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Grammar ForumFollow

#1 Jul 29 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
451 posts
I think it's about time we nominated someone to create and maintain a grammar forum. I see so many posters complaining about sentence structure, spelling and everything else that I feel I must be the one (since I am a bard of sorts) to start things off.

If you can contribute to this post with some healthy advice and possibly give a list of commonly misspelled words, that would be great. I believe all that is needed are some knowledgeable people to come forth and enlighten us all.

Bring a pen/pencil, paper and dictionary then let's get started.

I'm ready to look, "listen",learn then apply... how about you?

#2 Jul 29 2004 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
248 posts
I don't really have anything to contribute, spelled grammar correctly. I love you.
#3 Jul 29 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Excellent
3,094 posts
I'm ready to look, "listen",learn then apply... how about you?
First lesson, you place the close of a quoatation mark after a comma or period (but before other punctuation).


I'm ready to look, "listen," learn then apply... how about you?

I'm ready to look and "listen."

I'm ready to "listen"?

I'm ready to look and "listen"; how about you?

Edited, Thu Jul 29 10:41:14 2004 by Thoronmir
#4 Jul 29 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
451 posts
Ahhh, thanks for the help... you see, with help like this, i'll soon be writing perfect sentences and having intelligent conversations with my idiot friends.

Give me more.
#5 Jul 29 2004 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,512 posts
Not 'u', 'you'.

Not 'r', 'are'.

Not 'ur', you're.

You're = You are

Your = Possesive for 'you'

There = A place. Let's go over there

Their = A possesive for 'them'. That's their bike.

They're = They are

Edited, Thu Jul 29 10:44:43 2004 by CBD
#6 Jul 29 2004 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
10,755 posts
Haha...this guy beat me to it. I appreciate your attempt to help curb poor grammar, but people in this forum only like to talk about grammar when making fun of someone. They don't like to be proactive about it.

There is something about not having an intelligent response to someone's post but seeing that they missed a comma or had a typo. Then you have something to fire back with.
#7 Jul 29 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
10,755 posts
Haha...this guy beat me to it. I appreciate your attempt to help curb poor grammar, but people in this forum only like to talk about grammar when making fun of someone. They don't like to be proactive about it.

There is something about not having an intelligent response to someone's post but seeing that they missed a comma or had a typo. Then you have something to fire back with.
#8 Jul 29 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
Missed a comma or had a typo? I've only said something if the post involves looking like this 'eye wnated 2 no bout da sumerfst nd ow u get teh yakato', and that's the only time I've noticed someone else say it.
#9 Jul 29 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
1,748 posts
It's - IT'S a wonderful day.
Its - The beetle ran for ITS life.

The - THE quick brown fox jumped over THE lazy dog.
Teh - An understandable typo, but only that...
Da - Smiley: banghead

Edited, Thu Jul 29 10:50:35 2004 by Corosato
#10 Jul 29 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
NephthysWanderer wrote:

I appreciate your attempt to help curb poor grammar, but people in this forum only like to talk about grammar when making fun of someone. They don't like to be proactive about it.

There is something about not having an intelligent response to someone's post but seeing that they missed a comma or had a typo. Then you have something to fire back with.

I hope this isn't the case all the time, we could really use the "smart people" with all their expert knowledge.

Mmmm... Good grammar tastes like sweets.
#11 Jul 29 2004 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Than = a comparison. "My bike is bigger than yours."

Then = a consequence or an addition. "If anyone makes this mistake again, then I'll have to kill you."^^ or "I ate dinner, then I went to the park."

Also, one space after a comma, and 2 spaces after a period.

That's all I have for now but Im sure I'll find a lot more if I read more posts.

Edited, Thu Jul 29 10:53:03 2004 by Eleusynia
#12 Jul 29 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
500 posts
This might be a bit off-topic... but it drives me insane when people neglect to add a period to the end of their emotes.

xSephirothx likes to eat hamburgers

First mistake: Bad name.
Second mistake: No period at the end of the emote. Like I said, off-topic, but it drives me mad.

