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Necessary classes for raidsFollow

#52 Oct 03 2015 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
yeah, I dont see any activity past HoT expansion on my server. there are some players bringing up new toons, which they stick to the Hot zones to level up. So..The game pretty much is narrowed down now to Hot, Voa, RoF, Cotf, and TDS. I stay out of HoT and VoA zones unless im power leveling, nothing to gain, and its for players grinding away building alts and boxes.
So much has changed. I remember when merc's first came out, it pissed me off so much. And completely changed the dynamic of the game. I actually quit playing on my current server and went to progression for a while to find that, Nostalgia that gaming experience back when I first hit level 31 and was introduced to lower guk. Zone in was packed with players waiting to get into the various camps, and then players fighting over the Bedroom area all the time debating and arguing whether or not it was classified as a "true camp". I spent a good 3 years soloing that zone and watched it die as more and more players moved more to Sebilis and KC were the hot spots. LOL..It still gives me a good laugh when i think about the level 1 rogues that would come into the zone trying to get the mask before it would rot. most of the time, they died. The point is, that time period is gone. I didn't find that same experience that I thought I would by going to progression. CR's were a big part of the game, and when that was completely taken out, the big penalty for going deep inside sebilis, or the hole, was removed, Which I think is a good thing, eventually I realized each was an improvement. The addition of merc's. And yes even heroic toon's. The downside to the heroic toons is you have many players running around that haven't had the time to understand the building blocks that the class is build on. So many incompetent players are in the game today. But most heroic the majority are players starting a box account. I just think its way to easy leveling now. at least AA's...I remember my first 200 AA's..each one took 40-45 minutes to get. unless you were a druid and could rack it up soloing in Halls of Honor. then it only took 15 minutes to get a full AA..that was unheard of. So yeah, players have it way to easy today. That era is no longer. The game is now focused, 80 percent of the activity is at CoTF and TDS, for both raiders and non-raiders. Its just the way it is. It has improved the game to the point a players doesnt have to spend 8-10 hours a day to farm or level up. Now you can actually balance play time with RL. I love the way the game has developed.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2015 6:43pm by RatheLinden

Edited, Oct 3rd 2015 6:44pm by RatheLinden
#53 Oct 03 2015 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Xanathol wrote:
People say 'to kite' and even that is wrong - 1. that is a BS 'role' and 2. other classes can do it better, such as Paladins, who have a run speed AA that SKs do not. SKs are on raids because of soft reasons - friendships, don't care about min / maxing raids, etc - definitely not because of what the class offers.

Finally. Someone that's not stuck in the 1800's as far as game play is concerned. Ok I will stay this. Now that SK's have a Divine hammer of their own, they can take ramp now, which usually, for us, is delegated to a Paladin. I always thought that was such a waste of utility on the raid level. A paladin stuck on ramp, is generally limited in scope of options and tethered to one spot, I guess on Vitio one off, that is ok, since that is a straight melee encounter with no OT assignments and healing isnt an issue. But on Tita's Ghost, Offtanking and healing is big. so removing a Paladin from an OT assignment does more then just that. If always removes him from Splashing and healing. Having an SK assume the Ramp role, free's up a paladin to focus on Splashes, heals, offtanking, What you say about SK's, Xanathol, is exactly how it is. No one says anything about them or complains, because they of the bonds of friendship, etc. We have had a couple SK's make heroic and level different toons, of their own doing because they want to bring something to the raid. We have 1-2 Sk's on a raid. 4-5 paladins every night, 5-6 warriors for rotations. and thats pretty much our offtank and MT rotation.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2015 11:08pm by RatheLinden
#54 Oct 04 2015 at 3:40 AM Rating: Default
45 posts
gbaji wrote:

Paladins have the lowest dps of all melee classes in the game. Period. End of story.
Edited, Oct 1st 2015 4:35pm by gbaji not end of story. Were gonna talk about that, because its utter and complete non-sense. Again, go spend time playing the game.

