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Do you people even REMEMBER Blue Mage?Follow

#1 Sep 18 2005 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
Strago...Gau...Quina...Quistis...Enemy Skill Materia...

Blue mage, in every incarnation, has been terrible. Why do you people want to play it? The spells have been unreliable, at best, there have been very few spells that were worth anything at all(and in every game they were surpassed by other jobs in terms of damage an reliability). On top of that, learning the enemy abilities has always been a pain. By the time you could live through Beta in FF VII, it almost wasn't worth it anymore, and Quina....need I say more?

I'm sure I'm gonna be Karma bombed like never before, but, seriously, what are you remembering that makes you want to play this job?

Edited, Sun Sep 18 05:43:51 2005 by imbtrthnur
#2 Sep 18 2005 at 4:32 AM Rating: Good
386 posts
I have no clue. I always disliked the Blue Mage class...
#3 Sep 18 2005 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Blue mage, in every incarnation, has been terrible.

Yeah, except no.
#4 Sep 18 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
568 posts
I always despised playing Blue Mage or the equivalent in games. I was kind of hoping they'd add something more interesting. Who knows? Maybe they'll pull it off for once.
#5 Sep 18 2005 at 4:58 AM Rating: Good
1,854 posts
I remember the Blue Mages, I always enjoyed playing them. I always had fun trying to fill the list of enemy abilities. My favorite Blue Mage type of character was in Wild Arms 2 if I remember correctly, been a while since I played. Although she was hinted at being more of a vampire type character then a blue mage. Personally, I'm thinking of all the wonderful possiblities as a Blue Mage/Beastmaster.
#6 Sep 18 2005 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
100 posts
I remember it being useful in some games. Quistis had some extremely useful blue magic limit breaks. Degenerator was one great move that could instantly defeat one monster. It didn't work on boss monsters obviously. It was funny shrinking large monsters into nothing.
#7 Sep 18 2005 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
955 posts
I like Enemy Skill materia on FFVII. White Wind and Angel Whipser (or something like that) were some of my favorite spells. I don't know how they'll pull it off on FFXI but the AF sure looks cool (if that's what the AF looks like in that one demo video).
#8 Sep 18 2005 at 5:20 AM Rating: Excellent
352 posts
Funny, I've always remembered Enemy Skill / Blue Magic as one of the most overpowered things in the game.

• White Wind - Excellent AoE healing. Cured most statuses in most games too.
• Magic Hammer - Laid waste to enemy heavy mages.
• Big/Mighty Guard - Barrier, Magic Barrier and typically Haste for everyone.
• Angel Whisper - Revives KO'd characters, massively heals injured characters, often cures a range of bad statuses.
• Twister/Laser - Halves target's HP.
• Matra Magic - Changes in most games, but is typically very useful.
• Bad Breath - You all know what this baby does.
• Chocobuckle - FF7 and FF8 only (but arguably not Blue Magic in 8) - easy 9999 damage (or lucky 7777) in FF7, can break 20,000 damage in FF8.
• (FF9) Frog Drop - The cheapest guaranteed 9999 in the game, iirc.

In one charcter / materia.

The great thing about Blue Magic is that while it sucks until you learn things, when you've got most/all abilities you can, it's undeniably the most versatile thing in the game.

In FF7 and FF9 it can do just about *everything* and do it extremely well. In FF8 and FF10 they managed to nerf it by linking it to Desperation / Overdrive, and in Tactics Advance (the only other recent incarnation) they felt the need to nerf it by removing the real damage-skills and it's still seen as one of the three best skillsets a Human can use.
#9 Sep 18 2005 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
Let's nerf it! I'm going to say it'll take about a week before SE nerfs it. So you better get your leveling done before that when it's still overpowered. I'm not going to like this job for one. Why would we need another job? -.-

SE their plans are probably going to be screwed over by the fans who think of their own ways for a job. (i.e. Ninja tanks) i hope to never see a BLUE MAGE tank with mighty guard ><
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#10 Sep 18 2005 at 5:38 AM Rating: Excellent
2,405 posts
It may of sucked, but I gave much <3 to Shadow Flare back when I played FFVII a lot.
#11 Sep 18 2005 at 5:42 AM Rating: Good
486 posts
Funny, I've always remembered Enemy Skill / Blue Magic as one of the most overpowered things in the game.

