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So, a week on FV and....Follow

#1 Apr 26 2012 at 5:15 AM Rating: Excellent

OMG, I'm hooked! :(

Had a friend who recently quit and she asked me (as they all do) to take care of her ranger and chanter. Now, normally what I do in that situation is move them to my home server (Cazic, in this case). But there was one problem: her ranger and chanter are on FV. She moved them there when transfers first opened up. She raved about the server and how great it is and yadda yadda yadda. So, Sunday, I logged in to get the lay of the land, so to speak.

First off, I had no idea she had finally learned how to make plat. As a person who usually had to be shown ways to support her tradeskill habit (since most of that stuff doesn't sell for much profit), I logged in to find her ranger very well off (by normal server standards). She had stalled at 93 (just short of 94) but her bank was literally full to capacity with the 6th anniversary collector's items. She says she's made a pretty penny off the ceremonial elixirs (there's a strat to it).

Anyhow, I've had no problems getting groups when I want 'em, the bazaar prices don't shock me (raid gear is expensive. Who knew?), but the selection and availability DID. For a server that's supposed to be less populated than the others, FV apparently has all the motivated sellers in the game. Level 85ish stuff that goes for 50k+ on CT was 10-15k or less. Some things were more expensive (common items like Greatblade of the Traitor and such) but those were relatively rare. It also seems that (for obvious reasons) people actively do the "low level" stuff like Ssra named so a lot of items I remember fondly (like Bloodfrenzy) are available and cheap to boot! I've met some really cool folks (and a few a-hats) and I'm actually considering moving my brood there (all 43 of 'em Smiley: tongue ). Names are probably not available (which is a dealbreaker) but we'll see.

So far, I've seen a couple of the regulars here. Sippin (Fourties of Saryrn) and Reyla (or a DE mage with her name), for example. Business might be pickin' up when the rowdies arrive. Smiley: lol
Cazic Thule

Firiona Vie

#2 Apr 26 2012 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
138 posts
I have been on fv for years during my off and on stints. The economy has some quirks but once you figure then out you're good. The population is larger than I ever remember thanks to free transfers and the XP bonus. I'm just worried it will be a bit too successful and we'll lose the XP perk.
#3 Apr 26 2012 at 7:35 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
FV has made it hard for me to play on other servers, 1 because my brother "needed" me to move most of my old characters there and 2 because of the reasons mentioned by Remianen. Even when my brother isn't playing, I have a hard time justifying rolling a new beastlord somewhere without the xp bonus nor the ridiculous gear mine is wearing for level 55.

My Vox druid is getting some play, but otherwise I've been all FV since mid-summer.

As for names, FV isn't always as bad as the other servers because it had the one-character rule for years so many of the ancient dormant accounts are only holding down one name there. For example, I logged in my old box account and found a lonely level 1 gnome warrior I had made in 2004 and hadn't logged in since his first-made date.
#4 Apr 27 2012 at 3:29 AM Rating: Good
1,074 posts
I don't know if I should be flattered or upset.

I don't have a character on FV.

After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#5 Apr 27 2012 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
1,156 posts
..this is the not the thread I expected. ;p

Happy to hear you are having fun. I last roamed the streets of Neriak, safe under the stone sky, January 31, 2006 and I still FV near daily. Enjoy it for me as well.
#6 Apr 27 2012 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
157 posts
FV is an amazing server. the population is actually a lot higher than most people think. I hear people log in and check the lobby and think the population is low because the lobby is smaller than their home server, but these people don't realize that FV has more people in the bazaar than any other server, so a lot of people afk in bazaar as well.

FV has a medium population according to this link below. Most servers are listed as "medium". FV has a higher population than vulak`aer progression server.

IMO the biggest downside of FV is if you want to be in a bleeding edge best of the best raid guild you are better off going to a normal server. FV does have a raid guild but they pale in comparison to other servers.

but for people who aren't hardcore raiders, you should seriously ask yourself why you and your friends are *not* on FV.

Edited, Apr 27th 2012 11:49am by NewbishTroll
#7 Apr 27 2012 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
My ears were burning and I see why in the first post!

I always wanted to "try out" FV and I got bored enough on my old server (Bertox, formerly Saryrn) that I made "another" Sippin on FV. Joined a fun and friendly guild (which eventually merged into Lateralus) and had a blast levelling this new druid up to 78. Finally, decided to make the one-way jump and move my main druid over, as well as all my box toons. I have never looked back. FV has a great population, a bustling bazaar and due to the fact that almost nothing is "no drop", yeah you can find some great deals on great gear, including old world stuff that would otherwise be very hard to acquire, maybe taking weeks of camping. I know for some people that's the only way to acquire prestigious items but like a lot of people I have a RL and not endless time to play a game.

