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Sick of Alaris alreadyFollow

#1 Nov 21 2011 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Anybody else already tired of the new expansion and this language requirement and solo language tasks that can in no way shape or form be done solo? Just be honest EQ devs and tell us that you have abandoned the solo player and the only way anyone can progress is to group up to do these basic tasks. I am hoping things will be different once I get beyond Argath but for now I am happy I only bought this expansion for my main toon on my primary account. Anyone else feel this way? One Unhappy Necro
#2 Nov 22 2011 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
The first thought that came to mind was - when was EQ ever designed for the solo player? I primarily soloed for 7 years, beginning about the time Kunark was released. It was slow going and I had to play in zones lower than my level, but since I'm about the journey I was happy. It took me 7 years to get to level 61 at which point my friends/guildmates had all moved on so I quit playing.

Returned last summer to an entirely new game (all the new expansions, mercs, new high level, etc.) I transferred to FV and hired a merc. That opened up more flexibility in soloing/moloing. Before I took a short break due to RL I had reached level 78. I did not purchase VoA - I haven't even touched most of the expansions past But as a "lifelong" soloer, I'm actually having a blast playing in Old World zones that I missed previously due to being too dangerous to solo.

I realize my play style is vastly different from many/most on EQ and your mileage may vary. I am sorry to hear VoA has turned out to be a disappointment but, again, it's nothing new that EQ was never designed to be a solo game. Those of us who enjoy soloing just do. Smiley: smile
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#3 Nov 22 2011 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
Azalysa wrote:
The first thought that came to mind was - when was EQ ever designed for the solo player?

Lately EQ actually has been pretty solo friendly because of the ability to progress through task adds. You could solo all you wanted and make plat and then buy taskadds to progress. Although you can do the same thing with VoA I believe the issue the OP has is the tasks flagged as solo tasks can't be done solo and they really needed in order to progress. The fact that solo tasks need a group isn't totally new as some solo tasks in HoT, UF, SoD, etc need a group to pull off easily but the big change here is these solo tasks are required in order to progress and that hasn't been the case the last few expansions. This time they opened up all the zones and locked spells and AA behind progression that is very difficult to get completely solo.

Some call that not playing the game correctly and I hate it when people tell other people how to play the game. Just like how you like to solo and play a few expansions behind, some people like to three box and others like to solo and still be able to get their spells and AA. Nobody's 14.95 is more powerful then another 14.95.

However, I three box so my 44.85 wins. Smiley: nod

Edited, Nov 22nd 2011 9:03pm by reverent
#4 Nov 23 2011 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
610 posts

You might be pleasantly surprised what the Necro warrior pet can do with EM8 and up focus if mage geared. EM7 + focus will now affect pets to lvl 95(recent patch).

On another thread you mentioned you have almost 9000 aas on your necro which is great. That should mean that you have maxed your pet aas which makes it a viable tank in HOT content at least...I know because my main is a Necro ( LvL. 90 with about 4800 aas) and my 87 warrior pet was able to tank HOT mobs routinely with a merc.

Back in 2005, I started out soloing about half of the time, but as many left for WOW and EQ2 my family type guilds population collapsed and over the next two years I evolved into a two then three boxer so I could do progression without having to beg for groups.

I am certain that the lvl 92 Necro pet will scale up and be able to tank some of the VOA solo tasks like in HOT..once you avoid adds which a necro can do by FD pulling/splitting.

Personally, I am waiting a month or so for the rush/crowds to subside in VOA before I begin progression on my "crew".
#5 Nov 23 2011 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
reverent wrote:
Azalysa wrote:
The first thought that came to mind was - when was EQ ever designed for the solo player?

Lately EQ actually has been pretty solo friendly...

...Nobody's 14.95 is more powerful then another 14.95.

I didn't say it was. :)

From playing EQ beginning late 1999/early 2000 for 7 years before taking a break until recently, I can't count how many times someone in past years posted that SoE was trying to shut out solo players. That was followed by answering posts pointing out that EQ is a Massively MULTIPLAYER Online Role-Playing Game (the posters always capitalized "multiplayer") and basically told soloers to go jump in a lake. As a soloer and reading those posts at least once a month it seemed, I just shrugged and went my merry way.

