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It's too quiet.... time for a SURVEY!Follow

#1 Apr 21 2014 at 5:39 AM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
Yes, these forums have been too quiet lately. So let's do a survey! Answer the following questions, please, as short or detailed as you please.

1. What's your favorite class in EQ? Why?

2. What's your favorite expansion? Why?

3. What's your favorite zone? Why?


4. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? Why?
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#2 Apr 21 2014 at 5:46 AM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
1. Druid. Played every class a bit (some a lot more than others) since 1999 and my second toon remains my favorite. I still have my first toon, a warrior, in existence but druid is my favorite. Versatility is the reason and porting ability is a major part of that. Doesn't make so much difference today with travel simplified with central hubs, books, guild hall portals, etc. But still a blast to use gate and primary and secondary binds to get around so easily. I do wish druids had some form of true mez but beyond that no complaints!

2. Kunark. 2nd xpac is still the best they ever did. No doubt it's partially due to having been there when it was introduced and the intense excitement of exploring a brand new sprawling world lingers evermore. The rumor was that wolf-form was instant death in FV! The super-dangerous run along the stream, avoiding the high level "spider-men" (drachnids) to get to the promised land: Lake of Ill Omen! The thrill of zoning into LOIO and running along the stream until the lake appears and the sprawling hunting grounds of this great zone appear before the tired traveler! And that's just one great Kunark zone among over a dozen.

3. Butcherblock Mountains. Nostalgia dictates, once again, since my early days leveling a toon always started in BB. I still remember the sense of foreboding when the Stormguard announced that "bandits have been seen along the road" to the Crossroads! First sight of the Chessboard: c-c-c-c-creepy!

4. I don't know that!

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 7:50am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#3 Apr 21 2014 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
902 posts
1. Cleric- Love this class...played it on every server I have been on. Love the ability to heal, tank , and destroy the undead. Some of my favorite zones have undead ( Befallen, Lower Guk, Kurn's, Veksar....etc.) Got to a point where I could fight against non-undead ( takes awhile ) but not much at my level I couldn't take on. And of course, in groups, I have a lifesaver....Smiley: sly Warrior is a close second, as I have so many warriors....I am a loot *****, and all the weapons they can use...Smiley: grinSmiley: grin

2. Guk- Both lower and upper. Best dungeon they ever designed. Every type of mob ( undead, live ) and so many different classes. A true dungeon crawl. You had to work your way in, watch runners, find safe spots, everything you could want in a dungeon. And for the time, some cool loot. Howling Stones ( cause I have spent so much time there ) and Najena for me are real close seconds. But I still level every new toon in Guk, just so I can learn how to play them.

3. Kunark- For the same reasons as Sippin...just exploring that continent when it came out was crazy. I came from the dark side ( the dock in Ro ) and exploring Tim Deep, and those Aviaks, as well as the Overthere...the first time I went into the canyon in the middle and found those spider things, ugggh!!!! And of course the first time I wandered into Warsilik crazy. Best expansion I ever played in any game....

#4 Apr 21 2014 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
756 posts
1. Paladin. My first char played and the one where I made most of my early discoveries in EQ.

2. Luclin. This was the current expansion when I started. My second char was a Vah Shir Beastlord and I made my first friends and joined my first guild with him.

3. Hard to say what my favourite zone is, I like many, especially those from TSS. One zone I spent a ton of time in after starting EQ was Grimling Forest.

4. An African or European swallow?

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 5:11pm by KC13
#5 Apr 21 2014 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
KC13 wrote:

4. An African or European swallow?

Huh? I don't know that...

Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#6 Apr 21 2014 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1. What's your favorite class in EQ? Why?
Shaman, jack of all trades. Slower buffs, DPS ect. My sham is retired but I will be playing him some time again I am sure.

2. What's your favorite expansion? Why? I loved TSS the new zones for all levels vs just a couple of zone for higher level toons. Even gave us a new race.

3. What's your favorite zone? Why?
Everfrost Peaks. Why its the zone I had the most fun in with my sham 1st with my buddy and then later soloing.

4. why who cares!
#7 Apr 21 2014 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
136 posts
Favorite class is Warrior... I have always loved them and enjoy being the man who must take the hits to keep my friends alive.

