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2 Branches for each class...Follow

#27 Jun 14 2013 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
I really hope jobs are no longer tied to classes. So even if you get Arcanist to 50 via SCH, once you equip the SMN job stone you should go back to job lvl 30, the "default" level. Like equiping a job stone puts you in a lvl sync. Otherwise it will be like SMN and SCH are just different "stances" you can use and switch with Arcanist.

About the branching jobs, I think it is safe to assume each base class will branch in 2. Otherwise it seems unfair that Arcanist has the advantage of 2 jobs and poor Archers are stuck with Bard. I didn't play 1.0 after jobs, but did the bard bows all had harps in them? They could adapt minor alterations to weapons to adjust them without breaking the Armoury System, like a G.Axe that looks like a Scythe (Regular Scythes are odd weapons anyway) or making Templar use Halberds only instead of all kinds of lances. I still think that Katanas can easily fit with a great sword using class that takes a oriental job, the way monk did, and also taking a eastern fell with dark knight using great swords. It actually seems kinda wasteful to have Great Sword and Katanas as different classes, the same goes with knifes and kunais for Thief/Ninja, it should be the same class as well.

The major problem I see in that is that classes like GLD are so focused on being tank that it will be strange to branch into something that isn't tankish like Red Mage. Maybe if some skills are replaced when you change to a different job, but it seems easier to just add a new class.
#28 Jun 14 2013 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
In response to the 1 weapon thought, a branch of the current system could be introduced involving 2H sword making your PLD in to a DRK etc.
#29 Jun 14 2013 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
Jujubah wrote:
I really hope jobs are no longer tied to classes. So even if you get Arcanist to 50 via SCH, once you equip the SMN job stone you should go back to job lvl 30, the "default" level. Like equiping a job stone puts you in a lvl sync. Otherwise it will be like SMN and SCH are just different "stances" you can use and switch with Arcanist.

That's exactly how it works. Jobs are not other classes like they were in FFXI. Classes are meant for small parties and soloers. Jobs have defined roles. You can level a class to 50 but you won't be job ready unless you learn it through the quests. Someone playing Arcanist should unlock Scholar and Summoner at the same time to get the best out of their role.

When jobs came out in patch 1.21, we had to learn our jobs, and we had plenty of time to do so. In fact, if they keep quests the same as 1.0, the final job quest is going to make you use a mechanic of that class. BLM made you have to AoE down adds before they ancient magic your party to death.

I don't think we should have to level up a job 20 levels for five pieces of gear and five situational abilities. The balance is fine in that regards, and I'd rather have more job quests and story blocks to teach me my job/class than leveling up and artificially stretching it out for no reason.
#30 Jun 14 2013 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
I really hope jobs are no longer tied to classes. So even if you get Arcanist to 50 via SCH, once you equip the SMN job stone you should go back to job lvl 30, the "default" level. Like equiping a job stone puts you in a lvl sync. Otherwise it will be like SMN and SCH are just different "stances" you can use and switch with Arcanist.

This would require a lot of tuning. I don't think they have the content to support a move like this in terms of allowing players to XP at an effective rate, so they'd have to crank up the XP across the board. It's not a bad idea, but it's not a simple fix either.
#31 Jun 14 2013 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
Pryssant wrote:
Don't forget that everything in FFXIV is based on the armory system.

ACN can become SMN and SCH but all of them use the same exact weapon type: Book

Even BRD main weapon is a bow which is going off it's class, Archer

Seems to me that if you want Gladiator to branch off with PLD and DRK, that means that DRK use single-hand sword? etc...

Seems to me that it will be more

Basic greatsword user (let say, Berserker) becoming SAM or DRK (since both use 2-hand sword) I'm not sure I'm comfortable to bring greatsword and katana in the same group but you get my meaning


Following this idea, I believe MAU jobs will be WAR (already in the game) and BST.
#32 Jun 14 2013 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
UltKnightGrover wrote:
Jujubah wrote:
I really hope jobs are no longer tied to classes. So even if you get Arcanist to 50 via SCH, once you equip the SMN job stone you should go back to job lvl 30, the "default" level. Like equiping a job stone puts you in a lvl sync. Otherwise it will be like SMN and SCH are just different "stances" you can use and switch with Arcanist.

