First let me say that I love DAoC and have been playing for about 3 years now before i start so that everyone doesnt think i'm the new kid rocking the boat.
I just found out today that Mythic has a crazy rule about the clustering of the servers. I'll use the Devon cluster as an example because it has 5 servers. The rule pretty much boils down to this... "the players realm on the players majority server on any given cluster will automatically be the default realm for each server on that cluster". I'll use albs as the main since its the 'predominant' realm in daoc.
What that means is this.... If you have 5 albs on Tristan, and no other toons on any of the other 4 servers in that cluster, and you decide to switch to a different server, THAT new 'clean' server will automatically force you to create alb toons. If you have like 8 albs on tristan, 5 mids on bedevere, and want to start a hib toon on morgan la fay, you cant, because your 'majority realm' on that cluster is Albion (because of course, you have more albs than you do mids or hibs).
We all know that theres a 1 to 2 hour timer when you switch to a different realm on the same server cluster, to prevent abuse and self rp bots. So whats the point of making us play the same realm on every server in that cluster?
The direct response i got from in game help, an appeal, a call to cust service and a call to corporate is that the only way this can be solved is to delete toons from your majority until one of the other servers has an equal or greater amount of toons from a different realm on it and then create your new toons. So Mythic's 'solution', was for me to delete several hundred hours of my time, all so that i could get a change of pace.
Nevermind the fact that i PAID for that time. Imagine if you would. that you dial your phone to call your friend Becky, and all of a sudden instead of best friend becky on the other end, you get dear old mom. Because the phone company suddenly decided that because you call mom more than Becky, that you never need or want to talk with Becky. What would you think, feel? Who do they think they are?! WE pay THEM, not the other way around ($120 a year per account, and with an average 7000 players online in the U.S.A alone, during peak hours, thats roughly $840,000). They're making a killing off of us and still want to restrict what realm we can play on? Staggering numbers for anybody except maybe Bill Gates. Even Windows gives you the choice of which background, internet provider and etc, that you can use.
The corporate office, by the way, said that the only way they would do anything about the issue, is if they start getting complaints from a lot of people about the issue through the feedback system.
I used the general complaint form, i highly recommend it, apparently the entire customer service office read it because i got an email from their corporate offices letting me know that someone DID indeed read it, but they also said that only one complaint woudnt really affect anything. My email address here is public so email me if you have any questions about what i'm saying or dont understand what i'm talking about. I'm also happy to forward the email from mythic to me, to anyone that thats interested. The guy i talked to at corporate was very nice and agreed that theres no logic to the rule aside from abuse prevention but theres already other precautions in place to prevent abuse, so theres really no need for that rule.
angry me