I think Kunark will always be my favorite expansion because it was just so amazing.

I think my favorite zone has got to be steamfont Mountains. I always loved that zone and spent my early days there having so much fun.

---- average cruising airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour. The African Swallow is non Migratory.
#8 Apr 21 2014 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Sippin wrote:
Yes, these forums have been too quiet lately. So let's do a survey! Answer the following questions, please, as short or detailed as you please.

1. What's your favorite class in EQ? Why?

2. What's your favorite expansion? Why?

3. What's your favorite zone? Why?


4. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? Why?

1: Ranger, 'cause there is no Witch Hunter or Mystic type class
2: I like alot of them, but TSS for full level xp expansions and higher quality quests, PoP for the lengthy progression, GoD for the challenge, Kunark for the look, lore, etc.
3: Hard to pick. I'll go with PoTranquility today, just 'cause it's soothing and relaxing and a water front.
4: Somewhere faster than a non-moving rock and slower than a jet airplane. 'cause it is!

Yther Ore.
#9 Apr 21 2014 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
1. What's your favorite class in EQ? Why?

Shaman was'nt my first choice. First one was elf wizard. At least in first levels wizard did'nt feel interesting for me and then I picked wood elf druid. (Note: as D&D player I have always played elves - once an elf, always an elf Smiley: grin). After getting constantly lost in Kelethin, falling off Kelethin - oops! dead again! - and trying to find my corpse in a pile of other dead bodies... well...Smiley: banghead
So I decided there's no point just looking pretty, so I started an iksar shaman and landed in Kunark.
I really adore this class! Shaman is like a band, he has all what needed: buffs, dots, DD, slow, root, pet. Shaman is capable of about everything and never boring!
Oh, and I am in love with my scaly tale.
Have you hugged an iksar today? Smiley: wink

2. What's your favorite expansion? Why?

Kunark, baby! Kunark.
I have been here and there in Norrath, but Kunark just is the best.
Only zone I did'nt like in Kunark was Crypt of Dalnir.

3. What's your favorite zone? Why?

It's hard to name just one favorite, but if I have to, then LOIO. Of course there's lots of nostalgia involved, but grouping there in good company and having fun killing sarnaks - that beats about everything.
Later days Dreadlands, OT, Karnor's aka Grand Central Station...
Hehee, and Kurn's Tower! I will always remember this skelly laughter. It's priceless! Smiley: grin Every time I see a skeleton in a picture or a movie etc, I hear this laughter.

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 1:29pm by Surimuri
#10 Apr 21 2014 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
1. Necromancer is the short answer. Enchanter once was...

2. TSS for the 1-75 levelling chain and old-school feel of so many zones (stone hive, blackfeather roost, etc.) is a worthy mention. I have done hours upon hours in Kunark and love it... but I think Velious captures my imagination (and I still haven't done lots of it without being silly overpowered for the content) the most.

3. Tower of Frozen shadow. Great dungeon crawl, challenging for years after at levels that got xp in there. Honourable mentions are Najena, Kurns, Crushbone (all the places my characters grew up in).

4. I'm too late in the thread for this one...
#11 Apr 22 2014 at 6:19 AM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
My favorite class : Necromancer.
It was my second character (Beastlord being the first) but it was its pure solo-ability before the advent of Mercs, Heroic characters, out of combat regen etc that made up my mind to switch as my main. The Necro could just pick himself up ,self buff w/o cleric or merc buffs and go grind while my other characters had to be in a group set up at a time when my first guild was dying - down to its inner circle clique of leader, officers and friends online at prime time.. while all the other stragglers like me had by one over the course of a six month period.

My favorite expansion : TSS...loved the zones, design and quests system...the lower level quest loot was actually useful in many cases..this being before the "Defiant" line of catch up gear was introduced.

I have similar sentiments to Snailish re: TSS expansion. Which remains a perfect expansion to raise and grow characters in imo also.

My favorite Zone :Katta Castrum (Buried Sea expansion). When it was live, it was a paradise for my then 75 Necromancer.

