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Few QuestionsFollow

#1 Apr 08 2010 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, I was thinking about downloading the trial but was wondering about a few things.

1. What level does the PVP/RVR start

2. Is the population decent like Warhammer?

3. Is there a melee healing class like the warrior priest in Warhammer?

4. How does stealth work in this game?

Thanks for the help for those who respond.
#2 Jul 26 2010 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, I was thinking about downloading the trial but was wondering about a few things.

1. What level does the PVP/RVR start
You can PVP from level 1 in battlegrounds.
A battleground is within your level and PVP rank from 1-50.
In these battlegrounds you will find keep and towers, guards, enemy players and alike
but it has no effect on the EndGame pvp/rvr - however many enjoy it for its simplicity.
You can enter "Big boy RvR" at any level, but unless you are running with the zerg, you
wont stand much of a chance sub-level 50

2. Is the population decent like Warhammer?
DAOC is an old game, but still grand. I have been around since the very beginning.
Not many of my friends are left in the world of Camelot, but Mythic know how to keep a
healthy amount of players on a battlefield and cluster before its needed (This is good)
I see about the same number online the last year or two, so I think the last 1000s of
players will be around for a while. Some quit, old dogs return - some fresh meat.

3. Is there a melee healing class like the warrior priest in Warhammer?
I would say Friar, Vampiir, Warden or Heretic can fill the role.
Vampiir have ALOT of debuffs and selfhealing, with a good set of melee.
Warden is more of a defensive toon with pulsing buffs, healing and a HUGE shield to
hide behind - His offensive skill is very limited, but his good defense makes up for it
Heretic is an offensive healer. Hes more of a ranged guy, where vampiir is melee.
Heretic can be speced as melee damage aswell, but doesnt fill the role very well.
And if you decide to go melee, your heals will be very poor.
(You will live off lifetaps from meleestyles)...
Last but not least, the Friar - insane melee dmg output, healing procs from styles and getting hit, but poor defense - tho very good. Its passive healing tho, unless you train for healing, serverly putting you out of your role as you wont be good at anything.

4. How does stealth work in this game?
Stealth makes your charactor 100% unseeable, UNLESS your target know you are coming and therefor use anti-stealth abilities. Or its another stealing class - then its up to who have the higher modified stealth. After a fight you need 6 sec before you can restealth

Thanks for the help for those who respond.
#4 Nov 20 2011 at 10:52 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
Funny that not only is the answer to a question that was asked 18 months ago, but also that the answers are not for the correct game.
#5 Nov 20 2011 at 10:52 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
Sorry, Double Post

Edited, Dec 6th 2011 6:57am by thuri
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