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DBG working with MQ2Follow

#1 Aug 26 2015 at 7:46 AM Rating: Default
This was a hot topic that was removed from the DBG forums. They didnt want to you to know that they are indeed working with MQ2 folks. They know exactly who use MQ. They have had the ability forever to stop its use but choose not to. EQ is officially an openly hacked MMO. you can use MQ at nearly no risk of being punished. Why? They just want your money and could care less about the integrity of the game.

"EqMule" wrote:
oh wow, haven't seen a thread this active since uh like 2004 :D or something...

Anyway based on feedback here I can see there are some things I need to clarify.

1. I picked 300 cause that's the max range you can cast a spell.
Having said that someone pointed out with extended range gear its actually 360
so fine, I can make it 360

2. This change doesn't have any effect on line of sight targeting, if you have line of sight to the mob or the player you can /target them no matter how far away they are cause that's how the client works, in other words if you can click to target them, you will also be able to /target

I got Sidetracked here: And regards to running paths... If you rely on /target to pull mobs you are doing it wrong.
I don't condone pathing afk but lets just for arguments sake bring it up.
A human not using mq2 would run his path and if a mob exist at the end of it or along it, he will then /target it and pull.
A (a bad) bot /target first and then runs out to it and pulls it.
A good bot does /if (${Spawn[npc loc 123 456 radius 50]>ID}) /call runpath and THEN and only then when its within line of sight it /target it.

3. If you do faction or just have to target across zones, just add them to xtarget and use that as a workaround, that's what people who are not using mq2 do.

4. if you have to do /target /face just do /face id ${Spawn[something].ID} instead... we have to get away from doing /target cause everytime you do it, you spam their server with a target packet, /target is NOT clientside only, and I have seen too many macros since I came back that uses /target in loops to constantly target mobs for checking if a mob is up or tracking and following and so on, and basically those macros send thousands and tens of thousands target packets during run, its just isn't healthy and it is the wrong way of doing it.

to summarize: mq2 will allow /target of out of sight mobs within a 360 radius as well as any range if you have line of sight to it.

Whats the reasoning behind this change?
I am very actively promoting mq2 as a good third party tool to the eq1 team as well as people who don't use mq2.
I'm not "outing" Holly, cause there is nothing to "out" we had a nice civil meeting and she happened to mention this in eq2 General chat the next day, I wouldn't even have known about it unless a eq2 player (Secrets xo) had sent me the screenshots... But anyway here they are and it should add some credibility to what I'm about to explain next regarding the /target "nerf"

The MAIN reason for that meeting (which I initiated and Holly was nice to grant) was to discuss what I can do to disable mq2 on the upcoming no box ruleset server but we also talked about mq2 features and one of the things brought up at that meeting (as a "not so awesome" feature) when I was giving the presentation on mq2 was the fact that it can target across zones. (Another was mobs on the map)
Now I cant put the cat back in the bag when it comes to the map, it is what it is and doing so would be unreasonable at best and cause a fork at worst... BUT I can very easily restrict target range.

This change is relatively easy to circumvent as someone already pointed out in the thread, but of course I discourage you guys from doing that, I'm making this change to protect you, but if you revert it, don't blame me if you get banned.

Anyway this is open source so if you decide to revert the change when it goes live just take into account that I'm doing what I feel is good for mq2 in the long run and I need this as one more good argument that we are doing stuff to prevent "active hacks", abuse and unattended gameplay using mq2...

The eq1 team know exactly who is using mq2 when they play, they have been for years, but they don't ban for it as long as its ATTENDED.
At THIS point in time no one gets banned for just using mq2 (core) while ATTENDING, I don't want that to change, and I don't want a ring 0 war to defeat detection...

I suggest you see how much this change impacts you in practice before you make any rash decisions.

#2 Aug 26 2015 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
599 posts
MQ is a new version of ShowEQ? More background on what this is all about would be helpful.
#3 Aug 26 2015 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Hacking program.

Account is banned if caught.
#4 Aug 27 2015 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
First part correct
second part absolutely false. wrong wrong wrong. There are entire teams/guilds of folks running this program with zero repercussions after multiple reports.
The OP is correct, they unofficially allow this program especially on the TLP server. Hey, $15/month is $15 a month , who cares about integrity

Edited, Aug 27th 2015 3:43pm by corazondesol
#5 Aug 28 2015 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default

Hey MMObug folks read these forums too =)

I find it very funny that DBG still is playing the hush hush game about MQ. I think they have nearly all out banned me from their forums with IP bans and such. but they absolutely do not like people telling them the truth about hacking in EQ. My guess is ZAM doesnt care either way..

DBG, Sitting there deleting and banning people calling your butts out just makes you look even worse. I just dont get it. Why even pretend anymore that the game is not riddled with MQ.

I think its time they make a freaking statement on their stance with MQ. Like they did with EQemu which i was banned for talking about that too but now its ok...

