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5/12/2011 - Sony update - No soup for usFollow

#27 May 13 2011 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
16 posts
Raolan wrote:
Yup, I'm a Sony loyalist. Haven't played EQ since '07, haven't played EQII in about a year, and just resubscribed to both about a week before the servers went down because none of the other games on the market appeal to me. I guess that makes me a loyalist who bashes on anyone who speaks out against Sony, even though you weren't bashing Sony. Huh, go figure.

For the record, I'm not a Sony loyalist, far from it. My issue is with people who whine and complain about a situation they know nothing about and are to lazy to educate themselves about.

As far as the free month and extras. Call it a gift, a bribe, whatever, it isn't owed to you. The only thing you're owed is the time you have paid for, which you're going to get once the servers come back up. So what was your rant about again? Oh yea, not being able to cancel your billing, which you provided options to in your own rant. So again, what was your rant about?

If you've been wronged so badly, call a lawyer. Let me know how far that gets you.

Ah haha. Educate yourself fool. My "rant" (although the only person ranting here is you) is your flamefest against anything and everything anti-Sony. They owe EVERYTHING to us. If not for us, they would be a couple of old dudes sitting in their basement living room of their parents house with memories of ideas past. The consumer makes a company, just as it breaks it. When I say we, I mean no single country, race or people, I mean every Sony user. Does this mean anything towards the current situation? Yes and no. They owe us more that the rehashed "thanks for being patient, we are working hard, not gonna be up today". If they gave us a little more info than that, half of the people here would be somewhat content. Do they owe us more game incentives? No. But if they want more people to come back when the servers come online, they will be as open handed as possible without bankrupting them. You go out into the world and use your closed handed PR techniques and see where that gets you. Oh, I forgot. You are an "adult" with "children" and you work in "software development and infosec". Want me to believe that? Stop acting like a child.

I don't have to call a lawyer. If you've read anything you know they have already been called. Read up on the Congressional hearing and see if you are still so loyal to Sony.
#28 May 14 2011 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts

Sony is a business that provides products and services for the consumer, the relationship ends there. You are paying for a product or a service from Sony, thinking your relationship extends any further than that is a joke.

If you want to rally the troops and attempt to get the collective consumer to shut down Sony, go right ahead. But if you think your individual contributions amount to anything more than a drop in the bucket, you're delusional.

And yes, I'm aware of the congressional hearing that Sony didn't show up for and the class action lawsuit against PSN. So we have a bunch of politicians demanding answers about an ongoing investigation being conducted by the FBI and a lawyer who doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell of proving negligence. If someone as big in the security industry as RSA can be hit just a few months ago, Sony would have to have royally screwed up to fall victim to a negligence lawsuit.
#29 May 14 2011 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
761 posts
Raolan wrote:
Yup, I'm a Sony loyalist. Haven't played EQ since '07, haven't played EQII in about a year, and just resubscribed to both about a week before the servers went down because none of the other games on the market appeal to me. I guess that makes me a loyalist who bashes on anyone who speaks out against Sony, even though you weren't bashing Sony. Huh, go figure.

For the record, I'm not a Sony loyalist, far from it. My issue is with people who whine and complain about a situation they know nothing about and are to lazy to educate themselves about.

As far as the free month and extras. Call it a gift, a bribe, whatever, it isn't owed to you. The only thing you're owed is the time you have paid for, which you're going to get once the servers come back up. So what was your rant about again? Oh yea, not being able to cancel your billing, which you provided options to in your own rant. So again, what was your rant about?

If you've been wronged so badly, call a lawyer. Let me know how far that gets you.

Raolan, you have proven my point. You haven’t played EQ for 3+ years and you came back to entertain yourself again. There is a generation out there who doesn’t even know EQ exists. And a percentage of these would play if they knew of the game. There is no marketing out there for them to gain any knowledge about the game at present besides SoE’s site which is down, this one and a few others. So for SoE to invest in a proven 12 year old successful game that depends on a population growth is not a waste of time or money. Sony’s has an estimated 24.5 million subscribing customers, and if say 25,000 are EQ1 (imo a low estimate) or 2% still equals over a quarter of a million dollars a month. I think they can direct a small % to advertizing. So I believe your opinions are wrong, and I am not the only one who thinks this. Too bad you are granted the title “Scholar” on these forms. Allakhazam must give the title out as a prize in a Cracker Jacks’ box. I still believe that if SoE were to give a major discount on long term contracts to EQ customers (25% discount on 6 months & 50% off on a year) that this would insure a healthy player base and make happy a lot of loyal customers. There will be a big percentage that will not return from this down time and I would like a little confidence to invest more time and money if I knew the game will be around for another year. As of now, with the current situation at SoE I am not so assured. This would be a win win for both Players and SoE's small investment into EQ as a profit.