#13 Jul 29 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
3,094 posts
I try to suppress my Inner-Grammar-****, especially if I suspect that English is not the poster's native tongue. But one grammar sin is like fingernails on the chalkboard: Faulkneresque stream-of-consciousness posts that lack punctuation, paragraph structure, or capital letters at the start of sentences ... they make my eyes bleed.

I was always taught that anything worth writing was worth writing well.
#14 Jul 29 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
OH!! One more.

Some people need to learn how to put a word in past tense, or plurals.

Casted, runned, and stealed are not words.
And it's GIL not Gils!!
#15 Jul 29 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
16 posts
A mini-rant.

I am getting really tired of this shorthand speak. I dont know why people decide to do it. It isn't cute, it isn't much faster, and it is more difficult to read. In fact, I'll give no respect to anyone who sends me a /tell talking like that. So please talk like you went school for at least 5 years.

Some things are okay, like using abbreviations. However when you start replacing "you" with "u" and "what" with "wat" you become my headache. So stop plz thx. ^^;
#16 Jul 29 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
Also, one space after a comma, and 2 spaces after a period.

That's purely stylistic preference.

I don't have a problem so much with people omitting a ' between Its so much as I do people writing run-on sentances i also find it aggrevating that they fail to use any type of punctuation please remember to always use punctuation if you don't know how just follow these simple rules have a nice day

Before you post, read what you've written. Every time you take a short break use a comma. Everytime you take a longer break, use a period. If you're changing topics, you need a new paragraph.

The statement above written correctly would be:

I don't have a problem with people omitting a ' between 'Its' so much as I do people writing run-on sentances. I also find it aggrevating that they fail to use ANY type of punctuation. PLEASE remember to always use punctuation. If you don't know how, just follow these simple rules. Have a nice day.
#17 Jul 29 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Thoronmir, were you refering to "paragraphs" like this:^^

*****First why do you care about it and second why did you bounce my thread? Dident have to do that dont do it its rude much like you cursing At devilwolf dont cuss at people that proves that you are a fool cussing at people and dont tlak crap about our ls dw runs an awsome ls you are hateing becasue we have more ls mebers then any other ls in bismark (except may JP ones) your a fool for cussing at people like that DW has help me out alot ok so who cares nad what is a GM like you called on him gonna do They mostly deal with glitches you cussed witch isent neccaery you like to get into other buissness and you cuss most importantly you keep things to your self that doesnt hurt you or your friends or your friends friends you think it would of sold anyways people do that all the time and dont say where low leveld there alot of new member start the gmae we recruit that come for help and that we treat with respect dont hate apreciate dont be cruel either it doesnt help and as for dw seling the armor for that price yes its messed up and i dont like it one bit but dont talk crap about others in the ls that you make a presumtion you see a few weaks you think were all weak you are rude but you can change oh and im annonymys casue i lost allakz passwords and forget user name just be nice bbut yes dw did do something that very wrong and unaceptable but dont talk about everyone else you dont know us. One thing calling people low level is low it self becasue maybe they dont have time to play or dont have enough time to play or cant play much. ********

**taken from another forum for illustrative purposes, and I have no idea how to quote on this so that's the best I can do**

#18 Jul 29 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
500 posts
A mini-rant.

I am getting really tired of this shorthand speak. I dont know why people decide to do it. It isn't cute, it isn't much faster, and it is more difficult to read. In fact, I'll give no respect to anyone who sends me a /tell talking like that. So please talk like you went school for at least 5 years.

Some things are okay, like using abbreviations. However when you start replacing "you" with "u" and "what" with "wat" you become my headache. So stop plz thx. ^^;

I sympathize with this.

I am very tired of getting the /tells saying things such as "CAN U WARP ME 2 DA BASTOK PLZ 500 GILZ", myself. Plus, I feel like an imbecile for having to read it twice to actually comprehend anything.
#19 Jul 29 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Thoronmir wrote:
First lesson, you place the close of a quoatation mark after a comma or period (but before other punctuation).

This is only true for American English.

On the other hand, the quotes in the sentence you corrected were superfluous in the first place.
#20 Jul 29 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
Punctuation, I completely forget to mention it... (includes an example on paragraphs, free of charge!)

