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Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Media Embargo Lifted!Follow

#127 Apr 25 2013 at 6:55 PM Rating: Excellent
From the other thread:

J4n1 wrote:
1. how solo friendly is this game in general

2. can i own a chocobo or am i forced to rent one for travel

3. has the playstyle of classes changed much (esp Thaumaturge)?

4. how fast is levelling in general (if you solo)

5. we got housing? is it something an individual might enojy or do i need a guild/linkshard/whatever?

6. has questing changed from 1.0, if so, how?

7. do we still pick a starting city, if we do, does the choice matter in any way?

1. Not bad up until level 15, then after that your solo options are FATEs and Guildleves, and they aren't quite as efficient or fun as Instanced Dungeons.

2. You can own one, see my article, I loved it!

3. Thaumaturge wasn't available, since the battle system was pretty much completely overhauled, most things have changed.

4. Hard to say, FATEs are great XP, but sporadic, I made most of 27 and 28 solo on them over a weekend and had a lot of fun doing it.

5. No housing in beta yet, phase 3 I believe.

6. Easier to do? Keeping track of your quests is easier too, there is a space on the screen for up to 4 quests or guildleves.

7. I don't believe so but only Gridania was available for phase 1 and 2.
#128 Apr 25 2013 at 6:56 PM Rating: Excellent
BayouGeorge wrote:
So, if I understood you correctly chocobos aren't a safe ride in ARR? I guess it makes sense from the realism perspective that you can still get attacked while riding but it'll take some getting used to. Are all dungeons instanced? As someone who loves to explore on my own it's suck to not be able to just go in and look around some dungeons as well. (Not to complain about the existence of instanced dungeons, I'm cool with that, I'd just like non-instanced ones as well.)

For mobs closer level to you, a few hits won't end your ride but if you run through a group of level 45's at level 30 as I did, one shot took over half my HP and knocked me clean off my bird.

We are limited to only surrounding areas to Gridania, so I can't answer the dungeon question yet.
#129 Apr 25 2013 at 6:57 PM Rating: Excellent
electromagnet83 wrote:
Wint do you if anyone has tries the x360 keypad? Aside from typing that could be awesome for extra buttons...

I don't know what that it like a keyboard for the Xbox controller? Only keyboards I use are my Deathstalker Ultimate and my Black Widow Ultimate.
#130 Apr 25 2013 at 8:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,673 posts
Wint wrote:
electromagnet83 wrote:
Wint do you if anyone has tries the x360 keypad? Aside from typing that could be awesome for extra buttons...

I don't know what that it like a keyboard for the Xbox controller? Only keyboards I use are my Deathstalker Ultimate and my Black Widow Ultimate.

Going to assume they mean this. Looks like a better location than the PS3 one.
#131 Apr 25 2013 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
1,173 posts

Maybe it was specifically someone asking about LSs ganging up on FATEs, but I think the general concern is that any wide open free-entry event is at risk of suffering from feast or famine.

Feast and there's so many people involved that you risk not getting enough participation for credit. Famine, and there aren't enough people to beat the content. In an MMO, either condition is possible for an open participation activity, since the number of participants can vary quite wildly.
#132 Apr 25 2013 at 10:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Well even with the busiest FATE I've been in, I managed quite a bit of experience even though I was basically casting one spell per mob and it maybe lasted 5 minutes tops. I would say the equivalent of 3-4 Guildleves.
#133 Apr 25 2013 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
I may have missed it in the responses Wint, but I take it from the writeup that you have not touched the tradeskill classes yet in Beta?
#134 Apr 25 2013 at 10:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Ravashack wrote:
I may have missed it in the responses Wint, but I take it from the writeup that you have not touched the tradeskill classes yet in Beta?

I've done leatherworking and botany. What's your question?
#135 Apr 25 2013 at 11:11 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
How are you finding leatherworking compared to tradeskills before ARR?

