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Will keeping 1.0's levels do more harm than good?Follow

#1 Apr 29 2013 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
279 posts
this is one of the things that has got me wondering of how will it effect the game at re-release.

Considering a ton of people "abused" and i will quote as it was either intentional or UN-intentional; the majority of the people that played after the x chain were added powered leveled and bum rushed every single job in game to cap within hours. Leading to the majority of servers with almost all things maxed effortlessly ( don't want to rehash what was spoken of before to death but it needs to be reminded ). Now considering they keep saying 2.0 is essentially a brand new game having over 50% of the players all capped out in the long run will have people quitting or not staying with the game longer due to them having few things to do.

I'm sure a lot will come out and say:
-they earned x....and y
-if i don't like i can start new character

but the way i see it going is this:
game released........everyone excited to see whats new.......they try new fate/and any of the new endgame.....only few weeks or month pass and considering capped all and the ease of progressing people will get bored and move on to another mmorpg.

so is this game over-casual gameplay and mechanics+ allowing almost everyone near max capped all going to bring more harm than good? am i alone on this? or imagine this what would happen if you release a mmorpg with everyone in the game at capped lv?

P.S- i really wish ( insert anti ff11 hatters shield ) that they took stuff from their 10+ year running mmorpg for inspiration, this is looking into another WoW rehash with talk to npc......go kill x amount of monsters and collect reward 1-cap and focus all on endgame. I wish it was like in the old days or ff11 where the journey from 1 to max is the adventure and not just have a gap in activities from 1....cap and then they have stuff to do, or have levels mean something.

Edited, Apr 29th 2013 12:08pm by KingAlkaiser
I Am Alpha And Omega
The Beginning And The End
The First And The Last
#2 Apr 29 2013 at 10:17 AM Rating: Excellent
I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think they have any other choice. You can't let people play a game for 2 years, charge them for some of it, then delete their stuff later. They did their best to negate the side-effects of new and established players by creating new player - only servers, but the fact remains that until the 1st expansion the Legacy players are going to finish faster. They're introducing Arcanist / SMN at and soon after release, so that will occupy those that wish to use it. Overall I think that if they introduce a decent sized patch or expansion within the 1st 4 months of release, they will be fine.
#3 Apr 29 2013 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
We didn't quit before... why would we quit after they added all the shiny new items, dungeons, quests, and jobs?

The reasoning doesn't make sense.

Lastly, no one is capped. We are only 50. There's level 90 enemies.

Seriously I capped all but 2 jobs in 1.0. I kept playing, and not to level the remaining 2.

Edited, Apr 29th 2013 12:19pm by Louiscool
#4 Apr 29 2013 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Do you really think it's going to be 50% of the players? I don't. Toward the end XIV boasted all of what, 20k people and that's being generous? The rest had all quit. So we are looking at a very small percentage of players that actually played the old game long enough to qualify of being grandfathered in.

The rest of those 500k+ folks will largely be starting over.
#5 Apr 29 2013 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,439 posts
I had all jobs (DOL/DOH/DOM/DOW) quite a few months before 1.0 ended and I honestly wasnt stuck for things to do with my ls. I played from the start and it did get easier to level up mele/mage jobs but before the PL thing became the norm I had most of my jobs (bar PUG if I remember) levelled either to 50 or pretty close because the class system sort of required it.
Esuna Forums

#6 Apr 29 2013 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
The thing is with the spread of information, leveling has become a rather obvious gating system. You're restricted how quickly you can access content by how long the leveling process is designed to take. SE made this plainly obvious with the fatigue system that was subsequently removed. Leveling instead is a measure of growth and accomplishment, which you will have several methods available to you. FFXI wasn't so much of a journey, as it was more of "looking for crabs." You simply found the most efficient area and ground it to oblivion in a near perfect or nothing group, replaced by book burning and Abyssea in later incarnations.

I don't think having max-level players will hurt the game so much as it will make those players bored. If they manage to draw in 500k players, having 20k players bored who will continue to pay & play anyway won't be much of an issue. Like Louiscool said, if they didn't quit before why would they now?
#7 Apr 29 2013 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Quite honestly they SHOULD have wiped everything clean, but it wouldn't cause harm due to the fact they're blocking 1.0 people from joining new servers with their imports.
#8 Apr 29 2013 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
Torrence wrote:
Do you really think it's going to be 50% of the players? I don't. Toward the end XIV boasted all of what, 20k people and that's being generous? The rest had all quit. So we are looking at a very small percentage of players that actually played the old game long enough to qualify of being grandfathered in.

