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Are YOU interested in Xbox One?Follow

#27 Jun 07 2013 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Sandpark wrote:
Hardware competition doesn't breed quality. Developers breed quality. Whether we have 1 gaming platform or a hundred. We are not stupid children. The devs who pain stakingly strive for excellence will be the ones that sell above the other games.

Kachi wrote:
Very much this. We need software competition, and we have more than plenty of it (and where it lacks won't be made up in the least with console diversity--quite the opposite). But the biggest improvements in gaming hardware are not germane to consoles alone. It's predominantly integration of other aspects of improved technology. Processing and applications will get better if we just WAIT by virtue of all the other industries in which advancement is truly critical and valuable. Active development towards consoles is for the most part more about squeezing the consumers than pushing the tech forward, and the primary exception to this are the things that many gamers dismiss as "gimmicky."

Any reaction besides what Major Nelson gave would have been seen as hating on PS3 lol. It's not how much exclusives you have. It's who makes the best exclusives. Software competition.
#28 Jun 07 2013 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
Wint wrote:
electromagnet83 wrote:
Not to mention PC games require constant upgrades to play the best graphics... whereas console devs figure out how to harness more and more power out of the same hardware. But I still love pc gaming regardless.

This is so untrue.

It is not so untrue. Go look at a big company launch title for Ps2. Then, go look at a title from same company on Ps2 when Ps3 was close to launch. The difference in graphics is amazing. PC games get better too but require hardware upgrades to maintain the same performance. Console devs learn how to do more with the same because they have too to sell them. PC devs can simply "make the game better looking" without worrying about the limits of current hardware.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 8:31pm by electromagnet83
#29 Jun 07 2013 at 6:37 PM Rating: Excellent
You do realize that consoles use the same parts as PCs right? They are not magical devices. The PS4 and Xbox One are going to be using AMD graphics processors, just like tons of PCs.

I mean, what I'm saying is... you don't need to upgrade your PC constantly, unless you're an enthusiast. In fact, I'm sure you could play almost all current PC releases on, let's say, 5 year old PC hardware on high settings, with ease.

The reason why you see graphics 'jump' like that (between the PS1, to PS2, to PS3) is because the specs are on standstill for 5-10 years, then all of a sudden they catch up.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 8:38pm by Killua125
#30 Jun 07 2013 at 6:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Killua125 wrote:
You do realize that consoles use the same parts as PCs right? They are not magical devices. The PS4 and Xbox One are going to be using AMD graphics processors, just like tons of PCs.

I mean, what I'm saying is... you don't need to upgrade your PC constantly, unless you're an enthusiast. In fact, I'm sure you could play almost all current PC releases on, let's say, 5 year old PC hardware on high settings, with ease.

The reason why you see graphics 'jump' like that (between the PS1, to PS2, to PS3) is because the specs are on standstill for 5-10 years, then all of a sudden they catch up.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 8:38pm by Killua125

Smiley: clap

Regarding the spying, this is all very annoying. Where was everyone's righteous indignation when the patriot act was passed in 2001? If you think any major company isn't reporting anything the CIA/NSA wants then you might want to take the blinders off.
#31 Jun 07 2013 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
Killua125 wrote:
You do realize that consoles use the same parts as PCs right? They are not magical devices. The PS4 and Xbox One are going to be using AMD graphics processors, just like tons of PCs.

I mean, what I'm saying is... you don't need to upgrade your PC constantly, unless you're an enthusiast. In fact, I'm sure you could play almost all current PC releases on, let's say, 5 year old PC hardware on high settings, with ease.