• White Wind - Excellent AoE healing. Cured most statuses in most games too.
• Magic Hammer - Laid waste to enemy heavy mages.
• Big/Mighty Guard - Barrier, Magic Barrier and typically Haste for everyone.
• Angel Whisper - Revives KO'd characters, massively heals injured characters, often cures a range of bad statuses.
• Twister/Laser - Halves target's HP.
• Matra Magic - Changes in most games, but is typically very useful.
• Bad Breath - You all know what this baby does.
• Chocobuckle - FF7 and FF8 only (but arguably not Blue Magic in 8) - easy 9999 damage (or lucky 7777) in FF7, can break 20,000 damage in FF8.
• (FF9) Frog Drop - The cheapest guaranteed 9999 in the game, iirc.

In one charcter / materia.

The great thing about Blue Magic is that while it sucks until you learn things, when you've got most/all abilities you can, it's undeniably the most versatile thing in the game.

In FF7 and FF9 it can do just about *everything* and do it extremely well. In FF8 and FF10 they managed to nerf it by linking it to Desperation / Overdrive, and in Tactics Advance (the only other recent incarnation) they felt the need to nerf it by removing the real damage-skills and it's still seen as one of the three best skillsets a Human can use.

It's a good thing FFXI has all of those things... oops nope, it doesn't really have any good enemy attacks. Death Scissors is good up to EM, but anything higher and it's only around 500 dmg and that's pretty much the hardest hitting thing you can get.

Healing Breeze is very nice, I'm sure Blue Mages will be lining up to main heal, just like our Red Mages.

Spider Web is a terrible joke... 0% slow all right!

Beatdown and Uppercut could be good.

I enjoyed filling the Blue Mages magic list, but never really enjoyed using them. Everything else usually seemed better...
#12 Sep 18 2005 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
737 posts
It is going to be very neat to see how it works out. The only way I would ever level it though, if it proves to be a good sub for my Black Mage or Beastmaster. Though I think it might be a great job...for instance:

1000 Needles (need I say more)
Bad Breath (ultimate Debuffer)
Dhamel Healing wind thing (uber)
Sickle Slash (spider move)
Steelshell (stoneskin)
Srewdriver (fish's deadly move)
Bomb Toss? (Maybe but doubtfully)
Magic Shield (immune to all magic, those eyes cast it)
The Sheeps Sleep spell
Spider Web
Bat Move
TP Drain (Leeches move)

The Blue Mage is going to end up being what the RDM was suppose to, except the melee part, the jack of all trades in the Magic Department. I'm guessing spells will be hard to get, expensive, and I wouldn't be suprised if a lot of them had extremely long recast timers. I just want to know what there 2 hours will be.

Hey, to be honest i'm almost scared that my Black Mage's job is threaten. I guess that makes some people happy though.
#13 Sep 18 2005 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
Hah, I'm not denying that FFXI will have something to hold Blue Magic back. Of course it will. If it didn't, Blue Mage would be a solo job alongside Beastmaster (which IMO would be preferable).
#14 Sep 18 2005 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
91 posts
Yep, sure I remember it.

I was majorly disappointed that the Blue Magic using characters in FFVIII weren't as constantly available to play as the other more (yawn!) pedestrian/predictable main characters........................(Macho stereotypes, ahoy!)

It was often this type of magic that turned the tide of difficult battles or finished off a particularly annoying monster....

Quistis, especially, was criminally underused (my 2 gil)

...and like some previous posters, I'm really looking forward to using it with BST.
#15 Sep 18 2005 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
745 posts
I agree with you in that Blue Mage was never a particular favorite of mine either. Honestly, I don't know how good it was because it never really interested me.

But we don't know how BLU will be set-up in FFXI. We don't know how the attacks are going to rate against the mobs, if they will use MP or items, or how the abilities will actually be obtained. These answers may sound simple enough, but so many things have to be tweaked for FFXI.

For example, most of the mobs are recycled through-out the game. Does this mean by the time you hit 30 you will have almost every ability? Will the mob have to hit you in order for you to learn an ability? If so, I guess will start seeing something along the same lines as skill-up parties designed to help BLUs get their abilities. Will the abilities have level restrictions? Will they come from scrolls? Will there be special NMs and BCNMs just for unlocking more BLU abilities?