Edited, May 14th 2011 12:43am by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#30 May 14 2011 at 2:59 AM Rating: Default
2,496 posts
Vinney wrote:
Raolan wrote:
Yup, I'm a Sony loyalist. Haven't played EQ since '07, haven't played EQII in about a year, and just resubscribed to both about a week before the servers went down because none of the other games on the market appeal to me. I guess that makes me a loyalist who bashes on anyone who speaks out against Sony, even though you weren't bashing Sony. Huh, go figure.

For the record, I'm not a Sony loyalist, far from it. My issue is with people who whine and complain about a situation they know nothing about and are to lazy to educate themselves about.

As far as the free month and extras. Call it a gift, a bribe, whatever, it isn't owed to you. The only thing you're owed is the time you have paid for, which you're going to get once the servers come back up. So what was your rant about again? Oh yea, not being able to cancel your billing, which you provided options to in your own rant. So again, what was your rant about?

If you've been wronged so badly, call a lawyer. Let me know how far that gets you.

Raolan, you have proven my point. You haven’t played EQ for 3+ years and you came back to entertain yourself again. There is a generation out there who doesn’t even know EQ exists. And a percentage of these would play if they knew of the game. There is no marketing out there for them to gain any knowledge about the game at present besides SoE’s site which is down, this one and a few others. So for SoE to invest in a proven 12 year old successful game that depends on a population growth is not a waste of time or money. Sony’s has an estimated 24.5 million subscribing customers, and if say 25,000 are EQ1 (imo a low estimate) or 2% still equals over a quarter of a million dollars a month. I think they can direct a small % to advertizing. So I believe your opinions are wrong, and I am not the only one who thinks this. Too bad you are granted the title “Scholar” on these forms. Allakhazam must give the title out as a prize in a Cracker Jacks’ box. I still believe that if SoE were to give a major discount on long term contracts to EQ customers (25% discount on 6 months & 50% off on a year) that this would insure a healthy player base and make happy a lot of loyal customers. There will be a big percentage that will not return from this down time and I would like a little confidence to invest more time and money if I knew the game will be around for another year. As of now, with the current situation at SoE I am not so assured. This would be a win win for both Players and SoE's small investment into EQ as a profit.

Edited, May 14th 2011 12:43am by Vinney

No, I haven't proven your point, it's actually the opposite. I came back to EQII to play, I resub'd to EQ to try and reconnect with old friends and run around Luclin for a few hours. I have no intention of playing past the first month. In fact the last time I resub'd I made a new monk, logged into the mines and spent 5 minutes killing a kobald. The first thing that pop'd into my head was how the hell did I play this for 3+ years? It's not a bad game, but the required time investment goes way beyond anything the current generation of MMOers would put up with. Out of all the people I've played MMOs with since I left EQ, I can think of maybe 5 who would put in the time for things like their 1.0 or a Vex Thal key. The market for this game just doesn't exist anymore, plain and simple.

Look at every major MMO on the market produced in the past 6 years. It's about graphics, instant gratification, and solo-ability. Three things that don't exist in EQ and never have. The only reason the game is still alive is because of the endgame raiders who are constantly pushing content. The last major influx of players was back in '05 shortly before OoW when they opened Morden Rasp and Mealin Starp(SP?).

Games aren't more shiny and more solo friendly because developers want it, it's because that's what the players want. Rift took 3-4 days for people to hit end game and maybe 2 weeks for the beginning raid content to be cleared, that's what people want. The gap between new players and end game is so massive at this point, the chance of finding people who would be willing to invest that kind of time is slim, and definitely not big enough to warrant spending the money on advertising. Sony obviously doesn't see the point in advertising the game, especially with EQII out and EQ:N coming up. What makes you think you know more about the state of the game than the people who run it?