Air speed velocity of unladen swallow: V(S) = D/T(X) or V*S=D/T*X

Where : V= (velocity), S = Swallow (all types mod), D = Distance (distance traveled), T = Time (time elapsed), X = Venturi Effect (wind mod)

#12 Apr 22 2014 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1) Shammy. It was my first toon, and before the potion vendors arrived I was having fun (and raking in the dough) with alchemy. I like the jack-of-all-trades aspect where I can play different roles in my group. And it was the first (and probably only) caster that I was decent at playing. Since I've dabbled in other MMOs, I seem to play a lot of tanks.

2) While I may hear a lot of groans from my answer, I'd have to say Prophecy of Ro. I'm a tradeskiller, and I love those evolving trophies. I just wish I had enough plat to keep levelling those trophies up. Smiley: grin

3) As for my favorite zone, I just don't know. I love PoK, as it is a great center for whatever you need. (And incidentally, I hate the GL, because it's always so crowded and it slows my computer down. I don't care how darn useful it is.) But for combat zones, I have many fond memories of Kurn's Tower, Gulf of Gunthak (when you actually had to QUEST for your awesome spells), Old Seb, City of Mist (pre-questing for my Epic 1.0 with my old guildies - yes I did the whole thing and didn't shortcut it).

4) Blue. No, yelloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!
#13 Apr 22 2014 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
641 posts
1. Ranger because it's the ultimate utility class
2. Gates of Discord becasue it was brutally tough for it's time and our Stromm raid alliance beat it (after Omens of War expansion came out though, not when it was current content)
3. Tough call, I'd have to say Unrest because during it's day the trains were legendary and there was quite the level range of players in there.
4. 42 mph, because I said so.
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
#14 Apr 22 2014 at 2:12 PM Rating: Excellent
61 posts
1. What's your favorite class in EQ? Why?
Used to be Paladin, but now mage. Pure utility for a 3 boxer- COH and gate. And great soloer.

2. What's your favorite expansion? Why?

HOT or Gates of discord. Hot b/c of the raid weapon graphics, Gates b/c Tacvi is one of the coolest raids in the game. I like Plane of Time raid too.

3. What's your favorite zone? Why?

Plane of Fire- was really an experience back in the POP days. Played out now but- the phoenixse are a sight to behold.

#15 Apr 22 2014 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
Hmmm my fav class would be my original....born march 20 2000 Halfling Druid. Ports, quad kite, healing, buffs, they got it all. I love a couple other classes to but Mokkas will always be my fav.

Fav expac would be PoP im not sure why(i really like SoL new graphics engine and all) but I really enjoyed the raiding and grouping in those zones. I really liked Velious too....Ok fine 3 way tie for Velious SoL and PoP.

My fav zone, i have 2 and that Cobalt Scar and UP. I used to quad kite the wyverns and make a killing on the gems that they dropped in CS and i used to quad kite the elysians in UP for Elyisan armor for myself and spell drops(to sell).

the answer to question 4 is Pie divided by Pie to the third power(it just came to me thats why)

EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#16 Apr 22 2014 at 6:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
(1) Previously bard before it was nerfed and dumbed down into a shadow of its former self. I enjoyed the many tricks, utility, the roles I could fill and the combination of both manual dexterity and quick thinking needed to excel at the class. Not sure I have a favorite now although my highest level character was a mage so let's go with that.

(2) Probably Ruins of Kunark for just the feel of a lost continent and all the signs of its former glory now either in ruins of hidden in deep valleys and dense jungles. At the time, you went there and practically everything was new: new cats, new goblins, the Iksar, Sarnak, new giants, etc. Velious hit some of the same chords and has some great moments but the snow, ice, more snow and more ice got old a lot faster than the varied climes of Kunark.

(3) Ruins of Old Sebilis forever and forever. Huge place with tons of great camps at the time. Lots of danger to keep groups on their toes but the rewards (both material and xp) were worth the risk. Plus it had a kick-*** boss at the end of it all: Trakanon the big zombie dragon. What's not to love?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#17 Apr 22 2014 at 6:49 PM Rating: Excellent
117 posts
1. Druid: It was the only class that didn't make me crap my pants in a world that was dark and mapless, having spells like camouflage, spirit of wolf, and gate made me feel a bit safer when exploring unknown lands, also track was very helpful when I had to find an NPC that ran all over the land.

