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How do you feel about the upcoming AA changes?Follow

#1 Feb 05 2014 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
114 posts
I feel the new AA system will make a positive impact on the game. Yes change will be weird for veteran players. I was sad when they dropped the corpse run, but over time I didn't give it much thought.

There needs to be a fluid system to grant players AAs as they level, so they can get into higher content groups. I think the newest expansion is so cool as your able to gear up 85 mission vendor etc. So much higher content is skipped because a large number of players are not able to handle the zones.

The days of leaving of players behind (who want to experience a current expansion) needs to be over. I'm not saying that every zone in expansion needs to be available, but at least half if it obtainable to work through it.

The hardcore players will still have their sense of accomplishment of grinding all those AAs, raid gear etc.

My main is a 86 pally with 2600aa's . Last Saturday me and a mage friend finished up our J5. It would have been nice to have another player around our level to help out in the slaughter.

I do believe there should be an opt out for anyone who doesn't want to use the system.
#2 Feb 05 2014 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
If they decide to give us the auto-grant of AA's, I hope they at least allow the player to decide where to allocate the AA's. Mainly as some AA's are not desirable to max at 85 for some players of certain classes.

For instance, in the case of non raiding Necromancers, some may rather not max the Spell Casting Subtlety line of AA as they may not want pet aggro issues if they aggro kite a lot. Though it has many advantages if the Necromancer groups a lot for obvious reasons. I was one of the old school of thought until only recently when I maxed the line and found that my pet would take aggro on occasion despite sending in the pet after 4 dots have landed. But I found a workaround as I have access to a Mage for aggro reduction weapons to drop the pets agro... like having one (or two if necessary) aggro reducing Mage weapon on the pet. But some 100% solo Necromancer types may not want any ranks of the AA at all.

So I hope they allow the player to actually allocate or spend them as they see fit. This way a player rolling a new class (they never played before) actually has to read and learn what the AA is about when picking them.

Just my two cents.

Edited, Feb 5th 2014 4:31pm by hexeez
#3 Feb 05 2014 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
18 posts
what makes me laugh out loud is how much time and focus people are putting into this. it is a game, it does not feed you, clothe you, pay your medical bills, pay your rent, house morgage, taxes. i do agree the auto aa thing should be reconsidered, i say i can make between 500 to 1000 aa monthly without, swarming or power leveling; increase the aa exp out put by 50% another thing I am tired of hearing is I have been on since 1999, so what are you entitled or privileged some how. it is not fair they give 5000 aa tired of hearing that as well, how is it a game soe owns, operates, maintains unfair, how is it any different say having a level 70 alt shadow knight feign death in hills of shade then taking your level 100 ranger or mage and farming at a fast rate exp for the alt sk, it did not earn them as well, to me it is the samething. you still need to kill for further aa, gear, levels, quests etc. If you do not like the changes quit complaining log off, quit and never come back, I for one am tired of hearing about it and will continue to play everquest!!!!
#4 Feb 05 2014 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
I for one don't have any issue with the incoming nerfs for beaming, etc., (though I scratch my head as to why they would nerf rogues and berserkers), but I have a large issue with the proposed plan to 'give away' free AA's.

The appeal and challenge of the game was always, still is, and always will be, the 'fun' of developing your character. Knowing that you *worked* to make your character better, made it so much more valuable. You truly create something to be proud of. If they give us literally thousands of AA points, the game takes a big step in the direction of WoW.

To put it more directly; Everquest is not about the destination, it's about the journey. Don't ruin our journey, SOE.
If you can't do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.

