At level 5 by PK, lots of Skeletons and Zombies if you out the door to your left by the graveyard......and if you go to the right between there and PK bridge you will assorted beasties like large frogs, Catpurses and little flying things in the trees called Fairie Mischief Makers....
If you go straight out of PK and go straight you will come to a farm with boars and hogs and at night they become zombie type animals, but they might be a little tough, and then when you progress a while you can try the boulderlings by PK bridge but they can be rough as well.
Castle Sauvage and buying a BG necklace, then wearing it and seeing Master Visur on the portal stone will take you to battlegrounds with people of your own experience.
Hope I have helped.
MageOfShannara Level 47 Therguist Albion Merlin.
Look for a guild as well for guidance and sterring in the right direction if you find the right one.