Long story short, moving to FV is the best move I ever made and I doubt I'd still be playing if I had not.

If you do decide to move your toon over, or make a new toon to try FV out, feel free to send me a tell for tips and advice. I might even be talked into a short PL session if I'm free and bored. But FV is rarely boring! And if you need a guild you do a lot worse than the one I'm in, which is one of the biggest no-pressure family style guilds on FV. (free plug to Lateralus)
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#8 Apr 27 2012 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Felicite wrote:
..this is the not the thread I expected. ;p

Happy to hear you are having fun. I last roamed the streets of Neriak, safe under the stone sky, January 31, 2006 and I still FV near daily. Enjoy it for me as well.

Free to play Felicite, you could at least take a stroll...
#9 Apr 27 2012 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
1,156 posts
snailish wrote:
Felicite wrote:
..this is the not the thread I expected. ;p

Happy to hear you are having fun. I last roamed the streets of Neriak, safe under the stone sky, January 31, 2006 and I still FV near daily. Enjoy it for me as well.

Free to play Felicite, you could at least take a stroll...

I'm thinking about it.. friends are dabbling and have asked. I can almost rationalize that I wouldn't be giving SOE a red cent, I'd be costing them money!

"I still FV", nice proof reading me..
I still get homesick for FV near daily.
I still miss FV people near daily.
I still daydream about things that happened on FV near daily.

We'll see, stranger things have happened.
#10 Apr 27 2012 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good

So, some of the rowdies have touched down, with more a few minutes, actually. Smiley: nod

Started a new guild, Maxim, to hold my crew until I decide what I'm going to do. The name thing wasn't as big a deal as I thought it would be. A couple of characters had to go with modified names ('Ophelia' became 'Ophelie', 'Hillary' became 'Hilary', 'Venetia' became 'Venezia', etc) but it wasn't that bad. I even got to do a name change that was an upgrade ('Canzrawue' became 'Canace' or "child of the wind". Fitting for a monk, no? Smiley: smile ).

Just from listening to General over the last few days, I see what people (like NewbishTroll) mean when they warn "hardcore raiders" from the server. Besides Fire & Fury, there don't seem to be any guilds wholly focused on progressing through current content. Doesn't bother me none (8 years as a raider/raid leader/cat herder is enough!) but it seems there are folks who wish "someone" would start a guild that competes with FnF. Of course, it's always "someone" and not "I'm going to....", isn't it? The server's population seems a little better than Cazic but people don't congregate in the same areas, it seems. More traders in bazaar on FV (duh?) but a lot less folks AFK in the lobby.

I'm also finding that none of my characters come to FV "broke". All that no drop gear that was clogging their banks and being threatened by the delete key, is now turning into plat (which is awesome!). The mage I just moved, which is still a silver account (thus, she didn't have any money to speak of, really), has to keep handing plat off to one of my gold characters to avoid hitting the silver plat cap (35.5k for her at 71). I like the fact that old gear isn't an albatross financially (just sell it when you upgrade it) and with so many characters with raid gear (outdated, needing to be replaced, but raid gear nonetheless), the transition hasn't been nearly as costly as I thought it would be.

This server is gold! Wish I had come sooner!
#11 Apr 28 2012 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
Not to belabor the point...but FV is amazing. Transferred here from Zek, and immediately found a great, family style guild. As everyone said, a vibrant community plus a great economy= great time.

Love FV...if you transfer do a /who all Xanit ( my guild ) and I will gladly help in any way I can...Smiley: smile
#12 Apr 28 2012 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
Look me up! Char name is Larzuk. I'm on always. :)
#13 Apr 29 2012 at 1:16 AM Rating: Good
65 posts
I"ve friends on FV, they rave about it.

Guild is Symphony of Arms.

If I ever had to move/stop raiding, I'd go there.
#14 May 06 2012 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
LeWoVoc wrote:
Look me up! Char name is Larzuk. I'm on always. :)

Heh will do.

Another week, another four characters moved over. I'm up to 15 now and there's still four or five I'm on the fence about (do I NEED four wizards on FV? Do I want to leave the CT crew with zero rogues?) We're all in the guild Maxim and though I haven't done much outside of bazaar (equipping the new arrivals), I find time to do some HSing if only to earn chronobines/faycitum/doubloons/orum for the rent. Smiley: nod

Just got our own village so everyone's gettin' a house (SC willing). I haven't been this engaged in EQ in, gosh, five or six years! Figuring out each character's personality to determine what kind of house they'd get and how they would decorate their plot, then making what I can (fletching/JC) and getting the designs down is what I spend most of my time outside of game thinking of. Then I get ingame and have to level them all (most are under 80, the main crew is still on CT....for now), usually earning those sweet alt currencies that push the rent's due date into 2015. Smiley: smile

#15 May 06 2012 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
138 posts
What surprises me is that no raid guilds from other servers have made the jump. If I ran a raid guild on a normal server I would be all over this getting the guild to make the jump.

