All the RvR servers have fairly much the same population, with the exception of Lamorak/Ector, but that does not mean these are not good servers to begin with.
As far as grouping, this is not always easy. It is not that you can not find people to group with, but it is not like the old days. the fastest way to level is in instanced task dungeons, so although there may be hundreds of people leveling, only a few are in areas where you will see them.
This game is about the end game though. Most people just want to get to 50 so they can then start playing the real game. If you and your friends are leveling together, then your problem is already partially solved if one of you is willing to play a support toon. Try to get into a guild ASAP (maybe you know some people that play here that you met playing other games?) to help you find larger events/raids to help you get Master Levels and artifacts.
The best servers to actually group with people ARE Lamorak/Ector and Gareth. This is despite the lower population on the two servers I mentioned, but those servers have the most new people on them since they are newer servers.
I know that Serial Killers, a guild on Ector/Lamorak (Midgard) has been recruiting anyone lately and are in an active alliance. They have been pretty good with Power Levels and holding events open to any alliance members.
Edited, Jul 27th 2006 at 9:13am EDT by thuri