dont know if the serch function is working here or not, but if you have played EQ, then i can tell you that coming from EQ to DAoC is a bit differnt.
basic laydown of DAoC:
its RvR based, in other words its your world vs the other 2 worlds in PvP action espeicaly once you hit 50th. its a total blast as you can not communicate with the other realms and dont have to worry about griefers.
trade skills that work and are worth more then merchant items. by that i mean you can make items better then you can buy, and until around 40-45th or so, you can make items better then you can loot.
complelty customizable character. there are so many different trees to take your toon down its crazy.
great eyecandy. better graphics then SWG if you have ToA, and just about as good if you only have SI. all that and using less system resources then SWG or EQ.
extreemly stable. ive been back for going on 3 months now, and have had 1 game crash, and roughly 3 or 4 LD, all LDs have been due to either my ISP, or my router.
some of the downsides:
low player base. this means on some of the servers you may have a hard time finding a group. to me this is only a little thing as i tend to solo a lot due to my screwed up playing times.
the UI is not as instinctive as it could be.
without SI/ToA it can be very hard on the system when a lot of players. with either SI or ToA you can adjust the caching on a lot of the graphics, that will really cut down on the system lag. i run 1G of ram, so caching is no biggy for me and it really helps when im out in the PvP areas with 200+ other players, spell effects, and enviroment going on.
enjoy. its a great game, and ill never go back to EQ.