If they dont want MQ in the game then do something about it. If they just want to make money regardless than say so. Dont sit there saying we dont allow MQ or talking about MQ but we will gladly take your money. Or what its sort of gone to, people buying krono and people using MQ buy the krono with PP and play for free.

I think its also time for people to stop talking about their accomplishments in EQ. No one has any real accomplishments. Raiding/grouping whatever. with MQ everything is a joke and 1 person with enough hardware and willingness could box all of the raids in the game. All this, we beat this, we beat that... Shut the front door!!.... as Obama would say "you didn't beat that, MQ beat that for you"
#6 Aug 28 2015 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
#7 Aug 28 2015 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
#8 Aug 28 2015 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
This thread seems like a one-man-on-a-soapbox waving the "prepare to meet thy doom" sign. You're garnering rate downs but almost no responses.

I don't know if your claims have merit or not, but you could be correct. I will rate you back up, but if the thread goes sub-default then the community has spoken (without necessarily posting).

I think if your links had a brief 1-2 sentence summary saying what the link is about (you did this in the long post but not the 6-7 links since then) this might garner more questions/discussion. I'm not really interested in reading mega-posted forum threads that aren't from here. A lot of us use Zam for that reason (vs. 10 pages official board threads that say nothing... granted WoW is far worse for that than EQ).

Other games allow all sorts of third-party addons as long as they play nice. It seems like MQ2 (or whatever it is called) is skirting that line but Daybreak is trying to not just break everything. I would surmise they don't really want to dedicate resources to it if they can just convince the third-party to keep their program reasonable. I would also assume that we (the public) are going to know very little of such behind the scenes things.
#9 Aug 28 2015 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
I know for a fact on Bristlebane, none of the top raiding guilds use it, nor do the top groupers.

In Ring of Valor we remove them from guild if caught. One happened last year actually, the guy was kicked once logs were reviewed and we saw where he typed in an MQ command on a raid.

I"m sure some use it, but they keep a very low profile.
#10 Aug 31 2015 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
3,024 posts
ElricVon wrote:
I know for a fact on Bristlebane, none of the top raiding guilds use it, nor do the top groupers.

With all due respect I doubt you can back up this statement. How COULD you KNOW? It's like say none of my neighbors on my street cheat on their wives. Obviously if they do they're not advertising it and they make a point of doing it secretly.

Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#11 Aug 31 2015 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Point blank, if caught your name is blacklisted by every raiding guild on the server, along with the top grouping guilds.

Folks can name change, but either I or another officer knows someone in every major raiding guild in game. Folks background is ALWAYS checked out, it's just due diligence.

Namechange does work, but it's obvious to everyone that you name changed. Why?

On this thread, I"ve seen a lackadaisical attitude towards using MQ. On Bristlebane, it is the exact opposite.

Edited, Aug 31st 2015 9:59pm by ElricVon
#12 Sep 01 2015 at 6:25 AM Rating: Excellent
3,024 posts
In theory, if a MQ-cheater is caught by EQ, they're banned from the game. That's a far harsher penalty than being banned from guilds. But players still cheat. I stand behind my statement. You can't possibly KNOW that nobody in the top guilds or "top groupers" (whatever that means Smiley: confused ) on Bristlebane cheats. Heck, I doubt you "know" that nobody in your own guild cheats. Nice to believe so, though, it provides a comfort level for you. Smiley: yippee

I don't see where this thread shows a cavalier attitude toward cheating. EQ has added features to the game which formerly required after-market "aids" to benefit from, so clearly the game devs are willing to consider changes of the sort discussed here. Personally, I'm dead-set against cheating, which I define as anything against game rules. I enjoy the challenge of multi-boxing with the tools the devs give us. But those tools do "evolve" and a technique which is considered a cheat one year can become a game tool the next year. For example, the game didn't have in-game maps at the beginning and one of the earliest "add-ons" provided such a tool. Then Sony added the in-game maps. Would anyone want to play without maps today? Did they do this in response to the add-on becoming available? IMO, probably.

And so it goes...

Edited, Sep 1st 2015 8:43am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#13 Sep 07 2015 at 3:04 AM Rating: Default
65 posts
I think it's sad to see you defend the use of MQ, Sippin.

Although, being on FV, it does make sense.
#14 Sep 07 2015 at 4:35 AM Rating: Excellent
3,024 posts
Personally, I'm dead-set against cheating, which I define as anything against game rules.

That's straight from my post. So you're wrong, ElricVon. I'm not and never have defended the use of MQ, All I said, and it's clear from my post, that EQ has over the years added features which have been available already from add-ons, some of them "legal" and some of the "illegal." This is why the folks at DBG would meet with, as the OP calls them, "MQ2 folks." What comes from that who knows but anyone who has played the game for many years knows full well the game has been "Care-Beared" heavily since its inception because modern gamers won't tolerate "excessively challenging" MMORPG's. Heck, I got pissed myself when they awarded Leadership AA abilities to every player, since it took me a lot of effort to earn all those for my main. But I do see why they did this and for the same reason I see why they'd have such discussions.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#15 Sep 07 2015 at 6:10 AM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
ElricVon wrote:
I think it's sad to see you defend the use of MQ, Sippin.

