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Camp with lots of LB mobs for lvl 85?Follow

#1 Oct 01 2014 at 4:11 AM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
I am looking for good camp where to powerlevel my SK.

I have a lvl 85 mage with A2 healer merc (Free Player account), so it would be nice to find a camp with lots of light blue mobs, where I can FD my lvl 63 SK and chain pull/kill with mage.

I was in Loping Plains at druid ring killing treants and other stuff, but there’s not enough mobs, I have to run around to find some and just sit and wait till they respawn.
Is there any camp for lvl 85, for example like Maiden’s Eye entrance (zoning from Dawnshroud Peaks) with lots of gorangas or Blackfeather Roost or something like that?

Edited, Oct 1st 2014 9:05am by Surimuri
#2 Oct 01 2014 at 5:22 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
My favorite spot in Loping Plains has plenty mobs for the 85 level range.. Opposite the Vampire Cave (which is south of the Chapel) on the other side of the path/road is a safe spot to set up camp and all trash mobs there are 77-79.. That spot has an assortment of Orcs, Worgs and Skeletons and at 85 you should not run out of mobs. If you do, just levitate and run north up behind the chapel and pull more Skeletons down to the safe spot/camp..

Good luck.
#3 Oct 01 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
Thanks, Hexeez! Sounds good. I will check it out!
#4 Oct 21 2014 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
77 posts
If you want easy light blue mobs to kill at level 85, go to Riftseekers Sanctum. I hunted AAs there at level 85 with my monk back in the day. Great exp and really good money drops too. Plus you get a chance for 25AC augs if you haven't got them yet.
#5 Oct 22 2014 at 1:24 AM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
This camp in Loping Plains Hexeez was talking about is really good - lots of mobs for chain killing.
I will try Riftseekers Sanctum next - I do need augs. Are these 25AC augs no drop?

#6 Oct 22 2014 at 5:13 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Yea, but they're not Lore so you can use them in 4 slots. There's another set of 20ac augs also that's not Lore and fits in even more slots.

Yther Ore.
#7 Oct 22 2014 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
I tried wandering into RSS with my wiz. It was tough, but doable (I think he's like level 82). Didn't seem like the exp was that great, but that may just be a false impression. I went into MPG and the mobs were a bit easier. Not sure if exp is better there though, but I'd just come from plowing through massive numbers of lt blue mobs in WoS that just greened, so that may be an unfair comparison. Augs might be worth doing though (although, not sure for a wiz, but whatever). I'm kinda in that same "looking for a good hunting spot" range.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#8 Oct 22 2014 at 6:24 PM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
gbaji have you tried Katta? I remember back when it was new, Wizzies spent alot of time grinding there, since the one quest giver was right by the port in, and they would bind at the camp site and gate / translocate the group back there. So you were either killing or porting and handing in the items. There's probably lots more places like that in Katta or just good spots to grind, but I don't remember them too much any more, as I usually did certain missions over and over.

Now that I'm thinking about it, 82 might be making all the mobs light blue there, so maybe not as good as I remember. For some reason I was thinking that was an 80 zone not 75. Probably 'cause I ground out most of 75-80 there in the missions.

EDIT: And I don't know about RSS as a Wizzie, but tanks and hybrids can slaughter the zone in the 80s and rack up some good xp. The xp / kill is alot better than MPG, but the mobs are quite a bit tougher. When you can slaughter them though, it racks up pretty well. And it's better in the 70s when many are still dark blue cons.

Reminding me of Shd, I know alot grind Crystallos in the 80s. I don't go there much, as that's the zone that made me want to quit the Ranger and take up a War, as I was main tanking that zone alot, and of course dieing alot, with only low 20K HPs, and mobs that quadded for 10k a swing, or backstabbed for 15K.

