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Weekend Update, Dec. 19, 2011Follow

#1 Dec 18 2011 at 5:50 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
I'll start this off early and append to it if I do anything else "noteworthy" tonight. Smiley: lol

Fri: Had great fun with my Pally's duoing "another game." (Not sure what the rules are here on naming competition.) A game I never thought I would play, never wanted to play, but agreed to at least try. I had gone into the game on my own earlier in the week and gained a few levels, but having my friend come in to show me "the ropes" and better ways to travel than by foot *grins* was an IMMENSE help in addition to tons of fun! I've heard people speak of this game in comparison to EQ but now seeing it for myself, it's not really an "apples to apples" type comparison.

RL - Landlord came to switch my dryer cord from a 3-prong plug to a 4-prong plug to fit the 4-prong dryer plug at this apartment. I read up a bit on how that should be done prior (and apparently in the US the standard was changed in 1996 for dryers to go from the 3 to 4-prong plug ins as an added safety measure) and saw a lot of warnings about making sure the ground wires were placed correctly since, if they were not, one could be electrocuted while using the dryer!!! Smiley: eek Landlord assured me he had done this many times, although, according to him, most people rent the already in place washer/dryer set for the apartment. My set is relatively new and of better quality than the ones here, so I had them moved with me.

To make a long story a bit shorter, I knew I was in trouble when the landlord started saying to himself, "Hmmm, I wonder where this wire goes." Ack!!! It got to the point I was reading instructions to him from my PC until he finally said, "I'll call our electrician." Whew! Didn't know they had an electrician on call, but great. Electrician comes in, rewires the cord in about 5 minutes and is out the door. Later, I thought to look at the instructions in the manual for my particular dryer and wasn't sure what I saw was what the electrician did because it was done so quickly. Contacted my step-father, who was an electronic design engineer and built some little box thingy that went up on one of the first space shots. He came over armed with his voltage meter, checked the wiring, and said it was all perfect with correct voltage coming from each terminal. I felt MUCH better.

Sat: I have been logging into EQ daily for the "12 Days of Holidays" items. They're actually pretty cool items. There is a numbering theme going on a la "The 12 Days of Christmas" song. Today's gift (they are free on the day offered and can be purchased afterwards) was an augment that will fit any weapon and turn it into 5 spinning rings. The demo picture looked like one was wearing spinning brass knuckles.

Besides that, I have found myself logging in with my Druid and Pally, staring at the screen, and logging back out. Although I have things I'd like to do, I am just not motivated for some reason at the moment. Spent most of Saturday back in "the other game" and still enjoying the novelty of it. Late Saturday night I logged into the Fippy server as info from the last patch said the leveling speed had been increased a bit on the progression servers. Purchased the spells for my level 3 Druid, then spent about an hour working the Leafrunner Armor quests and making it about halfway to level 4.

RL - Now having a means to dry my clothes safely, I prepared to do some laundry. Turned on the washer and...nothing happened. Arrggghh! Now what? Then I noticed the water outlets from the wall had spigots on them so I turned the hot water one and...water spurted upwards from the back of the washer instead of going into the machine. I quickly turned it off. From what I could tell, I think the hose that attaches to the dryer was not tightened all the way by the movers. The cold water spigot worked fine. I'll work on addressing this issue tomorrow.

Sun (thus far): I attend a church in SecondLife. (Since it's not a game, but a virtual world, it's not direct competition to SoE.) Today was the Christmas Lessons and Carols service and I had been asked to read (via voice) one of the lessons. Thus I spent a good part of today in SL, chatting with a friend I hadn't seen in awhile due to being in EQ lately, then selecting suitable holiday attire for the occasion. I think I came up with a nice look.

Teril's Christmas Dress in SL

RL - I had a particular scene from an old movie musical in my mind, so looked it up on YouTube, which led to an hour and a half trip down memory lane watching some of my favorite movie scenes. I LOVE YouTube!

