Actually, I reactivated my account on Lancelot. Apparently, I am still guilded, still have my house and merchant and all that. It seems that if you have that stuff and rent still on the house when your expiration comes up, it stays "as is" in case you come back so I didn't have to start from scratch. My pally, cabalist, friar etc were all right where I left them and I even had money still. Nice little benefit.
Currently, I am playing a couple days a week to re-orient myself to the game and get used to the interface, which is a lot slower than what I am used to in WoW. But I will say not having flagged enemy running around trying to pick fights everywhere I go is a nice change.
I think I will probably be doing some low stress xp farming for championship points and such to upgrade my horse (I apparently had one of them too) but I already did the epic armor stuff so I have that and the pally pigsticker. It's amazing what you forget you have after taking a year off.