That's exactly how it works. Jobs are not other classes like they were in FFXI. Classes are meant for small parties and soloers. Jobs have defined roles. You can level a class to 50 but you won't be job ready unless you learn it through the quests. Someone playing Arcanist should unlock Scholar and Summoner at the same time to get the best out of their role.

When jobs came out in patch 1.21, we had to learn our jobs, and we had plenty of time to do so. In fact, if they keep quests the same as 1.0, the final job quest is going to make you use a mechanic of that class. BLM made you have to AoE down adds before they ancient magic your party to death.

I don't think we should have to level up a job 20 levels for five pieces of gear and five situational abilities. The balance is fine in that regards, and I'd rather have more job quests and story blocks to teach me my job/class than leveling up and artificially stretching it out for no reason.

It is a very strange kind of branching, I was expecting it to be like Star Wars. I guess it is not that bad to have multiples option out of a class but it seems like it "wastes" a FF job by making then too similiar. I'm hoping that Fairy will actually change a lot of the playstyle. But I'm a bit annoyed because I intended to play as SMN and didn't want SCH. It is just that the prospect of "take out that Ifrit-Egi, it is feeding the mob TP, just put that fairy out and heal!" on SMN AGAIN is kinda of a bummer. But hopefully it won't be like that.

Kachi wrote:
I really hope jobs are no longer tied to classes. So even if you get Arcanist to 50 via SCH, once you equip the SMN job stone you should go back to job lvl 30, the "default" level. Like equiping a job stone puts you in a lvl sync. Otherwise it will be like SMN and SCH are just different "stances" you can use and switch with Arcanist.

This would require a lot of tuning. I don't think they have the content to support a move like this in terms of allowing players to XP at an effective rate, so they'd have to crank up the XP across the board. It's not a bad idea, but it's not a simple fix either.

Indeed, it looks clumsy. Especially because you would have to re-learn arcanist skill in between the other job skill, it would be odd.
#33 Jun 15 2013 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
UltKnightGrover wrote:
Artye wrote:
My Question stems from a question posed earlier in the thread, but I did not really see a Clear cut answer.

Will it be like FFxi in the sense you have to level the class to a certain level(I.E Lvl 30 in XI) and than do a quest which will unlock the job? Meaning you start to level your job from level 1, just like you had to in XI


Once you take your class to level 50 both jobs within that Archtype are now level 50 as well?

You level Arcanist to 31. You unlock Summoner. Summoner is level 31. You level up Arcanist/Summoner to level 35. You unlock Scholar, now all three share Arcanist's level.

Your class levels up through experience points. Your job "levels up" off of the job quests. That's where you learn job abilities and how to play the role and get your AF. But the jobs always share the same level from the main class its derived from.

Well thats a real Debbie downer...I guess I gotta play it to see it, but I will def miss the XI flavor of unlocking and starting at 1.
#34 Jun 15 2013 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts


I agree with this.


Not sure where this came from, but I don't think this class should be in the game just for the sake of Corsair and whatever GNR is.

GLD > PLD or . . .

As cool as Dark Knight would be to put here for the sake of the good / evil dichotomy, I think it would make more sense to put the classic Knight here. It makes more sense due to the Gladiator's more tank-like feel. Gladiators use swords and shields just like we would expect a Knight to. Not only that, but the equipment-breaking abilities would be a cool addition to the game.

MRD > WAR or ???

Here is where I think Dark Knight should go. Marauders give off a more brutal vibe which would match Dark Knight just fine.

PUG > MNK or . . . .

I'm not entirely sure what should be put here, but I don't think Thief is it.

LNC > DRG or ???

Not sure about this one either. Not many jobs in the history of FF iconically use lances besides Dragoon.

CNJ > WHM or ???

Here, I think a Blue Mage would fit nicely, or Sage, etc.. Chemist would also be cool but I don't think it would make much sense to come from the Conjurer class.

THM > BLM or ???

I think a Red Mage would fit nicely here.

As for Thief and Ninja, they should come from a new knife-wielding class that is yet unnamed. Rogue sounds good perhaps.

And then, once we have all the abilities from all the classes, we can unlock the Onion Knight. Throw in the Mime for good measure.