And 24.5 million subscribers? Are you nuts? You realize DCUO, SOEs newest MMO, just dropped down to 4 servers(Can't confirm since I don't play, just hearsay)? The accounts compromised in the attack consisted of inactive player accounts as well.

As far as why I'm a Scholar, I'm actually a very friendly and helpful player, always have been. I just have a very low tolerance for ignorance, especially since people choose to ignore the near limitless amount of information at their fingertips and post their baseless opinions as facts when they can't even be bothered to verify information for themselves.
#31 May 14 2011 at 3:23 AM Rating: Default
761 posts
24.5 million is off ALL the news should try to get out of your own LITTLE world. ; ; ; ; So with your low tolerance for ignorance, try not to hate yourself too bad. You're a joke

Edited, May 14th 2011 2:49am by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#32 May 14 2011 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Vinney wrote:
24.5 million is off ALL the news should try to get out of your own LITTLE world. ; ; ; ; So with your low tolerance for ignorance, try not to hate yourself too bad. You're a joke

Edited, May 14th 2011 2:49am by Vinney

Raolan wrote:
And 24.5 million subscribers? Are you nuts? You realize DCUO, SOEs newest MMO, just dropped down to 4 servers(Can't confirm since I don't play, just hearsay)? The accounts compromised in the attack consisted of inactive player accounts as well.

Raolan wrote:
The accounts compromised in the attack consisted of inactive player accounts as well.

It's ok, I understand reading is hard for some people.
#33 May 14 2011 at 5:44 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Raolan is friendly, helpful and dead on target in his responses.
Interesting to see a bit of life on this board. Almost takes me back to Smash and Gbaji arguing about EQ.

Scholar rating is determined by your post count.
#34 May 14 2011 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Raolan wrote:

Sony is a business that provides products and services for the consumer, the relationship ends there. You are paying for a product or a service from Sony, thinking your relationship extends any further than that is a joke.

If you want to rally the troops and attempt to get the collective consumer to shut down Sony, go right ahead. But if you think your individual contributions amount to anything more than a drop in the bucket, you're delusional.

And yes, I'm aware of the congressional hearing that Sony didn't show up for and the class action lawsuit against PSN. So we have a bunch of politicians demanding answers about an ongoing investigation being conducted by the FBI and a lawyer who doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell of proving negligence. If someone as big in the security industry as RSA can be hit just a few months ago, Sony would have to have royally screwed up to fall victim to a negligence lawsuit.

You seem to miss the word "we" that I used. I do not think I have a special personal relationship with Sony. No delusions there either. I'm not gonna pick Sony up for a date at 6. I do not see in my posts where you could hold the assumption that I think I have a personal relationship with Sony. Nor do I see in my posts where I laud my individual contributions to Sony. And you should actually read about the congressional hearing. Obviously the only person here that thinks they have a personal relationship with Sony is you. Why else would you blindly follow Sony like a lemming? Trust me, even though their PR and Marketing department leaves much to be desired, they don't need the likes of you defending them.

You whole spiel about running the gamut of MMOs for the last few years is more fuel to fire that Everquest needs more incentives to get people to come back to the game. And when I say come back, I mean players that were active when it went down two weeks ago, no more.

My mother always said I could argue with a stump.
#35 May 14 2011 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Its nice that they give a short post on facebook every day.

It would be even nicer if they had taken the time to somehow let their player base know that they were even doing that much. The eqplayers page that many players will know about had a message on the 4th, then a new update on the 12th. And so far email that I or my guildies have received from SOE = zero.

The eqplayers page doesnt even mention the facebook page. Almost makes me wonder if the facebook update is something that an indicvidual employee at SOE came up with.

SOE has a history of being extremely close with information on any of the previous occasions that problems have arisen in game. It has cost them cutomers in the past, this current problem has the potential to cost them a significant chunk of their customer base.

Good companies attempt to build contacts with their customers. A happy customer is a valuable asset. Loyal customers still do exist, many companies manage to build up solid bases of these customers.

And even minimal efforts can often yield solid returns...but some companies just dont seem to get it.

#36 May 14 2011 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
Jonwin wrote:
Raolan is friendly, helpful and dead on target in his responses.
Interesting to see a bit of life on this board. Almost takes me back to Smash and Gbaji arguing about EQ.

