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What's the Status of the Allakhazam forum-born guilds?Follow

#1 Jun 12 2016 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Lunar Mutant Rights Now --this was a fun side project on Cazic Thule server a couple of years back in which a bunch of us era-locked ourselves in Luclin. #'s were quite strong levels 1-15 and petered out about 55 where we had a consistent core group and a bit, but not enough fire power to keep progressing. My druid "Denth" is still there, but I haven't done any real playing there in some time. I think KC13 still has some characters he does some questing/levelling on now and then. On occasion I debate leaving the moon and taking that druid into the current game.

Aude Sapere --On Povar server, I joined this one very late in its history. The guild roster is a timecapsule of active posters from the early to mid years of Allakhazam. Jonwin and Alwayslost were playing there, not sure the last few years though. I think I have one lone rogue in that guild as one of my few characters on that server. One of my favourite experiences in that guild was kiting a very big add situation in Icefall while Jonwin, Alwayslost and my pet chewed them down one at a time... and no one died.

There was at least one other one with "no fifth star" or such as the name. Can anyone fill in the blanks (better stories, more guilds, etc.) ?
#2 Jun 12 2016 at 7:05 PM Rating: Excellent
75 posts
There was "Followers of the Stars" on Firiona Vie back in 2001 or 2002. It was made up mostly of Asylum posters. We raided higher level stuff from the beginning, it was a blast. I remember having 20ish people attacking a hill giant in East Karana in our 20's or maybe teens, and raiding the spider queen in crystal caverns. We tried to do stuff like that a lot. Smasharoo was the guild leader, and his blunt posting style didn't quite fit in with the hugbox that was the Firiona Vie server messageboard. I believe he was banned from that board pretty quickly.

As we got higher levels the usual guild drama erupted, and spilled into the zam forum. You might can find the old posts in there if you go back far enough. Tacosid and Patrician seemed to have a big feud going.

Good times.
#3 Jun 13 2016 at 6:26 AM Rating: Excellent
756 posts
Yes, I do still play my Lunar Mutant Rights Now chars occasionally. My Bard is 70, which is where I usually lose interest in chars. I also have Vah Shir chars of every class on the server as well. I had to create them to do the Vah Shir progression quests to work on getting the Officer`s Cloak of Service. Still working on that one as it can get very boring given the scarcity of drops and with nobody else hunting in the zone Hollowshade Moor you have to kill everything yourself to generate enough respawns. Tedious!
#4 Jun 13 2016 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
3,166 posts
Followers of the Stars did indeed implode - or rather was nuked by the leader over some issue which I think had to do with a Vox raid. I wasn't there that time.

The bewildered remains rapidly reformed into "Shards of Chaos" which went on fairly well from there until it ran out of steam during the early PoP era. I remember scouting PoN for targets and then being unable to muster force to take them. The core players that formed it knew the existing content through to Velious and some Luclin very well. Once we got onto stuff that was completely new the momentum faltered.

Usual problems for a casual raiding guild, some people wanted hardcore and left to raid more than once a week, some people had RL and just left. Inevitably with a good scattering of forum hardcases there was drama. There were also some very good times and a lot of fun.

In the end there were about 5 of us in the Shadowhaven bank where we split the guild bank (in an alt in those days) and went our separate ways.

Quite a few had gone to FN where after rigorous testing I was allowed to follow.Smiley: smile

I was peripherally involved with Aude Sapere on Morden Rasp (as it was then). I had a guild which was allied to them and I did group a bit with some of them. I remember a large explosion when one of them reported a duping bug and promptly got barred for trying to be helpful.

The problem (for me) with both was to some extent the transatlantic timezones. To have an event on a Sunday afternoon for the East Coast meant it was the evening for Europe and breakfast for the West Coast.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#5 Jun 13 2016 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Aude Sapere had a pretty good run. We did some Followers of Stars style hijinks (raiding the Ry'Gorr fort with a bunch of level 12-18 characters, etc) and got up into the 65ish range but, by that time, we were down to an inconvenient number of regulars which led to sour feelings when people were excluded from the grouping content or else the awkward solutions like two groups of four players. We did lose a couple players to the duping exploit but that wasn't a major factor.

Lunar Mutants was fun and we accomplished what we set out to do: level up exclusively on Luclin and see what there was to see. Aside from Luclin era end-game raid content -- we weren't about to take on Vex Thall with eight of us -- we hit all the places and saw the sights. In some ways it was probably more challenging than expected since there was superior gear in previous expansions we weren't using since all our stuff was Luclin exclusive. We eventually hit the wall on stuff to reasonably do in Luclin and although some people moved on to other content (we played in Ykesha a bit), it wound down from there.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#6 Jun 16 2016 at 9:59 PM Rating: Excellent
1,166 posts
I enjoyed both Aude Sapere and Lunar Mutants.
That said I would still log into either of those toons to play if any one made it a planned get together type of event, maybe a day or two a week or the odd weekend...Again I have always enjoyed those two guilds.
Currently My FV sk is max level/aa ...and frustrated for lack of time to raid, lol.
Some things never change ;-)

After the edit:
I just logged into Cazic Thule to be hit by a small nostalgia-bomb...(Mutants)Trinmer 63 cleric, Yurta 64 sk and Herren 65 ranger all in Barren Coast and in gear that we only looted as a guild or made.