Edited, Jun 15th 2013 1:23pm by Godmaster
#35 Jun 15 2013 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Pryssant wrote:
Don't forget that everything in FFXIV is based on the armory system.

ACN can become SMN and SCH but all of them use the same exact weapon type: Book

Even BRD main weapon is a bow which is going off it's class, Archer

Seems to me that if you want Gladiator to branch off with PLD and DRK, that means that DRK use single-hand sword? etc...

Seems to me that it will be more

Basic greatsword user (let say, Berserker) becoming SAM or DRK (since both use 2-hand sword) I'm not sure I'm comfortable to bring greatsword and katana in the same group but you get my meaning

Ah! Very good idea.
#36 Jun 15 2013 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Why don't you guys think PUG will branch out in to THF? Pug has THF abilities :/ The only problem with this is the weapon issue..

Perhaps they will introduce a Bandit/Rogue class that will branch out in to THF or NIN? I dunno, just brainstorming. 1h Katana are about the size of a Kukri and they could do the same with 2h Katana/G.Sword as someone else mentioned.

Edited, Jun 15th 2013 9:15pm by Transmigration
#37 Jun 15 2013 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
232 posts
I'd like to see SE make it so that each class would have two different weapons available. The weapons would be specific to each job, but the class would be free to use either.

ACN -> SCH(Book) or SMN(Racket)
For a limited time, SE could allow ACNs to exchange books for equivalent rackets. The weapon would work well with ruin given how rackets functioned in FFIX.

ARC -> BRD(Bow) or RNG(Crossbow)
Like crossbow bolts in FFXI, RNG could use different status effects such as defense down and blind.

BND -> COR(Gun) or THF(Dagger)
BND, short for Bandit as Transmigration brought up, would be the generic stealing and treasure hunting class. Other than that, COR and THF would be updated versions of their FFXI selves.

CNJ -> WHM(Staff) or BLM(Club/Rod)
Like before, SE could let BLMs trade their staves in. CNJ would start out like a less physical RDM with both healing and elemental spells. The jobs would then replace the incorrectly matched spells with new ones. Regarding the class swap for BLM, SE could give players the option to swap levels between CNJ and THM.

GLA -> PLD(Broad Sword) or DRK(Scythe)
No explanation needed.

KEN -> NIN(Katana) or SAM(Great Katana)
KEN, or Kenshi, would have mostly different kinds of sword skills. NIN would add Ninjutsu on top of it, whereas SAM would further improve upon those original abilities. As far as Meditate goes, I have no idea how that would work out.

LNC -> DRG(Polearm) or Something
Having the class named Lancer kind of screws up my ability to make up something that sounds reasonable. I thought about maybe using Sentinel but that could potentially make WAR obsolete.

MRD -> BST(Axe) or WAR (Great Axe)
BST would be kind of like a weakened WAR with some sort of summonable pet to balance it out. Sort of like SMN, they could quest to capture new pets with different abilities.

PGL -> DNC(Tambourine) or MNK(Hand-to-Hand)
Given how MNK add elements to their attacks, DNC could do something similar with their own style of buffs. As for the tambourine, I couldn't think of anything better. Dagger never really seemed that appropriate for DNC, and cloth is pretty limited in terms weapon appearance.

THM -> RDM(Fencing Sword) or BLU(Whip)
THM would be changed to involve more physical attacks. RDM would work pretty much the same as in FFXI. BLU wouldn't be much different outside of the whip.

Well, that's one way to kill some time.

I fixed some of the class abbreviations with the edit.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 10:07pm by FrozenSherbet
#38 Jun 16 2013 at 3:08 AM Rating: Good
they should have waited on sch and release all the 2nd jobs together lol

jobs = spec so the 2nd job cant be the same role as the first job because it wouldnt be balance

& for thf and ninja , my theory is they will release a new class "rogue or scout" with dualwield dagger that goes thf / nin

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 5:11am by Ggrab
#39 Jun 16 2013 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
377 posts
FrozenSherbet wrote:
I'd like to see SE make it so that each class would have two different weapons available. The weapons would be specific to each job, but the class would be free to use either.

ACN -> SCH(Book) or SMN(Racket)
For a limited time, SE could allow ACNs to exchange books for equivalent rackets. The weapon would work well with ruin given how rackets functioned in FFIX.