The rest of those 500k+ folks will largely be starting over.

Who are this 500K more ?
#9 Apr 29 2013 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Ostia wrote:
Torrence wrote:
Do you really think it's going to be 50% of the players? I don't. Toward the end XIV boasted all of what, 20k people and that's being generous? The rest had all quit. So we are looking at a very small percentage of players that actually played the old game long enough to qualify of being grandfathered in.

The rest of those 500k+ folks will largely be starting over.

Who are this 500K more ?

Well, the original game sold about 600k copies. There are 580k people in the current Beta (with more to be added). So between these two numbers, I'm giving a very optimistic starting number of at least 500k people interested enough to seriously play this game.
#10 Apr 29 2013 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
Ironically, although I'm legacy, I only had one character high up (level 42) and the rest of my jobs are well below max level.

Quite a few folks quit 1.0 before they capped out, or kept it ultra casual like me and didn't really worry about capping all the levels.
#11 Apr 29 2013 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
2,153 posts
Totally irrational fears, OP.
1.0 characters will be "quarantined" to their own special legacy servers anyway,
so there's no chance the end-game stagation will infect newer players, too.
'cept if the letter are for some strange reason inclined to join a legacy server.
#12 Apr 29 2013 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Ostia wrote:
Torrence wrote:
Do you really think it's going to be 50% of the players? I don't. Toward the end XIV boasted all of what, 20k people and that's being generous? The rest had all quit. So we are looking at a very small percentage of players that actually played the old game long enough to qualify of being grandfathered in.

The rest of those 500k+ folks will largely be starting over.

Who are this 500K more ?

The 580k+ people who signed up/are in the beta that I'm pretty sure you more than likely jumped into as well given your whole "SE fails but I continue to play their games" mantra.
#13 Apr 29 2013 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Theonehio wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Torrence wrote:
Do you really think it's going to be 50% of the players? I don't. Toward the end XIV boasted all of what, 20k people and that's being generous? The rest had all quit. So we are looking at a very small percentage of players that actually played the old game long enough to qualify of being grandfathered in.

The rest of those 500k+ folks will largely be starting over.

Who are this 500K more ?

The 580k+ people who signed up/are in the beta that I'm pretty sure you more than likely jumped into as well given your whole "SE fails but I continue to play their games" mantra.

If this turns into another games sold versus players playing thread I'm going to start nuking posts. Let's keep it on topic. While it's been done to death on the official forums and to a lesser extent here, it's still more worthy than fighting over player numbers.
#14 Apr 29 2013 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
175 posts
I think for *some* that (might) be the case but it would be a very small number. Considering how few actually stayed on to pay and add in the ones that stayed on that were willing to pay are hardcore FF fans.Doubtful many of them will bail after being so loyal from the very very rocky start. If anything I'd be more worried about the other end of the spectrum. The legacy players are not going anywhere. It's drawing in new players and the ones (like me) who pretty much left after the first month. With it's less than stellar reputation and MMO's rarely get a second chance without going free2play. It'll be very interesting to see how this goes.
#15 Apr 29 2013 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
I'm sorry KA, I'm not even in the Beta myself but your OP seems terribly uninformed. I think most if not all your fears have been addressed in some way or another. But the simple fact is, the game needs new players to survive, and without an emphasis on welcoming them, FFXIV is as good as done.

And as for your post script, FFXI was made after their developers spent a year playing EQ, the prevalent MMO of its time, and created an FF-themed MMO based on what they learned. If that was good enough for you, isn't it a bit presumptuous to say they shouldn't make their next FF-themed MMO based on lessons learned from today's (even more) prevalent MMO?
#16 Apr 29 2013 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Most of the legacy players I know (granted not many made it to cap) are going to start over on a fresh server. They'll keep their old characters for nostalgia but plan on starting over at level 1.
#17 Apr 29 2013 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Valeforelacky wrote:
I think for *some* that (might) be the case but it would be a very small number. Considering how few actually stayed on to pay and add in the ones that stayed on that were willing to pay are hardcore FF fans.Doubtful many of them will bail after being so loyal from the very very rocky start. If anything I'd be more worried about the other end of the spectrum. The legacy players are not going anywhere. It's drawing in new players and the ones (like me) who pretty much left after the first month. With it's less than stellar reputation and MMO's rarely get a second chance without going free2play. It'll be very interesting to see how this goes.