The key word in your post was "LATELY." With the advent of mercs soloing became MUCH easier as I mentioned. Since I don't play them I can't speak to the tasks, etc. For anyone who began playing during more recent years, I can understand the frustration if VoA is different. My main point was definitely not to put down ANYONE'S play style but, from the perspective of an "old-timer" - it's interesting how posts now support soloing (me as one of the biggest supporters) vs. almost being run out of town on a rail years ago if one even whispered they enjoyed soloing.

Hopefully that clears up the intent of my former post. :)

Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#6 Nov 23 2011 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
317 posts
reverent wrote:
Nobody's 14.95 is more powerful then another 14.95.

However, I three box so my 44.85 wins.

Reminds me of a saying an SK buddy of mine said:
"Your $14.95 says you can play how you want, but the rest of the raid's $792.80 says do what you're told".

Basically, though, VoA tasks are working as intended, just like all other tasks have since the launch of Classic. Back then when we had no luxury of even a task window, many many tasks, even quests from starting cities, needed groups to complete. If you waited until you could solo the task, it was either not worth anything or you had outgrown the reward.

Part of it just may be the class you are using; some are more solo-friendly than others... although with mercs, any class can solo. Pick the best merc that suits your playstyle and go kill some stuff.

Check out the Alaran links at Rasper's Repository and EQ Resource and you'll see that getting the language skill is not as difficult as it seems. If the majority of the new zones are too tough for you, start in Argath and do all the tasks you can there. The mobs are easily pullable and not too tough, and you should be able to get lots of progression done.

Edited, Nov 23rd 2011 7:13pm by GreenShag
#7 Nov 24 2011 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
55 posts
I totally agree.

I'll join up and help folks, but the vast majority is easily solo'd by groupers.

The whining "hold my hand and guide me" folks just make me ./facepalm

Edited, Nov 24th 2011 2:11am by sarslash
#8 Nov 24 2011 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
GreenShag wrote:
Basically, though, VoA tasks are working as intended, just like all other tasks have since the launch of Classic. Back then when we had no luxury of even a task window, many many tasks, even quests from starting cities, needed groups to complete. If you waited until you could solo the task, it was either not worth anything or you had outgrown the reward.

That was sooo true re: no task window for quests in Classic. After the first enterprising people figured out the quest, then there was the spoiler online (Yeeeaaa, ZAM!!) but that's still different than having the steps laid out in game.

I was the type that by the time I could solo a quest I had grown past the reward, heh. But, I realized that was the trade off for my solo preference. Yesterday I spent an hour or so scoping out Howling Stones with my druid before I send in my 51 pally and had an absolute blast in there. No experience but, in addition to getting a grasp of the layout, types of mobs, where the adds are, etc. which was my reason for being there, I was pleasantly surprised to get some nice spell drops for my Pally, a friend's Shammy and a few for the guild bank.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#9 Nov 27 2011 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
1,074 posts
3 real players and 3 mercs at 95 with 5k AA each get owned by 30k a tic DoTs in the group game. VoA is not tuned correctly. Discuss.

And no. We don't suck.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#10 Nov 27 2011 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Reyla wrote:
3 real players and 3 mercs at 95 with 5k AA each get owned by 30k a tic DoTs in the group game. VoA is not tuned correctly. Discuss.

And no. We don't suck.

-How have mercs been scaled up? I thought they were already failing somewhat in 85+ content?

Since your group makeup includes 3 mercs I think that is the important tuning issue to look at first. --Which then begs the question, have they tuned VoA content to work for a 1/2 merc group?

If they haven't... should they?

If they should... when should they? (keeping in mind SoE has already stated language reqs. will be lessened in time, so they are purposely slowing progression in VoA at the moment. Maybe this is just another facet of that?)

I suspect the dev team has already planned all of this out by the way.
#11 Nov 27 2011 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
Reyla wrote:
3 real players and 3 mercs at 95 with 5k AA each get owned by 30k a tic DoTs in the group game. VoA is not tuned correctly. Discuss.