ARC -> BRD(Bow) or RNG(Crossbow)
Like crossbow bolts in FFXI, RNG could use different status effects such as defense down and blind.

BND -> COR(Gun) or THF(Dagger)
BND, short for Bandit as Transmigration brought up, would be the generic stealing and treasure hunting class. Other than that, COR and THF would be updated versions of their FFXI selves.

CNJ -> WHM(Staff) or BLM(Club/Rod)
Like before, SE could let BLMs trade their staves in. CNJ would start out like a less physical RDM with both healing and elemental spells. The jobs would then replace the incorrectly matched spells with new ones. Regarding the class swap for BLM, SE could give players the option to swap levels between CNJ and THM.

GLD -> PLD(Broad Sword) or DRK(Scythe)
No explanation needed.

KEN -> NIN(Katana) or SAM(Great Katana)
KEN, or Kenshi, would have mostly different kinds of sword skills. NIN would add Ninjutsu on top of it, whereas SAM would further improve upon those original abilities. As far as Meditate goes, I have no idea how that would work out.

LNC -> DRG(Polearm) or Something
Having the class named Lancer kind of screws up my ability to make up something that sounds reasonable. I thought about maybe using Sentinel but that could potentially make WAR obsolete.

MRD -> BST(Axe) or WAR (Great Axe)
BST would be kind of like a weakened WAR with some sort of summonable pet to balance it out. Sort of like SMN, they could quest to capture new pets with different abilities.

PUG -> DNC(Tambourine) or MNK(Hand-to-Hand)
Given how MNK add elements to their attacks, DNC could do something similar with their own style of buffs. As for the tambourine, I couldn't think of anything better. Dagger never really seemed that appropriate for DNC, and cloth is pretty limited in terms weapon appearance.

THM -> RDM(Fencing Sword) or BLU(Whip)
THM would be changed to involve more physical attacks. RDM would work pretty much the same as in FFXI. BLU wouldn't be much different outside of the whip.

Well, that's one way to kill some time.

I really like this. :D
#40 Jun 16 2013 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
1,570 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Gladiator has the potential of turning to Red Mage if the shield is reduced to a buckler and the sword a fluret. Many sword Weapon Skills in FFXI were shared between Red Mage and Paladin, but it would take subtantial changes in the base kits to make it work.
Ugh, no thanks. Seeing a rapier/fleuret/epee in FFXI swung the same way you swing a broadsword has always been an eyesore to me. Not to mention unless RDM got strong damage multipliers from the RDM crystal, all you're getting is a job with low DPS and low utility due to being built off GLA. I'd rather Fencer be introduced and have RDM and mystic knight branch from it.
Products of boredom: 1 2 3 4 5
Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#41 Jun 17 2013 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
FrozenSherbet wrote:
I'd like to see SE make it so that each class would have two different weapons available. The weapons would be specific to each job, but the class would be free to use either.

ACN -> SCH(Book) or SMN(Racket)
For a limited time, SE could allow ACNs to exchange books for equivalent rackets. The weapon would work well with ruin given how rackets functioned in FFIX.

ARC -> BRD(Bow) or RNG(Crossbow)
Like crossbow bolts in FFXI, RNG could use different status effects such as defense down and blind.

BND -> COR(Gun) or THF(Dagger)
BND, short for Bandit as Transmigration brought up, would be the generic stealing and treasure hunting class. Other than that, COR and THF would be updated versions of their FFXI selves.

CNJ -> WHM(Staff) or BLM(Club/Rod)
Like before, SE could let BLMs trade their staves in. CNJ would start out like a less physical RDM with both healing and elemental spells. The jobs would then replace the incorrectly matched spells with new ones. Regarding the class swap for BLM, SE could give players the option to swap levels between CNJ and THM.

GLA -> PLD(Broad Sword) or DRK(Scythe)
No explanation needed.

KEN -> NIN(Katana) or SAM(Great Katana)
KEN, or Kenshi, would have mostly different kinds of sword skills. NIN would add Ninjutsu on top of it, whereas SAM would further improve upon those original abilities. As far as Meditate goes, I have no idea how that would work out.

LNC -> DRG(Polearm) or Something
Having the class named Lancer kind of screws up my ability to make up something that sounds reasonable. I thought about maybe using Sentinel but that could potentially make WAR obsolete.