/GU Guard Vraymon in 270s, 209539k @776069 / #11 Linden 8257k@(30811 in 268s) [3.94%] Live mob.
/GU A keeper of the flame in 41s, 28004k @683020 / #2 Linden 2480k@(63586 in 39s) [8.86%] Live
/GU A xulous scout in 14s, 1402k @100114 / #1 Linden 917k@(83337 in 11s) [65.4%] Live

/GU Una Lucem in 94s, 15933k @169500 / Linden 5503k@(58541 in 94s) [34.54%] / Monk 4531k@(63811 in 71s) [28.44%] / Rogue 2534k@(32912 in 77s) [15.91%] / ***** (Linden's Merc) 1734k@(20168 in 86s) [10.89%] /Shadow Knight 1549k@(17401 in 89s) [9.72%] / SK pet 82k@(1083 in 76s) [0.52%] Live

Paladin -vs- Una Lucem: -- DMG: 5502808 -- DPS: 58541 -- Scaled: 58541 -- Slash: 4279543 -- DirDmg: 1152340 -- Environmental: 35881 -- Bash: 35044 -- % dmg as normal: 34.5% -- % dmg as critical: 65.5% -- Non-crit rate: 77.5% -- crit rate: 22.5% -- Attempts: 634 -- Hits: 511 -- Missed: 120 -- Defended: 3 -- Accuracy: 81% -- Avg Hit: 10768 -- Max hit: 100137 -- DMG to PC: 767274 (tanking/healing and DPS #1 in all three areas) live

Shadow Kite -vs- Una Lucem: -- DMG: 1548683 -- DPS: 17401 -- Scaled: 16475 -- Slash: 1092234 -- DirDmg: 289468 -- DoT: 147847 -- Bash: 19134 -- % dmg as normal: 70.1% -- % dmg as critical: 29.9% -- Non-crit rate: 82.4% -- crit rate: 17.6% -- Attempts: 282 -- Hits: 238 -- Missed: 43 -- Defended: 1 -- Accuracy: 84.7% -- Avg Hit: 6507 -- Max hit: 79201 -- DMG to PC: 0

/GU Captain Kanteer in 158s, 227196k @1437950 / #5 Paladin 12677k@(103911 in 122s) [5.58%] Raid dps #5 (undead)

Linden -vs- Captain Kanteer: -- DMG: 12677165 -- DPS: 103911 -- Scaled: 80235 -- Slash: 6844677 -- Slay: 4736085 -- DirDmg: 1062078 -- Bash: 34325 -- % dmg as normal: 50.5% -- % dmg as critical: 49.5% -- Non-crit rate: 59.5% -- crit rate: 40.5% -- Attempts: 294 -- Hits: 294 -- Accuracy: 100% -- Avg Hit: 43119 -- Max hit: 589382 -- DMG to PC: 0 (undead)

"I just made the top 10 DPS parse on a raid tonight"..Said no Shadow Kite ever!

I'm sorry what were you saying about Paladin dps?

Edited, Oct 4th 2015 5:44am by RatheLinden
#55 Oct 04 2015 at 3:41 AM Rating: Default
45 posts
gbaji wrote:

Paladins have the lowest dps of all melee classes in the game. Period. End of story.
Edited, Oct 1st 2015 4:35pm by gbaji not end of story. Were gonna talk about that, because its utter and complete non-sense. Again, go spend time playing the game.

/GU Guard Vraymon in 270s, 209539k @776069 / #11 Linden 8257k@(30811 in 268s) [3.94%] Live mob.
/GU A keeper of the flame in 41s, 28004k @683020 / #2 Linden 2480k@(63586 in 39s) [8.86%] Live
/GU A xulous scout in 14s, 1402k @100114 / #1 Linden 917k@(83337 in 11s) [65.4%] Live