To be continued...maybe. Smiley: wink

Edited, Dec 19th 2011 9:50am by Azalysa

Edited, Dec 19th 2011 9:53am by Azalysa
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#2 Dec 19 2011 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Hit some old haunts on my necro: Plane of Hate, Icefall, Blackfeather Roost. I can now clear large sections of Blackfeather with steady pulling. As a hotzone, AAxp is still reasonable at 71.

Dabbled a bit in the Steppes. Probably the most refreshing thing I did was go into Plane of Water (where I had never been). Quite the place to be moloing (I brought out the cleric merc not knowing how the mobs would behave). I didn't really encounter (if any) summoners which was a nice change. They definately learned from Kedge when they designed PoW.

I find it ironic that they kept one of the most design-pretty (for lack of better words) zones in the game locked up for so long (2-3 years after it should have been opened).

I've also started buying level 80s armor pieces on FV, 1/3 of my bank is now various items I cannot yet equip. I have multiple rings and such as I can't yet figure out which focus I am going to want on a particular slot. I may be wrong... but it seems most visible slot gear has been homogenized (as in all pants have the same mod) for effects post 70?
#3 Dec 19 2011 at 7:17 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Nothing in-game still, but planning on renewing in the next week or two (hopefully before Frostfall is over, since there are many toons that want the ice goblin illusion ... no wobbling while fighting, and pretty small; one of the few illusions I really like).

snailish, in general, it's how you described, but they do vary it from level range to level range for raid gear, if I remember correctly. It's been a while since I looked at raid gear, and none really from UF and beyond. The defiant lines definitely made it alot easier while leveling up to 80 to know what focus will be where.

Also, have you found the Blackfeather Roost hotzone aug yet? It's the only one missing in the wiki page atm.

Azalysa, nice story on the landlord and electrician. Also, you make Second Life sound interesting (better than the few ads I've seen). I may have to check it out sometime.

Zam-wise, I've been working on the AAs over the weekend. I got all of the ones the macro missed put up. I'm almost done adding the spell effect ID info to the spreadsheet for the ones that were missing, other than a few I still couldn't find or narrow down. Some effects are not the same name as the AA, and some have many IDs with the same name, but only one or two are the actual AA ranks, and finally, but I usually figure these out, some are spelled differently or typo'd. I had also done a little more of the catergorizing, but probably won't do much there until I finish with the effect IDs and get that information posted.

Real life was rather strange the past week, but at least it seems to be going well, and looking very hopeful for the future, despite the situation.

In-game or out, have fun everyone!

Yther Ore.

Edited, Dec 19th 2011 8:20am by Yther

Edited, Dec 19th 2011 8:58am by Yther
#4 Dec 19 2011 at 8:08 AM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
You may refer to LOTRO, WOW, And other games. The one exception will be no mentioning of Final fantasy. Just because.
#5 Dec 19 2011 at 8:30 AM Rating: Excellent

Saturday, I was killing hoppers in the Dawnshroud caves when I got an invite for Velks. So I headed there for a while, and dinged 46 on my shaman. Yay. New pet at 46, so that was awesome. Took the new pet (I'll call him Murray) and we headed down to Rathe for some HG action. In a short time, I built up a nice 1000+pp hoard. That was nice. Replaces the 1300 or so I spent gearing up my warrior.

Sunday, took said warrior and unsaid cleric to Netherbian Lair and killed for an hour or so there. That was fun. Both dinged a level. Logged off the War and took the cleric around to pick up some new spells (new heal and new HoT spell.) Was in a guild group in Karnor's for one of the guild members, but he was having connection issues, so that really never got off the ground.

That's about it for me. Next weekend will be little play time, since it's Christmas Eve and Day. But hopefully, I'll get some time in during the week.

Oh, almost forgot. I did pick up a station cash card for each account at Walmart. $15 for a 1500 card with a 500 exclusive to WalMart bonus and that all tripled to 6000. Well worth it. Didn't spend any yet though.
#6 Dec 19 2011 at 12:28 PM Rating: Excellent
114 posts
Lady Azalysa do we need to mount a raid force against your washer & dryer?