Yther Ore.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2014 8:30pm by Yther
#9 Oct 23 2014 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Katta? That's an idea. I passed on it with my pally (just didn't work out so great, and no undead). I did look up a bunch of the quest stuff and it looked interesting though. So I'll give it a try. Thanks!
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#10 Oct 30 2014 at 10:47 AM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
Yther wrote:
Yea, but they're not Lore so you can use them in 4 slots. There's another set of 20ac augs also that's not Lore and fits in even more slots.

Yther Ore.

About 20 AC augs - in what zone and who drops these?
I got one AC 20 no drop aug last night in Loping Plains from named skelly.
#11 Nov 04 2014 at 12:01 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts from RSS bottom was the one I was referring to. There are others though and some more 25AC from Dreadspire Keep. See for more options.

Yther Ore.

Edited, Nov 4th 2014 1:02am by Yther
#12 Nov 04 2014 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
109 posts
I'm looking to work on leveling my 85th level toons, mostly clerics, but I have one shaman and one ranger, where in Katta can I go to do this ? Or would Loping Plains be a better idea ?

Thanks !
"I think I lost my harmonica in House of Thule." Geroblue
'Through the thorns to the stars', Ghost in the Shell
#13 Nov 04 2014 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Geroblue wrote:
I'm looking to work on leveling my 85th level toons, mostly clerics, but I have one shaman and one ranger, where in Katta can I go to do this ? Or would Loping Plains be a better idea ?

Thanks !

Depends as Katta trash mobs are mainly in the 73 - 75 range which may be a little low when leveling vs AA'ing. But If that lvl range is fine for you, I would choose going by the Greenhouse Camp in Katta ,as when you run out of Shissar mobs inside, there are a few more in the nearby ruins and a group of Fire Elementals by a ramp ( launchpad looking structure) next to the Greenhouse as well as the Whirlpool mobs all behind the Greenhouse (looks like a mini tornado's).. So you should have plenty mobs when doing a LOD burn..

Otherwise Loping Plains are 75-79 trash throughout the zone and 77-79 trash in the spot outside the Vamp cave as mentioned above.

Gyro Beza and Zeka are also good spots for a lvl 85's and those are a little tougher than LP or Katta and top out at about lvl 83 for the trash mobs..but with HOT abstruse /terror gear or heroic gear it is much easier than back when it was live.

Good luck.
#14 Nov 04 2014 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
Yther wrote: from RSS bottom was the one I was referring to. There are others though and some more 25AC from Dreadspire Keep. See for more options.

Yther Ore.

Edited, Nov 4th 2014 1:02am by Yther

Thanks again, Yther! This list is awesome Smiley: bowdown
#15 Nov 05 2014 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
Thanks ! Of course, my problem is I worked two or three characters to low 60s levels, and got a few free 85 HCs. So I'm still learning what 85 can do. I have 3 hot bars now, but remembering what the capabilities are is what I need to work on.

edit: I just have the stock 85 HC armor. Not much in the way of anything else.

Edited, Nov 5th 2014 5:19pm by Geroblue
"I think I lost my harmonica in House of Thule." Geroblue
'Through the thorns to the stars', Ghost in the Shell
#16 Nov 06 2014 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
I got around 20 light blues, and got some fine plat as a reult of selling off 4 idols. No XP, nor AA XP, gained. I had the Potion of Adventure III running to. It was interesting though.
"I think I lost my harmonica in House of Thule." Geroblue
'Through the thorns to the stars', Ghost in the Shell
#17 Nov 06 2014 at 4:36 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Geroblue wrote:
Thanks ! Of course, my problem is I worked two or three characters to low 60s levels, and got a few free 85 HCs. So I'm still learning what 85 can do. I have 3 hot bars now, but remembering what the capabilities are is what I need to work on. edit: I just have the stock 85 HC armor. Not much in the way of anything else.

Hi Geroblue,
Ahh, then Katta Greenhouse is where you could safely practice the abilities etc, but for reg xp for 85 it would be slow, even more so if in a group with lower characters leeching xp while not adding to dps to kill the mobs faster.