Scholar rating is determined by your post count.

I thought Scholar rating was based on how many rate ups you received? I may be wrong. =(
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#37 May 14 2011 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Raolan wrote:
Eikare wrote:


What would you prefer, they not take the servers down and ignore the breach so you could continue to play? If that isn't what you want, care to propose a solution to you getting your fix in a timely manner?

There's no set procedure for these things. Systems and software are added/removed/tweaked, settings are adjusted, and things are tested. Once that's done more systems and software are added/removed/tweaked, settings are adjusted, and more testing is done. Once they have found an appropriate balance between security and accessibility, the servers will come back up. You're not getting a set date because one doesn't exist. It's being handled day-by-day and you're being updated day-by-day. What more do you want? And how is checking their Facebook page any different than checking your email? On your end, there's no difference; on their end, there's a huge difference.

We are not complete idiots about the procedures regarding software and how it's a day to day thing. But SoE did not update us daily. Until today, their official sites still had the May 4th message. And what if a person did not have a Facebook account? Even now, will someone please estimate what a few days mean? I love playing EQ and I miss it but now it's starting to get really aggravating with promises that can't be upheld. You don't need a Facebook account to check it and it's being updated daily, or near daily.

The main page most likely isn't being updated because it's been down/being worked on. The same reason they aren't emailing everyone, because the database is likely down/being worked on as well. Doing that requires the systems which were compromised to be brought online and put back on the network, which is extremely counter productive to the work that's being done.

As far as "A few days", it probably means that the initial systems are being brought back online and being tested. It's a vague date because they can't give an exact one.

but now it's starting to get really aggravating with promises that can't be upheld.

No promises have been made, only estimations. And this is exactly the reason they aren't willing to go out on a limb and produce a date. If they miss it, people will have a fit.

You are correct in quite a few points however, are missing the main content of my post. I do have a Facebook account and between there and here (Zam) was where I got most of my updates. I also read the various comments that players posted on Facebook regarding downtime and notifications. I can't believe that it was impossible to edit and update their postings on official sites such as Station, EQ Players and status on the login screen when it all seems to be redirected to the same notification message.

Promise was the wrong word to use, I'm afraid. No they never used that word in regard to having the servers back online. Only an implied "probability" as they worked on their day to day schedule and stringing all their player base along in anticipation of being able to return to the game.

sliggoth wrote:
Its nice that they give a short post on facebook every day.

It would be even nicer if they had taken the time to somehow let their player base know that they were even doing that much. The eqplayers page that many players will know about had a message on the 4th, then a new update on the 12th. And so far email that I or my guildies have received from SOE = zero.

The eqplayers page doesnt even mention the facebook page. Almost makes me wonder if the facebook update is something that an individual employee at SOE came up with.

SOE has a history of being extremely close with information on any of the previous occasions that problems have arisen in game. It has cost them customers in the past, this current problem has the potential to cost them a significant chunk of their customer base.

Good companies attempt to build contacts with their customers. A happy customer is a valuable asset. Loyal customers still do exist, many companies manage to build up solid bases of these customers.

And even minimal efforts can often yield solid returns...but some companies just dont seem to get it.


I agree - seems logical to me.

There was an employee from SOE that was posting in the like/dislike thread. I can't remember his name and I'm not sure of his title - Piergot? I guessed and apologize if I am wrong on the spelling.
#38 May 14 2011 at 3:48 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
missjackie wrote:
Jonwin wrote:
Raolan is friendly, helpful and dead on target in his responses.
Interesting to see a bit of life on this board. Almost takes me back to Smash and Gbaji arguing about EQ.

Scholar rating is determined by your post count.

I thought Scholar rating was based on how many rate ups you received? I may be wrong. =(

It's hiding in the FAQ:

Allakhazam Defender of Justice wrote:
I put together a FAQ for the forum. I'll get Illia to link it up later

One thing I want to emphasize is the Karma system. If people start to use it, it should solve many of the complaints I see about anon posting. If you have received Scholar status of higher, you in effect become a limited forum admin. Please take advantage of this.

As you read through a thread, rate the best posts up and the worst posts down. Then when you get to the end, hit the rate posts button to enter your ratings. It only takes a couple people rating through a thread like that to move the dumb posts below the default viewing threshold and move the better posts up, which will eventually make those making the good posts able to rate as well.