Saturday: Triple Station Cash yeah ! Blasted through 62 to ding 63 thanks to Plane of Poo hotzone + 25% xp potion on baby blue cleric spiders, poor things just wanted to lick the candy cane weapon ornament Smiley: tongue I spent a couple hours in Halls of Honor NW basement, one SP dropped, no they didn't get any candy cane either!!!

Sunday: I went back to the Plane of Poo for a little more grinding. I spent some quality time with my family it was nice.

#7 Dec 19 2011 at 6:39 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Yther wrote:
Azalysa, nice story on the landlord and electrician. Also, you make Second Life sound interesting (better than the few ads I've seen). I may have to check it out sometime.

Awww...thank you for your nice comment re: The Landlord, The Electrician, and The Step-Father. Hmmm...could be another sequel to the Narnia Chronicles. :)

SecondLife is amazing! It is a virtual world where literally any activity you can imagine most likely exists there as well as any type of hobby or interest. Everything from dancing at any type of venue one prefers (jazz, 1940's themed clubs; 1920's speakeasies; Medieval Castles; Victorian dances complete with filling out dance cards) to literary clubs, ballet, any sport you can imagine (I've gone downhill skiing, surfing, tubing, swimming, boating - some people own rather impressive yachts and then belong to yacht clubs) - the list is endless. Although not a game, there are games *within* SL - all manner of role play themes from Star Trek/Star Wars/Apocalyptic/Medieval, etc., etc. games complete with health meters much like our health bars in EQ. There is also a role play sim called Everwind. Hmmmm...sounds familiar. Very much patterned after LoTR...orrr EQ. Smiley: grin One can be any kind of avatar they choose. I prefer to be a virtual representation of my RL, but I also have a dragon avatar (there is an entire dragon culture on SL), a 6" teeny anthropomorphic cat, a normal sized anthro cat (called "Furries" - another culture in SL), Neko, and a variety of oddball type avatars. I have an elven alt that I keep wanting to take to Everwind, but I also build and sell my products for lindens (the SL monetary coin) - that can be converted to RL USD!!! (Some people make decent part-time job money there.)

I could go on and on, but there is soooo much to SL. If you ever want to check it out and would like a "tour guide," let me know.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#8 Dec 19 2011 at 6:41 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
SilverValor wrote:
Lady Azalysa do we need to mount a raid force against your washer & dryer?

We might have to! I wonder what the EQ equivalent of washers/dryers would be. Likely some sort of gadgetry tinkered by the gnomes - probably the same crew who "tinkered" with mine. *grins*

SilverValor wrote:
Sunday: I went back to the Plane of Poo for a little more grinding.

*Consults my EQ maps, pondering where this Plane of Poo exists*

Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#9 Dec 19 2011 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Yther wrote:
Nothing in-game still, but planning on renewing in the next week or two (hopefully before Frostfall is over, since there are many toons that want the ice goblin illusion ... no wobbling while fighting, and pretty small; one of the few illusions I really like)

I would really like to get this illusion as well. Checked out the database for the quest and it says it needs a GROUP to complete...and looks like an 80+ group at that. Anyone completed this yet and have any suggestions/info, etc?

Thank you in advance :)
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#10 Dec 19 2011 at 8:32 PM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
You do not need an 80s group to get it. I have/had it on a toon or two. You do need a group around 70 to have a shot. I think We had 3 in high 60s one 70 and one 75.
#11 Dec 20 2011 at 5:37 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Shrouding allows you to get it at any level, with a group of 70s+, especially if you have a good Enc in the group, which will greatly reduce the number of others needed (basically a tank and healer, although I've seen some Enc be able to solo it as well).

I can't remember how it's done exactly, and since some quests need to be done one way or another, there are some differences in the shrouding is used to bypass a task's level span limit.

Yther Ore.
#12 Dec 20 2011 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
I'm just bummed out I need a group at all, but then as I answered in another thread, EQ was not set up for soloers. I can probably buy a stupid goblin illusion on the Marketplace.