The gear that the heroic characters start with is just a tad below Abstruse (HOT t1 group armor) which makes it very good group gear for a level 85 character. I wouldn't even consider re-gearing to anything on the character until lvl 90 after which (from lvl 91) the spell focus will degrade for the castors/priests.

Geroblue wrote:
I got around 20 light blues, and got some fine plat as a reult of selling off 4 idols. No XP, nor AA XP, gained. I had the Potion of Adventure III running to. It was interesting though

You got zero xp for 20 light blue cons ?
Was that in Katta?
If so, what group make up, how many members/mercs etc and what level spread were the characters in the group?

The reason I ask is because I would think you would get at least some AAXP on the hi characters doing the levelling or even part of an AA (you should see the aaxp bar at least move a bit as a mob is killed)-but if zero xp or aaxp something isn't right.. Levelling should be slow but very easy in Katta for the 85's doing the bulk of the damage/fighting.

Maybe Katta does not cut it at 85..because a level 60 could group with a higher character to 90 and still gain xp, once the high cons see green and up(Katta should be lt blue). But if green or the bottom of light blue cons, the 85s will get a pittance of xp and you should move to higher con mobs..

LP has slightly higher and harder hitting mobs than Katta for 85 characters power levelling 60's characters and there are plenty safe places to set up camp.

Good luck.

Edited, Nov 6th 2014 6:26pm by hexeez
#18 Nov 06 2014 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
I just properly checked out that Aug link that Surimuri just talked about. I Never knew it existed.

Thanks Surimuri for taking notice of it and thank you ! Yther for that effort.

Imho, It deserves to be made more accessible or stickied so it doesn't get lost in the older threads.

#19 Nov 06 2014 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
Yes, in Katta. My 85 shaman, a healer merc, and the pet. No one else. I kept checking, no movement of XP or AAXP bars. Not a bit. Only greens I got were the fairies outside the gate in point of Dragon Hills. Which I tried for about 10 minutes, then went to Katta after the giant walking robot hit my character a glancing blow for a large number of hp.

All of the mobs I hit in Katta were light blue. South east area. Two flame elementals ) whisperers I think), several Shissars mobbed my merc and I but I prevailed ( they were around a campfire near some tents. I tried pulling 1 and got most of them after me.), and 2 or 3 prayermakers.

This particular character has a -208 mana regen, yes minus. When I get a mount under the character, it drops to -175 mana regen, but on a mount it goes back up to 100 percent full with the -175 still there. I haven't noticed this on one other 85HC I checked.

edit: Dragonscale Hills, not Dragon Hills. Besides the green wood nymphs, I also took on a few lb wolves. No xp change for them either.

Edited, Nov 7th 2014 7:21am by Geroblue
"I think I lost my harmonica in House of Thule." Geroblue
'Through the thorns to the stars', Ghost in the Shell
#20 Nov 07 2014 at 4:52 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
I guess Katta mobs are too low at 85 to see any meaningful xp per mob killed-especially in a group setting (you and merc).

Loping Plains should be better or even Fort Mech if you want slightly tougher mobs than LP with more HP's but better xp per kill.

Yeah strange things happen re some mounts and stats, especially when the character is a low level character and he gains HP's (from the mounts stats buff) but loses some percentage of health because of the characters low level penalty. But I never noticed issues re mana regen etc on any of my 85+ characters..will check it next time I'm in game.
#21 Nov 07 2014 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
109 posts
No -208 this morning... I checked another 85 HC on the same account and server, not there. Only thing I can think of is a buff that isn't there now. If it happens again I'll get a screen shot.
"I think I lost my harmonica in House of Thule." Geroblue
'Through the thorns to the stars', Ghost in the Shell
#22 Nov 07 2014 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
I know this is >slightly< off topic, but thought I'd mention it, since I didn't see it mentioned earlier in the thread.