Now just make sure you have your filter settings at "default" and not at "Never Filter". The default filter means that when you are on the main thread page, any thread where the lead is below 1.5 isn't even listed, and within a thread any post below that rating also disappears. If you choose to set your filter to "Never Filter", then I have to assume you want to see those types of posts.

We do moderate the forum as well, but only to get rid of the most outrageous posts. If people want to carry on a below the threshold flame war, then we won't interfere until it becomes indecent.

So what this means, if you have a low post count and get rated up you will get to scholar (sage...) faster than someone that starts being helpful hundreds of posts into their forum participation. Or the reverse if you start off getting rated down a whole bunch.

You can test the theory by rating Vinney up... he shows as default to start and skips up to good with a single rate up on a post.

Jophiel explained it really well on a thread once (can't find it atm) --Jophiel is a guru with thousands of posts as a guru so to un-guru Jophiel would now take 1000s upon 1000s of ratedowns (highly unlikely) whereas the new scholars with low post counts are very susceptible to being downgraded.
#39 May 14 2011 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
2,496 posts
A slightly more up-to-date version of the Karma system

Kaolian wrote:

The forum karma system is designed to allow user moderation to a certain degree of posts in the forums. There are two main elements to the system. the base karma rating, and the per-post rating. Your base karma rating is your lifetime average of all ratings received starting from your 16th forum post. Your per-post rating is what people thought of that one particular post you made. Posts can be rated Either Up, or down. An Awful rating (red arrow) starts at a value of 1.00. After two Red arrows in a row, the next consecutive awful rating shows up as a -2.00. A fourth awful in a row goes back to 1.00. Basically every third consecutive awful rate on a post turns into a -2.00. That is the only time a negitive rate value actually affects base karma. A green arrow, or Excellent rating has a value of 6.00. It used to be possible for other rating values, however that functionality no longer exists. some older accounts do have ratings in the 2.00-5.00 scale too, but not in the last 4 years.

To rate a post, you press the red or green arrows located at the top right of each post. Anyone with a base karma score of 3.01 or higher can participate in the rating process. Under 3.01, or if the user has been "no rated" by an administrator the rate arrows are not available.

Users prior to 15 posts have no karma rating. This is to prevent "instant gurus" or "instant sub default" posters. On post 17 you start with a default base karma rating of 3.00. Each time you post, you automatically rate yourself two times at whatever your current base karma is at. To an admin, your rating when you post a thread looks like this:

By: NewUser
17 posts
Score: Decent [3.00]
NewUser: 3.00
NewUser: 3.00

Now lets say that a few users decided to rate your post.

By: NewUser
17 posts
Score: Decent [3.34]
NewUser: 3.00
NewUser: 3.00
rater1: 6.00
rater2: 1.00
rater3: 1.00
rater4: 6.00

That would make the per-thread rating 3.34. However your base karma would be the average of the 34 ratings you rated yourself as you posted (17 posts * 2 ratings at 3.00) and the four other ratings, which would leave you at a base karma of 3.05.

By achieving a base karma above 3.00, you will move up a rank, and are now a Scholar. There are three main forum levels:

Scholar - 3.01-3.65 - the majority of posters fall into this category
Sage - 3.65-4.39 - an exceptional poster, one who consistently provides good information and interacts well with the community. Rare to attain.
Guru - 4.40-5.00 - This poster participates above and beyond the call of duty. Their word is unquestioned, and in their area of expertise they are unparalleled. it takes a rare poster indeed to reach this rank.
Administrators - The forum administrators also have a custom colored title.

A post may still be rated when it is at either extreme of the scale. for example, on a post that has been rated to 5.00 that receives another excellent 6.00 rating, that 6.00 rating does count towards the posters base karma. Someone would then have to post additional 1.00 ratings to bring the entire post down too.

Rating guidelines: How and why you rate a post is your concern, however we ask that you keep a few things in mind. If you find yourself rating entire threads up or down, or following specific posters around and rating all of their posts one way, this is considered Karma camping, and is actively discouraged. Also, creating a secondary forum account for the sole purpose of buffering your own karma is considered cheating.

