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This game is ridiculously unfair for us.Follow

#1 Dec 31 2003 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
I find it annoying at least, how Japanese gamers on /anon, though you can easily tell are level 50+ due to their gold hairpins or whatever, farm mobs in low-level areas without remorse. When I was a 30WHM/15THF, I admit I farmed the Horutoto Ruins for onions, but only when there wasn't anyone trying to train there. If someone came in, I would send a /tell asking them if they were questing or training, and if they were training I'd go over to another section of the ruins or a different site to farm. The Japanese players aforementioned however, find it necessary to take their lv68RDM and camp the spawn in the ruins when I'm trying to level my new Beastmaster. Don't they have somewhere else to farm at such a high level? Maybe they got tired of camping NMs in competition with American players who can't kill everything in the zone with one hit.

I also see tons of Japanese players fishing for hours on end, obviously using some sort of keystroke program to bot their fishing. I haven't really expected anyone to do that with fighting yet, but it's possible the Japanese are. You really can't put it past them, they have software for everything. Is Squeenix giving them some sort of leeway to ruin our gameplay experience just so they can come back from afk to find six stacks of onions in their inventory? Either they're selectively policing bots or not policing them at all. Sorry to expect conspiracy, but I've never been a fan of people who base a person's worth on level.
#2 Dec 31 2003 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
hrm...i wouldn't know...why don't you ask them directly?
#3 Dec 31 2003 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
They have had the game longer, and, there is no real set rules on the way to play the game, but mostly the Japanese have been really polite on Seraph, I've yet to see someone farm the ruins in my area.
#4 Dec 31 2003 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
They are hunting for crafting materials...

First of all, this is not unfair. You can pull the monsters off their train if you want. Second of all, I have seen lots of lv30~40 NA players do that too. So don't just blame on the JP players. Third, for the fishing skill, there is no short cut to do fishing trick. The difference is, JP players usually have more patience...
#5 Dec 31 2003 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
I once bought 5 fishing rods and 10 stacks of bait and stood in the same spot for hours fishing while I worked on another computer. Btw, if it's not obvious to you, I'm NA.

There's people on this board who've posted how they fish for hours on end, and others who've posted that they make a macro with the <call> button so they know when to hit /fish again. They're NA.

I saw a lvl 59 thf camping Leaping Lizard boots and we talked for a bit. He was NA.

When I started this game I had excellent gear for my lvl because we came into an established economy. There was a market to purchase our crystals and crafting drops so we were able to make a ton of gil which would not have been possible so quickly without the JP players.

There's pros and cons, take them with a grain of salt and stop being paranoid and assuming that an entire nation is botting/cheating.
#6 Dec 31 2003 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
They have had the game longer, and, there is no real set rules on the way to play the game, but mostly the Japanese have been really polite on Seraph, I've yet to see someone farm the ruins in my area.

I've met a lot of polite Japanese players too, but there are some real jerks. NA players in general aren't perfect either, we have lots of jerks. But I dunno what Japanese gamers do when they're in the same situation; We don't like swallowing insults.

There's people on this board who've posted how they fish for hours on end, and others who've posted that they make a macro with the <call> button so they know when to hit /fish again. They're NA.

The longest I've played this game continuously was 13 hours, in Qufim. I saw ten blue names lined up on the cliff fishing for -longer- than I was there. They were too high-leveled to be aggroed by the Banshees. There's an equal if not greater chance that they were botting than if they were just doing something else while fishing. Is there any GM that actually looks into this? I doubt they just assume it's all legit.

When I started this game I had excellent gear for my lvl because we came into an established economy. There was a market to purchase our crystals and crafting drops so we were able to make a ton of gil which would not have been possible so quickly without the JP players.

That's fine and dandy, I'm not understating the worth of the integrated Japanese economy in the game. Let's just assume they're helping in that respect, in a way everyone benefits from. But I can farm my own onions, I don't need to buy them from the level sixty black mage wiping out all the spawn. I can appreciate competition for those onions with other people my level, but not from someone who simply stands in the middle of the dungeon and casts Stone II on anything that spawns. No train to catch, no chance.

As for bots - bots are against game rules when used by anyone, whether low-lvl, high-lvl, JP or EN. If you suspect a player of using a bot, contact a GM and report that person. If you don't report them, you have no right to ***** about what they do, because through your actions you are allowing them to continue.