All of these questions make a difference in how things play out. Maybe BLU abilities will be like the Spirit Pacts for SMN: learnable from level 1 but somewhat difficult to obtain. But if you do just have to get hit by the mobs attack, it won't be much of a challenge for BLUs to get their abilties. Most mobs get off at least one TP ability per fight in an EXP pt, and a lot of those are AoE or directional based.

>.> I didn't really make a point <.<... Just curious as to how its gonna play out.

[EDIT: And didn't SE say the new job was going to be unlike any other in that interview? Do you think this is what they were talking about, or do you think there is another job announcement coming up?]

Edited, Sun Sep 18 07:13:38 2005 by Azriell
#16 Sep 18 2005 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
147 posts
heh you will see lots of blue mages hunt bombs just trying to learn the "Self destruct"!!

imagine 18 blue mage in alliance self destruct one by one until everything in range die!! {Run Away!!}
#17 Sep 18 2005 at 6:42 AM Rating: Default
212 posts
Wow, addressing an entire message board that you have an account on as "You people" ... classy.

But yeah, I remember Blue Mage. I loved playing this in the linear games because you would collect the magics and that was a challenge.

And please, if you didn't think 1000 needles was a great addition to your team then you need to rethink a few things.

#18 Sep 18 2005 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
257 posts
I never could get gau all the monster attacks...sigh...<rummages thru games to find that game and try again.......>
#19 Sep 18 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
7,094 posts
imbtrthnur wrote:
Blue mage, in every incarnation, has been terrible.

Blue Magic in FF Tactics Advance is the single most overpowered skill in the game. You have an AOE sleep (Night) that hits all your enemies with 95%+ accuracy, which leads to using other "low accuracy" high-damage skills against sleeping enemies with perfect success rate; the 21st century equivalent of Vanish + Doom.

Then you have a status debuff (Bad Breath) that will completely cripple any non-boss in the game, and even land 1-2 status effects on bosses.

I could go on about White Wind, Twister, Matra Magic, or Angel Whisper, but honestly, the two spells I already listed make the entire game a cakewalk.
Terraxia - RNG/COR/THF - Midgardsormr/Quetzalcoatl (boxed)
Viper Beam - ARC/CRP - Fabul
#20 Sep 18 2005 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
641 posts
I didn't like Blue Mages. However, Gun Mages in FFX-2 were awesome.
#21 Sep 18 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
193 posts
Strago...Gau...Quina...Quistis...Enemy Skill Materia...

Gau is not a Blue Mage. Gau never had MP when he joined you. His Rage ability made him become a monster basically. For example, if you used GT Behemoth as a monster, you would recive the same traits as GT Behemoth including spells that it would cast. Also, if the monster was undead, Gau would have the "undead" trait on himself (though not Zombie status, that is totally different), therfore, if you cured him, he would get hurt. Othe traits as Auto-Regen, Auto-Haste, Auto-Shell, etc. would also become into affect when you selected to "play" as the monster Gau will become (Like Templar had Auto-Safe). Strago is a Blumage beacuse his spells actually cost MP and you would have to have Strago expsed to the spell in a fight unlike Gau who HAS to go to the Vedlt and Leap into the monsters in a fight for him to learn those monsters.
#22 Sep 18 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Because they were a mage... does not mean they have to use MP.

Blue Mages are like FFVIII, where they can store items, or merely learn them.
#23 Sep 18 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
1,387 posts
I loooooved Blue Mage in FFV. Blowfish? Aqua Rake? L2 Old?

Come on, L2 Old was just hilarious.
#24 Sep 18 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
193 posts
Because they were a mage... does not mean they have to use MP.

Blue Mages are like FFVIII, where they can store items, or merely learn them.

True, true. FFVIII had that system going, which I thought it was ok. Though, it would be funny to see a Draw system in this game. I can proably see it for a Geomancer having to use Draw to summon up and store some specific energy for each area he/she was in in order to use Terrian or whatnot.
#25 Sep 18 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
109 posts
I've posted this before but I feal like posting it here too.


-DRG readies Bomb toss
-DRG uses bomb toss
-Wyvern falls to the ground.
-DRG: SH*T!!!

I plan to go to the dunes and do this if possible ^^
Just to make people laugh

btw Throat Slash (that is the enm move right) seems like it would be godly.

Edited, Sun Sep 18 10:44:15 2005 by Sephxx
#26 Sep 18 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
2,405 posts
Kirby is the best Blue Mage there is.

Edited, Sun Sep 18 10:58:19 2005 by Quinsisdos
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