There are several classes you can solo very well with. For example on Alb: Necromancers, FRiars, Heretics, Paladins, cabalists all good solo classes for leveling. Not the greatest classes for RvR, you will want a group or to run with the zerg in rvr with these classes, but good for a first toon and to start leveling and get some cash. In hibernia Vamps are a good solo class, as are enchanters. In midgaurd you can do well solo as a BD I know for sure, dunno much about the other classes.
You dont have to buy "food" in DAoC but high end gear can cost a pretty penney sometimes. You can put a good RvR template together for very little though.
If you buy epic edition of DAoC then task dungeons are the way to level. The game is better if you group, but you dont really have to much anymore. The whole point of the game is to get to 50 get geared up and hit the frontiers where you will fight other players who have done the same thing.
If I were you I would reccommend starting on the classic servers. There will be more people for lower level grouping (no /level allowed) and you wont have to deal with people who have been TOA'd ML'd to the max providing for a fun experience.