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FFX-2 Quick RantFollow

#1 Jan 01 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Default
I'd like to begin by apologizing for posting a rant on a game other than FFXI, but there is no Allakhazam's FFX-2 and I felt I had to warn those who might consider wasting their time, money, and energy on the worst Final Fantasy ever.

FFX-2 was the most dissapointing game I ever attempted to play. Why? Because FFX-2 is the sequel to an amazing storlyine, yet it boasts no hint of a storyline itself. I only played 10 hours (I could not stand to play a second longer), but from the moment I started, I did not enjoy one story element. I felt like I was playing a child's video game based very much on Charlie's Angels. The three main characters are ditsy, slutty, morronic, annoying, and extremely shallow. The storyline is not even slow, its nonexistant. I truly don't know where the game was going.

Worst of all, the powerful character of Yuna created in FFX was made into a mockery in this game. I will use the moment that made me quit FFX-2 as an example of Squarenix's failure to reproduce her character: Yuna has a problem where she has to choose between two evils (don't believe that this is a story element, it isnt. Both choices are equally as stupid, but for reasons that should not concern her). She decides that the best answer is to sing and dance in slutty clothing for the rest of her perverted crew on top of their airship. What!?!?!?! WHAT WAS SQUARESOFT THINKING?!?!?!?! I would have said "*Spoiler*" before this paragraph, but why? THERE IS NO STORYLINE! FFX-2 does not warrant any warnings of spoilers since there really is nothing to be spoiled.

Final Fantasy X is undoubtedly the best Final Fantasy since FFVII. In my opinion, the storyline might make it better than FFVII. However, the sequel FFX-2 is a mockery to FFX, Final Fantasies, and Squaresoft. I pray... PRAY that Enix is simply ******** up Squaresoft's perfect Final Fantasy series and Squaresoft will soon boot Enix.

Do not even consider playing FFX-2.
#2 Jan 01 2004 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
I'm glad I'm addicted to FFXI, cause I might have wasted my money if I weren't =P
#3 Jan 01 2004 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
I played through and finished FFX2 and thoroughly enjoyed the game. It's a much more lighthearted take on the genre (with the exception of late-game plot developments: welcome to Final Fantasy games, though :P) and I thought it had an exceptionally fun battle system. It's similar enough to create nostalgia, but I never felt like I was replaying FFX. Some of the sidequests are pretty stupid, and I could have done without the majority of the Charlie's Angels X 8 year old girls playing superhero routine, but that's no reason to crucify the game.

One more thing: I think it's rather presumptious to assume that your opinion is the only reasonable conclusion. I love FFX to death, but I consider FFIX to be just as strong in nearly all regards. I know a number of people who loved FFX2 as much as I did, the only requisite being that you don't enter into the X2 experience EXPECTING a carbon copy of FFX. If you can stomach the girlie-girl stuff (no offense to females reading this) then there's a very rewarding play and story experience to be had. In my opinion, of course.
#4 Jan 01 2004 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
It definitly appeals to a girl audience...i dont like the "Charlie's Angels" theme either. I too was disappointed
#5 Jan 01 2004 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
I can't say that this game was an absolute bomb, but I did lose interest rather quickly. Only got to about lvl 37 in chapter 3, then I became bored because of the absence of a strong storyline. I did like the innovative battle system, though. I have to say that it was the highlight of the game. But, lucky for me, I didn't waste money because I just borrowed it from a friend. By the way, isanyone here willing to give me a summary of the ending? I really don't have the testicular fortitude to play through anymore out of sheer boredom, but I would still like to know what happens. It would have made a really cool movie. But after that last movie, I'm not sure if they should ever make another FF movie.
#6 Jan 01 2004 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
This game is great, but I've been too caught up with FFXI, along with everyone else. The reason this game is bombing in all honesty is because FFXI is overshadowing it, more people wanna go out and lvl up their characters than to sit down and play FFX-2. But the cool thing is, is FFX-2 has MAD replay value, you have to replay it like 2 or 3 times to get a perfect ending! It even has New Game + mode, who can pass up that!?
#7 Jan 01 2004 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
Haha....I completely agree with you, Canitrius. I never played FFX-2 but looking at pictures was enough to convince me never to play it. They completely ruined Yuna--she was the only truly non-**** in FFX and then they had to make even her a little ditsy object. Can they get anymore sexist and obnoxious? Give me a break. Rock on, Canitrius.
#8 Jan 02 2004 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
Now that there is a thread ranting about thid game, I might ad well join in because I have had a few thnigs to say about this for a LONG time:

First, I absolutly must express my outrage at the "outfits" Yuna, and especially "clown whor3" Rikku, wear. I know it sounds tripe, but it does nothing other then promote the image of women as eye candy. Canti's post re-affirms this ("The three main characters are ditsy, slutty, morronic, annoying, and extremely shallow.")

In addition I fully hope, along with Canti, that Enix has poisoned Squaresoft. If that's the case I have no idea why Square sold out into this merger.

/rant off
#9 Jan 02 2004 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
227 posts
I never played FFX-2

That should tell you all you need to know on how much your opinion on the matter is worth.

For the record: dressing in skimpy outfits does not make you 'slutty'. Having casual sex with many partners makes you slutty. And there is nothing even close to that in this game.

As far as the girls being ditzy: yes, there are times where they are ditzy. There are also times where they are charming, smart, funny, witty, shy, naive, etc etc etc. They are not always one thing. Kinda like real life, eh?

Here's my take: FFX had an awful storyline (in my opinion of course), and I disliked many of the character traits I saw. But I played and enjoyed the game to the end, because it was still a fun and engaging game. FFX-2 is much the same way for me. The storyline is greatly lacking, and they took away many elements that I loved about FFX and other FFs, but I believe that, if given a chance, any FF fan can play and enjoy this game to the end, even if they don't love every aspect of it.
#10 Jan 02 2004 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
I hated the whole charlies angels aspect of the game, but other than that... I thought it's a great game. Been playing it for about 30hrs now I think. Don't look at is as a "sequal" but more like an "additional story". Like seriously, without givng any spoilers,... how were they meant to expand on a storyline after an ending like that. Though I might eat my words later on in the game :/
#11 Jan 02 2004 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
I got FFX2 for christmas ( early gift ) and from the moment I began playing it I seriuosly disliked it. This was the only FF game I have played ( FFXI ) and I was hoping to find FFX2 to be as great, if not better, than FFXI. I was very wrong. Im a girl and I could not stand the way the three girls acted and I could deal with their clothes which I found cute but a little reveling. But there was no story and thats what I wanted from the game. I wouldnt recomend this to anyone thats looking for a good storyline. But, if you are more into the fighting and things like that then I would say you might like this. Anyways I hope those of you that didnt like it much find the re-birth of hope in the FF series in the next FF or and older one. And those of you that like all of them I hope for you to continue liking/loving the series.
#12 Jan 02 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
Yeah I see you point... they are played alittle too "ditsy" but if you had played FFX, you would have known that well Yuna was really restrained in her emotions, that is why in this one she's more open with her emotions because of the whole, no need to worry about Sin and the pressures of being a High Summoner.

I dunno the game for me as a guy and how it portrays the females in the game, I really don't take that much notice. Most FF players that have played all the other games don't really play for the sex appeal of the characters... though I know some girls that think Squal/Tidus were "hot", for the players it's more about the storyline and the leveling up than how the characters look and act. There's also people out there that play FF games alot that hate characters that are ditsy or just plan stupid.

Play the game for what it is, not what you wanted it to be :)
#13 Jan 02 2004 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
255 posts
I know this is a tad off topic, but I hope they haven't totally effed up the FFVII-2 movie coming out next year. If it's anything like this monstrocity, I'm going to kill someone (FF7 is my FAVORITE Final Fantasy).
#14 Jan 02 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
638 posts
have you noticed sionce squaresoft wen square-enix (apart from FFXI) most of there games have been really unsuccesful *cough* unlimited saga*cough*
#15 Jan 02 2004 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
unlimited saga and ffx-2 I'm pretty sure were in development before the merge and wouldn't have been effected by the merge.
#16 Jan 02 2004 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
I will admit, there appears to be barely a storyline for the game, but you definitely did not play long enough.

