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#1 Dec 14 2011 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
3 posts
After coming back to the game and having daudled around lvl 70 getting some aa ( still not a lot mind you)for about a year I think I'm ready to invest some time back into EQ. I moved all my crap to Zek ( what was I thinking???) but have decided to make a go of it anyways :-)

Not being content with that, I'm wondering if I can do the POF parts for an SK Epic 1.0? Is it possible to solo or group in there? Idk how much it may have changed and finding good indepth information is hard at best. Is thre still a Death Touch in there?

Also, what should I be able to expect as a real xp rate? When I group I'm getting abour 1% sometime 2% per kill if being plvl'd basically, but I seem to find 1% solo easy enough. Should xp move faster or should I just be trudging along? Also, would ya say aa to level before moving on, or get to 90 ( did they just make it 95 now? sheesh)and then aa?

Thanks for any help guys and gals. I am really itching to dive
It's been great being a recluse shut-in, trying to break into a group of reculive shut-ins. There is still so much I love about EQ.

Magnuz Gethesemane
#2 Dec 14 2011 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
761 posts
I don’t want to sound negative but Zek’s population is low compared to other servers. Because of housing I have made a toon on every server except the progression servers to tour other’s artistry. And the population on them is great compared to Zek. With that said I play Zek 99% of the time. Main is on Zek, started on Rallos in 99’ and survived the merge. All my houses, guild hall and my Trader, Armourcarr, is on Zek. For the most part lower & mid level are almost solo. Is impossible to find a group due to population and literally back stabbing (PvP) in a trusted group. LOL that is Zek. There are some guilds starting up mid level and with a good group can get your 1.0 in a good long evening. Zek does add that little excitement that you have to watch your back when fight a mob but there are so many zones that it is easy to get lost to the rest of the population. ANON is your friend. Some of the post I have read that grouping is a problem on all servers. Between boxing and the age of the game, most groups are of the higher level nature or subject to guild affiliation. Just hang in there is my suggestion and remember at least on Zek you don’t have to take a number on a camp.
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#3 Dec 14 2011 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
At level 70 you should have no problem in Fear. I was there at 68 with my ranger for his epic.
Of course most Sk skip the epic for the Greemist?sp sword.
#4 Dec 14 2011 at 11:53 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
magnuskhan wrote:
Should xp move faster or should I just be trudging along? Also, would ya say aa to level before moving on, or get to 90 ( did they just make it 95 now? sheesh)and then aa?
Magnuz Gethesemane

Welcome back! Smiley: smile

I returned after several years' absence last summer. My main was then level 61. After I picked my jaw up off the ground to see level 90's Smiley: eek I got to work soloing in Plane of Nightmare. When I reached level 75, several in my guild said that was a good spot to stop and work AAs. (I didn't have any.) I spent some time working on AAs and then, because I had MUCH better equipment awaiting me in my bank when I dinged level 80, I leveled up to there and now plan to spend a LOT of time catching up on AAs. I have a "whopping" 250 and am really seeing how underpowered I am for my level due to the lack of AAs. Even with my mercenary, if I poke my nose into a zone that is supposed to be for my level and a mob sees through invis...I'm dead if I can't tp out quickly enough.

I would heartily recommend working on AAs for awhile; of course depending on how many you already have. There seem to be several schools of thought re: AAs:

*There are "sweet spots" where gaining AAs is faster than other levels. (Apparently level 75 was one; no idea how these levels are determined.

*After dinging a level, max out all AAs before continuing. I just heard this one recently and thought "Are you kidding me?!?! I'll be level 80 forever." I suppose if one started this earlier it wouldn't be so bad.

I guess that's just two schools of thought that I've heard actively discussed/implemented. For me, I am really seeing how my level 80 toon is not up to par without a lot more AAs. I have a level 55 Pally as well and am not leveling any farther until I get approximately 200 AAs so I'm not in the same situation as my main.

I would be interested in others' opinions on this.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#5 Dec 15 2011 at 2:56 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
If my SK was at 70 still, I would get the core AAs defensives and dps AA's maxed at that lvl (roughly 700-800 AA's).

Then level to 80 ,stopping to max out the same core lines of AAs you chose at each level and a few new core AAs that become available as you level up.

From level 80 you can easily get access to overpowered gear for pre SOD zones. This gear is the HOT "Abstruse Armor" (it is tradeable) and HOT T1 nonvisibles gear called "- - of fearful reverie" ..this gear is bought for tradeable "dream motes" in HOT-Feerott at an NPC vendor.

