I just want to make sure I'm tracking on the base damage vs. style damage at level 50 issue. Base damage cannot exceed the lvl 50 CAP but style damage can. Is this true?
For example, say I have a 2hand pally and spec 50 2hand and 39 slash (little bit of dual spec here). I then max out the default +11 to spec skills at lvl 50 (which can be raised thru RR) with bonus items. So with bonus items I get 61 2hand and 50 slash. In this situation, is it true that base damage (based off slash spec) is just as high as it would have been if I had specced to 50 slash (which w/ bonus items could be increased to 61)? I guess the question is - can base damage ever exceed 50?
I know style damage can exceed the 50 CAP, albeit at a reduced rate. But in a dual spec scenario, since the syle damage comes from the 2hand spec, there's no reason to max base damage spec, right?
Thanks for any clarification on this. :)