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Hey Anon lurkers of Alla... Weekend update April 9, 2012Follow

#1 Apr 09 2012 at 7:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
At the moment I type this there is 8 registered users on Alla and 219 anon lurkers... let's get you folks signed in and participating in the community.

Regular users, let's rate up any first-time posters that reply in this thread (nothing like a good start to being a scholar).

Weekend Update:

I played my Vox druid a bit on the weekend. Sunday morning I got into a group in Blackfeather which was a fun change from solo/moloing.

Edited, Apr 9th 2012 9:12am by snailish
#2 Apr 09 2012 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
I got into a LDoN adventure (on Vulak) on Friday I think. Maybe it was Thursday. Anyway, close enough. That was fun. finished up my Blood of Nadox spell. One of the drops was a pain, the others were much easier. Spent some time in PoI killing at the entrance for some AAs. Working towards the first rank of canni. I have, I think, 8 AAs more to go before I get there (3 more for MC 3 and then 5 for canni 1).

That's about it. Easter weekend, so I was visting family and stuff.
#3 Apr 09 2012 at 9:22 AM Rating: Excellent
18 posts
Let's see.

Friday me and the kiddo (totally hooked now, he's 10) we played our other new characters. He has a warrior and I made an SK. We decided not to quest and just ran around Blightfire killing everything we could. I think we started at about lvl 19 or so, ended up with me at lvl 30 and him at 34. I'm running with group leadership exp on.

Saturday we did 2 BB LDON's, and 3 Miragul's. He ended up at lvl 39 and me 34. I played later in the evening by myself farming plat in Mesa and got up to 39 and made about 12k from vendor drops. Logged on my monk and ran to Chardok cause I wanted the Shard of Night for my SK. Got lucky and all of the royals were up. I skipped the prince, killed the king cause he was on the way and then popped into the queen room and what do I see????? Sh'e wielding a blade in her hand...yay me. Killed her, looted my blade and now have a happy SK.

Sunday, we didn't do a whole lot. Ran around mesa together farming more plat items and ended up with me at 42 and him at 40. Now we are going to work on some more quests. We are still wearing some gloomingdeep pieces of armor =)
#4 Apr 09 2012 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
902 posts
Was in Guk with my necro/beast combo ( super fun and very deadly ) when the I came around a corner and the Fabled Froglok Shin Lord...Smiley: eek

We could barely do any damage, so I hopped on my 74 Troll warrior ( for the first time since F2P ) and killed him cause I have a Paladin that could use the sword. Turned out the warrior was fun, so went Fabled hunting. In Lower Guk had the assassin pop and the Cavalier. SO decided to head to Old Sebilis and see what was up. Turns out the only Fabled that I have never gotten was the Chef, who was up and grinning at me....but he was Yellow. Figured what the heck, and dang if I didn't get him...Smiley: sly Cool summon dagger wrist bracer drop.
Headed down to see if Trak was luck, but the The Fabled Tolapumj was up and he was yellow him as well, so got a rob for my Necro...Smiley: grin

Not alot of playing time, but a good time was had...Smiley: wink
#5 Apr 09 2012 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
8,187 posts
I took my Necro/Cleric (both 53 now) into Veksar to grind, grind, grind that new AA (want to get quite a few banked on each character before I level up more). Man just like old times too...except now I have the whole zone to myself since barely anyone travels there on Xegony it seems.

At one point I was sitting around in the GLobby, and saw some general messages about the Fabled Jboots rotting, so I was lucky and got two pair for the Nec/Clr. Happy days for me!

Edited, Apr 9th 2012 11:05am by Dyadem
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#6 Apr 09 2012 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
Logged on and off Friday and Saturday while trying to figure out what happened to my account in 10 months of not playing.
Started making some new hot keys for the ranger, who I now enjoy playing the most of my Povar toons.
Sunday I was trying to buy some station cash and continuing on new hot keys when I took advantage of a comment on a free PL group. Thanks to Morluk(sp?) of Triton guild and burning LOD I leveled to 77 and added 18 aa to my ranger in less than an hour. Didnt buy the station cash in game as my cc wasn't being processed. Wanted to take advantage of double cash to pick up some of those very large capacity bags for sale.

So yes I'm back in game, both accounts are active gold, (one for only a month Sony did that on its own, but I wont complain) and I'll see what happens. Just wont be playing all the toons as the idea of doing 8 sets of hotkeys and socails and spell sets is a bit much at this time.

#7 Apr 09 2012 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
17 posts
Weekend update from new users, eh? Alright, I'll bite.

I'm a long-time player who tried for greener pastures around EQ2/WoW/FFXI time. Didn't like those very much but thought I'd wait for something better than EQ. Obviously, that game never happened and probably never will.