You assume no one reports them, but if you'd pay attention, GMs scold players for reporting possible bot use.

It may seem unfair that a high-lvl can farm both low and high areas, whereas a low-lvl can only farm low-lvl areas, but you know what? High-lvls worked to get to where they are. They've put in, generally, a lot more time and effort for their characters. Why shouldn't they reap some of the benefits?

Being able to farm high-level areas should be the benefit high-level players get, not the ability to farm low-level areas. Unfortunately, higher-level areas aren't usually worth the added effort to farm, but that's a game flaw no one can help. The least people could do is what I explained, show a little mercy toward the lower players. But there are moral differences between a 30WHM and a 30THF, I suppose.
#7 Dec 31 2003 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
I have one question:

Where do you farm?? If you are level 30+, do you farm at lv25 area? Do you ONLY farm monsters that are "even-match" or above to you? Otherwise you are also a high level farming at low level area...

Regarding the fishing thing, I fished 8 hours before while watching tv and/or reading book at the same time...
#8 Dec 31 2003 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
NA's whine too much. im NA also.
#9 Dec 31 2003 at 5:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
God all I hear from NA players is whining. This game is too hard! This game sucks cause I can't do this but a high level that's been playing for a year longer than me can!! Chocobo quest is too high! Crafting is too expensive! The auction house is a ripoff! JPNs have fishing bots!!

****NEWS FLASH****

Tons of American players do this too.

Jesus people. High level players EARN the rights and money to do these things. I put in the time and level but just because I did, it doesn't mean that I lose the rights to do easier things in the game.

I'd like to see how you all would fare on a fresh server with NO Japanese help, NO high levels, NO raises, NO teleports, NO quest information, and NO economy. This is how they had to start when the game came out in Japan. Think about this and be thankful for the things we have.

Edited, Wed Dec 31 17:40:18 2003 by pikko
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#10 Dec 31 2003 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
I have assumed that there was a fishing bot since I began playing FFXI.
I would see the same people in the same spot hour after hour, day after day.
I know that I cant stand fishing for more than 15 minutes without getting really bored, let alone fishing for 5 hours straight :-\
#11 Dec 31 2003 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
[insert 2 gil here]

The only way this game could be unfair is by cheating.

I have fished for several hours on end. I am anon when I fish, and I turn on all kinds of chat filters. If you are asking a question or calling me a bot while I'm sitting here hitting my macro and listening for a bite, well, I'm not even going to know you're there.

It is amazing how fast the 'complaints' find their way here. I belive in constructive criticism, but lately alot of what I've read is 'wah.' I say again - this game is no cakewalk - thats why it's great.

As if you, ahem, 'concerned individuals' will never farm. Please.

If you beleive FFXI is really so unfair, so biased, so full of bots and cheating fishermen....

Now, I know I'm not the smartest man in the world, but I have to ask a question....

Why are you still playing?
#12 Dec 31 2003 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
one thing....

/clap Pikko

#13 Dec 31 2003 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
543 posts
I don't find the game unfair at all. Firstly....Japanese or NA makes no difference, you are speaking of high lvl verses low lvl. WTH does race matter?

And sure, I've lost out on hunts and things when there is a high lvl player in the area, but my God, I can't count the number of times a high lvl played has helped me. I'ev been given free items, raised by someone who didn't know me who was several maps away, had one high lvl hunt for 4 HOURS just to help me and my party get a skull, teleporting me out of kindness, etc etc.

All in all, I'd say the high lvl players have it much more rough. I can't imagine what it must be like getting messaged every 2 sec from new people. I have NEVER had a high level person tell me no or be rude to me. And as far as Japanese players go....they rock! You wanna learn how to play this game nad play it well? Learn the translater and group with them.

You've got to look at things from both sides.
#14 Dec 31 2003 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
543 posts
P.S. /clap Pikko as well!
#15 Dec 31 2003 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
I've literally sat there and fished for hours..I keep myself entertained by talking to my LS members. I also watch some of those Japanese players that may potentially be bots, and if you sit there long enough yourself, you see that they really aren't bots themselves either.

Farming lower lvl areas is okay, I believe, if you at least consider the lower lvls.