Edited, May 6th 2012 6:26pm by TouchinMyself
#16 May 06 2012 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
TouchinMyself wrote:
What surprises me is that no raid guilds from other servers have made the jump. If I ran a raid guild on a normal server I would be all over this getting the guild to make the jump.

Edited, May 6th 2012 6:26pm by TouchinMyself

I know, right? Gearing is easy (so very little going back to gear recruits. If they're motivated, they'll gear themselves), there's basically no competition (one other guild and everything's instanced anyway), and the server is literally burning with people who'd like to raid but can't get into F&F for whatever reason. Your guild bank will always be stocked, there will hardly ever be any rot loot, alts can fill in for mains when necessary (see 'gearing'), and the prime xp spots aren't nearly as camped as they are on many of the other servers. I think the only deterrent really is the fact that you can't leave again but that's no deterrent. I've been here two weeks and I'm already scheming and plotting on how to move my entire roster of toons here. Like Sippin said, I think when I leave FV, I'll be leaving EQ altogether. I have a tough time going back to CT (and every time I do, I find a way/reason to move another toon or three). I just kitted out my 85 warrior in level appropriate gear, largely paid for by her selling her old stuff. I don't have to spend 3 months in Dreadspire trying to get a set of AC augs. I don't have to spend 2 weeks in RSS for more AC augs. Dealing with the abysmal drop rate on clays/luminescences and such? Not me. But even with all that, I'm told that there is a real dearth of warriors on the server. Then again, the fact that "everyone" is an SK and swarming everywhere might contribute somewhat to that. But old timers tell me warriors generally don't get made (or at least not leveled to cap) on FV. I have two there right now (with two more incoming). This server is awesome! (I said that already, didn't I?)
#17 May 06 2012 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
I'm loving being on FV (as I already said) but I think as long as it has "Hotel California" rules (you can never leave) it isn't going to poach a strong end-game raiding guild from elsewhere. Thinking about this made a couple of other things come to mind for me:

One being that it's a bit of a mindset thing. Ranking as one of the top 5 guilds in EQ won't mean as much if there is a FV asterisk* beside your guild (others will imply you had it easier being on FV) --so if bragging rights/greater community status is an aspect of a top-guilds mystique they aren't going to come to FV.

"Doing it fresh the hard way" would be what... starting a full on raid guild on Trakanon or Vox and aiming to be top 10ish in the overall game. Is anyone trying to do that (not on Trak in its existence I would venture)? I think one of the current top guilds actually started on Combine/Sleeper progression so maybe that will happen again out of Fippy/Vulak... then I am thinking that really successful guilds like being the top of the server where they already are the top and known. If the FV free transfers had exited around Ldon era, then I know that some guilds on Rodcet Nife (my server at the time) would have risked the jump because they were tired of being blocked in Luclin/PoP progression by other guilds that were ahead of them. [but GoD happened and by OoW those 4-6 guilds had condensed into maybe 2 viable top guilds].

...or maybe FV just needs a really committed raid/guild leader that aspires to be top-end on FV aside from the current?

Anyways, I have thought about this way more than makes sense for a person with no intentions of ever being in such a guild.
#18 May 07 2012 at 12:14 AM Rating: Excellent
snailish wrote:
..or maybe FV just needs a really committed raid/guild leader that aspires to be top-end on FV aside from the current?

Anyways, I have thought about this way more than makes sense for a person with no intentions of ever being in such a guild.

I've thought about this way too much as well. I've mentioned it to friends/former guildies (the same people who "dumped" their accounts on me when they quit, who I give regular updates to in the hopes of luring them back) and the idea is attractive. But I can't lead it. My raiding style doesn't fit today's MMO player. I'm the raid leader who had the guild camp out in Halls of Testing for an entire weekend (72 straight hours, of which I was present for 63 of them) to get our armor farmed ASAP since there were six guilds all clustered in the same area doing the same thing. I'm the person who, as a monk, died over 60 times learning how to pull King Tormax to Wakening Lands, single. I'm the raid leader who pushed a guild to spend 19 hours in Vex Thal on their first trip there, clearing the whole zone for similar reasons (anything we left up would not be there the next day since there were four other guilds in VT and three more just a few Emp kills from a fully keyed raid force). Mind you, those raids turned into enduring memories and the bloopers are remembered to this day. But that wouldn't really fly in today's raid game (or so I'm told). People want X number of hours of raiding, no more, no less. If you don't get the mob killed today *shrug* we'll get it next time. I'd get really bored, really fast since half the fun of raiding (for me, way back when) was the race to the spawn. Get there, buff, pull, kill, next target!

