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Treants and Notifying Players of Events/UpdatesFollow

#1 Dec 31 2003 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
260 posts
I think this whole Christmas Event thing shows one of the glaring problems with communication between Square and the players. When there's an update, the game itself doesn't tell you what the update did, you have to go to the official FFXI online site to check, and it's not exactly obvious where to go once you're there. Nor is it even easy to find...I ended up going to the Playonline site and linking from there. The simple fact of the matter is that most players were unaware of the details of the event. A good number had never even heard of it. A simple notice in-game on updates/events would fix the majority of these problems.

Furthermore, the update notices themselves are often hurried and scrawled out. I wonder sometimes if anyone specifically has the job of informing the community what's going on. For example, up until the Treant Event started, there was no prior warning of it. I don't know about anyone else, but I usually schedule game events into my planner just along with everything else, it's something I learned to do when having competitive matches in online games. Also, we weren't told when the event would end until the followup emergency update. And then they didn't even keep their word and end the event on time. No offense to Fairy and Midgardsormr, but it cheapens the victory if halfway through the game you decide to change the rules of the game and let everyone win. It just lets me know that the selfish bastards were right, if I had never lifted a finger and let other people do the event for me, it all would have been okay.

Flame mode on, end useful information here.

While I'm at it, let me say that the vast majority of the people who you will be hearing from saying they would have helped the Treants if this or that and blah blah blah are completely ************* Having sent out hundreds of recruitment messages detailing the event, and the reward for completing it, let me say that no more than 1 in 4 people had the courtesy to respond. Interestingly, the lower the level of the person, the more likely the were to be interested. I would say I had no more than a 10% success rate(optimistic estimate) at convincing level 30+ players to help out. They always had more important things to do, apparently. I would assume this is because the level 30+ players are the more hardcore players and are actually informed of the event If they were interested in helping out, they would have done so already. I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I see John Doe who told me it wasn't worth his time to help against the Treants using the teleporters, I will take a couple of seconds to "/emote spits in John Doe's general direction." And when they tell you lies about why they couldn't help out, don't believe them, most of them are lying.

On my server, no more than 5% of the total server population at any time ever was killing Treants at any given time. There were times where I logged on and there were perhaps 15 people on the entire server killing Treants. I despaired at completing the task set before us with the wall of apathy from the general population. And my server finished 14th out of the 30 servers. I can only imagine how bad it must have been for some of the servers.

The Japanese were especially useless. Had they in general made any sort of effort, all the Treants far away from the city should have died first, given how very easy those Treants were. I don't know why they didn't help, but they didn't. The Japanese make the majority of the population on my server, yet they only significantly contributed to the death of between 1 and 4 Treants on my Server, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Why? I don't know. I thought they'd jump at an event given how long they've been playing and the whole Asian Group Solidarity thing you always hear about. The one Treant I saw/heard about killed by Japanese players, I stood around curing then for around two hours with my LFG flag up and they never deigned to talk to me. With only 10-15 players there, it's not like they could have missed me. ********. I can only hope to return the favor someday.
#2 Dec 31 2003 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Umm.. I feel a little cheapened too. I spent my entire weekend in tree killing parties taking breaks only to keep my sanity. In the end, I was in alliances responsable for the felling of THREE of the things. It was like the Battle of Thermopylae! Fight until exaustion, withdraw the second someone could take your place, rest (RL sleep/eat/feed the dog/whatever) then upon returning trade out with someone so they can do the same.

We held the line and we killed the trees. The promise was that those participated and won got the spiffy. I'm not complaining that the gift was server wide. I like how something I was part of changed the gave for every player in the game world. -that's a pretty exciting thought. But to know that other servers who were NOT victorious get the rewards as well? That cheapens the victory and encourages apathy for the next event. There needs to be something special for the victors.

I wouldn't know how to do it, so could someone point SQUARE ENIX and the POL folk at this thread so they can see how players who won the battle feel?
#3 Dec 31 2003 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,120 posts
cuddlywuddly wrote:
But to know that other servers who were NOT victorious get the rewards as well?

Where did you get that from? And if true then yeah, who gives a rats *** next time? Not gonna spend all those hours hacking a tree if get the reward irregardless.
#4 Dec 31 2003 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
I agree with you.