The reason why you see graphics 'jump' like that (between the PS1, to PS2, to PS3) is because the specs are on standstill for 5-10 years, then all of a sudden they catch up.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 8:38pm by Killua125

I'm not talking about graphic improvements cross-generation. Obviously that's going to happen. I'm talking about within the same console generation. Since we're on a FF forum, look at the graphics and capabilities of FFX (ps2) and then look at FFXII (ps2). There is a notable difference in what was done graphically with the same hardware, delivering the same performance. While some might say "well there was two different teams working on it" remember this is only one example. PC graphics improve but in order to play the better graphics at the same performance it would require an upgrade. You might be able to play, at a lower framerate, but that's not my point. My point is that console devs work over the years to squeeze as much out of their limited power as possible. PC devs generally develop the game based of the top technology and give you options to scale it down if needed, based on your system.
#32 Jun 07 2013 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Wint wrote:
Regarding the spying, this is all very annoying. Where was everyone's righteous indignation when the patriot act was passed in 2001? If you think any major company isn't reporting anything the CIA/NSA wants then you might want to take the blinders off.

I don't think I need to say it, but it was the perfect time to get away with something like that.

Now shut up and buy your government monitored Google headset and Xbox home camera!
#33 Jun 07 2013 at 6:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Killua125 wrote:
Wint wrote:
Regarding the spying, this is all very annoying. Where was everyone's righteous indignation when the patriot act was passed in 2001? If you think any major company isn't reporting anything the CIA/NSA wants then you might want to take the blinders off.

I don't think I need to say it, but it was the perfect time to get away with something like that.

Now shut up and buy your government monitored Google headset and Xbox home camera!

I need to get my tinfoil hat on, that's two of your posts I've rated up 5x each Smiley: lol
#34 Jun 07 2013 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
751 posts
30+ years of owning just about every major console released will cease with the Xbox One.

It will also be bought to a double stop if PS4 goes the same way with DRM.

In my opinion, PC's are better for games. Consoles need to have at least some benefits for me to play them these days. Cheap availability of older games was a draw point, as was being able to swap and share with mates. Take these things away, and I'll just stick to my PC's from now on.

edit: to indicate an opinion where it was previously presented as fact - community tears you a new one when you do that :-)

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 8:53pm by HallieXIV
#35 Jun 07 2013 at 6:51 PM Rating: Excellent
electromagnet83 wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
You do realize that consoles use the same parts as PCs right? They are not magical devices. The PS4 and Xbox One are going to be using AMD graphics processors, just like tons of PCs.

I mean, what I'm saying is... you don't need to upgrade your PC constantly, unless you're an enthusiast. In fact, I'm sure you could play almost all current PC releases on, let's say, 5 year old PC hardware on high settings, with ease.

The reason why you see graphics 'jump' like that (between the PS1, to PS2, to PS3) is because the specs are on standstill for 5-10 years, then all of a sudden they catch up.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 8:38pm by Killua125

I'm not talking about graphic improvements cross-generation. Obviously that's going to happen. I'm talking about within the same console generation. Since we're on a FF forum, look at the graphics and capabilities of FFX (ps2) and then look at FFXII (ps2). There is a notable difference in what was done graphically with the same hardware, delivering the same performance. While some might say "well there was two different teams working on it" remember this is only one example. PC graphics improve but in order to play the better graphics at the same performance it would require an upgrade. You might be able to play, at a lower framerate, but that's not my point. My point is that console devs work over the years to squeeze as much out of their limited power as possible. PC devs generally develop the game based of the top technology and give you options to scale it down if needed, based on your system.

I still disagree, my last build lasted me at least 2 years, that's not upgrading "all the time". Even then, the only thing I upgraded was the graphics cards which were definitely less than the price of a new console.
#36 Jun 07 2013 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
262 posts
Killua125 wrote:
Wint wrote:
Regarding the spying, this is all very annoying. Where was everyone's righteous indignation when the patriot act was passed in 2001? If you think any major company isn't reporting anything the CIA/NSA wants then you might want to take the blinders off.

I don't think I need to say it, but it was the perfect time to get away with something like that.

Now shut up and buy your government monitored Google headset and Xbox home camera!

A more interactive way for the consumer to get, give, and share ****!
#37 Jun 07 2013 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
Actually, optimization and getting more out of hardware is a huge focus for PC game developers as well (and getting the absolute most out of hardware isn't something that all PC game developers can do, just like not all PlayStation, Xbox, whatever developers do).