If I could get them to all agree to come back, I'd consider it. Today's raid game seems more conducive to their playstyles (rigidly structured, "I can't stay longer than...", etc) than mine (we stay until the mob is dead, no matter what). Without the race, the (good natured, competitive) smack talk, and the drama ("Yeah, we could've killed it easy too if we brought 80 people like you did!"), I dunno how much fun it would be for me.

Ah well...
#19 May 19 2012 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
489 posts
Instead of starting a new thread I thought I would highjack this one.

Since all my friends stopped playing on Xegony and I was wanting to mix things up I transferred my warrior, Phumok, to FV last night. I did some checking in the bazaar and ran around a few zones.

So I was wondering what guilds are pretty easy going that gets groups together on a regular basis? I am just looking to have fun with loot and progression being a bonus. Any ideas would be great, I should be on throughout the day at random times so if you see me on feel free to send me a tell.
#20 May 19 2012 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
Send me a tell and we can talk about Lateralus. I think it meets your requirements!
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#21 May 23 2012 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
For what its worth to those thinking about changing servers, I made the change a while back and am so happy i did. I was also concerned about only having the one raiding guild (FnF), so I did start my own and it has flourished. Symphony of Arms is a family style guild, working on current group progression, guild grouping, and also raids (non required), and we accomplished mroe in the 2 short mounts weve been around then I could have ever imagined. We started in underfoot and tore through that content no problem. We have since moved into HoT raiding and are not seeing any roadblocks as of yet. Folks from Fire and Fury have been great with there assistance to my quild and were really enjoying working with those folks rather then the normal guild bashing and constant pressure to out do one another. We are seeking more folks to join our ranks, and our raiding team. Can check us out at or shoot me a [t firiona.theraz. For now our only requirements are that members sign up recruits sign up and app on our boards and to have fun.

Edited, May 23rd 2012 3:25pm by TherazMumbles
#22 May 27 2012 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
I was originally on Mayong with my guild Insanity. Then they merged into Tunare and I couldn't stay due to reasons I can't discuss publicly... So, I moved my guild to Firiona Vie. I originally started out on FV almost 8 years ago (wow, has it been that long?). Took a break, came back to FV.. Then rolled a toon on Mayong when the server opened up.

Anyway, Insanity is always looking for new members. We're casual and we wouldn't mind helping other guilds with raids and stuff. *hint hint nudge nudge*

Poke me on Gooshy, Moosy, or Blueberrees. =)
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#23 Jun 04 2012 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
Ok well...I talked to my buddy and we just made the move today to FV... so yeah if you see an annoying smart *** talk in OOC its most likely me...or any of the other 90% of players hehe.
Here is my small list of characters (havent listed the tween leveled ones, or the ones I've yet to move...damn transfer cap).

Main Account (Gold):
-(Main) Necropimp 62 Necromancer / Firiona Vie
-Baihu 43 Shaman / Firiona Vie
-Lapdog 45 Druid / Firiona Vie

Boxed Account (Silver):
-Doctoring 60 Cleric / Firiona Vie

My buddy has a 50 warrior (we actually moved just so he could work on his epic, the npc he needed was bugged and not spawning), named Blackundead.

I may or may not recreate my depends on if a majority of you are in one guild, or spread around. If its the latter then I've already petitioned so I can remake mine. Anyway...see you all somewhere around.

Edited, Jun 4th 2012 9:03pm by Dyadem

Edited, Jun 4th 2012 9:42pm by Dyadem
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#24 Jun 05 2012 at 2:49 AM Rating: Good
138 posts
Dyadem, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Ok well...I talked to my buddy and we just made the move today to FV... so yeah if you see an annoying smart *** talk in OOC its most likely me...or any of the other 90% of players hehe.

This is FV there is no OOC! Apparently it takes away from the roleplay so instead we just get the global chat channels lol.
#25 Jun 05 2012 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
Welcome to FV! On FV smart *** talk is usually directed to one of the General chat channels. ;)
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#26 Jun 05 2012 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
No wonder I see shouts all the time in the GL hehe. I wasn't aware there was no OOC Smiley: lol
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
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