I suspect I was one of the first to see a treant. There was no one fighting them, and I wondered why I could not attack them. I found a moogle soon later and realized I could now attack them. I was the only one attacking it and I died very quickly.

By the time I got a group together in San d'oria to fight this thing there were many more people attacking them. But as hours passed people left as this was before the patch fixing the treants, and the trees were seemingly invincible.

My server Fenrir was the first to kill all the treants. I am sorry you had such a bad experience.

Before the patch and release of information I traveled to Bastok thinking once you fought all the treants and had them telelport away from you, you would get an individual prize like a santa hat or something.

I suspect the Japanese played a major impact in my servers success against the trees. I had spent all my time fighting the trees since the begining. (A lot of time trying to figure out the trick to beating them, before the patch) I was there when East and West Ronfaure fell, and helped with North and South Gustaberg.

At 6 am the morning that Fenrir defeated the treants I logged believing half of the treants remained. When I logged back on 12 hours later, all the treants were dead. This happened in Japan primetime.

It is a shame you were not able to enjoy the event. The event held more interest on my server. Once the frustration of the invincible treants was relieved, it did bring a sense of comradeship to the event. I communicated with leaders fighting treants in other regions, and assured reinforcements as soon Ronfaure's was defeated. It was a lot of fun, and the reward worth it.

It may be humerous to read the thread I started about the struggle against these treants. Looking back on it there were a lot of crazy ideas on how to kill these things. (Including my own)
#5 Dec 31 2003 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
I understand where you are coming from, but the news updates are in the game, you just have to look around a bit through the information screens. The "good number" that never heard of it must not check the updates very often. It would be nice if they had put something where the "Registration Server will be down" message is right before you go full screen.

I also agree with you about how much crap it is that those servers that didn't do it, will get the prize.

The JP players probably helped you out against the two level 50 cap areas, but you probably didn't know about it because you were not high enough level to compete. Don't put down an entire player base just because you "think" they weren't helping. Just because they speak a different language doesn't mean they werent having the same problems as you. That kind of crap needs to stay out of the game.

My theory on why the treants were invicible the first day they were wandering about?.. Square wanted to see how much damage they could take per day so they could plan the hit points accordingly. The problem?.. After the players were discouraged to think they were impossible, many had to be told that a patch was done and now they were possible to defeat.

eh.. all and all, this Christmas Event has left a bad taste in my mouth.
#6 Dec 31 2003 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
260 posts
Frankly, I was one of the most informed players when it came to where the trees were, who was killing them, and when. I don't put them down because I "think" they weren't helping, I do because they weren't on my server. I communicated with plenty of Japanese players during the event to keep updated on the situation, and was often grouped/allianced with a few. This doesn't change the facts that for being the majority of the population, they contributed very little overall.
#7 Dec 31 2003 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
I think you should all stop whining about working so hard, sure Midgard got it latest, but it's not like we didnt actualy have to kill them!

And besides, to my understanding, the event was not to end until New Years and..... I might be wrong but I don't think it was January 1st anywhere in the world when Midgard killed the last tree somewhere in the early AM's this morning EST.

So just be happy for everybody!
#8 Dec 31 2003 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,031 posts
Sinai is right, we must've done the most work on Siren server coordinating treant attacks, and very few players knew about the treants, and even fewer wanted to participate. Responses varied:

No response
We can't kill them.
We don't get exp.
Do we get exp?
What do we get for killing them?

Obviously most of the players had no idea why the treants were there.
#9 Dec 31 2003 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
I think they should have some sort of In-Game bulletin board (maybe around the auction house?) where you can walk over it and see the most recent updates or events happening.
#10 Dec 31 2003 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
As for people not being informed, maybe not the mass numbers, but on Carbuncle in Windurst, they definately were. We had people randomly take off from killing the tree to spread the word. Mainly it was me, and when i went to town I practically spammed it: "Kill the treants, get teleporters" "If you dont believe it check the system messages" And a few other different lines. I can go between each mog house because i finished the quest, so its not like someone was changing to areas while i was running the opposite way. I stayed in each section approximately 5min puttin that message up every 30sec it seemed. Surprisingly nobody yelledf at me for spamming. And i only got maybe 2 messages back the entire time. I went into town and did this numerous times, I also did it in both East and West Sarutabaruta telling everyone to come to W. Sar and work on that one first. The only time people started helping was after the tree was already under half. Thats when we had 2 full alliances (3parties a piece) and various people standing around not in parties, some in.