My Rathe / Prexus characters:

Bigbronze Bloodyaxe, 62 Ogre Berserker
Verbeeg Bearfang, 62 Ogre Beastlord
Glabrezu Spiritcaller, 62 Ogre Shaman
Zirumkin Zenomorph, 62 Gnome Wizard
Korgulon Soulwraith, 76 Ogre Shadowknight <Shining Alliance>
Incarnadine Summoner, 65 Drakkin Magician

Bristlebane characters:

Zalkahriz Ebonscale, 64 Iksar Necromancer
Gnomorre Gniceguy, 55 Gnome Rogue
Whytfire Lonewolf, 55 Woodelf Ranger
#5 Feb 05 2014 at 5:37 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Zirumkin wrote:
I for one don't have any issue with the incoming nerfs for beaming, etc., (though I scratch my head as to why they would nerf rogues and berserkers), but I have a large issue with the proposed plan to 'give away' free AA's.

A little conspiracy theory here..

I think that the developers may have decided that they would take a lot of flak on the forums for some of the other classes nerfs and changes to the game that they may have wanted to implement over the coarse of the next year. So they may have cleverly decided to take a new tactical approach to throw it all at the player base at once.."Shock And Awe" style.. This way they take the criticism all at once to get it over with quickly and some may even go live without a much of a fight lol.

Because they have other changes to the game that the feedback thread (on EQPlayers) has largely ignored because it is so many changes at once... Like the merging of many AA's across all classes. They were very vague in how many and which ones they would merge or delete.. The paradox is that having many, many AA choices to customize ones character is what makes EQ stand out from the rest. It's what has kept me logging in to the game religiously (if only for an hour incl a LOD burn) since I'm playing EQ. I hope they don't ninja remove too many...

Edited, Feb 5th 2014 6:42pm by hexeez
#6 Feb 10 2014 at 1:50 AM Rating: Excellent
44 posts
I understand you were doing a total "devil's advocate" type thing, but I know that post is way over the mark. They have posted their reasonings for all the changes they are making ( I refuse to call them "nerfs"), and they were fair, made sense, and were completely with good intentions. Rogues and ' zerkers needed those abilities toned down just as much as magician beams. They even acknowleged that they admired the creativity and cleverness it took on the players' part to come up with these mass killing methods. My enchanter ( which can seem overpowered himself with reverse charm methods at times) had no way to mass kill. When I started playing on a new server to follow some friends, I was broke. A friend of mine who played a rogue made me over 200k in a few hours letting me loot mobs he mass killed. I don't play a rogue and know nothing about them, but evry time his cooldowns were up on some discs, he would pull a massive train and wipe them out ridiculously easily. It involved a disc thst let him rioposte every attack for one, along with a couple more and relying on the assassination ability. And a beserker I know on my server makes stupid amounts of money (including real life money by accepting paypal payments) for using his abilities to powerlevel with amazing speed and efficiency. He seriously has over unbelieveable millions of platinum. Now while some of that is the fault of the players dumb enough to pay those amounts for services like that, it is bad for the game on so many levels and needs to be stopped. Incidentally, I thought it was extremely cool for the developers to publicly post their detailed reasons for the changes. Players are good at figuring out how to use new abilities in ways the developers and programer never foresaw or intended. That actually is the reason for most "nerfs". They are acknowleging they made mistakes and are correcting them. ( At least one developer said the exact words to the effect " we are fixing what we broke".) Sorry for the rant, and again I know you were just playing devil's advocate, but I cannot stand idle and mute anymore. Recently I have had to leave ventrilo and the general chat because I am sick and beyond tired of all the whining, complaining, and insults about the devs thrown about. I swear, if these vocal dissenters are that unhappy, they need to fricken leave me and the rest of the people who love and enjoy the game, and understand and respect that developers have the impossible job of trying to make everyone happy, free to play without everyone dampening the mood by complaining all night long. Ah....sorry, but it has gotten to me and I am ranting again. Typing on this tablet sucks, and I am up way past my bedtime (but nighttime reading of forums in bed struck a nerve) so frgive the typos and misspellings that I amnot going to bother to edit. I will hang my head and step off of my soapbox, hoping that in my zeal I remembered to make all my points and was rational. Oh, and as a post script, I will point out that my preferred class has been " nerfed" pretty strongly two times in not to distant history. Sure, part of me said " aw, shucks, there goes my money maker" but I just shrugged and relished in the fact that I had the challenge of figuring out how to play at top levels effrectively ahead of me. So much more I could say, but I have probably gone on for too long already. I just get so tired of the hostility and crying running rampant whenever change happens. Things change. Take off your rose colored glasses and stop looking back at the past. I love this game, and can honestly say I have loved it for DECADES. It will suck when the game is sunlighted and the servers go down for the last time. I'd like it to continue to grow, change and evolve. Perhaps even bring back past players and draw in new ones, and let them feel useful and relevant in their new character, without an impossibly high climb to get to end game levels and raid if they want to.
#7 Feb 10 2014 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
204 posts
These changes are welcome IMO. The auto granting of AAs up to the Underfoot expansion puzzled me a bit, but after thinking about it, it makes more sense. I have a paladin and necro at lvl 80, semi-twinked, the pally with just over 2000AA and the necro at around 1200. I've invested quite a bit of time casually AAing them and learning the class, and it's been fun, but fundamentally the game has always been about "Catching up", or filling out what I'm missing. It's always felt like this battle between "I'm too weak for this area, I need AA" and "I need so many AA, it's going to take a lot of time." In light of this, I think what the devs came up with is a great solution. Auto-grant AAs to everyone so that they can go out and enjoy the content without having to spend hours upon hours AAing and feeling left-behind by the pack.

