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Nicest realm to play on?Follow

#1 Jun 18 2008 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
I've played albion before and it's quite nice but what about other realms? Which realm is the most enjoyable for environment? Are all of midgard snowy and dark? Are most of Hibernia trees and forests? Other differences and experiences?
#2 Jun 19 2008 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,154 posts
Yes. lol

I've played all three over the course of my tenure of love with DAoC, and they all offer different experiences, and different feels.

I've tried most of the classes in all three realms, and can honestly say each offers a very unique perspective and play style.

ragingchakra wrote:
Are all of midgard snowy and dark? Are most of Hibernia trees and forests? Other differences and experiences?

At their very, very, most basic, yes. But that's not all there is to them!
#3 Jul 05 2008 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
I'm still playing wow now and plan to play with a DK, It seemed Age of conan beacome more and more popular, I'd like to play it. Any one can give some suggestion where i can down load the game and how much cost for a CD-key?
#4 Jul 07 2008 at 3:29 AM Rating: Good
25 posts
I've played all three realms, and I have to say I enjoy Hibernia the best. It is the easiest to get around in and MUCH less confusing in the capital city than the other two. But as stated above, each realm offers you different things and the game just over all is the best!

Oh, and we have found Age of Conan to be a HUGE dissapointment! After waiting three years to get it, what a letdown! It is EXTREMELY boring!!! Yes, graphics are really good - but content of story and quests are pfft. Seriously, it is not worth the money - our game cost $55 which I paid for over two years ago! (Just my two cents).
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