You should definitely do at least some of the Franklin Teek quests out of PoK each day. While not necessarily fighting light blue mobs, you will get a huge XP boost from finishing the quests, and really, XP/hour is what we're trying to maximize here. On top of the good XP for the quest, you're also getting boosted XP for the individual kills, because it's in a hot zone.

You can do more than one quest per day, as long as you remember to get them all at once. In other words, log in, go to PoK, and tell him "level 85", "level 80", "level 75", etc. Once you get all the quests you want, then you can complete them all at your own pace. But once you complete one, you can't request any more from him for 18 hours.


PS - I was doing the level 85 quest on my druid (level 87 at the time) last month (every day) >with< a merc (so, sharing XP), and the 30 minutes Lesson, combined with hot zone XP, and then the quest XP upon completion, was getting me 8-10% of my level in just that 30-35 minutes! (This was with 100% of XP going to leveling, 0% to AAs)

Edited, Nov 7th 2014 11:10am by tatankaseventh
Tatanka Wolfdancer, 115 Wood Elf Druid, 9 x 300+ Master Artisan, 7 maxed trophies (dang research! :)
Michone, 115 Troll Shadowknight
Anaceup Mysleeves, 115 Erudite Mage, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
Snookims Whinslow, 112 Erudite Enchanter, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
<Inisfree>, Tunare (Seventh Hammer!)
#23 Nov 07 2014 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
109 posts
I've thought about Teek... mostly what I wanted to do was go to zones I haven't been to before. Which is why I chose Dragonscale and Katta.

I can still do Teek. It will have to be later today though, or maybe tomorrow. Depending on my schedule with the relatives. Maybe there will be double XP for Veterans' Day holiday weekend ?
"I think I lost my harmonica in House of Thule." Geroblue
'Through the thorns to the stars', Ghost in the Shell
#24 Nov 10 2014 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Had better luck in Loping Plains.

Pond frogs, were-orcs, nightmares which mobbed me, grizzlies, and two vampires by the lake. And some upset citizens of Myst who also liked to mob passersby. One guy at the top of the hill, where the quest givers were located, said he had something for Vah Shir, an Exit.

XP went from 28 to 31 percent.

AAXP, set at 10 percent from XP, went from 48 to 61 percent. This was over about an hour and 15 minutes of game play.

Got a 'Carnival Prize' aug drop. And around 200-250 plat in various drops I sold. Kept the 1 diamond and 1 blue diamond.
"I think I lost my harmonica in House of Thule." Geroblue
'Through the thorns to the stars', Ghost in the Shell
#25 Nov 11 2014 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Wait. You're saying that in an hour and 15 minutes of hunting lt blue mobs, you gained just 3% regular exp and 13% AA? That's... slow. Are you killing mobs at a steady rate, or running around a lot? Because it sounds like you're not being terribly efficient if you're actually trying to gain exp.

If I may make a suggestion? I don't play a shaman, but it seems to me like a tank merc might be more efficient given as you have decent healing (and should be able to heal against lt blu mobs just fine). With a healer merc, your damage is limited to your own spells. Which isn't bad assuming you're stacking your dots properly, but someone has to be tanking the mob unless you're root rotting or something, in which case, why have a merc at all? And your pet become a liability rather than a benefit. Using a tank merc you can let him tank while you heal and dot/nuke, while the pet adds extra damage (and wont take any cause the merc will be tanking). Seems like a much better way to go, although maybe some other folks who play shammies can make even better suggestions.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#26 Nov 11 2014 at 2:58 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
I would say if fully buffed in guild lobby shaman should be able tank lt blues and more than one at time Smiley: nod This should be working while using healer merc.
This is not the point of being shaman of course, but this is the way I grinded AAs and it worked well.

I would go with tank merc as Gbaji said and find a safe camp with some dark blues. Try HoT court yard.

Edited, Nov 11th 2014 4:03pm by Surimuri
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