I see Mystro logged in a couple days ago, Vhrae a couple months ago and Lemony in January.
Hmm, I had forgotten we were all senior officers, lol.

I only have one toon on Povar, that is where I moved my toon from to FV. Anyway Keksh is a 68 kitty-shaman. (Not in A.S. it appears.)

Still more nostalgia, I still have some low level toons on Antonious Bayle, my very first server. Although nothing higher that low forties. Birthdates in 2003/2004.

My travels went AB>Morden Rasp>Povar>FV.
Thank you for this thread and the memories it stirred!

Edited, Jun 16th 2016 9:33pm by alwayslost
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#8 Jun 17 2016 at 12:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Jonwin is in Unholy Czars and a RL friend of mine. (We both work on staff for Balticon-check it out.)

Don't you have a toon in UC too?

Lee of Povar/Quellious
Leader of Unholy Czars
Fight smarter not harder.
#9 Jun 17 2016 at 3:36 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
UnholyCzars wrote:
Jonwin is in Unholy Czars and a RL friend of mine. (We both work on staff for Balticon-check it out.)

Don't you have a toon in UC too?

Lee of Povar/Quellious
Leader of Unholy Czars

I do! A chanter that I think is languishing somewhere between 56-66. I can't even remember the character's name, but I appreciate (as an on-again, off-again player) is that UC is cool with that and doesn't unguild me if I am away for a time (present culture in some Phinegel guilds is two weeks absent = booted).

Should I feel inclined to play a chanter again, I expect that is the one I would push.
#10 Jun 17 2016 at 7:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,166 posts
Jonwin is in Unholy Czars and a RL friend of mine. (We both work on staff for Balticon-check it out.)

Don't you have a toon in UC too?

I don't have a toon in that guild, which server?

Last I remember Jon was a tour staff on a historical ship. Not to say he still is lol.

It's weird, I have never met him irl, but consider him a rl friend, as well as Snail, KC, Patrician and...silly I guess. haha!
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#11 Jun 17 2016 at 9:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Jonwin, RL name, Paul, got laid off from his beloved job as a tour guide because of age discrimination and a pathetic, corrupt boss. He's still upset and not found any work yet. He's 62.
This economy is so awful. I am tempted to call the Historical Ventures and tell them we want to book an overnight for 60 Scouts but we want him as our guide. Then, hang up when they say he's not there anymore. Because, yeah, I'm evil.

Lee of Povar
(I play wizards and enchanters mostly.)
Fight smarter not harder.
#12 Jun 17 2016 at 9:51 PM Rating: Excellent
We had a busy night tonight. Stop in anytime. Snail.


Edited, Jun 17th 2016 11:53pm by UnholyCzars

Edited, Jun 17th 2016 11:59pm by UnholyCzars
Fight smarter not harder.
#13 Jun 21 2016 at 6:01 AM Rating: Excellent
3,032 posts
UnholyCzars wrote:
Jonwin, RL name, Paul, got laid off from his beloved job as a tour guide because of age discrimination and a pathetic, corrupt boss. He's still upset and not found any work yet. He's 62.
This economy is so awful. I am tempted to call the Historical Ventures and tell them we want to book an overnight for 60 Scouts but we want him as our guide. Then, hang up when they say he's not there anymore. Because, yeah, I'm evil.

Lee of Povar
(I play wizards and enchanters mostly.)

I don't get it... our President says the economy's doing great! Smiley: oyvey
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#14 Jun 21 2016 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
Sippin wrote:
UnholyCzars wrote:
Jonwin, RL name, Paul, got laid off from his beloved job as a tour guide because of age discrimination and a pathetic, corrupt boss. He's still upset and not found any work yet. He's 62.
This economy is so awful. I am tempted to call the Historical Ventures and tell them we want to book an overnight for 60 Scouts but we want him as our guide. Then, hang up when they say he's not there anymore. Because, yeah, I'm evil.

Lee of Povar
(I play wizards and enchanters mostly.)

I don't get it... our President says the economy's doing great! Smiley: oyvey

This is how you spent your 2,000th post :(

You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#15 Jun 22 2016 at 5:58 AM Rating: Excellent
3,032 posts
That wasn't my 2000th post. It was my 1999th. You can't go by the count displayed since that's the same for every post I ever made.

And now we are debating minutiae. Do you want to discuss how many angels fit on the head of a pin?

THIS is #2000-and-1, btw.

You know one thing that would help EQ-Allakhazam stay alive would be not getting long delays with cryptic "Proxy Error" screens half the time I try to post. It's not very reassuring... Not sure I'll ever get even to 2,500 at this pace...

Edited, Jun 22nd 2016 8:03am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#16 Jun 22 2016 at 3:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,166 posts
Not sure I'll ever get even to 2,500 at this pace...

You have no need to make 2500 posts as everyone of your posts has the content of 10 or 20 of the posters that sport 10, 25 or 50k posts.
Just sayin
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#17 Jun 22 2016 at 5:52 PM Rating: Excellent
3,032 posts

Thanks for the free post count boost, too. LOL
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
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