In terms of:

Ease of item creation

Leveling rate

Worthiness of finished material (i.e. compared to equivalent dungeon gear, would anyone even bother with it)

Or are tradeskills in a sort of "going to expect some modifications in a later phase" situation where it's not going to matter what it is like now?
#136 Apr 26 2013 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
Geffe wrote:
Wint wrote:
electromagnet83 wrote:
Wint do you if anyone has tries the x360 keypad? Aside from typing that could be awesome for extra buttons...

I don't know what that it like a keyboard for the Xbox controller? Only keyboards I use are my Deathstalker Ultimate and my Black Widow Ultimate.

Going to assume they mean this. Looks like a better location than the PS3 one.

Yea I understand a pc will recognize that as a keyboard so it should work in game...
#137 Apr 26 2013 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
59 posts
Wint wrote:

J4n1 wrote:

2. can i own a chocobo or am i forced to rent one for travel

2. You can own one, see my article, I loved it!

This pleases me greatly.
And earns Square Enix, if not absolution for the horrible game FFXIV was, atleast some amount of patience as i wait for a change to try FFXIV: ARR (the Pirate Edition).
#138 Apr 26 2013 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,675 posts
Have a couple of Q's, some have been partial answered so I apologize for any redundancy:

1. Is there haste/tp regen gear or is it too early to tell? Was there any in 1.0 near the end?

2. You say that FATEs and Guildleves are the 2nd best way to gain EXP after running instances/dungeons. Does that mean that there aren't a lot of other "WoW" like quests, or are you just limited access to those quests because of the nature of the beta. Meaning, are you able to quest and progress through the world with unique/story/otherwise progressive quests? (I'm disappointed in the lack of quests in 1.0 and hated Guildleves)

2b. I'm then assuming that PT play and "grinding"/classic FFXI would rather be done in progressing through a dungeon, than mindlessly grinding mobs?

3. While grinding solo, you said it was slow but how long does killing a mob take? Is it WoW fast or FFXI fast?


#139 Apr 26 2013 at 6:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Kierk wrote:
Have a couple of Q's, some have been partial answered so I apologize for any redundancy:

1. Is there haste/tp regen gear or is it too early to tell? Was there any in 1.0 near the end?

2. You say that FATEs and Guildleves are the 2nd best way to gain EXP after running instances/dungeons. Does that mean that there aren't a lot of other "WoW" like quests, or are you just limited access to those quests because of the nature of the beta. Meaning, are you able to quest and progress through the world with unique/story/otherwise progressive quests? (I'm disappointed in the lack of quests in 1.0 and hated Guildleves)

2b. I'm then assuming that PT play and "grinding"/classic FFXI would rather be done in progressing through a dungeon, than mindlessly grinding mobs?

3. While grinding solo, you said it was slow but how long does killing a mob take? Is it WoW fast or FFXI fast?


1. Well by haste it could be said that the Skill/Spell Speed + gear is haste gear. Nothing I saw gave Regen/Refresh yet.

2. There are a LOT more quests than 1.0, rest assured. FATE is a very viable substitute to guildleves, although I'd suggest giving them a try again, they've revamped them quite a bit to give them several different "styles" to choose from. Once they open up the whole world, more quests will be available for the other cities as well, I don't think there will be a shortage of content this time.

2b. I think instances are meant to replace traditional XI parties. The plus side to that is they don't take as long to form, don't take as long to complete a goal, and give you just as much XP.

3. I last played WoW before Lich King, so I can't compare it to that. Faster, much faster, than XI.
#140 Apr 26 2013 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Kierk wrote:
Have a couple of Q's, some have been partial answered so I apologize for any redundancy:

1. Is there haste/tp regen gear or is it too early to tell? Was there any in 1.0 near the end?

2. You say that FATEs and Guildleves are the 2nd best way to gain EXP after running instances/dungeons. Does that mean that there aren't a lot of other "WoW" like quests, or are you just limited access to those quests because of the nature of the beta. Meaning, are you able to quest and progress through the world with unique/story/otherwise progressive quests? (I'm disappointed in the lack of quests in 1.0 and hated Guildleves)

2b. I'm then assuming that PT play and "grinding"/classic FFXI would rather be done in progressing through a dungeon, than mindlessly grinding mobs?