/GU Una Lucem in 94s, 15933k @169500 / Linden 5503k@(58541 in 94s) [34.54%] / Monk 4531k@(63811 in 71s) [28.44%] / Rogue 2534k@(32912 in 77s) [15.91%] / ***** (Linden's Merc) 1734k@(20168 in 86s) [10.89%] /Shadow Knight 1549k@(17401 in 89s) [9.72%] / SK pet 82k@(1083 in 76s) [0.52%] Live

Paladin -vs- Una Lucem: -- DMG: 5502808 -- DPS: 58541 -- Scaled: 58541 -- Slash: 4279543 -- DirDmg: 1152340 -- Environmental: 35881 -- Bash: 35044 -- % dmg as normal: 34.5% -- % dmg as critical: 65.5% -- Non-crit rate: 77.5% -- crit rate: 22.5% -- Attempts: 634 -- Hits: 511 -- Missed: 120 -- Defended: 3 -- Accuracy: 81% -- Avg Hit: 10768 -- Max hit: 100137 -- DMG to PC: 767274 (tanking/healing and DPS #1 in all three areas) live

Shadow Kite -vs- Una Lucem: -- DMG: 1548683 -- DPS: 17401 -- Scaled: 16475 -- Slash: 1092234 -- DirDmg: 289468 -- DoT: 147847 -- Bash: 19134 -- % dmg as normal: 70.1% -- % dmg as critical: 29.9% -- Non-crit rate: 82.4% -- crit rate: 17.6% -- Attempts: 282 -- Hits: 238 -- Missed: 43 -- Defended: 1 -- Accuracy: 84.7% -- Avg Hit: 6507 -- Max hit: 79201 -- DMG to PC: 0

/GU Captain Kanteer in 158s, 227196k @1437950 / #5 Paladin 12677k@(103911 in 122s) [5.58%] Raid dps #5 (undead)

Linden -vs- Captain Kanteer: -- DMG: 12677165 -- DPS: 103911 -- Scaled: 80235 -- Slash: 6844677 -- Slay: 4736085 -- DirDmg: 1062078 -- Bash: 34325 -- % dmg as normal: 50.5% -- % dmg as critical: 49.5% -- Non-crit rate: 59.5% -- crit rate: 40.5% -- Attempts: 294 -- Hits: 294 -- Accuracy: 100% -- Avg Hit: 43119 -- Max hit: 589382 -- DMG to PC: 0 (undead)

Im sorry what were you saying about Paladin dps?

#56 Oct 04 2015 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
I suppose one way to truly test this is an option we don't have in EQ: class transfers.

If today's current end-game raiding population could class change (even within roles of tank-dps-healer which of course gets messy with what some classes are in EQ, but let's just pretend it's not for the sake of the point) would all the warriors and SK now be paladins?

Or would 1-2 warriors stay warriors and the rest go paladin (assuming a guild still wants warrior main tank and spare)?

Or would the majority of people stay with whatever it was they had played and only a few people would react to expansions/patches to ride the min/max wave?

Being honest... (and not being in today's endgame) I would do class change to one of my oldest characters due to the faction work I have done with it and being tired of the class itself. Odds are I would do that a couple of times before settling on a new class... that's been my pattern with race changes. In some cases changing a race has made me lose interest in the character entirely, but that's another story.
#57 Oct 05 2015 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Linden, those are clearly not apples to apples comparisons. An equally geared/leveled/AAd character of each melee class, given the option to do nothing but maximize the amount of damage they are doing to a mob will always result in the Paladin at the bottom of the list. I obviously don't know the specifics of the situations where those parses you keep tossing out came from, but I suspect they are not typical numbers for the complete set of "paladins" and "other melee characters". Can't be. A simple look at relative weapon availability, applicable skills and abilities, spells, etc, should immediately allow anyone to conclude that, everything else being equal, a paladin will not out damage other classes.

It may very well be that your paladin, in certain situations, with certain other mixes of classes, fighting specific mobs with a specific strategy, may result in you having much higher damage parses than the other characters, but that is absolutely not typical. And I guess that's part of the problem I'm having here. Your claiming to post advice for other paladins, but the advice and example cases you keep using assume that the player in question already has a maxed level/AA character with the best gear possible in the game and thus has nothing better to do with his time than test himself against tough mobs. That's great for you, but it's useless for the other 99.9999% of the players in the game.