MRD -> BST(Axe) or WAR (Great Axe)
BST would be kind of like a weakened WAR with some sort of summonable pet to balance it out. Sort of like SMN, they could quest to capture new pets with different abilities.

PGL -> DNC(Tambourine) or MNK(Hand-to-Hand)
Given how MNK add elements to their attacks, DNC could do something similar with their own style of buffs. As for the tambourine, I couldn't think of anything better. Dagger never really seemed that appropriate for DNC, and cloth is pretty limited in terms weapon appearance.

THM -> RDM(Fencing Sword) or BLU(Whip)
THM would be changed to involve more physical attacks. RDM would work pretty much the same as in FFXI. BLU wouldn't be much different outside of the whip.

Well, that's one way to kill some time.

I fixed some of the class abbreviations with the edit.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 10:07pm by FrozenSherbet

You completely understood what I was saying. Really awesome ideas for classes.
#42 Jun 17 2013 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
2,153 posts
I think if they want to Keep the "one class one weapon" correspondence, they will introduce some "artistic liberty".
For example, a MRD could branch off into DRK even when the latter is using scythes, because a scythe is reasonably
similar to a two-handed axe in handling (there`s already a billhook for MRDs). It`s not more of a stretch than the
bowharp introduced for bards.

Or they simply make it so that equipping a soul stone automatically equips a fitting weapon in your main slot.
Problem solved.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 5:53am by Rinsui
#43 Jun 17 2013 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
Not to go off topic to much but I am confused about the job system. If you need say gld and con at a certain level to unlock pld do you lose access to gld and con? it's sounding like you get to make a choice not unlock and additional job. I personally don't like the idea of branching and losing jobs/classes that just makes reasons to create more characters instead of one that can do everything if you take the time.
#44 Jun 17 2013 at 9:29 AM Rating: Excellent
FrozenSherbet wrote:
I'd like to see SE make it so that each class would have two different weapons available. The weapons would be specific to each job, but the class would be free to use either.

ACN -> SCH(Book) or SMN(Racket)
For a limited time, SE could allow ACNs to exchange books for equivalent rackets. The weapon would work well with ruin given how rackets functioned in FFIX.

ARC -> BRD(Bow) or RNG(Crossbow)
Like crossbow bolts in FFXI, RNG could use different status effects such as defense down and blind.

BND -> COR(Gun) or THF(Dagger)
BND, short for Bandit as Transmigration brought up, would be the generic stealing and treasure hunting class. Other than that, COR and THF would be updated versions of their FFXI selves.

CNJ -> WHM(Staff) or BLM(Club/Rod)
Like before, SE could let BLMs trade their staves in. CNJ would start out like a less physical RDM with both healing and elemental spells. The jobs would then replace the incorrectly matched spells with new ones. Regarding the class swap for BLM, SE could give players the option to swap levels between CNJ and THM.

GLA -> PLD(Broad Sword) or DRK(Scythe)
No explanation needed.

KEN -> NIN(Katana) or SAM(Great Katana)
KEN, or Kenshi, would have mostly different kinds of sword skills. NIN would add Ninjutsu on top of it, whereas SAM would further improve upon those original abilities. As far as Meditate goes, I have no idea how that would work out.

LNC -> DRG(Polearm) or Something
Having the class named Lancer kind of screws up my ability to make up something that sounds reasonable. I thought about maybe using Sentinel but that could potentially make WAR obsolete.

MRD -> BST(Axe) or WAR (Great Axe)
BST would be kind of like a weakened WAR with some sort of summonable pet to balance it out. Sort of like SMN, they could quest to capture new pets with different abilities.

PGL -> DNC(Tambourine) or MNK(Hand-to-Hand)
Given how MNK add elements to their attacks, DNC could do something similar with their own style of buffs. As for the tambourine, I couldn't think of anything better. Dagger never really seemed that appropriate for DNC, and cloth is pretty limited in terms weapon appearance.

THM -> RDM(Fencing Sword) or BLU(Whip)
THM would be changed to involve more physical attacks. RDM would work pretty much the same as in FFXI. BLU wouldn't be much different outside of the whip.

Well, that's one way to kill some time.