I don't understand how shrouds work. I got one awhile back and was startled when it seemed to "wipe out" my character as in level, stats...didn't look at inventory. Once I got back to "me" I decided not to fool with that again. Another thing I should read up on.

To at least be somewhat in the holiday spirit EQ-wise, I went to the "Santa" NPC in PoK and got the initial quest - killing invisible "grimphs" for 10 pages of his list. The way the quest read, I thought one had to go to all the zones listed to obtain the different pages. I began in Butcherblock and, after accumulating most of the pages there, realized they likely drop all pages in all the zones. However, I couldn't get about 5 of the pages so changed scenery and headed to So. Ro. Found where they spawned and just whacked them as they appeared. I now have all but page 9.

While I was doing this, I got an IM from the other person in the zone, a level 51 Rogue (haven't run across many Rogues lately). She was trying to find Cistern Asps for ummm...Venomous Sacs I think for a poison and asked if I could track for her. I was getting bored waiting for page 9 to drop and love to help people if I can, so we went on a tracking "quest" for Cistern Asps. I had no idea how rare they are! The Rogue was very sweet and kept apologizing for taking my time and thanking me profusely. I told her this was the type of activity I truly enjoyed in EQ. After about an hour and a half, I think we saw maybe 3 Cistern Asps and got only 1 of the 2 sacs. She had to log, we put each other on our friend's list, I read up on where these particular asps spawn (Derv Camp 2 in S. Ro.) and proceeded to spend the next few hours killing everything in sight. One Cistern Asp spawned, but no sac. Also continued killing grimphs but no page 9.

Bottom line of this whole saga was...I made a new friend!

(Still wondering where the "Plane of Poo" is.)
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#13 Dec 20 2011 at 4:40 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,971 posts
Lady Azalysa wrote:
I had been asked to read (via voice) one of the lessons.
Anyone else thinking of Linus?Smiley: laugh

Lady Azalysa wrote:
I told her this was the type of activity I truly enjoyed in EQ.


Me, too!

Lady Azalysa wrote:
(Still wondering where the "Plane of Poo" is.)
I'm guessing Plane of Disease, since the PoTranq portal to get there looks like a sewage spigot.
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#14 Dec 20 2011 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
I think cistern asps are on the random zone mob generator. They can pop anytime, so just kill massive snakes, and bugs. You can also pick on the e;lite sand giants in the zone.
#15 Dec 20 2011 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,971 posts
Jonwin wrote:
I think cistern asps are on the random zone mob generator. They can pop anytime, so just kill massive snakes, and bugs. You can also pick on the e;lite sand giants in the zone.
This sounds like a cool game. Where can I download it?
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#16 Dec 21 2011 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
Lady Azalysa wrote:
I had been asked to read (via voice) one of the lessons.
Anyone else thinking of Linus?Smiley: laugh

ROFL!! Love it!!! That gave me a much needed laugh to start my day. (Just as long as I'm not compared to the teacher...WA-WAA-WA (or however that megaphone sound is printed. Smiley: wink

Lady Azalysa wrote:
(Still wondering where the "Plane of Poo" is.)

Friar Bijou wrote:
I'm guessing Plane of Disease, since the PoTranq portal to get there looks like a sewage spigot.

I was thinking that was likely the reference. I hold my virtual nose whenever I enter that Plane.

Edited, Dec 21st 2011 8:50am by Azalysa
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#17 Dec 21 2011 at 7:53 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Jonwin wrote:
I think cistern asps are on the random zone mob generator. They can pop anytime, so just kill massive snakes, and bugs. You can also pick on the e;lite sand giants in the zone.

I was wondering if they had any placeholders. Depending on where I read, I have seen that the asps used to spawn in S. Ro, N. Ro, and the Commonlands, but now only in S. Ro; that they are on a 20-minute timer at the Derv 2 camp in S. Ro (but I've spent 2 hours at a time there and only saw much for that theory), etc. I think I will do the massive snake/bug kill.

I did go over and whack some SGs to break up the monotony. Not bad plat, even for a level 80.

Thanks for the info, Jonwin. Smiley: smile
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
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