The other important part of this is that classes with inherent abilities to "harvest" AAs faster are more preferred. Rangers, Magicians, Shadowknights. To a lesser extent rogues, bards, paladins. I know SO many players who levelled a ranger or SK up to 90 so they could either powerlevel their own alts, or powerlevel others for money. That's precisely where SOE wants to make the change - the ability of some classes to be more beneficial than others. Why make a shaman or a cleric or a beastlord when they have to spend more time, or spend money, getting to the point with AA where they feel caught up?

tl;dr: bottom line, every class should be valued the same, and now that there isn't a year's worth of AAing before you're ready to play in the big leagues, players will be able to have more fun than before.
#8 Feb 10 2014 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
204 posts
Also, Roxtam i have to agree wholeheartedly with. With my own bard, my favorite class, sure he can swarmkite a little bit, but it PALES in comparison to rangers/rogues/shadowknights/berserkers. Sometimes i think "why did i make a bard... i could have had a max-AA ranger by now with millions of plat." There's very little sense of class balance if half the classes have these abilities while the other half do not.
#9 Feb 10 2014 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
136 posts
Try playing a Tank like the Warrior. Who has to group for content and to be viable basically needs Max AA's. They can not solo well even with a merc if they do not have the AA's. So this will be great in letting players play alts and create classes that are really AA dependent.. hence why there have been armies and armies of Mages and Necros for past couple years.
#10 Feb 11 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
i like the fact that you an opt-out but i like the fact that you can auto them and then work on the ones you really need.
My only issue is i did suggest they auto-default them as value zero cost and that would leave the AA bonus in but i dont think they went that way. i dont care about the silver issue they can opt-out and due their 1k of needed ablities and opt-in when they go gold for an month.

I due like that fact that this will be yearly so so next expansion would default the next older AA's.
They are exculding some AA's peeps are complaing about like tradeskiling and they are not defaulting Event AA like DoN AA path.
#11 Feb 13 2014 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
489 posts
I was curious as to how this would work. So I logged into Test and saw there was an opt-in box in the AA window. I clicked it on one of my toons and it told me that it would change next time I zoned or leveled. I zoned and looked again at the window. It did not raise my AA total spent or assigned, so no free titles that way. It did grant everything for my level 73 shaman though. Then I clicked the box and zoned again. Thinking it would take away the assigned AA's but it did not and updated the assigned AA's total.

So if you still want to enjoy the journey and do everything the old fashioned way then you can. I can see where progression guilds would not want people to use it but if you just group with a free friends from time to time I can see where this would be a great thing. I know my poor warrior that got put on hold because I rarely group anymore will greatly appreciate it.
#12 Feb 19 2014 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
hexeez wrote:
For instance, in the case of non raiding Necromancers, some may rather not max the Spell Casting Subtlety line of AA as they may not want pet aggro issues if they aggro kite a lot.

