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#52 Jun 06 2013 at 1:01 AM Rating: Default
So there is no need for 2 zam designated servers ? We can all join one legacy server, and those who want to start from level 1 can and those who want to stick to their legacy characters can also :D It would help to have a few 50 for friends XD!
#53 Jun 06 2013 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
Not everyone shares those feelings. I would prefer not to play with other high level players if I had the choice.
#54 Jun 06 2013 at 2:33 AM Rating: Default
Well that is silly considering you have a good opportunity to have a community from scratch, no need to splinter it, because of no good reason at all, there are no downsides to having 10-20 characters at max level, they can help, guide, tutor the new ones, help on the wiki etc etc, there is really no downside to it other than "Oh i am just being silly"
#55 Jun 06 2013 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
Ostia wrote:
Well that is silly considering you have a good opportunity to have a community from scratch, no need to splinter it, because of no good reason at all, there are no downsides to having 10-20 characters at max level, they can help, guide, tutor the new ones, help on the wiki etc etc, there is really no downside to it other than "Oh i am just being silly"

Or maybe someone of us want the thrill and accomplishment of completing content fresh and on our own with other likeminded people and learning them together as opposed to having some level 50 (or even a level 1 whos done it before but it just playing a new character) telling us what to do, what to expect and basically holding our hand/blasting us through it?

ot everyone likes/wants a "walking strategy guide" following them around (or a non walking one) Beating CoP in FFXI was great whe I did it since me and my group did all the content early n day 1 so we had zero guides to follow thus we had to figure out what to do, where to go and most importantly (and most fun as it was MY job to take care of) battle strategies for our setup up to win the fights that brutally hard expansion threw at us, since we didnt have wiki guides (or any guides) around to tell us all that at the time. Thats how it PREFER my FFXIV experience be too.

Still sound silly?
#56 Jun 06 2013 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Ostia wrote:
Well that is silly considering you have a good opportunity to have a community from scratch, no need to splinter it, because of no good reason at all, there are no downsides to having 10-20 characters at max level, they can help, guide, tutor the new ones, help on the wiki etc etc, there is really no downside to it other than "Oh i am just being silly"

Um, the downside is that new players probably would want to start on a new server with a fresh economy. I personally would like to be one of the people setting the market prices for high end goods by leveling up my DoL/DoH classes first. That really isn't possible if we're all on a legacy server. Plus, a lot of people just want the fresh experience, and being on a server where the majority of players are already level 50 wouldn't allow that.

Why not just have the legacy players have a LS on a legacy server, and the "new" players have an LS on a new player server? Nothing is stopping anyone from making a character on a legacy server if they want the help from level 50's, and nothing is stopping legacy players from making a new character and joining the new player LS.

And Duo, I also agree with everything you said. Great post, rate up from me.

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 10:02am by BartelX
#57 Jun 06 2013 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
I too want to start on a fresh server. While it is good to have a community already ready the rest are not that good. Most people will be legacy in there so that means less lvl 1 players or at least if you want way less than a normal server. That means a tad harder for them to find parties and what not. The second one is as they said the economy.

At general even though i am in beta and i know what to expect from the game i wont start in a legacy cause the "feeling" at least for me would be different. If i start in a new server everyone will be new and fresh. Don't know if that is silly or not but at least i know that a lot of people are thinking the same way as i do.
#58 Jun 06 2013 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
I was on Couerl for the beta 2. Part of me wants to move to Goblin just for the fact that it's easier to spell.
#59 Jun 06 2013 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
88 posts
Bayohne and Valdermeth posted some more detailed info on the data centers for the Servers. Right now it looks like there are only two Data centers. One for JP Servers and One for NA/EU servers.


Right now the rumors have the NA/EU Data center located in Montréal Canada, no solid confirmation from SE on that yet though.
#60 Jun 06 2013 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Montreal is a decent enough location for most of the US, but it's pretty awful for the EU players. Not much different from the server being in Japan as far as they go.