I'm just saying that there's really no difference.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 8:59pm by Killua125
#38 Jun 07 2013 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
Wint wrote:
electromagnet83 wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
You do realize that consoles use the same parts as PCs right? They are not magical devices. The PS4 and Xbox One are going to be using AMD graphics processors, just like tons of PCs.

I mean, what I'm saying is... you don't need to upgrade your PC constantly, unless you're an enthusiast. In fact, I'm sure you could play almost all current PC releases on, let's say, 5 year old PC hardware on high settings, with ease.

The reason why you see graphics 'jump' like that (between the PS1, to PS2, to PS3) is because the specs are on standstill for 5-10 years, then all of a sudden they catch up.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 8:38pm by Killua125

I'm not talking about graphic improvements cross-generation. Obviously that's going to happen. I'm talking about within the same console generation. Since we're on a FF forum, look at the graphics and capabilities of FFX (ps2) and then look at FFXII (ps2). There is a notable difference in what was done graphically with the same hardware, delivering the same performance. While some might say "well there was two different teams working on it" remember this is only one example. PC graphics improve but in order to play the better graphics at the same performance it would require an upgrade. You might be able to play, at a lower framerate, but that's not my point. My point is that console devs work over the years to squeeze as much out of their limited power as possible. PC devs generally develop the game based of the top technology and give you options to scale it down if needed, based on your system.

I still disagree, my last build lasted me at least 2 years, that's not upgrading "all the time". Even then, the only thing I upgraded was the graphics cards which were definitely less than the price of a new console.

The only point I wish to convey is that console graphics improve greatly over the console life without the need for upgrades (during current gen). PC games, which account for 90% of my play over the last few years, usually require an upgrade if you wish to play with that title's best graphics, than the last wave of titles that came out. PC devs don't need to become more efficient. They just make it better and give you the option to downgrade graphics rather than upgrading hardware. Console devs on the other hand try and squeeze as much out of the same hardware as possible. No you don't HAVE to upgrade PC hardware but PC devs also don't try to "do more with less." Console devs do. Not sure how this is even being debated.

Edit: On another note. The fact that this is turning into a government conspiracy thread is silly. If the government is watching us it is because WE GIVE THEM The power to do so. Nobody says you have to agree to facebook, google, PSN, or Microsoft's privacy policy and risk being watched. It is the user's "choice." If you seriously believe the government has time to watch John Doe's activity of sitting around in his underwear playing games and perhaps smoking a little pot then I feel really sad for our society. You should probably also stop agreeing and using those services. ....or stop being paranoid.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 9:07pm by electromagnet83
#39 Jun 07 2013 at 7:07 PM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
Wint wrote:
Regarding the spying, this is all very annoying. Where was everyone's righteous indignation when the patriot act was passed in 2001? If you think any major company isn't reporting anything the CIA/NSA wants then you might want to take the blinders off.

I don't think I need to say it, but it was the perfect time to get away with something like that.

Now shut up and buy your government monitored Google headset and Xbox home camera!

I need to get my tinfoil hat on, that's two of your posts I've rated up 5x each Smiley: lol

"Hands Wint a tinfoil hat.... And a dagger"

All shall be Fine!
#40 Jun 07 2013 at 7:20 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
burtonsnow wrote:
electromagnet83 wrote:
Transmigration wrote:
No, I think it's another tool for the government to spy on us really. I've been a sony guy since 95' anyway.

I highly doubt Xbox is part of a government conspiracy. In more simple terms, they are just morons.

I wouldn't be so sure. I don't really know one way or the other but I seriously wouldn't put anything past the US gov. at this point!

Some people still live in the dark and call us kooks Burton. Thanks for the back up.
#41 Jun 07 2013 at 7:24 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
Wint wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
You do realize that consoles use the same parts as PCs right? They are not magical devices. The PS4 and Xbox One are going to be using AMD graphics processors, just like tons of PCs.