And no. We don't suck.

What classes? What zone? What mobs? What DoT?

You've given no information to make an assessment.
#12 Nov 27 2011 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
GreenShag wrote:
reverent wrote:
Nobody's 14.95 is more powerful then another 14.95.

However, I three box so my 44.85 wins.

Reminds me of a saying an SK buddy of mine said:
"Your $14.95 says you can play how you want, but the rest of the raid's $792.80 says do what you're told".

Poor argument though. If I got all the casuals and groupers together, we'd significantly outspend the raiders by a 5-1 or 10-1 margin.
#13 Nov 27 2011 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts
The point is that when you're raiding you do what you're told. It has nothing to do with grouper vs raider.

Is why I said it "reminded me of"...

Edited, Nov 27th 2011 11:52am by GreenShag
#14 Dec 03 2011 at 1:47 AM Rating: Excellent
150 posts
"One Unhappy Necro"

there's quests in Argath a necro can't solo?
#15 Dec 03 2011 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
GreenShag wrote:
Basically, though, VoA tasks are working as intended, just like all other tasks have since the launch of Classic.

You weren't around in '99, were you? Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#16 Dec 05 2011 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
317 posts
Yes, I was. And I remember having to collect stuff for the Champions of Faydark that I could not collect on my own. We were given quests from any and every npc in the zone with no hints as to where to go or how hard the mobs would be when we got there. You could get quests if you knew the proper keyword and had the right faction, or could sneak behind the npc to request it. It's also how we did a lot of turn-ins. And we can't forget the old MQ process.

I remember being level 17 and trying to go into the mino caves in steamfont because that's where one of the dwarves in Kaladim said I should go. Obviously, that wasn't a good place for me to go at that level.

Many of the quests that have been put into the game (across all expansions) were NOT designed for solo and/or players with mercs. They were designed for groups.

It's pointless to whine about the lack of soloability of quests in this game. Why? Because that's how it's always been. So, yes I stand by the "working as intended" statement.

#17 Dec 05 2011 at 5:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Yeah, I was making more of a joke about the number of broken quests but good job getting irate instead Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#18 Dec 08 2011 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
Anybody else already tired of the new expansion and this language requirement and solo language tasks that can in no way shape or form be done solo?

I wish I could say this was the last time, Solo tasks do not mean they can be solo'd, ffs, it means you can get the task all by yourself.
#19 Dec 09 2011 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
317 posts
You do know that text is very hard to interpret tone of voice from?

What you said sounded trollish. And I don't respond well to trolls.
#20 Dec 11 2011 at 11:44 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,971 posts
You know, Jophiel, I don't think I've ever seen you write more than one paragraph in a single post? Are you too stupid to string together more than a few sentences or are just too lazy to raise you lard filled limb?

We all come to EQ General to have a good time, but spam is not funny. It's crap and no one cares. Even with all your circle jerks you're still at sage because you post nothing but crap. You are a waste of space.
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#21 Dec 13 2011 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I hope one day you find yourself a @#%^ing SOUL! BALLS!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#22 Dec 15 2011 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
I've been having fun in VoA.

As has been the case in every expansion, the "Solo" tasks are not intended to be soloed. It just means that unlike a group task, where everybody in the group gets all of the updates at the same time (unless they're dead), each group member's progress updates separately for items that need to be looted and handed in and for hails.

So remember kids, "Solo task" just means that you personally have to perform (or participate in) each and every step while "Group task" means that only one person has to perform each step.
#23 Dec 15 2011 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
318 posts
I seem to recall a dev (Absor maybe?) saying that after x months the language requirements would be removed or reduced. Does that ring a bell with anyone? Of course i can't find any posts on EQ Live to confirm that...
#24 Dec 15 2011 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
Yes, it was also echoed by Piestro that after ~8 months they may reduce the requirements. No word on by how much or how fast.
#25 Jan 03 2012 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
97 posts
I think the OP is missunderstanding the use of the word SOLO in the task description.

Solo = 1 person is rewarded for completing the task.
Group = up to 6 characters can recieve the reward for completing the task.

Solo does not mean it can be done alone.
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