2. Kunark and Velius: Tons of neat lore, lots of giants and dragons.

3. Thurgadin: I think it's one of the old zones that looks the best, NPC's walk around and interact with each other, making the city appear lively even though people rarely go there anymore, there's even a church with a preacher that talks about the great snowball fight, and other silly things from the dwarven bible. It's just a nice place to visit from time to time.

4. Eleventeen, because of reasons!
#18 Apr 23 2014 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
Some great posts here. While I wouldn't change my picks, the remembrances of others does jog my memories about fun times and zones.

I'm a tad surprised Thurgadin would be proposed as a favorite zone altho Wizorb makes a great case and his comments do bring back memories of my time spent in that zone. My biggest "gripe" about Velious is the endless white/snow "décor", which does get tiresome, at least till you zone into Wakening Land. I do recall my son and I, playing twin dorf warriors right after Velious came out, making the long journey to visit Thurgadin entirely "on foot." We took the endless boat ride to Iceclad and then made the seemingly endless walking journey to Eastern Wastes and then the Great Divide, en route to the legendary distant "snow dorf" city. No invis to protect us---just using our heads to avoid deadly mobs on the journey. Must have taken a half hour. We knew vaguely that the entrance was hidden behind the waterfall at the north end of the stream, We also had heard rumors that Thurgadin dorfs were on very different factions from Kaladim dorfs. So as we approached the city entrance, mere inches from the zone-in, I targeted one of the guards with my dorf in order to con him. Well, like a fool, I pressed the ATTACK key instead of CON. This red dorf goes after me and I retreat, but without SOW I had NO chance. My son jumps in nobly to assist but all that meant was we finished this endless journey by both dying in the snowy wastes of Great Divide. The corpse run took seemingly forever! The real irony is we COULD have just zoned into Thurgadin to escape but we realized that too late! Fun times...

And now back to our show...
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#19 Apr 23 2014 at 7:34 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,970 posts
1. What's your favorite class in EQ? Why?Ranger. Spells, melee, ranged, tracking!! I still think it's criminal that rangers don't get a Gate spell.
inb4 ranja-gate jokesSmiley: glare

2. What's your favorite expansion? Why?TSS, because there's so much to do against such a great variety of mobs. ALSO: It's where my main (86 pally) grew up.

3. What's your favorite zone? I <3 Kurn's Tower!
Why? In days of yore, prior to Defiant gear, this is where I leveled (EDIT: my Ikky monk) with an awesome shaman. True, he was a froggie, but I didn't hold that against him as we both agreed that roast Gnome was delicious.

4. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? You should ask the one they call.....Tim.
Why? He's a wizard, DUH!

Edited, Apr 23rd 2014 9:34pm by Bijou
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#20 May 02 2014 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent

1. This is hard. I would have to say Wizard. I came to these games (way back when on BBS systems) from "literature" (Dungeons and Dragons novels). In those books, my favorite characters were wizards (Raistlin Majere and The Simbul). I love how, in MMOs, wizards are, by and large, low stress classes (unlike tanks and healers) so that's another plus. My play patterns might indicate otherwise (my first 60/65 in EQ was a rogue, second to cap was a wizard. My mage was my fourth 60 character in WoW, behind a Priest, rogue, and warlock) since, in EQ, I have more clerics (8) than wizards (6) but wizard is my fave.

2. Velious (with Planes of Power a close second). Velious was unique as the first non-all levels expansion. It introduced so much in the way of uniqueness. 10th ring war, faction alignment, the ability to kill dragons whenever you felt like it (not just once every 7 days +/- 12 hrs), flurry, and multiple 'end zones'. And let's not even get into the armor looks (and the racial hats!). I loved Planes of Power for the tests it introduced (i.e. if you can't pass the PoJ trial test, you can't enter certain zones. If you can't beat Aerin'Dar, you can't enter other zones, etc)...until they were removed. It wasn't elitism (I was in a guild that was regularly wiping to Grieg and killing Vindi and Statue for upgrades....but I got through execution on the first try and wound up doing it 30 times on the rogue and 18 times on the wizard, getting other people through), it was the sense of belonging that came from earning my way into these places. It was close to the same feeling I felt when I got my Sleeper's key. I also liked the sometimes ridiculous ZEM the higher tier zones seemed to have (I did 60-65 and 100 AA or so in a weekend in PoV caves, outside of raids).