It would be nice if one of the CMs would just tell us outright where the servers are though.. it seems like they're avoiding the question on the official forums (it's impossible to miss).

Maybe the new data centers are like the Flying Dutchman.. sure they're in North America, but they could be anywhere in North America.. at any time.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#61 Jun 06 2013 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Well that is silly considering you have a good opportunity to have a community from scratch, no need to splinter it, because of no good reason at all, there are no downsides to having 10-20 characters at max level, they can help, guide, tutor the new ones, help on the wiki etc etc, there is really no downside to it other than "Oh i am just being silly"

Or maybe someone of us want the thrill and accomplishment of completing content fresh and on our own with other likeminded people and learning them together as opposed to having some level 50 (or even a level 1 whos done it before but it just playing a new character) telling us what to do, what to expect and basically holding our hand/blasting us through it?

ot everyone likes/wants a "walking strategy guide" following them around (or a non walking one) Beating CoP in FFXI was great whe I did it since me and my group did all the content early n day 1 so we had zero guides to follow thus we had to figure out what to do, where to go and most importantly (and most fun as it was MY job to take care of) battle strategies for our setup up to win the fights that brutally hard expansion threw at us, since we didnt have wiki guides (or any guides) around to tell us all that at the time. Thats how it PREFER my FFXIV experience be too.

Still sound silly?

It does sounds extremely silly, you do not want help ? You do not get help, at one point we will all be level 50, i really fail to see the drawback on having a few 50's or people who are starting fresh but already played 1.0, when you have the chance to build a really nice community, there will always be people who are ahead of you, you will not be the first to 50, nor the first to kill X or Y primal, maybe is me, i admit i never understood this notion, that how other people play or what they do affects me somehow.
#62 Jun 06 2013 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
BTW please go participate in the surveys I spammed the forum with. The more data, the better.
#63 Jun 06 2013 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
144 posts
Ostia wrote:
i really fail

Agreed. ....Smiley: laugh
#64 Jun 06 2013 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
Ostia wrote:
i admit i never understood this notion, that how other people play or what they do affects me somehow.

Then why do you care so much if we want to start on a new server and start completely fresh? Why is it silly if you admit you don't even understand it? You admit that it doesn't even affect you...

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 5:13pm by BartelX
#65 Jun 06 2013 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
Ostia wrote:
i admit i never understood this notion, that how other people play or what they do affects me somehow.

Then why do you care so much if we want to start on a new server and start completely fresh? Why is it silly if you admit you don't even understand it? You admit that it doesn't even affect you...

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 5:13pm by BartelX

Bartel... You are taking things out of context again... Drop it.
#66 Jun 06 2013 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
When I'm in your situation, Ostia, I take a step back and look at my post so I can weed out aggressive speech from it. If you're looking to disarm a potential argument, that's another place to keep an eye on.

But to explain two drawbacks to not having 'fresh start'

It primarily harms the hardcore that adapt it at the new launch. Why? World Firsts. Any new players start at a complete disadvantage of getting world firsts on any Legacy Server.

Second. Economy control. Those who are complaining about the threat of economy being inflated by existing gil, in truth, may be wanting to be in control of the gil flow themselves.

Legacy Servers are actually more likely to flood the market with crafted items than dominate the market. Reason being - 1.0 was heavy in crafters, due to several factors, the most important of which was the poor market system that was in place in the absence of the Auction House. So Gathering and Crafting are already going to pick up heavily and push the prices down compared to a Non-Legacy server that will have limited crafters throughout the beginning of the Server's History.

So those who are wanting to get a jump on the market by being one of the first established crafters will be at a distinct disadvantage there.

Additionally, think of housing. Housing will likely be where all the Gil from the Legacy players are going to disappear. Everyone Is going to want a Large Guild house. And established Linkshells with Legacy Members are going to have a head start there.

So, to explain it to you Ostia. It's all about the rat race and Legacy's got a head start in it.