This is a very good point.

They have the legacy players already. We are their customers to lose. Just give us a bunch of repeatable content to tread water until more jobs are released.

The concern should be (and is) new players.

Wint wrote:
Most of the legacy players I know (granted not many made it to cap) are going to start over on a fresh server. They'll keep their old characters for nostalgia but plan on starting over at level 1.


I'm too attached, but if I only had 1 or 2 jobs at 30-40ish.. yeah I can see that.

I never really leveled, collected, and horded items so I would have some advantage in 2.0, I just want the ability to try everything I can from day 1. I do plan starting from level 1 as Archanist and playing through the storylines.

Legacy servers will be great.... "Looking for 1 Gld more, Smn X3, do you need iit?"

Edited, Apr 29th 2013 2:38pm by Louiscool
#18 Apr 29 2013 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
I know lots of people are going to have to relearn the game anyway. Some got power levelled in several classes and quit before jobs were even released.

Personally I think things will balance out, due to several factors besides what I just stated. The economy might be ****** though. Lots of gil hoarders out there.
#19 Apr 29 2013 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
I think the reason a lot of us want to start over is because it really is a new game, and we want to experience everything from the beginning. I'll log into my legacy account once to see what kind of area they start us in and what happens with that, but I'm not even planning on keeping my beta character from phase 4 at this point.
#20 Apr 29 2013 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
530 posts
As with most MMO's, there's always a percentage of players who rush to reach the level cap as soon as possible. Some of us like to explore and level with friends and some of us like to be the server first to reach a cap(s). To each his own.
#21 Apr 29 2013 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
175 posts
Very good point. Todays MMO space and culture is VERY different from the days of FFXI. Gone are the days of enjoying the journey in a MMO and exploring. Now it's about power leveling and getting to end game content the fastest and most expedient way possible. I just hope the developers realize that's the trend in western mmos since they seem to want to cater more to that side of the spectrum with ARR. And have a lot of end game content/ and or gating to keep it from being consumed in a week like some MMO's. Not that I think gating will be a problem since this is from the same company that gave us Dynamis and HNM's that had 1 day-a week respawn timers in the hope your group was the one that could tag it. Smiley: lol

Edited, Apr 29th 2013 3:14pm by Valeforelacky

Edited, Apr 29th 2013 3:14pm by Valeforelacky
#23 Apr 29 2013 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
Most of the legacy players I know (granted not many made it to cap) are going to start over on a fresh server. They'll keep their old characters for nostalgia but plan on starting over at level 1.

This is True!
#24 Apr 29 2013 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
ACLinjury wrote:
As with most MMO's, there's always a percentage of players who rush to reach the level cap as soon as possible. Some of us like to explore and level with friends and some of us like to be the server first to reach a cap(s). To each his own.

With the funny twist that they actually have a perfectly valid excuse to
separate those two conflicting types of players early on.
#25 Apr 29 2013 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
1,429 posts
Since the op brought up FF XI, i'll say this. Most people playing FF XI that were not Japanese living in japan, started a year after the game released. When we started, there were already a bunch of capped players, and it really only helped the game imo. I think the biggest problem here is legacy players getting their own server, rather than just mixing in with all the new players.
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#26 Apr 29 2013 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
220 posts
I haven't been active on this forum for quite some time, however, with the ARR being in beta my curiosity to play again is peaked and I have started to reread the forums and look at the videos. My character isn't high level in anything so I suppose I could start over if they did a character wipe but I'm glad they didn't. Even for people who didn't max out everything to level 50 they still put time into their characters and playing these old characters may bring back memories that make them reconnect to the game.

This may be a boon to the number of people who resubscribe, or who played during the free phase, as I did for a month, and will now actively subscribe to play again. Wiping all characters and saying start over it's a new game just does not seem like a good option as it devalues all the time the most ardent Final Fantasy XIV supporters placed into the game and into the feedback that made ARR possible. While some people may choose to start over on a 'new players only' server I think the choice to let 1.0 players reconnect with old characters can only be a positive thing.

Edited, Apr 29th 2013 3:52pm by PyrielDD
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