Off to the side, it pisses me off that i spent the whole time since 2hrs before the patch,and the whole time after the patch (minus a few sleeping hours) beating on that tree, and I didnt get to see it die. The stupid thing drew me in constantly and was blinking, it kills me of course being the only one around, I respawn and the next thing across my screen "WE KILLED IT WE KILLED IT". You can imagine the mixed emotion on that... mainly pissed and extremely dissapointed.

That kind of attitude of the other players not wanting to participate kind of make me not want to care about the other events, but I still do. I check the POL website just after my newyears (Guam +10gmt) "we are already working on a newyears event" and thats all i could get. I log on and send a shout out of asking what the NewYears event would be.... Silence, its like I'm in a single player game, nobody even bothed to reply except one person, and she simply stated she didnt know, I took that to heart and noticed she was looking to purchase some items for a quest, so I offered to collect these items for her. This deed being done and delivered to her mog house because she was responsive to a very simple question. Unlike everyone else in Windurst at that time.
#11 Dec 31 2003 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
All i know is that i woke up the other day, said hello to my LS and get the response of "All the trees are dead, Right?" "Ya, the **** killed em all last night" "Ya, go ****" Well previous to this "*** onslaught" Only maybe 4 or 5 trees were even down on health or killed. Dont say the **** dont do anything, i love em personally. I'm friends with one on my server, BST/WHM, he helps me to do those extra hard quests ^^(Sam, RSE etc)

PS- I'm on carbuncle and we get teleportation ^^
#12 Jan 01 2004 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
Well, he's my two cents on it.

Playonline has a nice little feature called "information" I personally make it a point to take a peek at it everytime I log in and out. It take 1-5 minutes and i'm informed (well!). I have to agree that system messages would have helped INCREDEBLY during the xmas evert. "West Sara's treant is dead, 5 treants left" or something like that. But the lack of messages forced us to create linkshells and forge new friendships in the process. So i'm kinda mixed on the lack of system messages, ya know?

Also, i'd like to point out that the japanese played a major part on my server as well. I can credit them for the death of the hated north gustaberg and east ronfaure tree, as well as most of the higher capped trees.

No offense to Fairy and Midgardsormr, but it cheapens the victory if halfway through the game you decide to change the rules of the game and let everyone win.

Now, here's my view on this. What if they didn't get the tele service? Probably a lot of people would have left the servers, yes? I would have a problem if it was 5 out of 25 servers who finished and the rest got it, but since it was only two, I have no problem with that. Yes, it is cheap but there are always other factors.
#13 Jan 01 2004 at 4:26 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts

I couldn't participate because I had just started playing the game... but it seems like the teleports was something that Square was going to implement anyways. The trees were just an excuse to implement a system which they probably would have added anyways. Maybe they didn't anticipate that some servers wouldn't complete the challenge.

Thats the problem with a mass quest. There is no way to give ANYONE a reward without giving EVERYONE a reward. In this case the reward was too big for anyone not to get. Those who didn't care understood this. They knew that if everyone didn't get the reward, it probably wasn't worth attempting (say they spent all day on it, then had to go to work, and shortly after the tree dies, how could they get the reward?); but if everyone got it, then whats the point of spending time on it in the first place?

Some peoples priorities are just in other places, and (maybe I don't understand because I wasnt involved) no one should get so worked up about this small facet of the game because its just a game. Do you need a reward to do something great? ***** those who didn't help (even though I'm included =>).
#14 Jan 01 2004 at 4:51 AM Rating: Default
201 posts
I don't think they should inform anyone at all of events they are doing. Sorry, but they are events, with rewards, and you should simply keep your eyes peeled for such things. They shouldn't always have signs pointing out every little thing for you, find it on your own, and all that.

If people find out, word will spread, and that's how things work.