Personally, even as a Legacy, I don't care about the rat race, but I do want a house for my Guild.
#67 Jun 06 2013 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
98 posts
I have nothing against other high level players. They put in the time and they definitely deserve to keep what they have. I would like to start out on even ground with other people. In the same way I refrain from playing with high level people when I played Borderlands, no matter how good intentioned a person may be, there will always be others that will ruin the experience for me. I can have a friend that wants to be helpful and the next thing I know they're dragging me around everywhere bossing me around because he 'knows' what to do. Or I could just run across a player that likes to mess with people following me around and killing everything in sight~
#68 Jun 06 2013 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
Hyrist wrote:
When I'm in your situation, Ostia, I take a step back and look at my post so I can weed out aggressive speech from it. If you're looking to disarm a potential argument, that's another place to keep an eye on.

But to explain two drawbacks to not having 'fresh start'

It primarily harms the hardcore that adapt it at the new launch. Why? World Firsts. Any new players start at a complete disadvantage of getting world firsts on any Legacy Server.

Second. Economy control. Those who are complaining about the threat of economy being inflated by existing gil, in truth, may be wanting to be in control of the gil flow themselves.

Legacy Servers are actually more likely to flood the market with crafted items than dominate the market. Reason being - 1.0 was heavy in crafters, due to several factors, the most important of which was the poor market system that was in place in the absence of the Auction House. So Gathering and Crafting are already going to pick up heavily and push the prices down compared to a Non-Legacy server that will have limited crafters throughout the beginning of the Server's History.

So those who are wanting to get a jump on the market by being one of the first established crafters will be at a distinct disadvantage there.

Additionally, think of housing. Housing will likely be where all the Gil from the Legacy players are going to disappear. Everyone Is going to want a Large Guild house. And established Linkshells with Legacy Members are going to have a head start there.

So, to explain it to you Ostia. It's all about the rat race and Legacy's got a head start in it.

Personally, even as a Legacy, I don't care about the rat race, but I do want a house for my Guild.

You are taking what i said out of context, and simply pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of legacy vs fresh, which was never my point, my argument is that given the chance that we have, now to create a zam community before the game launches, why would you rather have 2 splintered communities over one, in face of that chance, it seems very silly, as for the rest of what you said... Well we can argue about 1.0 and 2.0 economy or lack off once the NDA lift.

#69 Jun 06 2013 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
You are taking what i said out of context, and simply pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of legacy vs fresh, which was never my point, my argument is that given the chance that we have, now to create a zam community before the game launches, why would you rather have 2 splintered communities over one, in face of that chance, it seems very silly, as for the rest of what you said... Well we can argue about 1.0 and 2.0 economy or lack off once the NDA lift.

That was always going to happen. You only have to look at Catwho's original sticky up there to see that. There were always going to be at least 4, potentially 6 if Europe had gotten its own datacenter.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#70 Jun 06 2013 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
But that's just it... it might be silly to you Ostia, but to a lot of us it's important. I get what you're saying about not wanting to splinter the zam community, now please get what we are saying. A lot of us want to be on even ground as everyone else, have a fresh start in a fresh economy, and not be held by the hand by others to get stuff done. I have a level 50 gladiator, with several crafts in the 30's and most jobs in the 20's, but I want to start fresh because it's a completely different game than 1.0, and I want to do it with other players who are starting fresh and experience everything from the ground up. I don't think that's silly, I think that's very reasonable.
#71 Jun 06 2013 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
All I know that I have no idea what server (name or otherwise) I'm going to pick. :(
#72 Jun 06 2013 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Honestly I'm thinking it folly to think we're going to have a set Zam community server anyways.

First of all, most of us already come from established communities either within 1.xx or other games, and we will likely work within those communities and go where they go.

Additionally, let's face it. We've all got different views and lifestyles. That may not mesh very well, especially as FFXIV's Zam community grows, which I hope it will.

Legacy vs New? That's just one of MANY dividing lines between us that you're not going to solve no matter what better nature you attempt to appeal to.