In reality the story is actually well done. It may seem scarce and brief, but keep in mind the story doesn't actually revolve around Yuna in this game. We all know it starts out in her quest to find someone, but this opens a can of worms, just like how Tidus' quest started.

Yuna's little dance or whatever you called it has a deep meaning to the rest of the game, as does the Songstress Dress Sphere. Later on in the game, since this isn't really a spoiler, there's another scene where she sings, and if you did any research on the game before playing or if you saw a video preview you've probably already heard of the song, 1000 Words. The song in English is IMHO amazing, and the video was equally incredible. Kudos to Jade, the artist, and Squaresoft-Enix for that.

Yes, pretty much all the story you will see in the game is at the beginning and whenever you go to a hotspot, but remember this story doesn't revolve around Yuna. If you DO want more Yuna action, that's when you explore the rest of Spira between chapters.

Collecting the Crimson Spheres is also vital to unlocking the mysteries in the story. Also, the choice that Yuna had to make about which group to side with has an effect on your game. Not only will it affect future events, but the completion percentage you see whenever you save the game. The game has three endings, and in order to get the best one you have to pick the right group.

You will probably be playing this game through several times unless you follow a walkthrough, and even then you must complete the game at least twice before you can get all of the items. The group you pick at the beginning has that much of an impact on the rest of the game, where you will be locked out of some events and yet opened to others.

At least see the game through once, and if you still don't like it, well, I can't help you much with that, but I hope you'll give it a try.

And my two cents about the Charlie's Angels thing... I didn't mind Yuna EXCEPT when she imitated Rikku, I didn't mind Rikku because she was being the natural ditz that we've all grown to love :P, and I thought Paine was great EXCEPT when she was acting way too girly (doing weak little high-5's with the girls for example). Now Brother... that is the MOST annoying character ever. He's ugly, he's annoying, his voice is awful, he needs way more clothes... ugh...
#17 Jan 02 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
Don't remind me... Brother... OMG... aaaah -- he's so damn annoying. Yeah I agree with the ditz that is Rikku, but I get the feeling that she isn't as energetic as she was in FFX. Paine creeped me out... on one hand you thought she was this hardcore goth chick, and then she does this pansy teeny-bopper type attitude change. Scary!

Bad thing about this is that I have the US version here in AU, and well the machine I was using to play it was a friends, now I have to get my machine modded to play overseas games. It's better that way anyhow since games are cheaper bought from the states... we pay like an extra $10-15US per game in some situations :(
#18 Jan 02 2004 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
Well Rikku seems to whine a lot more than I remember in FFX. I know in X-2 she keeps saying, "Uh oh," "Can we get out of here?" "I don't like this..." "Snakes? SNAKES!!!" (which was so funny the first time you hear it)...

Paine never scared me, she always struck me as cool and confident, and yet you still knew she was a woman. Just when she was doing those cheerleader jumps and high-5's that you start to see her image go straight down the drain.

Oh, and all of my friends are so annoyed by the way Paine stands in a battle in her Warrior Dress Sphere. "WTH is her back to the monsters? Is she retarded?" They do have a point...
#19 Jan 02 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
Yeah that was another thing that bugged me, but not to the extent of saying that it ruined the feel of the game, it was just another stance. One thing that did bug me abit... the monsters are just too damn easy in the start (20%) dunno if they get harder or no, I hope they do.
#20 Jan 02 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
298 posts
It would have made a really cool movie. But after that last movie, I'm not sure if they should ever make another FF movie.

There actually is another FF movie comming out. Not 100% sure if it will be in America yet, but I hope so.
#21 Jan 02 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
I hope Advent Children ends a heck of a lot better than that Final Fantasy: Spirits Within movie. No surprise that movie bombed since you never wanted to see it more than once.
#22 Jan 02 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
I rented X-2 for poops and giggles... I felt like I was turning gay. When I went back to blockbuster I could only conclude that the only gayer thing i could have rented was the Britney Spears game. Perhaps with this line of logic Grand Theft Auto should put in a sub game of Dance Dance Revolution just to turn it's fans off or give them something to laugh at.
#23 Jan 02 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
511 posts
Loved FFX....spectral keeper was tough....
FFXI-ah...IS...THERE...ANOTHER...GAME....I'm too addicted to care.
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