Also, I'm one of those players who didn't hardly help with the treants. I fought the one in East Ronfaure for about 30 minutes before getting bored and leaving. I think its a pretty strong opinion calling us/me "selfish bastards" seeing as how I really wasn't too interested in the event. The server I'm on is already too crowded, I would really rather not have anything else to attract new players to it, I want people to leave instead. And yes, I fully intend to use the teleporters if they are convenient for me to do so. I get along fine without teleporters as it is, but whatever saves me time can come in handy. Doesn't mean I'm not grateful, but I'm also not greedy. If we hadn't of won, I'd shrug all the same.
#15 Jan 01 2004 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
i think it's pretty rediculous to separate pc's into "us" and "****". I personally have been saved many times by japanese players who went out of there way to help an english speaking newbie. A lot of the players from the U.S. don't even know how to use the translator feature included in the game and always say things like "well there is a level blah, blh, blah
looking for a party but they're japanese". I don't think it's a lack of courtesy on their parts, just a lack of a reasonably good translator feature. I can't read the japanese text when it scrolls acroos my screen and i'm sure english looks just as worthless to them. I fought the treants for hours and never got to see a single one drop because of time constraints due to work, etc. and you probably missed a japanese player the same way. I sat and figured out how to use the translator feature one day to where i can talk to japanese pc's easily and now my friend list is almost half japanese! What makes this game fun for me is the fact that no matter what time it is SOMEONE is out there from somewhere who I can have a good time with regardless of language or nation. It makes me happy that I got to help my WHOLE server. I delight in helping other pc's and knowing that my contribution could make a more enjoyable experience for my fellow players. I hope you have a better experience with future encounters.
#16 Jan 01 2004 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
737 posts
I didn't help kill the tree, in fact, having teleporters or not really didn't bother me, but on Valefor there was a lot of people killing them in each noob zone, and a few in the other zones. LOL, now i use the teleport systems, but i did give a /shout thanking those who did take time to kill the tree.

So ya maybe i was lazy (more likely catching up in lvl with LS, i did it btw) but hey don't knock people for not wanting to do it, its a game, and games are for fun..they thought the tree wasn't fun.

Besides you should be proud that you few that did kill the trees, did. Something to be proud about in the Vandeil world.

:) Happy New Years :)
#17 Jan 01 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
I guess some of you morons seem to think that last means that we didn't actually kill them all.

Here's a clue kiddo: We did.

Now please kill yourself before more of your ignorant breed have a chance to reproduce.
#18 Jan 01 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,120 posts
rrn wrote:
I guess some of you morons seem to think that last means that we didn't actually kill them all.

Here's a clue kiddo: We did.

Now please kill yourself before more of your ignorant breed have a chance to reproduce.

Happy New Year! May all your hair fall out rrn!
#19 Jan 01 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
Failed attempt at being funny, and diverting the fact that you are indeed an idiot.
#20 Jan 01 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,120 posts
rrn wrote:
Failed attempt at being funny, and diverting the fact that you are indeed an idiot.

No. It was funny. Sorry you cant see that.
#21 Jan 01 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
762 posts
I agree with the lack of information on the event.. as I don't know how many times I answered the question "What the heck happens if we kill this treant?" When people didn't realize there were 12 of them to be killed.

As far as Japanese? They were pretty helpful on Bismarck, guess it was just your server that it was like that.

I think the best part of the whole experience is I now recognize more people on the server, the more active ones anyway, and I'd rather walk away with that then anything else :) Makes it about 0.234580745% easier to find a group ;)

Lui of Bismarck
#22 Jan 01 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Many times people thought that the trees only appeared when another was killed.

If SE wants to release serverwide events like this, they should put a notice up like they do when notifying people of the server going down. Somehow, I find it more important that there's going to be a week long event with a prize than the server going down for maintence at 3am in the morning.
#23 Jan 01 2004 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,120 posts
rrn wrote:
Many times people thought that the trees only appeared when another was killed.

If SE wants to release serverwide events like this, they should put a notice up like they do when notifying people of the server going down. Somehow, I find it more important that there's going to be a week long event with a prize than the server going down for maintence at 3am in the morning.

So which is it rrn? We are all idiots or you agree with us? Stop confusing me.
#24 Jan 01 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
If you knew how to read, then perhaps you would not be confused.

You are all idiots for assuming that Midgardsormr (my server) did not kill all the trees, but were taken pity on.

The post about where a notice should appear is my stance on the lack of information.
#25 Jan 01 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,120 posts
You sound so sexy when you call people idiots...
#26 Jan 01 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
It's funny how you act when proven wrong. Reminds me alot of a 3rd grade bully finally getting his come-uppance. Get a life.
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