Then you need new glasses.

Tatanka Wolfdancer, 115 Wood Elf Druid, 9 x 300+ Master Artisan, 7 maxed trophies (dang research! :)
Michone, 115 Troll Shadowknight
Anaceup Mysleeves, 115 Erudite Mage, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
Snookims Whinslow, 112 Erudite Enchanter, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
<Inisfree>, Tunare (Seventh Hammer!)
#16 Sep 07 2015 at 10:00 PM Rating: Excellent
66 posts
Seems pretty straight forward to me that he did not defend MQ. All he did was make a logical point, as Sippin always does, regarding EQ's development direction.
#17 Sep 07 2015 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
Okay, maybe I took offence too easily.

That should show you the animosity of endgame raiding towards it. Remember, the WHOLE guild could pay the price, so folks are rather "attentive" when it comes to possible hacks.

Now the TLP servers I've heard were rife with it when they first went live.
#18 Sep 08 2015 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
3,024 posts
These are understandable concerns. They shouldn't punish an entire guild for the misbehavior of one member but the risk is certainly there. I get it. I just think it's unrealistic to think that a guild can police the behavior of every member in this regard. A firm published policy of "ejection upon conviction" should be enough to insulate the guild---in an ideal world, of course.

No doubt you're right about the TLP servers. One reason I never played in any of them.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#19 Oct 07 2015 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
I know for a FACT that a LOT of High end guilds on Bristle use MQ I have seen it first hand and even know a few RL friends 2 of them use it being in those guilds . a long with Chat rooms on TS of ppl that do .
#20 Oct 07 2015 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
I think it really depends on what you're using it for, and whether what you're doing creates an obvious hack or disruption to the game. The GMs are basically looking for low hanging fruit here. I don't read anything sinister or conspiratorial about DBG talking honestly about the fact that the tool exists. Well, it does exist. They are aware of it, and have been all along. There's nothing wrong with having a conversation about it, and deciding what to do about it. It's always going to be a balance between cost to police and cost if you don't.

Also, as a couple people have pointed out, sometimes they correct answer is to simply incorporate the features of a third party tool like this into the game itself. So it's not a bad idea to have an ear to the ground in terms of what's going on with those tools. Not everything is game breaking.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#21 Oct 08 2015 at 6:02 AM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
gbaji wrote:
I think it really depends on what you're using it for, and whether what you're doing creates an obvious hack or disruption to the game. The GMs are basically looking for low hanging fruit here. I don't read anything sinister or conspiratorial about DBG talking honestly about the fact that the tool exists. Well, it does exist. They are aware of it, and have been all along. There's nothing wrong with having a conversation about it, and deciding what to do about it. It's always going to be a balance between cost to police and cost if you don't.

Also, as a couple people have pointed out, sometimes they correct answer is to simply incorporate the features of a third party tool like this into the game itself. So it's not a bad idea to have an ear to the ground in terms of what's going on with those tools. Not everything is game breaking.

Couldn't have said it better myself :)

Tatanka Wolfdancer, 115 Wood Elf Druid, 9 x 300+ Master Artisan, 7 maxed trophies (dang research! :)
Michone, 115 Troll Shadowknight
Anaceup Mysleeves, 115 Erudite Mage, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
Snookims Whinslow, 112 Erudite Enchanter, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
<Inisfree>, Tunare (Seventh Hammer!)
#22 Oct 10 2015 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
109 posts
I have seen, and continue to see, complaints of bots in different EQ zones. I haven't noticed any myself though.

And I do feel, if something is banned, they need to do a better job of enforcnig the ban. Otherwise let people know about it.

I play EQ to relax, not zoom up in content and levels. I have no use for cheat software.
"I think I lost my harmonica in House of Thule." Geroblue
'Through the thorns to the stars', Ghost in the Shell
#23 Oct 10 2015 at 5:31 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
The problem is, "botting" has a specific meaning for DBG/Sony. However, many players apply this tag for anyone who boxes. So, there's probably a LOT more accusation of botting, than actual botting going on.

And, if you're not on TLP, or trying to camp specific camps that are frequently contested (i.e., the opposite of someone who plays to relax, as you say), you're unlikely to ever run into botters, anyway.

Tatanka Wolfdancer, 115 Wood Elf Druid, 9 x 300+ Master Artisan, 7 maxed trophies (dang research! :)
Michone, 115 Troll Shadowknight
Anaceup Mysleeves, 115 Erudite Mage, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
Snookims Whinslow, 112 Erudite Enchanter, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
<Inisfree>, Tunare (Seventh Hammer!)
#24 Oct 12 2015 at 8:44 PM Rating: Excellent
109 posts
I've seen the silliness in the DBG forums about boxing, and the complainers pretending thats botting. But what I think was botting was years ago.
"I think I lost my harmonica in House of Thule." Geroblue
'Through the thorns to the stars', Ghost in the Shell
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