When we see a post that's written like this one will be we have no clue whether or not we can stop to breath because it all just appears to be one giant run-on sentence, and periods are there so that we know when we can stop reading out loud to ourselves and our brain automatically translates that to reading but not out loud and it gets very annoying and people will stop reading your post about 1/2 way through because they are sick of reading it and if you dont use correct grammar everywhere else it looks even worse.
#21 Jul 29 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
388 posts
First lesson, you place the close of a quoatation mark after a comma or period (but before other punctuation).

As a point of interest, the rigorous application of this rule is more of an American convention. For example, in English used in other parts of the world,

I'm ready to look and "listen."

would be fully acceptable as ---> I'm ready to look and "listen".

For a high-quality site on English grammar, check out a Guide to Grammar and Writing. (The explanation above can be found there, in greater detail, as well as information on nearly any aspect of grammar that one might have a question about).

Most of the grammar errors that we see on the forums and in-game are, I would guess, a result of laziness or lack of time - I tend to emphasize proper sentence structure (even in-game), but then I type quite quickly and have no trouble keeping up with the flow. The lack of a spell-check function likely contributes as well, though I fully understand why this isn't implemented. :)

I applaud the creation of this thread. For those who wish to correct their common errors without being flamed for them, I feel that this is the place to be!


Edit: *How* did I manage to get a typo in the midst of a thread on grammar? <laugh>

Edited, Thu Jul 29 11:11:15 2004 by Winawer
#22 Jul 29 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
706 posts
For about half a second I considered spamming with u83|2 1337 **** and the like (100k 47 m333!!!1one) since I thought it might be cool to get flamed and see how bad it got. Then I thought, "If I want to get flamed I should just post something in The Asylum and be done with it."

Now on to the suggestions:

Commonly Confused Words
1. Your/You're - Your shows possession, ie. "Is that my foot up your ***?"; You're is the contraction of you are, ie. "You're a dumbass."
2. There/Their/They're (Three?! OMG, WTF!!!1one) - There is used to described location, ie. "Why don't you go play over there amidst the Hell Hounds?"; Their is used to show possession, ie. "Their party gets much more experience per hour becuase their White Mage doesn't sub Dark Knight."; They're is the contraction of they are, ie. "Yes, they're stupid for being level 30 and wearing Leather Armor."

3. Where/Wear/Ware (Although uncommon, I thought I would be as complete as possible) - Where is also used to describe location, ie. "Where is the best place to go at level 5?"; Wear describes something on the body, ie. "I wear Bronze Armor becuase it looks cool, who cares if I'm level 20?"; Ware is a product for sale, ie. "Simple White Mage asked the Pumpkin Pie +1-man, 'How much for your wares?" (Yeah, that last one wasn't geared the same way as the rest, deal with it)

To be continued...

EDIT: For formatting.

Edited, Thu Jul 29 11:15:33 2004 by CrimsonPhoenyx
#23 Jul 29 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
720 posts
"wuts ur def?"
"g2g thx"
"protect plz"
"can i hav sum gils plz? PLZZZZZZ???"
"ne1 hav a mithka i cn hav plz?"
"ur dumb" or "your dumb" or "u r dumb"

#24 Jul 29 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
1,854 posts
Ask Mr. Language Person 1
Ask Mr. Language Person 2
Ask Mr. Language Person 3

Just some humour for this serious topic. Please continue your attempts to educate the masses.
#25 Jul 29 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
3,094 posts
This is only true for American English.
You're right of course. I made an unwarranted assumption.
On the other hand, the quotes in the sentence you corrected were superfluous in the first place.
I agree, but I tried to retain as much of the original poster's sentence as possible for purposes of illustration. I suppose he put "listen" in quotes since we aren't literally listening (i.e., using our sense of hearing) when we read posts. Again, that's just my inference drawn from the post.
#26 Jul 29 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
Thoromir wrote:

I suppose he put "listen" in quotes since we aren't literally listening (i.e., using our sense of hearing) when we read posts.

This is 100% correct.
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