I mean, what I'm saying is... you don't need to upgrade your PC constantly, unless you're an enthusiast. In fact, I'm sure you could play almost all current PC releases on, let's say, 5 year old PC hardware on high settings, with ease.

The reason why you see graphics 'jump' like that (between the PS1, to PS2, to PS3) is because the specs are on standstill for 5-10 years, then all of a sudden they catch up.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 8:38pm by Killua125

Smiley: clap

Regarding the spying, this is all very annoying. Where was everyone's righteous indignation when the patriot act was passed in 2001? If you think any major company isn't reporting anything the CIA/NSA wants then you might want to take the blinders off.

I have been quite active in all of this since 9/11. It's validating to have family members and friends say "sh*t Jon, you were right...", but it's almost too late now. There are way too many fools living in fear of the truth in this world. Meanwhile, I'll be playing video games and ignoring it too.

Anyway on the topic, I think XIV will be ported to PS4 eventually anyway if it does well. In that case, I won't be needing an XBOX for anything. Until then, I have my PC.

Edited, Jun 7th 2013 9:26pm by Transmigration
#42 Jun 07 2013 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
630 posts
Electro, GPU developers are constantly tuning their GPUs to better perform. Developers get better at better optimizing high quality graphics on ALL platforms over time. There is no difference.
#43 Jun 07 2013 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
burtonsnow wrote:
Electro, GPU developers are constantly tuning their GPUs to better perform. Developers get better at better optimizing high quality graphics on ALL platforms over time. There is no difference.

Meanwhile, our PCs are still kicking the console's *** all over the place. Smiley: lol
#44 Jun 07 2013 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
175 posts
Won't be buying it. I got along quite well this generation without a 360 can definitely live without a One. While I was on the fence for a bit just cause some of the games I like get preferential treatment by Bethesda but after I read you have to connect to the internet at least once a day for your system to not be voided umm yeah no. Not that I lack for a internet connection. But if for some weird reason service goes down or what not. No just no. I'll stick to the PS3/4 (when it has a price drop) and PC.
#45 Jun 07 2013 at 8:28 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
It's a no for me too. And if PS4 works the same way I may build my first gaming PC in going on 15 years lol
#46 Jun 07 2013 at 8:58 PM Rating: Excellent
530 posts
I'm more interested in how the Xbox One will be received once it's released. I'm curious as to how well it sells.
I certainly will not be buying one for 2 reasons.
-An internet connection once every 24 hours
-It's up to the publisher on whether or not I can resell games.

I shouldn't need to connect to the internet if the game I'm playing isn't internet based and if I bought the game I can chose how to dispose of it, be it sell it, trade it, or give it away.

.. and because I feel very comfortable with computers now, I feel that there's more flexibility with home built rig rather than a console.
#47 Jun 07 2013 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
burtonsnow wrote:
Electro, GPU developers are constantly tuning their GPUs to better perform. Developers get better at better optimizing high quality graphics on ALL platforms over time. There is no difference.

You are [all] right. I'm just bored because there is no Final Fantasy XIV info until Monday, at which time I expect so much information my head will explode.

I built this PC about 3 years ago - on a budget - and I am still able to play games that look better, graphically-speaking, than anything on PS3 or XBOX 360 to date. In many scenarios, those better looking games are PC games which are actually older than the new Console games I am basing my comparison off of.
#48 Jun 07 2013 at 9:23 PM Rating: Excellent
No. I have a 360 and the only thing it gets used for is Netflix. There's a stall at the swap meet here that sells old consoles, I'm going to go buy me a Super NES tomorrow.
#49 Jun 07 2013 at 9:28 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
It just popped into my head so I'm making a new post...

New Kinect = digital Palantir. Discuss.

Smiley: grin
#50 Jun 07 2013 at 9:29 PM Rating: Excellent
98 posts
I can't tell if serious or sarcastic. . . Regardless, good luck...!
#51 Jun 07 2013 at 9:31 PM Rating: Excellent
325 posts
Not one bit. But I do get to sit back and watch it go down the drain. :)
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