No saurcean can be slash, crush or thrust. The slash damage is calculated on strength only, so a saursarn (damn this spelling lol) usually won't hit as hard as a briton since they start out with less strength.
Thrust hit points are calculated with strenth and dex evenly, so this race usually will go with thrust, not slash. However, since this race has high dex naturally, your blocking rate would be better than a briton and maybe other abilities would be better too (although im not positive on this point).
To be sure on how dex affects your toon, do further research and the saurcean may be the way to go depending on what your trying to accomplish. Find out which abilities the merc has, and see how high dex will affect that ability. Same thing for strength. You may want high strength and dex may not matter so much. I haven't done a merc yet, so i don't know, sry.
To this point: My pally is a saucern, he blocks like a mother (cause the high dex helps in blocking). Since i wanted a defensive pally and didn't care so much how much damage i do, this is the race i went with in making my pally for the above reasons. Had I wanted an offensive pally, I wounldn't have chosen this race.
Edited, Thu Dec 23 12:24:31 2004 by stevenmeadows