I remember when you posted your guide for paladins being somewhat confused because it didn't look like most of your suggestions were very useful. At the time, I wasn't sure why, but now that I know a bit more about your play focus, it makes sense. Again though, the problem is that what you were suggesting and telling other paladins to do, will just get them killed. A lot. Over and over. It's not so much a guide for other paladins then, but you bragging about how uber your character is, in the guise of a guide. And you're frankly doing the same thing here.

I'll say it again: Most players don't play the way you do. Arguing about class balance based on your own capabilities isn't very helpful. I'll also point out that arguing that other players don't know how to play isn't helpful either. You do get that your not really being more skilled. You just have a better geared and AA'd character. Frankly, your spell lineup and strategy is pretty much a simplistic hammer approach. Max out healing, swap out AAs and abilities in the right order. Done. Anyone could do it. Most can't, not because they aren't skilled enough, but because they don't have the same gear as you do. That's great, but that's like saying that because you drive a Lamborghini, you must be a better driver. Um... No. You just drive a better car. Skill is about what you can do with what you have. I'd say someone who can max out kill rate and exp gain rate with medium level gear is just as skilled, and perhaps even more skilled than you are. He's just doing something else.

You say I can't teach you anything about playing a Paladin. How about humility? That might be a great start.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#58 Oct 05 2015 at 11:21 PM Rating: Default
45 posts
Ok. I have tried. You don't understand, and you dont because you do not play the game currently. I do not represent the 99.99 Percent of players in the end game. On my server, 80 percent are in group content, about about 20 percent are raiding end game. So again, your information is obsolete. Most of the players on my server, and I suspect most, in combined servers, have been in the game for 10 plus years, there aren't noobies anymore. You are out of touch with the game and frankly, shouldn't be posting. Its all conjecture and second hand information your basing your posts on. As far bragging goes, DAMN RIGHT, A successful molo in Combine? Hell yes! And there ya go criticizing my spell line up AGAIN, I have 10 different setups saved for specific engagements, different raids, etc. Most players do to. So ill say this, You have no business, telling me or anyone how to play a specific class, or comment on where each one stands in terms of dps, tanking, etc. You don';t play! Have you been in Combine, or Arx, Thuli island? degmar? No, you haven't. But you have the balls to comment on my skill level? That tells me your even more of an idiot then I previously suspected. You ask any player that is currently in the TDS zones if a non-skilled player is capable of Molo a zone like Arx, or Combine? If they are honest they will tell you that not even a highly skilled player, in all raid gear can accomplish that. You wanna talk about humility? Humble yourself and realize you don't know as much as you think you know, and stop posting. Your obsolete.
And please. PLEASE. Do us all a favor. Stop posting unless your in the current expansion. 33k posts in enough, its time to hang up your hat. Maybe at one time, you had something going on in terms of knowledge, but the past is the past. And your stuck in it. Good luck sir.

Ill let you have the last word. I'm done with this thread. Go ahead.

Edited, Oct 6th 2015 1:40am by RatheLinden
#59 Oct 15 2015 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Oh, hell. I was going to just ignore this. But... I'm me. ;)

RatheLinden wrote:
On my server, 80 percent are in group content, about about 20 percent are raiding end game.

So at most, you represent the play style of 20% of those who play the game. In reality, most players who raid aren't at maxed gear/AA though, so you represent a far smaller segment of the playing population.

You are out of touch with the game and frankly, shouldn't be posting.

Except to provide relevant information for the 80% or so who might find what I have to say useful. As opposed to the much smaller percentage who will find your posts to be so.

And there ya go criticizing my spell line up AGAIN, I have 10 different setups saved for specific engagements, different raids, etc.

I'm not criticizing your spell lineup. I'm criticizing *you* for obsessing on one spell lineup for one extremely rare situation and ignoring or dismissing everything else.

