In Albion, you consider 2 factors: Weapon type and Damage type. Speccing in an advanced weapon type (2hand, polearm, dual wield) gives you styles to use and increases your maximum damage. Speccing in a damage type (slash, crush, thrust) decreases your damage variance.
Damage variance is the range of damage a weapon can do. With no training in damage type, you will do from 50%-100% of max damage. The higher you spec, the tighter and higher the range of damage.
In your example, having 1 point in 2 hand gives you no styles and a normal maximum damage. If you use a slashing 2-hand weapon, you will probably hit for 75%-125% max damage. At this point, you will do more damage with a 1-hand slashing weapon as both factors are considered within your 23 slash.