Last night I was helping some friends of mine kill things for the Ordelles Key for the Hume RSE (I'm a Mithra, but I was helping.) The Japanese players were there farming. (Rdms...all of them mostly.) However when they saw we were looking for the key, most stopped attacking the beetles we were killing. One even got a key, and asked ot invite so it would go into our pool. (Sadly it disappeared just a bit to late.) But he stayed to help us find 3 keys. Saved my **** a couple times...(I'm lvl two hume friends were 53 rdm and 35 whm.) I ended up with 20+ seeker bats aggroed and he took and killed them all. Down to 60 life, was rescued. ^^ Accidental way to farm batwings too. Hehe.

Oh, and Kahlyn..I see you all over the Unicorn server, hehe.
#16 Dec 31 2003 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
ahahhahah, unfair for us?? what a joke.
this game would totally suck without JPs Crafting armor and weapons for us low lvls to use, and it would suck without high lvl BLMs giving me a Warp II whenever I ask. we would be using leather armor till lvl 30 without them.
And yes, there are JPs who have fishing bots("Pike" on Bahamut has one, there is no question about it.) who cares? hes pumping money into the economy
#17 Dec 31 2003 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I believe FFXI is a little more fair than other games when it comes to camping mobs etc. I like how once you attack it no one else can unless you call for help. In AO no matter who hits the mob first whoever does the most dmg gets the drop. So if some level 200 character comes in 1/3 through the fight and annihlates the mob you are SOL. In FFXI you are at least on more even grounds if you can cast or provoke or even get closer to the mob.

#18 Dec 31 2003 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
My first question is, "How do you know these are all Japanese players." There are many U.S. gamers who are already over L50. I've seen both US & Japan gamers running around the Ruins farming for crafting material. There's nothing wrong with that. Whether your low level or high, you do what you need to do to get what you need. Also.. there are two sides to the Ruins. If there are too many peeps on the East Side, then go to the West. I've had players still Crawlers and Gobos from me all the time. I do the same thing if it's something I want. If it really ticks me off, and it usually doesn't, I'll run between them and the mob they stole from me for a few secs. They usually don't like that. LOL!!

I find that playing weekdays early in the morning 7a-9a or late at night 11pm-1a are the best times to play. There are less people camping and going after mobs. Give that a try if you can.

#19 Dec 31 2003 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
The only way you can complain about the farming is if they arent being considerate to the lower lvls in the area, but ya wanna know somethin, this may come as a shock to some. YOU CANT GET EVERY ITEM IN EVERY AREA OF THE WORLD. IF it was possible I would never leave Sarutabaruta and instead make a living off of gathering things untill I had enough money I could by anything whenever I wanted, hell even in duplicates. As for the fishing bots, who cares if they want to pay for a game each month to fish... let em, more things for me to kill. I don't buy fish, I dont sell fish, its not like they are screwin up my market. And as for those of you who complain about the high prices at the auction house... DONT BUY IT, if its not bought then they have to lower the prices, ever heard of the word Boycott? Same way to stop all those people from fishing, if none of the fish are bought, then there goes the point of fishing. And also the prices at the AH are high because you are paying for CONVEINIENCE, just like some places pay almost $7 at a mcdonalds for a hamburger. It's already made for you all you gotta do is pick it up. If you want to make that kinda money, get higher level and go find it yourself, interesting concept isnt it? My bad some people are just too lazy to do that, thats why they pay the 'outrageous' prices at the AH.

Okay... I'm done I could sit here and pick at these lil pieces of whining all day long.
#20 Dec 31 2003 at 7:11 PM Rating: Default
255 posts
Geez, all this talk of high level players is getting me jealous. I've had the game since it came out in America and my highest level is 18, some NAs are between 30 and 40. Oh well, I guess I just have more real life things to do. /shrug

But in my opinion, the people b*tching about how others are cheating and stealing mobs are just jealous that they can't do the same. I mean, who cares if they're using a bot to fish? It's not hurting the gameplay, just circulating more money around.
The only thing that's pissed me off in this game, is that when I went to the AH to buy an Astral Ring (I really need one for my Elvaan WHM). I checked the price history, it used to be 100 Gil (too cheap), then some moron put it up to 300,000 Gil! So yeah, I know that was off-topic, but I just needed to vent a little.
#21 Dec 31 2003 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
I have assumed that there was a fishing bot since I began playing FFXI.
I would see the same people in the same spot hour after hour, day after day.
I know that I cant stand fishing for more than 15 minutes without getting really bored, let alone fishing for 5 hours straight :-\

Uhmm...No. Some of us enjoy fishing. I talk to people in game and just relax. Just because you don't enjoy it, it does not mean that someone fishing for hours would be a bot. It means that we are really good at using the /fish macro we created. I know I have it down to where I hit the fish command as soon as the timer will allow.