No progression is neccesary for the vendor to sell you the HOT T1 nonvisible gear. This gear is all 900-950ish hp/mana/end and will make doing your epic easier.

From this point you can learn to "swarm" to mass AA's faster than most classes can by killing large trains of light blue con mobs solo in the old world zones.

This section(see link below) of the SK class site explains swarming and many other abilities to help.You can check some of the older pages in the thread..Thats where I learned a lot of the tricks to successfully swarm amongst other things.

Because of the gear's power increase at level 80, it has become a sweet spot much like level 75 as said by Lady Azalysa.

But you must have the core and "swarm relevant" AAs and gear to swarm effectively. AC augs wherever possible helps a lot also.

Good Luck.

Forgot to add: At lvl 80 purchase a HOT T1, 1 hand weapon and a HOT T1 shield (950h/m/e 150+ AC). The damage and stats on the HOT T1 weapons are very high compared to almost all lvl 75-80 weapons from previous expansions.

Edited, Dec 15th 2011 5:22pm by hexeez
#6 Dec 15 2011 at 4:24 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
hexeez wrote:
From level 80 you can easily get access to overpowered gear for pre SOD zones. This gear is the HOT "Abstruse Armor" (it is tradeable) and HOT T1 nonvisibles gear called "- - of fearful reverie" ..this gear is bought for tradeable "dream motes" in HOT-Feerott at an NPC vendor.

No progression is neccesary for the vendor to sell you the HOT T1 nonvisible gear. This gear is all 850ish hp/mana/end and will make doing your epic easier.

Forgot to add: At lvl 80 purchase a HOT T1, 1 hand weapon and a HOT T1 shield (950h/m/e 150+ AC). The damage and stats on the HOT T1 weapons are very high compared to 75-80 weapons from previous expansions (group game-tradeable).

Thank you so much for posting this. (And Azalysa or "Aza" is fine *smiles*. I just subscribed to ZAM and they added the "Lady," which I do like, but no need to stand on formalities here.)

Anyway, where would I obtain the "dream motes?" I see items in the guild bank regularly called "Abstruse-something-or-other." When I've looked them up on the item database, it just says they are tradeable. Are those the dream motes?

Many thanks again for sharing where I can get some updated items for my druid.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#7 Dec 15 2011 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Hehe. Thanks Azalysa,

The "dream motes" is the currency you need to purchase the non visible gear ("_ _ of fearful reverie") but can be bought in the bazaar, on my server (AB) they sell for anywhere between 30-150 pp each.Like most items, in the week after prime time they sell cheapest and are available from numerous traders. On weekends and during prime time on any night they sell for more than when everyone has their traders on. Just an observation over the years.

Below is the merchant info and prices for the "fearful reverie gear":

If your travelling to this merchant from the Z.I. for the first time there are roamers and undead mobs so see if you could invis and have a friend cast/stack IVU on you.

"Abstruse" armor is combined (non-tradeskill) by players using the HOT drops from mobs(Abstruse Remnants_ _ etc) but the already combined "Abstruse" armor is commonly sold by players in the bazaar.It tends to sell on the expensive side Smiley: oyvey.

Search Abstruse in bazaar and a list will come down.Don't forget to make sure you buy the right ones for your class. If you have the "Abstruse Remnants_ _" you could combine it yourself (check the HOT armor button on front page of this site to the right, it has all of the details).

The best thing about this armor is that this is improved via HOT progression to become HOT T4 group gear(1600ish h/m/e).

This is great gear for your 80 druid.
For me nowadays, all alts I bring up aquire this gear at 80 as it is easily available and really makes a difference as it is better than SOD's top tiered group gear which was in the ~750 h/m/e range iirc.

Your welcome Azalysa, So much of what I learned in EQ over the years is from forums like these, so just giving back to the folks like you that share invaluable information and experiences etc. Smiley: smile

Edited, Dec 15th 2011 7:24pm by hexeez
#8 Dec 16 2011 at 9:45 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
THANK YOU for the wonderful, detailed info!!! That will be my "quest" for this weekend. I do notice prices on the same item fluctuating, but hadn't connected the prime time factor. Thank you for the heads up on that.

(Side note: I was trying to find a better 1H slash weapon for my 55 Pally in the Bazaar recently. Didn't find that but found something else for her at an extremely low price for what it 5pp! I browsed that trader's other wares and saw several great updates for my Druid, so I logged off Pally, right back on Druid...flew over to the Bazaar and...trader was gone. Smiley: cry I made note of her name and have checked back occasionally. This Abstruse type armor is likely better...I like that the stats increase.)