Most players do to.

Yeah. Which is why it's not much of an accomplishment merely to have done so. Again, my issue isn't with the line up itself. It's a good line up for what you're doing. The problem is that what you're doing isn't what most players are doing. So it's not super useful for most players. Repeating the same claims about the same line up over and over doesn't change that.

You have no business, telling me or anyone how to play a specific class...

I'm not telling you or anyone else how to play a specific class. You, on the other hand, are. Your entire set of posts basically consists of you insisting that the way you play your character is the best way to play, and everyone should play that way, and anyone who doesn't just isn't skilled, or knowledgeable, or even has any business posting on the subject of that class. Sorry if I find that a bit ridiculous.

or comment on where each one stands in terms of dps, tanking, etc.

My comments on dps and tanking are general comments about the relative strengths of each class, and are pretty universally agreed upon by the players of the game. Do you seriously go to the Daybreak boards and argue that warriors really aren't the best main raid tanks and everyone should switch to paladins instead? Cause I'm pretty sure that must be a riot to watch.

But you have the balls to comment on my skill level?

Sounds like you're being overly defensive. All I said was that what you are accomplishing has more to do with gear than skill, and that skill can be measured in more ways than what you are measuring it by. You're free to be offended, but at the risk of repeating myself, most players measure skill by what you can do with what you have. There's a reason why some players on this board choose to do things like start characters from scratch and restrict themselves to only a subset of expansions and gear. They want to see what they can do without having the best whistles and bells.

Some of us even think that kind of thing is fun. Yes. The horror! Actually playing a game for fun rather than bragging rights. Who could possibly want to do that?

You ask any player that is currently in the TDS zones if a non-skilled player is capable of Molo a zone like Arx, or Combine? If they are honest they will tell you that not even a highly skilled player, in all raid gear can accomplish that.

Which just kinda supports my point about how small a percentage of the EQ player population your posts actually help.

Humble yourself and realize you don't know as much as you think you know, and stop posting.

Yeah. Cause that's going to happen. Smiley: dubious

And please. PLEASE. Do us all a favor. Stop posting unless your in the current expansion.

Um. Sure. I'll take that suggestion from the guy with 42 posts on this forum. Not! Look. I'm sure you're a great guy and all, and we'd love to hear more from you. But maybe the better advice would be you to try to post things that are interesting and informative for other players, rather than just self glorifying stuff?

Maybe you should try playing an alt sometime? Broaden your horizons? Try something different. You might find that there's more to the game you play than what you are currently doing. And you might just find that this provides you with more common ground with other players, and more things to actually engage in discussion about.

Ill let you have the last word. I'm done with this thread. Go ahead.

Yay! I got the LAST word. Go me!

Edited, Oct 15th 2015 2:52pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#60 Oct 15 2015 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,966 posts
While gbaji and I have vastly different view on a whole range of things, I'd have to say that of all the posters here I can't think of one besides him who I have looked for reference threads from or would consider taking advise from concerning Paladins in Everquest.

So believe me, Rathe, that when I say "gbaji is right" on this one how much it pains me to say that.

gbaji wrote:
RatheLinden wrote:
Humble yourself and realize you don't know as much as you think you know, and stop posting.
Yeah. Cause that's going to happen. Smiley: dubious
Funny on so many levels!!!Smiley: lolSmiley: laughSmiley: lolSmiley: laughSmiley: lol

Look, Rathe; you may think gbaji is being a douche, but he's our douche. Take your elitist whining somewhere else. I'm sure the WoW or FF boards will be your friends!

Edited, Oct 16th 2015 1:31am by Bijou
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#61 Oct 16 2015 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
3,024 posts
WOW! A nearly-endless debate about the relative merits of paladin and shadowknights!

I read this in bed at night when I can't get to sleep.

Snoozes me out in seconds.... Smiley: sleeper Smiley: sleeper Smiley: sleeper

Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh Smiley: laugh

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