As someone else mentioned a lot of us who fish will turn on most filters to cut out distractions so we may not respond to a say or shout.

By the way, if you really get into it, fishing is a great way to make gil. I made over 60k in a 7 hour stint of fishing moat carp and chatting to friends over a two day period. I find that to be alot more fun than killing easy and lower mobs for items to sell. :)
#22 Dec 31 2003 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
Hey All,

I too am jealous of the high level Japanese players, but respect that they have had a year to progress. And yes they did without doubt create an economy for us because I got the game the day it came out and the server was already very well established.

Let me put it this way - who doesn't farm items? I take my 24 RDM to Palborough and massacre the easy Quadavs for the possibility of them dropping a backplate. I spend hours farming Wildgrass in Dangruf Wadi. Why do I do it? For gil. Why do JP players do it? For gil. NA and JP's are the same except that we don't speak the same language, and they got a head start.

Discrimiation is ignorant in any form and you shouldn't just point fingers.

Also, as a previous UO nut, let me just remind everyone of a time when macroing was commonplace and we all lived happily.
#23 Dec 31 2003 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
I love my fishing macro.. some people like standing around, hitting a button every now and then..
it's a nice break from the drone of killing mobs all day.. and it pays for itself!
#24 Dec 31 2003 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
231 posts
Yeah lets stop the whining... you can pull off
a mob off a train if you want to.

Most of the japanese I met are very polite and nice.
Lots of dragons and samurai and ninjas and summoners were helped by japanese players. I myself was helped by a guy named "Tsr" with the beastmaster quest (I just asked him for
directions he ended up beatin the IT monster)

There is some *** everywhere though.

Now, as regarding fishing macro. Please dont lie and say there
is a /call macro. Show me the macro, and I'll try it, if you're
right I'll /bow you if not you're a liar. I've looked for this
"ingame" macro around (because it would be "legal" and very helpful) and couldn't find any, this is way Im very suspicious
you can /call in FFXI, are you sure you're not talkin bout EQ?

I HAVE witnessed other software macros. It was a japanese
player. And by the way, it is NOT a good idea to filter out
everything else while fishing. People can report you to GM
because they might think you're using a macro after 10 consecutive /tell or /slaps or what not.
I wouldnt report anybody doin that but... Im a nice person.

I dont know what to think about outside sofwtare fishin macro.
They kinda hurt us because high level fisherman can sell
a lot of stuff cheaper than me, that I have to sweat for every little fish.
So please comment on that.

Oh final comment... if you have fishin macro then you must
have "sort" macro. Otherwise you're done after few fishes.
It would be nice to post that kinda macros if they exist.


WAR 31 / MNK 15 / WHM 13 / DARK 7 / BRD 7 / THF 7 / BLM 8
(mmm maybe Im forgettin someth.

Oh HAPPY 2004 !!!!

#25 Dec 31 2003 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
That call macro (correct me if im wrong) that is being mentioned is most likely the different sounds. I.e. Whistles, victory music, beeps and other assorted sounds used to notify yourself so you dont hafta watch the screen. Hence the watching tv and reading a book while fishing.

Me personally my macro looks something like this (dont mind the mistakes im sure you can get the idea.)

/wait 10
/wait 10
/wait 10
/echo "You may fish again."

Something like that anyways. I don't do much fishing anyways, just when I'm on the boat or waiting for it. Caught a whole 5 fish, and a rusty bucket. By the way, that rusty bucket is proudly on display in my mog house as the 2nd piece of furniture and grants +1 storage space. :) The other is a picture, which I can somehow also store one item in....
#26 Dec 31 2003 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
118 posts
1st of all... the japanese are way more polite than american players. they are always eager to help... (you have to admit that japanese helped u in the game at least once, maybe raise, or helped u get keys, or something!)

the game is unfair for us, you are right, in that it came out in japan a while ago, but think about it... what will the PS2 players say once it comes out?
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