So with F2P I decided to come back to EQ and will probably never leave again.
I started fresh with a new toon on Vox, an SK I got to 55, then decided to give boxing a try. Created two more accounts this weekend and started up a Bard and Wizzy to join up with my SK. Also took advantage of double SC points and made the accounts silver/unlocked a few things.

Bard is level 10 and sitting at Pit Fiend in the tutorial. When the Wizzy gets to level 10, I'll have them join together for the first time and try to dual-box. Should be fun.
#8 Apr 09 2012 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Got my shadowknight to 71. Trying to farm AAs with him and it's rough because of how camped everything is (especially the hole). Beyond the scarcity of things to kill, it really is much more pleasant getting AAs with him than my mage. Everything dies without losing any hp/mana.
#9 Apr 09 2012 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
138 posts
Made some progress on my SK 1.5, got my bard to 65 got the wifes mage into her 60s. Pretty good weekend.
#10 Apr 09 2012 at 11:52 AM Rating: Excellent
4,445 posts
My trio is moving up. Finally forced myself to the lvl 60 hotzone and found a quiet reasonably safe pulling spot. MY 65 warrior got a few AA points and got a level and a half on my warlock/rogue putting them at 59. Started a silver account for warlock/rogue when F2P hit and the 65 warrior is a VERY old alt on my main account that hadn't seen action in along time. Seems like a pretty good trio though. Trying to grind some AA on my warrior as he only has 40 right now (when I played in before it was still a grind to earn AA). Figure let the other 2 toons catch up to him and hopefully get him some defensive/hp/threat aas in. Luckily he has the double exp veteran reward so I can get him a good chunk of AA during that time.

#11 Apr 09 2012 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
8,187 posts
Gazic wrote:
Weekend update from new users, eh? Alright, I'll bite.

I'm a long-time player who tried for greener pastures around EQ2/WoW/FFXI time. Didn't like those very much but thought I'd wait for something better than EQ. Obviously, that game never happened and probably never will.

So with F2P I decided to come back to EQ and will probably never leave again.
I started fresh with a new toon on Vox, an SK I got to 55, then decided to give boxing a try. Created two more accounts this weekend and started up a Bard and Wizzy to join up with my SK. Also took advantage of double SC points and made the accounts silver/unlocked a few things.

Bard is level 10 and sitting at Pit Fiend in the tutorial. When the Wizzy gets to level 10, I'll have them join together for the first time and try to dual-box. Should be fun.

Thats how I was too, played this years ago and left because there was such a lull at that time, kind of hopping from game to game over the past few years (Though I found a new kind of abusive love from EQ2 that I can't quit).. but hopping back into EQ1 is like an all new and old experience.
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#12 Apr 09 2012 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
489 posts
Absolutely no EQ this weekend as I was either traveling or spending time with family. I did leave my wife and kids where we traveled to so tonight I have free reign to do whatever and I am 99% sure that is going to involve some quality time with me toons.
#13 Apr 09 2012 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
9,395 posts
I came back to the game this weekend after being gone since either 09, or early 2010. Playing for free, but I plan on paying since I can afford it. It's nice to know that I can keep playing even if I can't afford to pay now.

That being said, I've spent most of the weekend slaughtering Giants, Griffons and Harpies in Goru'Kar. And I went and killed every single thing in unrest for the sheer hell of it. And I slaughtered all the dwarf guards in Butcherblock because they attacked and killed my new toon unprovoked earlier in the day.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#14 Apr 09 2012 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
317 posts
I guess it wasn't this weekend, but rather starting about Wednesday last week and ending Friday night.

I was doing the MG Anniversary tasks. Got both augs and the mount. The augs are really nice, and were on my to-get list for upgrading my aug set, so it's nice to get 2 really nice ones in quick succession.

I wish I had done these tasks last year. but from what I hear, last year was a lot more competition for mob drops. This year to me seemed really easy. There were no obvious griefs being brought up in /ooc. People were /ooc'ing for drops. And trains seemed to be at a minimum. Granted, I had to be have my toon in DSH for almost 48 hours straight, but it wasn't bad.

When I was able to be at the keys for a few minutes between doing things around the house, I would refresh all my buffs and go give him a 4 minute burn; popping off my raid burn and making sure I would mgb Auspice to a couple nearby groups at the same time. I figured if I could help knock him down 1% it was worth it, lol.

I'm happier with the mount than I thought I would be, too. It seems to be more maneuverable than the blimp mount they had on sale in the station store a few months back. And it makes less noise than the blimp does.
#15 Apr 09 2012 at 4:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Let me see here....

Friday... I had Bio and English class. And lordy, do I hate waking up at 5:30am. Came home, took a nap. Then jumped onto EQ to recruit more peeps into the guild and then grind some aa's.