I believe they removed the spell casting subtlety line from the auto grant, so you can choose whether to purchase them or not.
#13 Feb 19 2014 at 8:35 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
amastropolo wrote:
hexeez wrote:
For instance, in the case of non raiding Necromancers, some may rather not max the Spell Casting Subtlety line of AA as they may not want pet aggro issues if they aggro kite a lot.

I believe they removed the spell casting subtlety line from the auto grant, so you can choose whether to purchase them or not.

You are correct.

In the live patch notes sublety AA are among the excluded (which otherwise are mostly tradeskill related). So the devs clearly listened on that one.
#14 Feb 19 2014 at 11:54 PM Rating: Excellent
4,445 posts
Just wonder if you buy Gold for a month will you lose these autogranted AA's when your gold is up?
#15 Feb 20 2014 at 6:40 AM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
fronglo wrote:
Just wonder if you buy Gold for a month will you lose these autogranted AA's when your gold is up?

actually a really good question Fronglo. I did notice that they have once opted in the total AA pts spent and assigned are different. So maybe they take away those assigned and you keep your spent AA. I dont really know, but i cant imagine them letting people just buy for a month then unsub gold and let them keep those AA. Or maybe once your gold is up you wont earn anymore AAs that way and have to grind them instead. Who knows, like i said i didnt see anything about that.
EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#16 Feb 20 2014 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
I cound not find the post in the 179 pages but I thought I read you can keep all the AA you earn or default just like before once silver cant earn any new AA's unless under the 1K AA cap or bought the unlockers.

I was not going to due them on my main, but after getting a needed AC,HP boost on my SK who I am having trouble finding time to get better augs i went for it on all 3 of my chars I play daily.

Edited, Feb 20th 2014 10:44am by Larth

Edited, Feb 20th 2014 10:47am by Larth
#17 Feb 20 2014 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
What about secondary specialization (or whatever it's called)? Seems like some folks might not want that automatically activated without being ready to set it.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#18 Feb 20 2014 at 1:08 PM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
gbaji wrote:
What about secondary specialization (or whatever it's called)? Seems like some folks might not want that automatically activated without being ready to set it.

I think thats secondary forte? and yes it is automatically activated..
EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#19 Feb 20 2014 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
fronglo wrote:
Just wonder if you buy Gold for a month will you lose these autogranted AA's when your gold is up?

Unless they changed stance, they had said in the silly-long threads that you would keep what you had... but if you were over your AA cap for being now-silver you would not earn further AA until you subbed gold again (or purchased the AA cap raises... assuming they were sufficient to allow you to earn them again).

Basically, they are fine with a whole lot of people subbing gold for a month and taking the boost to go back to silver for the long haul. They don't lose anything in that scenario if we think about it... but do gain a nice little cash influx I would think.
#20 Feb 20 2014 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
gbaji wrote:
What about secondary specialization (or whatever it's called)? Seems like some folks might not want that automatically activated without being ready to set it.

Not in game so can't truly verify...

But secondary spec doesn't "set" until you cast in a spell school after having the aa. So anyone boosting AA might want to watch that close when the level comes around for it. This is assuming that the character getting the grant has all spell schools at the cap (remember the 1st one you break the cap is set as your specialization whether primary or secondary... if you let divination sit at 25 skill it won't be your secondary spec even if you cast invis 20 times after taking the AA secondary forte).

Heroic characters will most likely go the way Mayong characters did... those particular skills were set at the cap so you had to be mindful immediately of what you wanted as primary specialization. So I think this is as much of an issue in that situation (when it goes live).
#21 Feb 20 2014 at 4:31 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Snailish wrote:
In the live patch notes sublety AA are among the excluded (which otherwise are mostly tradeskill related). So the devs clearly listened on that one.

