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Unfair Instance Dungeon at Caer Ulfwych?Follow

#1 Aug 09 2005 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
My family and I have toons at varying levels on many different servers. We have never seen an area around an instance dungeon populated with so many aggro prone enemies as the one at Caer Ulfwych. We wonder if anyone else has? On two (2) occasions I have counted thirty (30) enemies that con yellow and oj between me and my instance dungeon. Needless to say, I had no chance that night. Since then, I have tried other tactics. My toon is a cabalist, so I have tried sacrificing my pet in hopes of drawing aggro away from me, actually making it on two occasions only to be killed at the door of the cave during the process of being zoned in. The third occasion - voila I made it in (only to die inside the dungeon - lol). What can I do about this? Has anyone else had this problem??

Also has anyone else had the problem of their screen being very blippy and toon being pretty much hard to control around Caer Ulfwych itself? Someone told me it's because there are so many enemies around and I should just hit the escape key once and it should correct it, but this does not work - any suggestions?

#2 May 17 2006 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Answering my own post here = months after the first. (Love the way people don't respond by the way). The only reason I'm posting this answer is to encourage newbies to go ahead and issue appeals to things in games that just appear terribly out of place or unfair.

Anyway -- I put in an appeal on it and apparently it was a bug in system - they fixed it -- a few days later - a much more reasonable amount of enemies were around.
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