I fixed some of the class abbreviations with the edit.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 10:07pm by FrozenSherbet

I would think Assassin would be a natural branch of Bandit. Keeps the dagger, has DoT abilities like Poison. For the second branch of LNC could be Peltast to be another ranged damage option.
#45 Jun 17 2013 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
232 posts
SkinwalkerAsura wrote:
FrozenSherbet wrote:
I'd like to see SE make it so that each class would have two different weapons available. The weapons would be specific to each job, but the class would be free to use either.

ACN -> SCH(Book) or SMN(Racket)
For a limited time, SE could allow ACNs to exchange books for equivalent rackets. The weapon would work well with ruin given how rackets functioned in FFIX.

ARC -> BRD(Bow) or RNG(Crossbow)
Like crossbow bolts in FFXI, RNG could use different status effects such as defense down and blind.

BND -> COR(Gun) or THF(Dagger)
BND, short for Bandit as Transmigration brought up, would be the generic stealing and treasure hunting class. Other than that, COR and THF would be updated versions of their FFXI selves.

CNJ -> WHM(Staff) or BLM(Club/Rod)
Like before, SE could let BLMs trade their staves in. CNJ would start out like a less physical RDM with both healing and elemental spells. The jobs would then replace the incorrectly matched spells with new ones. Regarding the class swap for BLM, SE could give players the option to swap levels between CNJ and THM.

GLA -> PLD(Broad Sword) or DRK(Scythe)
No explanation needed.

KEN -> NIN(Katana) or SAM(Great Katana)
KEN, or Kenshi, would have mostly different kinds of sword skills. NIN would add Ninjutsu on top of it, whereas SAM would further improve upon those original abilities. As far as Meditate goes, I have no idea how that would work out.

LNC -> DRG(Polearm) or Something
Having the class named Lancer kind of screws up my ability to make up something that sounds reasonable. I thought about maybe using Sentinel but that could potentially make WAR obsolete.

MRD -> BST(Axe) or WAR (Great Axe)
BST would be kind of like a weakened WAR with some sort of summonable pet to balance it out. Sort of like SMN, they could quest to capture new pets with different abilities.

PGL -> DNC(Tambourine) or MNK(Hand-to-Hand)
Given how MNK add elements to their attacks, DNC could do something similar with their own style of buffs. As for the tambourine, I couldn't think of anything better. Dagger never really seemed that appropriate for DNC, and cloth is pretty limited in terms weapon appearance.

THM -> RDM(Fencing Sword) or BLU(Whip)
THM would be changed to involve more physical attacks. RDM would work pretty much the same as in FFXI. BLU wouldn't be much different outside of the whip.

Well, that's one way to kill some time.

I fixed some of the class abbreviations with the edit.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 10:07pm by FrozenSherbet

I would think Assassin would be a natural branch of Bandit. Keeps the dagger, has DoT abilities like Poison. For the second branch of LNC could be Peltast to be another ranged damage option.

That and Assassin would have a pretty fun abbreviation. If they retain the one weapon system, I wouldn't be surprised to see DNC and THF branch off of the same class. Assassin could work but that would also be a good fit with NIN in such a scenario.

As far as Peltast goes, I'm always a fan of more ranged attackers.
#46 Jun 17 2013 at 9:57 AM Rating: Excellent
FrozenSherbet wrote:
SkinwalkerAsura wrote:
FrozenSherbet wrote:
I'd like to see SE make it so that each class would have two different weapons available. The weapons would be specific to each job, but the class would be free to use either.

ACN -> SCH(Book) or SMN(Racket)
For a limited time, SE could allow ACNs to exchange books for equivalent rackets. The weapon would work well with ruin given how rackets functioned in FFIX.

ARC -> BRD(Bow) or RNG(Crossbow)
Like crossbow bolts in FFXI, RNG could use different status effects such as defense down and blind.

BND -> COR(Gun) or THF(Dagger)
BND, short for Bandit as Transmigration brought up, would be the generic stealing and treasure hunting class. Other than that, COR and THF would be updated versions of their FFXI selves.

CNJ -> WHM(Staff) or BLM(Club/Rod)
Like before, SE could let BLMs trade their staves in. CNJ would start out like a less physical RDM with both healing and elemental spells. The jobs would then replace the incorrectly matched spells with new ones. Regarding the class swap for BLM, SE could give players the option to swap levels between CNJ and THM.