That's not an insult to anyone. It's just being realistic. Let's not force one another to conform. We are best when we are a distributed community coming together here on the forums, rather than trying to turn Zam into one big unofficial guild.

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 9:02pm by Hyrist
#73 Jun 06 2013 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Honestly I'm thinking it folly to think we're going to have a set Zam community server anyways.

First of all, most of us already come from established communities either within 1.xx or other games, and we will likely work within those communities and go where they go.

Additionally, let's face it. We've all got different views and lifestyles. That may not mesh very well, especially as FFXIV's Zam community grows, which I hope it will.

Legacy vs New? That's just one of MANY dividing lines between us that you're not going to solve no matter what better nature you attempt to appeal to.

That's not an insult to anyone. It's just being realistic. Let's not force one another to conform. We are best when we are a distributed community coming together here on the forums, rather than trying to turn Zam into one big unofficial guild.

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 9:02pm by Hyrist

It's not like we need to turn it into a competitive endgame shell or anything. It can just be a fun social place for us to go in-game and shoot the ****, or have occasional fun events like dungeon runs or leve parties or something. I see it as a more casual thing just used for talking amongst ourselves. I consider forums more for when I'm not playing, or as a resource if I need to figure something out. This would be an in-game community, and it might be nice to have familiar faces on the same server.
#74 Jun 06 2013 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
But that's just it... it might be silly to you Ostia, but to a lot of us it's important. I get what you're saying about not wanting to splinter the zam community, now please get what we are saying. A lot of us want to be on even ground as everyone else, have a fresh start in a fresh economy, and not be held by the hand by others to get stuff done. I have a level 50 gladiator, with several crafts in the 30's and most jobs in the 20's, but I want to start fresh because it's a completely different game than 1.0, and I want to do it with other players who are starting fresh and experience everything from the ground up. I don't think that's silly, I think that's very reasonable.

Smiley: lol I have a high level character with millions upon millions of gil, i am still starting fresh, but really i never understood that silly sense of "Equal Ground" there is no such thing in an MMO, some will reach 50 first, some will take their time, some will level their craft before leveling a combat class, most wont, there is no equality, the people with the most free time, will always have an advantage, as far as economy... Well such thing did not exist in 1.0, and we cannot talk about ARR, but same trend really.

#75 Jun 06 2013 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
Honestly I'm thinking it folly to think we're going to have a set Zam community server anyways.

First of all, most of us already come from established communities either within 1.xx or other games, and we will likely work within those communities and go where they go.

Additionally, let's face it. We've all got different views and lifestyles. That may not mesh very well, especially as FFXIV's Zam community grows, which I hope it will.

Legacy vs New? That's just one of MANY dividing lines between us that you're not going to solve no matter what better nature you attempt to appeal to.

That's not an insult to anyone. It's just being realistic. Let's not force one another to conform. We are best when we are a distributed community coming together here on the forums, rather than trying to turn Zam into one big unofficial guild.

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 9:02pm by Hyrist

It's not like we need to turn it into a competitive endgame shell or anything. It can just be a fun social place for us to go in-game and shoot the sh*t, or have occasional fun events like dungeon runs or leve parties or something. I see it as a more casual thing just used for talking amongst ourselves. I consider forums more for when I'm not playing, or as a resource if I need to figure something out. This would be an in-game community, and it might be nice to have familiar faces on the same server.

See you do sometimes understand what i say Smiley: lol I am not advocating a zam LS, or something, but it would be nice to be out one day in the fields, and see for example hyrist running for his life as 50 mobs chase him... Then i can laugh and tell him in /shout "Keep running!! You are almost to the end of the Zone!"
#76 Jun 06 2013 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Meh, to each their own. Everyone starts out equal on a fresh server. What you choose to do is up to you. You can choose to be the first to 50, or the first crafter, or gatherer, or whatever you want. You still all start out on equal footing. Why would I want to start a new character on a server where most people are capped, have tons of gil, and are already working on endgame? Sorry, to me that just doesn't sound very appealing. It's just a matter of personal preference.
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