Saturday... I completed some old Anniversary quests, just so I could get the achievements. I'm an achievement *****, what can I say? :P

Sunday... Since my family doesn't celebrate Easter (they're Jewish), I slept late. After getting up at 1PM because I need my beauty sleep, ha.. I got onto EQ and started working on more Anniversary stuff. Plus, I needed to start on my Biology poster board that was due today. Gods, I am such a procrastinator.
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#16 Apr 09 2012 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Wonderful thread. Nice to see new people posting (or older ones that don't post in EQ much lately).

Didn't get to play much this last week. I got one day in and worked on getting the Enc some AAs, and practicing Headshotting techniques. I miss the old AE spells working with Headshot, but oh well.

Been a busy week in RL. Thu was surgery. I slept through it without anything but a local, but I was tired since we got a new 3yr old dog Wed night, and he's a barker. Got this new to me laptop Tue I think it was. It's better than my old computer. Haven't tried it out much in EQ, 'cept for a few minutes to make sure it worked. Had the wireless working for a while, then it was all ********, so ended up plugging it in. Was hoping the wireless would work, so I could surf / play EQ while doing treatments (3.5-4hrs almost every day).

If I get the wireless working again, that's what I'll do or watch videos.

Fri was a dentist appointment, that took about 10mins to just do x-rays, examination, then say come back next week when someone is here to do the work. That was strange. Did something Sat but I can't remember what. Did redo my bandages Sat night, and was surprised there was only one incision. It looked really good. It felt like there was two, but it's probably where they moved stuff around. Pain is very tolerable without medication now.

First stuff they gave me made me itch worse than the pain. Still itchy at the site, but the pain meds made me itch to the core all over. The itch and pain made me want to smoke worse, so I haven't done too good this last week. I was down to 3 or 4 a day. Hopefully, I'll get back to that soon, so I can quit all together.

I've been wanting to get back to the AA wiki stuff, and manually verify everyone, since I re-uploaded them all a week or so ago, and make sure the updates didn't erase anything, and also verify that the spreadsheets were in sync with the wiki pages.

missjackie wrote:
Gods, I am such a procrastinator.
And, as such, it only gets worse the older you get. Smiley: frown Some people love it. Me on the other hand, I hate being like that, but it's my nature to be spontaneous and do whatever, whenever. I used to enjoy it (the added pressure, need to rush, etc.), but the more responsibilities you get, the more annoying it becomes, at least to me. I always wanted to be one of those here's plan, everything will get done ahead of time, will time to spare in case of an emergency, etc. I think it was too boring when I was young enough to make to the change. Now, I'm just set in my ways. Smiley: tongue Although, one of my best memories, and most fun times, was writing a 25+ page paper on playing guitar in one 24+ hr sitting. And it was pretty excellent other than a few typos. However, I spent alot of time thinking about it, making mental notes about transitions and the like.

Oops, I'm babbling again. Missjackie just got me thinking about college too much I think. Fun times!

Have fun everyone!

Yther Ore.
#17 Apr 09 2012 at 6:29 PM Rating: Good
Yther wrote:

missjackie wrote:
Gods, I am such a procrastinator.
And, as such, it only gets worse the older you get. Smiley: frown Some people love it. Me on the other hand, I hate being like that, but it's my nature to be spontaneous and do whatever, whenever. I used to enjoy it (the added pressure, need to rush, etc.), but the more responsibilities you get, the more annoying it becomes, at least to me. I always wanted to be one of those here's plan, everything will get done ahead of time, will time to spare in case of an emergency, etc. I think it was too boring when I was young enough to make to the change. Now, I'm just set in my ways. Smiley: tongue Although, one of my best memories, and most fun times, was writing a 25+ page paper on playing guitar in one 24+ hr sitting. And it was pretty excellent other than a few typos. However, I spent alot of time thinking about it, making mental notes about transitions and the like.

Oops, I'm babbling again. Missjackie just got me thinking about college too much I think. Fun times!

Have fun everyone!

Yther Ore.

We have to write a 10 page paper for English 102 using the Rogerian argument. Professor said we could use any topic, and so I figured.. I'd pick atheism (since I am an atheist myself) and religion, since both of them are so extremely controversial and would be perfect for Rogerian argument.

Since the poster board was pretty easy to accomplish, I waited until the last minute. This 10 page paper, my lord. I've been writing a page every other day (since it's due on April 30th). That way, I don't have to write all 10 pages in one day.
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#18 Apr 09 2012 at 7:07 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm back after a LOOOOOONG time away from the game. Good to see this resource is still around and active!
#19 Apr 10 2012 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
3,362 posts
Enjoying being back. Joined a fellow poster's guild (though I'm not sure what her Alla name is at this point. Whoops!) and have been enjoying the AA grind on my 70 beastlord. Just shy of 250 at the moment. Been quite busy in real life advancing this music thing, but it's left me with pretty much every day free and every evening taken. I can live with that.
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