GLA -> PLD(Broad Sword) or DRK(Scythe)
No explanation needed.

KEN -> NIN(Katana) or SAM(Great Katana)
KEN, or Kenshi, would have mostly different kinds of sword skills. NIN would add Ninjutsu on top of it, whereas SAM would further improve upon those original abilities. As far as Meditate goes, I have no idea how that would work out.

LNC -> DRG(Polearm) or Something
Having the class named Lancer kind of screws up my ability to make up something that sounds reasonable. I thought about maybe using Sentinel but that could potentially make WAR obsolete.

MRD -> BST(Axe) or WAR (Great Axe)
BST would be kind of like a weakened WAR with some sort of summonable pet to balance it out. Sort of like SMN, they could quest to capture new pets with different abilities.

PGL -> DNC(Tambourine) or MNK(Hand-to-Hand)
Given how MNK add elements to their attacks, DNC could do something similar with their own style of buffs. As for the tambourine, I couldn't think of anything better. Dagger never really seemed that appropriate for DNC, and cloth is pretty limited in terms weapon appearance.

THM -> RDM(Fencing Sword) or BLU(Whip)
THM would be changed to involve more physical attacks. RDM would work pretty much the same as in FFXI. BLU wouldn't be much different outside of the whip.

Well, that's one way to kill some time.

I fixed some of the class abbreviations with the edit.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 10:07pm by FrozenSherbet

I would think Assassin would be a natural branch of Bandit. Keeps the dagger, has DoT abilities like Poison. For the second branch of LNC could be Peltast to be another ranged damage option.

That and Assassin would have a pretty fun abbreviation. If they retain the one weapon system, I wouldn't be surprised to see DNC and THF branch off of the same class. Assassin could work but that would also be a good fit with NIN in such a scenario.

As far as Peltast goes, I'm always a fan of more ranged attackers.

Also, going by the historical Peltast as a skirmisher you have a natural kiter/puller.
#47 Jun 17 2013 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
elevens wrote:
Not to go off topic to much but I am confused about the job system. If you need say gld and con at a certain level to unlock pld do you lose access to gld and con? it's sounding like you get to make a choice not unlock and additional job. I personally don't like the idea of branching and losing jobs/classes that just makes reasons to create more characters instead of one that can do everything if you take the time.

Those listings are effectively requirements to unlock the job. As it stood in 1.0 (AFAIK), once you got GLD to 30 & CNJ to 15, you got the PLD job quest to unlock it. You completed the quest, and got a "job sphere" as a reward. You changed into GLD, equipped the sphere & hey presto - you're a PLD! BUT - un-equip the sphere, you're a GLD again. Pick up your staff, you're back to CNJ. Run to Gridinia & grab a lance - you're a LNC.

You never lose what you're unlocked/earned in this game (much like FFXI). With the Armory system tied to weapons, all you do is equip the relevant weapon (and job sphere, if you're at that level), and you're in that class/job. So yes, you can get every class/job to cap given enough time (including DoH/DoL), and every level you've earned is yours for your toon's life.
#48 Jun 17 2013 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
Ok thank you for clearing that up. This is what i was hoping it was but for some reason the way people have been talking I thought they had changed something.
#49 Jun 17 2013 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Most players started MRD to be a smashmouth dps. They got an add tank instead. Hopefully berserker or dark knight is on its way. Beastmaster would just add insult to injury.

Glad may get drk....I will be severely dissaponted if mrd wastes that greataxe on a hybrid pet class.

The Gaxe is HUNGRY.
#50 Jun 17 2013 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
I think what a *LOT* of you are missing and forgetting is that Daggers are already in the game -- they're used by Gladiators, as well as Cutlass type weapons (BLU if going by FFXI). If there were any class that currently exists that would be used to identify Thief it would be Gladiator, and not Pugilist, as far as unlocking goes.

As far as SAM/DRK using the same weapon class makes more sense in terms of FFXIV.
#51 Jun 18 2013 at 12:05 AM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
benjjjamin wrote:
Most players started MRD to be a smashmouth dps. They got an add tank instead. Hopefully berserker or dark knight is on its way. Beastmaster would just add insult to injury.

Not if it was a melee version of WoW's hunter. They would put out some serious DPS if that was the case.
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