3. While grinding solo, you said it was slow but how long does killing a mob take? Is it WoW fast or FFXI fast?


Might be easier if you think of it this way... if you played FFXI, you had all your classes on that one character still, but you could only do quests once.

So you are probably in the same boat here, where, whatever quests you have, you're only going to be able to use them to level up one or maaaaaybe two classes at most.
#141 Apr 26 2013 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
Thanks Wint. :)

@Ravashack, I'd assume you'd be able to do the "WoW" type quests over if/when you changed jobs/classes. But couldn't redo a quest on your current class; or could redo a quest with your current class just with a reduction in EXP/GIL whatever...? In this case you'd rather be doing guildleves.

I'd also assume that class quests like those in FFXI couldn't be redone?


If guildleves had decent rewards and challenge and variety (which it sounds like they may/do have) then thats a great start.
#142 Apr 27 2013 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Kierk wrote:
Thanks Wint. :)

@Ravashack, I'd assume you'd be able to do the "WoW" type quests over if/when you changed jobs/classes. But couldn't redo a quest on your current class; or could redo a quest with your current class just with a reduction in EXP/GIL whatever...? In this case you'd rather be doing guildleves.

I'd also assume that class quests like those in FFXI couldn't be redone?


If guildleves had decent rewards and challenge and variety (which it sounds like they may/do have) then thats a great start.

I would be very surprised if you could redo non-leve quests, because quests were tied by character, not class.
#143 Apr 27 2013 at 12:39 PM Rating: Excellent
I can confirm quests can't be redone on new jobs. Each job/class has their own job specific quests, but the non-job related ones can only be done once.
#148 Apr 28 2013 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
According to the GamerEscape Q&A Scession there really isn't a TP issue.

As described by Fusionx and DoctorMog (The Latter of which I can confirm to being inside Gridania.) There really is not an issue with TP (it was a question raised.) The regeneration rate is enough that for Soloing, or short fights (They cite under 30 seconds). TP management is not an issue. However, for fights over 30 seconds, or above, TP regeneration is about 'where it should be', according to their opinion.

Again, all this information comes from their Q&A session and cannot be confirmed or denied by non-media staff, as the NDA for combat is still in place.

It was also stated in the same Q&A session that FATES in Beta tend to be unbalanced when they are overpopulated (They say it's likely due to the population being condensed into Black Shroud), and that encountering the FATES that are not being hoarded is an enjoyable experience.

Also, it's not nice to spread rumors, especially if your sources are an NDA violation of some sort.

Edited, Apr 28th 2013 8:47pm by Wint
#149 Apr 28 2013 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
It was also stated in the same Q&A session that FATES in Beta tend to be unbalanced when they are overpopulated (They say it's likely due to the population being condensed into Black Shroud), and that encountering the FATES that are not being hoarded is an enjoyable experience.

That would be no different than zone and rift events in Rift both in beta and near launch. Overpopulation in a zone will make them disproportionately easy.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#150 Apr 28 2013 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
It was also stated in the same Q&A session that FATES in Beta tend to be unbalanced when they are overpopulated (They say it's likely due to the population being condensed into Black Shroud), and that encountering the FATES that are not being hoarded is an enjoyable experience.

That would be no different than zone and rift events in Rift both in beta and near launch. Overpopulation in a zone will make them disproportionately easy.

It's the same way in Guild Wars 2 as well. Too many people swarming an area will kill the ability to enjoy the content. in GW2 it's a problem that solves itself once the population moves on. We'll have to wait until the NDA lifts and/or these so-called "End-FATES" the podcast described come into effect. I think they mentioned that they're not in the game yet, but it's a two hour long podcast, I might have zoned out during that part. They did cover quite a lot.
#151 Apr 28 2013 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
Did my post get deleted?
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