3. Wow, this is really hard. Judging by my playtime, it would probably be Loping Plains. I've spent SO many hours AA PLing SO many characters there that it has to get a mention. In that same vein, Beza and Zeka would rank highly as well as Mechamatic Guardian and Forgotten Halls. I can't pick just one zone. There are SO many with awesome memories and great adventures. I mean, Infected Paw (v1.0) has to rate because it was the closest thing to a progression hotspot for Qeynosians in '99. Paw was LOIO before LOIO existed. I mean jeez, two days in Vex Thal made for one sleepy, drunken, caffeine fueled time. Yeah, I can't pick just one. Smiley: frown
Cazic Thule

Firiona Vie

#21 May 02 2014 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
1. Wizard: Love the transport spells. Quad kiting is/was a hoot!
2. LDoN: Really nice for the more casual groups of players. No fighting over camps, nice rewards, fun variety of dungeon crawls.
3. Unrest: A really cool place to explore, lots of named to camp, and interesting lore. Also, a good place for low levels to hone basically skills (pulling, argo management, snares, timely heals, ect..).
4. Very funny! your showing your age with that one ;)
#22 May 02 2014 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
1. Paladin, with Wizard being a close second. Not that paladin has been "powerful" for most of the time I've played my main, but it's the character I started with and despite having some massive class setbacks over the years, has always been fun to play. I love that the class has evolved over the years into something that has some unique capabilities while still feeling the original "part cleric, part warrior" that it started out as.

2. This would probably have to be Kunark. It expanded the game (cause duh, first expansion), mostly by really giving the top end a lot more stuff to do. It provided alternative gearing paths to the existing planar gear (with clickies!), and contained a ton of lore. And it introduced lizards! And it included a ton of really cool zones.

3. I have a lot of favorites. For lower level game, I'd have to say Unrest. That's the zone I really learned to group, pull, manage agro, figure out mob pathing, etc. And it was just plain fun. But probably my favorite of all time would have to be Kaesora. I know, strange choice. But I loved the semi-linear nature of the zone. It felt like a "real dungeon" that you moved through, rather than just a zone that you plopped down somewhere and killed the same mobs over and over in. There were a number of zones like this in Kunark too (yet another reason I thought it was such a great expansion). Dalnir, Chardok, HS, and later Veksar, all had this feature (oh hell. Veksar probably would have been my favorite if it had been included as it was in the original expansion). I loved the map of Kaesora, and the towers, which you ran around in multiple ways whilst working your way down to the very bottom of the zone. Fun as hell IMO.

4. Ah... But how does it carry the coconut?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#23 May 03 2014 at 4:59 AM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts

The only clear-cut trend up to here is that Kunark is the favorite expansion. Which makes sense to me! TSS came in second so far. I was surprised to see Gates of Discord mentioned twice since I'd considered voting that xpac "the worst ever" if we added that question to the poll...

The only ZONE preference that repeats even once is Unrest, altho I would name it the frontrunner since personally I debated long and hard about picking Butcherblock over Unrest. That would have made 3 votes where every other zone mentioned got just one each!

Class: Druid, Paladin and Ranger got 3 each.

Wizard, Shaman and Necro got two each,

Cleric, Warrior, Mage got 1 vote.

ZERO votes for Shadowknight, Beastlord, Enchanter, Monk and Rogue!

The only surprise for ME here is the popularity of the Paladin and the lack thereof of Shadowknight.

Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#24 May 03 2014 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Sippin wrote:
Class: Druid, Paladin and Ranger got 3 each.

Wizard, Shaman and Necro got two each,

Cleric, Warrior, Mage got 1 vote.

ZERO votes for Shadowknight, Beastlord, Enchanter, Monk and Rogue!

And Bard gets ignored in the results. Are you a developer for SOE? Smiley: glare
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 May 03 2014 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
At least he didn't nerf them while ignoring them. Something to be hopeful for.
#26 May 03 2014 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
Bah, my apologies! I knew I left out one class but couldn't figure out which. Which says a lot about bards lol. Oops, sorry again:

ZERO votes for Shadowknight, Beastlord, Enchanter, Monk, Rogue and Bard.

Smiley: blush
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
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