the installer. It opens, starts to install, and crashes. I've looked it up on the beta forums, and there really isn't a solution as of yet. So I can play on my laptop, not my desktop. It seems to have something to do with having an old version of FFXIV 1.0 on your comp when trying to use the installer, so I plan on doing a complete system restore and see if that fixes it (comp needs it anyways). If it does, I would change that... as the whole game downloaded in about 2 hours for me, the login is crazy simple and easy, and even loading into the game takes mere seconds, where it would take a minute or more in swtor.

The 8.5 overally rating isn't something to sneeze at. I believe it's earned that. The game does a lot of things well. Like I said, it's still early, I've only leveled 1 class, and haven't seen even 1/10th of the content in the game, so that number is subject to change one way or the other.
#68REDACTED, Posted: Jun 14 2013 at 11:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok great, that's a BOSS FIGHT... something you do perhaps once a day unless you're playing hardcore. Let me tell you something you do 150 times a day in ARR if you are playing 14 hours a day... fighting regular mobs spamming 1-2-1-2-1-2-3-1-2-1-2-1-2-3.
#69 Jun 14 2013 at 11:15 PM Rating: Excellent
The questing/FATE/hunting log system works in harmony.

Got fetch quest? Hey, take this delivery while you're out there. Okay killing these things for their ribs, need eight ribs, damn that one didn't drop - oh hey here's a monster with the hunting log marker, might as well kill those too while I'm here. Okay done, eight ribs! Trotting trotting to turn these in - hey there's the guy I was supposed to deliver this to. Okay! Trotting, trotting - there's a FATE going on, eh? I'll drop in and help out.

By the time you actually finish your fetch quest, you've accomplished 3-4 other things en route without even having to think about it.

A lot of the quests are dumb (the mailman dropped my packages ten feet away and I'm too lazy to pick them up!) but a lot of them are good stories about the NPCs, not you. As it should be.

Did I mention Ul'dahns are as ******* lazy as ever?
#70 Jun 14 2013 at 11:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Now let me tell you what you had to do EVERY single fight in XI...

For early soloing, that's easy.

Step 1: Auto Attack
Step 2: Wait
Thayos Redblade
#71 Jun 14 2013 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
sandpark wrote:
There are a plethora of heroic jobs to do besides fetch,deliver,kill, and escort. Lifeguards, firemen, treasure hunting, feeding starving npcs, through raising crops or animals, uplifting depressed npcs through skilled empathetic conversation.

Just so you know, I'm only level 12 and I've already had quests to feed starving npcs, uplift via emotes, and treasure hunting. I've also had quests where I had to wear certain gear, where I had to pick up items which spawn mobs to kill, and quests where you had to obtain certain items to give to an NPC, and quests where you have to go into an enemy camp and collect treasure coffers. Still not crazy innovative, but they are more varied than what you'd expect. I do agree they could use some more interesting ideas for quests though, there are considerably more generic quests than unique ones.

Edited, Jun 15th 2013 1:20am by BartelX
#72 Jun 14 2013 at 11:21 PM Rating: Default
273 posts
Thayos wrote:
Now let me tell you what you had to do EVERY single fight in XI...

For early soloing, that's easy.

Step 1: Auto Attack
Step 2: Wait

I suppose that's true for levels 1-5. We both know that's not true after that.

Although, after some of the changes to the game in the later years leveling did become more as you describe up until level 10. I haven't played since 2010, so I can't speak to anything since that time.

I'm still optimistic though, I feel like if they do a few things correctly before release they could easily turn this system into something worth another few years of game play just like XI. It's not too far from being well worth the investment!

This is DEFINITELY the best MMO I've played in years... easily. However, I'm not going to powder coat everything in the game just because I like it. If there's an issue it needs to be brought to the devs attention... that is after all the point of a beta.

Edited, Jun 15th 2013 1:27am by Parathyroid
#74 Jun 14 2013 at 11:40 PM Rating: Good
199 posts
I got to level 7 thm lalafell on ps3, Leviathan server (my son also got to level 6 maruader). I have the beta on pc as well. The pc graphics are smoother and crisper. PS3 graphics look pixelated concerning player characters, I noticed this is worst in the zones outside uldah. It is quite noticeable, but I much prefer my ps3 so it's not enough to make me change.

I'm liking the story so far, which I didn't even like xi's story, so thats saying something.

Leveling seems pretty fast through quests and fates. All fates have said "I'm too low level and my contributions won't be weighed as heavily." I think that's an unnecessary message, it should just say I'm under recommended level for it.

The ah (market board thing), is a little confusing. I see how it works but it isn't nearly as fluid and easy to use as xi's. If they're making the fighting so dang accessible why make the ah so confusing? I couldn't find one item for sell on it yet (I'm guessing no one's selling anything?), and i
from the help that popped up, I think it shows you all the listings for whatever your searching for. For instance: You want to buy hempen shirt. There are 5 for sale. It shows you the price of all 5. That's great for buyer but I can see undercutting being a real problem with that. Not that I have any experience with it beyond glancing, so hopefully I'm wrong.

The UI is fantastic. Its a little hard to change the location and size of the dialog boxes on screen (I found the option but couldn't figure out how to move anything.) It looks really pretty and fancy. Pressing start brings up all of your informatio and it looks/works great.

You can examine people like in xi and you see when people level up. Character create was great.

The hot bar works very well and you can put advanced macros in.

Battling is a bit easy, but I didn't get far. I hope partying needs to happen often. Thm's beginning magic spells look nice like you'd expect.

And lastly, on my server, there's TONS of Roegydyns. Both male and female. Miqotes far out number them, but still, way more Roes than I'd expect. I'm on my kindle so please excuse any typos :)
#75 Jun 14 2013 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Loving it so far testing the PS3 version. Only gripes I have so far is the patching system itself is a lil wonky at least it was for me. I had to restart the download 4 times before it would download the whole thing due to "unable to download patch file" errors. And the UI is a lil overcrowded.. so much so part of the npc dialogue window is obscured. And doesn't seem to have a way to customize or move the windows in settings.

With that said so far I'm loving the beta though I'm trying to slow down so I won't get bored come the time to play the real deal. The story so far (In Ul'dah) has been interesting. Though won't lie I'm not a fan of being forced into certain cities based on your first job pick. Hopefully the ability to switch cities is easy without a lotta muss and fuss. The combat I really like. I do think it's a lil sluggish still (as a caster can't speak for melee) I'll definitely be playing come August 27th but just looking at THM's ability list.. it's a little underwhelming how few abilities it gets. Not really seeing how combat will get any more complex than switching between fire and blizzard with keeping thunder dot up.
#76 Jun 15 2013 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
BartelX wrote:
sandpark wrote:
There are a plethora of heroic jobs to do besides fetch,deliver,kill, and escort. Lifeguards, firemen, treasure hunting, feeding starving npcs, through raising crops or animals, uplifting depressed npcs through skilled empathetic conversation.

Just so you know, I'm only level 12 and I've already had quests to feed starving npcs, uplift via emotes, and treasure hunting. I've also had quests where I had to wear certain gear, where I had to pick up items which spawn mobs to kill, and quests where you had to obtain certain items to give to an NPC, and quests where you have to go into an enemy camp and collect treasure coffers. Still not crazy innovative, but they are more varied than what you'd expect. I do agree they could use some more interesting ideas for quests though, there are considerably more generic quests than unique ones.

Edited, Jun 15th 2013 1:20am by BartelX

This sounds somewhat relieving!
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