Karma reset button: Administrators have the ability to reset a user base karma to 3.00 if we feel the system has been systemically abused towards a given user. This is usually a one time event, and only if we feel the user has a particularily meritious case. We rarely even let the user know it has occured. This is to be used at the discretion of the administrator, and is not a "right" that a forum user can demand.

Admins also have no rate limiter, so we can append multiple up or down rates to a post as needed to adjust for system abuse if required. We rarely do so however. Administrator ratings to "nuke" a post show up as -50.00 and do not affect your base karma score in any manner.

I think that covers most of it.
#40 May 14 2011 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Raolan wrote:
A slightly more up-to-date version of the Karma system

Lol... alla's post was from 2003, so saying "slightly" is probably being generous on your part. Thanks for getting the more detailed (and modernized) version as described by Kaolian onto the thread.

Note that rating up Raolan (a scholar with almost 2k posts) moves from decent to good with a single rate up.
#41 May 14 2011 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
snailish wrote:
Raolan wrote:
A slightly more up-to-date version of the Karma system

Lol... alla's post was from 2003, so saying "slightly" is probably being generous on your part. Thanks for getting the more detailed (and modernized) version as described by Kaolian onto the thread.

Note that rating up Raolan (a scholar with almost 2k posts) moves from decent to good with a single rate up.

Yea, it's probably safe to assume that anything posted by Alla is outdated at this point :(
#42 May 14 2011 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
Jonwin wrote:
Raolan is friendly, helpful and dead on target in his responses.
Interesting to see a bit of life on this board. Almost takes me back to Smash and Gbaji arguing about EQ.

Scholar rating is determined by your post count.

at this point, i have no interest in reading anymore of his rants, just as i don't expect him to read or understand my posts.

great the game will be returning... with the usual sony "a few days"(just as bad as their "soon"). with what they have done to date, i really doubt claming of restoring will be annouced beyond that, leaving it up to us yet again to be trying to start the game randomly in the hopes of trying to figure out "a few more days" means two? three, five days? and no i don't expect it to be up for today, or tomorrow, but once monday hits, if they do not post the game is actually up after tues day i will be irate yet again. why will i be irate? for the simple fact they still haven't gotten this giving a date/informing their customer pr/customer service thing down pat after more than 12 years.

it's simple really.. give a time frame beyond soon or a few days, don't leave people hanging.. it's not that hard to understand. i could have lived with being told may 31st is the soonest we could learn when the game might be restored, even though i miss the game, because i could ignore the game and all things about it till that date... i really doubt that is truely hard to understand.
#43 May 14 2011 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default
2,496 posts
Rhiyannon wrote:
Jonwin wrote:
Raolan is friendly, helpful and dead on target in his responses.
Interesting to see a bit of life on this board. Almost takes me back to Smash and Gbaji arguing about EQ.

Scholar rating is determined by your post count.

at this point, i have no interest in reading anymore of his rants, just as i don't expect him to read or understand my posts.

great the game will be returning... with the usual sony "a few days"(just as bad as their "soon"). with what they have done to date, i really doubt claming of restoring will be annouced beyond that, leaving it up to us yet again to be trying to start the game randomly in the hopes of trying to figure out "a few more days" means two? three, five days? and no i don't expect it to be up for today, or tomorrow, but once monday hits, if they do not post the game is actually up after tues day i will be irate yet again. why will i be irate? for the simple fact they still haven't gotten this giving a date/informing their customer pr/customer service thing down pat after more than 12 years.

it's simple really.. give a time frame beyond soon or a few days, don't leave people hanging.. it's not that hard to understand. i could have lived with being told may 31st is the soonest we could learn when the game might be restored, even though i miss the game, because i could ignore the game and all things about it till that date... i really doubt that is truely hard to understan.

So Sony communicates with its consumers over the past two weeks in a way you don't like and you complain that they aren't catering to your specific desires.

I then call you on it and you complain that I don't understand, when I understand perfectly that things simply aren't being handled how you want them and you're complaining.

Sony then announces that they are bringing everything back soon and you complain because they don't give you an exact time.

i really doubt that is truely hard to understand.

Apparently as hard as it is to understand that they aren't giving you a date because they don't have one and aren't willing to make one up because if they miss it everyone will throw a fit.

If we use your level of comprehension to measure difficulty, it's damn near impossible.