I went to HoT Feerrot once, with an join a HoT mission/task, so yes, know what you mean about being very, very careful!!!

Agree totally with "paying it forward" or "back" re: helping others here on these forums as well as in game.

Again...many, many thanks!!!
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#9 Dec 16 2011 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Azalysa wrote:
(Side note: I was trying to find a better 1H slash weapon for my 55 Pally in the Bazaar recently. Didn't find that but found something else for her at an extremely low price for what it 5pp! I browsed that trader's other wares and saw several great updates for my Druid, so I logged off Pally, right back on Druid...flew over to the Bazaar and...trader was gone. I made note of her name and have checked back occasionally. This Abstruse type armor is likely better...I like that the stats increase.)

Yes I've had that happen in the past lol.

The nice old world "magic lore" 1HS weapons for lvl 55 are rare and expensive when in the bazaar, as few camp those old world bosses for them nowadays. Once I had a couple, but sadly sold them off when I was in need of platinum lol.

I use the defiant weapons for my alts until lvl 80 where I get the HOT weapons and gear for them. Once they have that and their base AAs, they have the platform to progress to lvl 90 and do the HOT tasks.

Good luck.

Edited, Dec 16th 2011 7:40pm by hexeez
#10 Dec 16 2011 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
A lot of the AA "sweet spots" are determined by whether or not there is an easily fAArmable zone at that level. For level 70, The Hole is incredibly fast and easy experience, which is why many stop at 70 to get up to a thousand AA's. For 75, Splitpaw Lair is a slightly less quick equivalent to The Hole.
#11 Dec 17 2011 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
LeWoVoc wrote:
A lot of the AA "sweet spots" are determined by whether or not there is an easily fAArmable zone at that level. For level 70, The Hole is incredibly fast and easy experience, which is why many stop at 70 to get up to a thousand AA's. For 75, Splitpaw Lair is a slightly less quick equivalent to The Hole.

I agree.

It also depends on playstyle.

Kiters can do very well in Noble's Causeway around 59/60, Blackfeather Roost 55-65+, Icefall 65-71+ and so on.

Headshot rangers used to play in droga around level 62 if I recall correctly. I also only saw rangers and Paladins in Plane of Hate grind AA for years when they were 65-70 (my brother and I like to waste time in Hate for some reason).

Biggest problem I have found with the Hole is finding the good camps empty. Large amounts of it are grey to me at 70/71 and finding 1-2 people holding down most of the light blue spawns is a long trip for no reward. Last time I tried a level 85 was mowing it all with a merc (to me there has to be better AAxp for that level...)
#12 Dec 17 2011 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
snailish wrote:
Biggest problem I have found with the Hole is finding the good camps empty. Large amounts of it are grey to me at 70/71 and finding 1-2 people holding down most of the light blue spawns is a long trip for no reward. Last time I tried a level 85 was mowing it all with a merc (to me there has to be better AAxp for that level...)

I'll second that about the Hole on my server. Always been camped when I used to go there...For good reason lol.

For a kiting class at lvl 85, Loping Plains is still outstanding aaxp because if you know the camps you will never run out of mobs on an LOD burn...and they go down fast compared to SOD mobs.

If in a melee group,Fort Mech or Gyro Zeka(instance preferred) are widely acknowledged as amongst the best xp spots for a lvl 85. Group or solo swarming if SK.

Gyro Beza not for swarming as the "minotaur berserkers/juggernauts can throw you around(unresistable)even off the ledge(cant lose positioning when swarming hehe = swift death lol).

Fort Mech and Zeka instances are also the best spots to swarm for a well geared (group)85 SK.. The xp rate /kill is far better than SOD zones even Old Bloodfields(mobs have more HPs and hit hard in OBF for even my 90 SK to effectively solo swarm enough mobs to beat Fort Mech/Zeka xp on a LOD burn). Though OBF has nice Augs including AC and purity augs dropping randomly,to make up for the low xp rate,so its good just for that imho.

I think that the biggest difference between sweetspots at 85 vs 70 is how much more AA/Gear and AC aug dependent it is at 85 to maintain close to the same xp rate as at the 70 sweetspots. The mobs also have a lot more Hps when at 85 while dps and damage shields (if SK) may have not scaled up as much..

Edited, Dec 17th 2011 6:41pm by hexeez
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