Glad for that indeed, but after reading Gbaji's post I'm now worried about the "secondary specialization" AA on my Mage alt that I granted AA's to last night, Because I buffed himself and pet up afterwards so I hope I didn't gain an unwanted specialization as secondary. Will have to log in and check..

Yeah, I already went with the flow and now intend to utilize this new found AA grant to the max Smiley: lol .

#22 Feb 20 2014 at 7:43 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Rukkuss wrote:
gbaji wrote:
What about secondary specialization (or whatever it's called)? Seems like some folks might not want that automatically activated without being ready to set it.

I think thats secondary forte? and yes it is automatically activated..

Yeah. That's the one. Something to think about when folks who've just been autogranted the AA log in for the first time. Would totally suck, for example, if my wizard logged in and then cast say a conjuration spell as the first thing and oops! I've been holding off on that one precisely because I haven't been sure which school I want to use (I'm torn between alteration and abjuration, but I'm leaning towards alteration). Like I said, would suck to log in, and think "I should refresh my familiar" and not realize that this might be a disaster.

And heaven help me if I for some unknown reason decide to cast eye of tallon or whatever. God that would suck.

Oh. And in response to Snailish. I'm pretty sure my wizard is maxed out on all but one school (it's probably divination). I'd imagine classes with a wider variety of spells are likely to be maxed out in all of them, so basically the first spell you cast after receiving autogrant could very well determine the secondary forte, whether it's what you'd want it to be or not. This may or may not be a big deal. But I can absolutely see this causing some problems and cases for the GMs to deal with.

Edited, Feb 20th 2014 5:46pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#23 Feb 21 2014 at 12:06 AM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
Hmm I think I might just have to go Gold a month on my warrior account and find out. He is level 77 and pretty short on AA. Plus that account has some alts in the 60+ range and a ton of junk that needs sold (bazaar trader).
#24 Feb 21 2014 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Logged in 4 characters today to see how this looks in reality. Purposely chose a level spread:

Level 55 Druid, had 84 assigned AA, after grant had 290. Were nearly all in basic stats in the general tab.

Level 64 Enchanter, had 149 assigned, 593 after the autogrant. Level 55 spell spec AA were part of the 149... I did notice several of the 59 class AA (dire charm, gather mana) that I hadn't gotten to yet so some value there).

Level 67 Enchanter, had 80 assigned, 921 after the autogrant. Still seemed light in the archetype/class categories to me. Wearing defiant gear this character wouldn't get much use out of quite a pile of these AA statwise.

Level 77 necromancer, had 1498 assigned, 2332 after the autogrant. Only really noticed the "fun" aa like raise the dead that I hadn't ever got to.

So basically, you burn a fair chunk of the AAxp bonus curve on the basic stats/resists and tradeskill AAs that they didn't exclude (like new tanaan mastery). I wouldn't necessarily flag autogranting on a new character hitting the 51-59 stretch. At least not without banking 30AA at the fast acquire rate.

My limited sample also suggest that you could push hard to 70 with the autogrant on and still have a lot of the AAxp curve left to burn.
#25 Feb 22 2014 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
4,445 posts
My 77 warrior has 2200ish AA now. I can tell a big difference in his power.

Something I really wish they would consider is more unique hotbuttons for AA skills. He has like a dozen AA abilities and it would be nice if they had gems like spells or something to help tell them apart. HEck don't even know what they do unless I go all the way into my AA's and look it up.
#26 Feb 22 2014 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
fronglo wrote:
My 77 warrior has 2200ish AA now. I can tell a big difference in his power.

Something I really wish they would consider is more unique hotbuttons for AA skills. He has like a dozen AA abilities and it would be nice if they had gems like spells or something to help tell them apart. HEck don't even know what they do unless I go all the way into my AA's and look it up.

Yeah, I don't doubt it is significant. My 77 necro probably would have been a huge difference if I hadn't been so selectively choosing the 1400+ AA I already had on the character. That was the only character in my list of 4 that had a decent AA count though... any of the others, if I had pushed them to even 70 without doing more AA I think I would feel the same way you do about your warrior.
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