FYI, it's up. But I guess you're going to ***** now because they didn't send you a personal, hand delivered message notifying you beforehand of the exact time.

Edited, May 14th 2011 3:06pm by Raolan
#44 May 14 2011 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
Time to put your flame war behind you. Get yourselves online for double XP.
#45 May 14 2011 at 8:04 PM Rating: Default
16 posts
Raolan wrote:
Rhiyannon wrote:
Jonwin wrote:
Raolan is friendly, helpful and dead on target in his responses.
Interesting to see a bit of life on this board. Almost takes me back to Smash and Gbaji arguing about EQ.

Scholar rating is determined by your post count.

at this point, i have no interest in reading anymore of his rants, just as i don't expect him to read or understand my posts.

great the game will be returning... with the usual sony "a few days"(just as bad as their "soon"). with what they have done to date, i really doubt claming of restoring will be annouced beyond that, leaving it up to us yet again to be trying to start the game randomly in the hopes of trying to figure out "a few more days" means two? three, five days? and no i don't expect it to be up for today, or tomorrow, but once monday hits, if they do not post the game is actually up after tues day i will be irate yet again. why will i be irate? for the simple fact they still haven't gotten this giving a date/informing their customer pr/customer service thing down pat after more than 12 years.

it's simple really.. give a time frame beyond soon or a few days, don't leave people hanging.. it's not that hard to understand. i could have lived with being told may 31st is the soonest we could learn when the game might be restored, even though i miss the game, because i could ignore the game and all things about it till that date... i really doubt that is truely hard to understan.

So Sony communicates with its consumers over the past two weeks in a way you don't like and you complain that they aren't catering to your specific desires.

I then call you on it and you complain that I don't understand, when I understand perfectly that things simply aren't being handled how you want them and you're complaining.

Sony then announces that they are bringing everything back soon and you complain because they don't give you an exact time.

i really doubt that is truely hard to understand.

Apparently as hard as it is to understand that they aren't giving you a date because they don't have one and aren't willing to make one up because if they miss it everyone will throw a fit.

If we use your level of comprehension to measure difficulty, it's damn near impossible.

FYI, it's up. But I guess you're going to ***** now because they didn't send you a personal, hand delivered message notifying you beforehand of the exact time.

Edited, May 14th 2011 3:06pm by Raolan

The only one complaining now is you. Because you were wrong. Deal with it.
#46 May 14 2011 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
2,496 posts
The only one complaining now is you. Because you were wrong. Deal with it.

So they gave an exact date of when they were coming up, prior to them actually coming up, and your individual contribution actually made a difference? Must have missed it, care to provide a source?

Or is this just another "No, you" response?
#47 May 14 2011 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
he's still ranting? lol i thought i would check back in while waiting on someone and his rants go on..
#48 May 14 2011 at 8:30 PM Rating: Default
2,496 posts
Rhiyannon wrote:
he's still ranting? lol i thought i would check back in while waiting on someone and his rants go on..

Interesting that I'm so insignificant but you felt the need to check back in.

For the record, you two have provided a mild form of amusement. If you would like to continue, feel free.
#49 May 14 2011 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
In a hurry to get to work I left off the phrase determined by his post count and how many rate ups he has received.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
Im still amused by the low post count posters complaining.

Now lets go play.
#50 May 14 2011 at 9:57 PM Rating: Excellent
2,496 posts
Jonwin wrote:
In a hurry to get to work I left off the phrase determined by his post count and how many rate ups he has received.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
Im still amused by the low post count posters complaining.

Now lets go play.

Official forums were down, they needed somewhere to go complain. Hence my complete and total lack of empathy.
#51 May 15 2011 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good
While EQ was down:

I went to Prague. The clock is fantastic no matter how many times I go to see it.

I went to Munich. The Hofbrauhaus is a great place to eat, I highly recommend it.

I went to IKEA a few times to look at stuff for the baby. They have some neat things and plus, Swedish meatballs!!

I went to the aquarium in Berlin. I totally <3 the tube that is surrounded by water and sea life. If you have never been, it is a must!

It is coming up on summertime, so visits to the local Eis Cafe is a must!

We planned our trip back to the US...moving is so much fun!

Anyhow, I hope your couple of weeks were as productive as mine.

Rangers, Necros and Druids OH MY!

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