eq is a business therefor needs $$ to operate,but i feel their goin bout it the wrong way.The challenge is to make players want to be gold & heres how: at 1 time exp in eq was so slow that it took a year to lvl from 1-50 so why not bring that back but even slower for f2p accts & 1% faster exp for silver & this goes for AA's as well,that would make players want to be gold right there then eq could drop this ridiculous 'prestige' deal on items.another idea is the 'plat' cap for f2p/silver accts,why not sell ability in SC to unlock plat caps,'gold' isnt the only way to make $$,make good use of the SC cause right now its junk cause it sells junk.How about an AA reset sold in SC,players have no control when devs decide to 'nerf' aa's making expensive AA now useless,why shouldnt the player have an opportunity to have those wasted aa back? while giving the SC a useful commodity .saving the best for last,eq needs something to bring new players in & to make players want to log on & that would be 3x a day a player could join an instance solo or within a grp & be placed randomly on a 24 man team to play capture the flag vs another 24 man team,of course 1st come 1st to have advantage,it could sometimes be an odd # vs another odd # till more joined or zones in & the purpose of this game is for players to get to see other players in action & this can include cross server fights,once ya join instance you could be parred up with those on other servers making for 1 insane PvP battle & the reward would be pts,at the end of the game say too 500 with kills giving a pt each & capturing a flag giving a pt every 5sec while captured players could earn a total of pts win or lose pending on there actions in game like killin another player,healing friendlies,capturing pts,defending pts with a bonus if ya won the game.with these pts gained there would be a npc that sold weps,armor,augs,mounts,exp pots,etc. you could even design a once a day server vs server using same pts system but different npc since that would be a much tuffer game.this would make players want to log on 4x a day at least if they been away bored of the daily grind,also all players f2p-gol;d should be able to participate but maybe make the vendor 'gold' only?I just feel EQ is constantly tryn to get new business but goin bout it the wrong way,there either introducing crap or forcing players to pay 15$ for a game with super old graphics,many bugs & all old zones are now usless with the introduction to defient+ so its not like theres a ton of content,players stick to hotzones 'which drastically need a change' leaving most zones empty,what ideas do you have??????