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just tried WoWFollow

#1 May 04 2011 at 3:03 AM Rating: Default
WoW really sucks i want my everquest, spent a good time downloading WoW tonight
well it just sucks , what crap, i hope sony gets its **** together fast
#2 May 04 2011 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
I don't see anything wrong at all with night elves dancing on mailboxes... But I do hope Sony can straighten out this mess. Taking everything down seems like a bit of an overreaction to me. They aren't the first company to have a security breach and they won't be the last.

#3 May 04 2011 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
6 posts
If you'd like, I can re-activate my account and make all my female trolls dance on mailboxes for you....
#4 May 04 2011 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
maleficio wrote:
If you'd like, I can re-activate my account and make all my female trolls dance on mailboxes for you....

While I appreciate the thought, it's probably overkill.

#5 May 04 2011 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
WoW is an okay game, but in general the community sucks! When I played, there was always someone bickering in general chat, calling each other names, swearing, insulting mothers. It definitely draws an immature crowd.
I loved it for the fact that I could solo all day long and still make progress. But it was so hard getting groups because my gear wasn't the best or my spec was "wrong" or some other dumb elitist reason.

When I played EQ, we never denied a group spot to someone just because they weren't wearing the right pants. Heck, if you were the appropriate level and could do damage, you were in! It was about having fun with other people, not all about getting gear. That's what nightly guild raids were for! ;)

I just recently came back to EQ.. literally 2 days before the shut down! I hadn't thought of EQ much in the last five years and now it's all I want to do! =D
#6 May 04 2011 at 12:07 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
JUST A FAIR WARRNING:......WoW is responsible for 100% of all Finger Cancer for children under the age of 14. It will burn holes in your monitor. Eats more brain cells then ecstasy. And creates bruises on your forehead when you do touch-n-goes with your head on your keyboard because you fall asleep.
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#7 May 04 2011 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
WoW's community as a whole is exactly that...immature.

When someone wants to leave a group in EQ, they are expected to give advance notice and find a replacement, if at all possible. In WoW, the rule is that if you want to leave, just leave. Don't bother saying goodbye or passing out final buffs. Extremely inconsiderate players. Besides that, the game provides no serious challenge. Anyone playing WoW at the end-game level should try playing EQ and see how they can handle a serious raid before talking any smack about our crappy old game with lame graphics. WoW was built for kids with severe ADD and Tourette Syndrome, and that's exactly who makes up the bulk of their population.

WoW does certain things very well, and that should be recognized. Their auction house and mailbox system runs circles around EQ's bazaar. The PVP battlegrounds can be really fun. The best part of WoW is that you can log on for 15 minutes and DO SOMETHING. It has a very large development team that can take time to add small touches such as quest names with pop culture references. They have a good thing going, in many respects. Everything except for their incredibly stupid and childish playerbase.

If EQ's live team was staffed at anywhere near the level that WoW's is, there would be no discussion. You want to play a serious MMORPG, play EQ. You want to play a casual game? Well, there's Evony.

Everyone has the freedom to choose what they want to do with their time, and there are many different playstyles. For me, WoW has stripped away a lot of the fun of MMOs. When you died in EQ, you had to run back to your corpse, naked and extremely vulnerable. There was a REAL penalty for being a crappy player and dying too much. Players have a much stronger bond with each other on EQ because of the shared risk. You take away the challenge, you take away the magic.

That's only my opinion and I've learned to respect the views of others. Disagree all you like, but let's all keep it civil...except when we're bashing the WoW kiddies :)
#8 May 04 2011 at 3:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,156 posts
I played EQ from November 22, 2001 until January 31, 2006. That evening I had the "straw that broke the camel's back" experience with the FV server and decided to chose between rerolling on a blue server or playing something else. I decided to try WoW.

I have played WoW since Feb 1, 2006. In that time I've been in two guilds (one Alliance-RP until mid 2008, the other Horde-PvP when I switched to play with friends from FV).

General chat was no better on FV at the time I quit. I always leave all public channels when I play (EQ or WoW). Even shout (boy I had some guy pissed for missing shouted camp checks in Dulak).

I do agree that the standards of communication are much lower in WoW. But you don't need a group for anything besides dungeons and raids. And there is a match making tool for dungeons. You also don't sit in one spot for hours (days.. I remember the epic 1.0 camps, oy!) pulling back to the group. It's really not the same game.. all classes can solo to max level (by design).

On FV, I was never denied a spot in a group for my gear but I was denied many, many times for being a Necromancer.

I do miss the EQ that was, honestly I think about it daily. And I would return if it still existed. Waking late to wander and gossip in the shadowed streets of Neriak, safe under the stone sky. Sadly, those streets have been empty for years.
#9 May 06 2011 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Haven't seen Felicite's name here in a while, but playing a necro off an on (when I've been in EQ) the past 3-4 years it's a name you'll encounter being helpful in many a necro-related thread. Glad to hear you've been enjoying WoW --and I'd have to agree with the points made.

For me, the WoW community (in my recent return to see the Cataclysm) was a major turn-off. BUT, I didn't have anyone on the server I knew, nor did I give it time tie me in by getting guilded etc. I probably could be reasonably entertained in the game.

I didn't give it a long chance because I hit level 59 super fast and then Sony announced Time-locked progression (something close to the server ruleset I've always wanted).


Djtierta makes points I agree with too. Grats on the scholar ding by the way.
#10 May 07 2011 at 2:07 AM Rating: Good
Felicite wrote:

I do miss the EQ that was, honestly I think about it daily. And I would return if it still existed. Waking late to wander and gossip in the shadowed streets of Neriak, safe under the stone sky. Sadly, those streets have been empty for years.

If thy ever get the servers back up, you should really check out the Time Locked Progression. Its not quite like you'd remember from 2001, but its amazingly close. All the old home cities are inhabited again, most definitely including Neriak. All the old dungeons - Unrest, Mistmoore, SolB, Guk, etc - likewise jammed with players. The EC tunnel is full of traders. You can blink, and its like 12 years ago. Its been a lot of fun.

WoW was amazing when it started - they really did a lot of things right. Can't stand what its become, though.
#11 May 07 2011 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
hershie101 wrote:
WoW really sucks i want my everquest, spent a good time downloading WoW tonight
well it just sucks , what crap, i hope sony gets its sh*t together fast

Have to agree. I downloaded this rubbish just to have something to do, and I guess it can work as a time killer if intoxicating, but it's terrible so far. Granted EQ2 is also a linear easy game, but it's sooo much better. The community is childish and not one I could find myself playing along side of. I may give it another try tonight, but only after I start sipping on some booze. I have EQ and EQ2 to switch between and that has always worked out well over the years, but now that SOE is down it's a lonely road. I've tested out some other MMOS and I really can't see how half of them have an existing population when the Norrath games far exceed most of their competition.
#12 May 07 2011 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
I also have been playing the free trial for the last few days, its an ok game,but i keep confusing /commands with EQ /commands, like, for example EVERY time I want to see my inventory, I habitually hit the I key, when in WOW its the C, and some things i still havent figured out. All in all its an ok game, I actually upgraded to the full version to remove some of the trials limitations since it was only 20 bucks, but I would like to say this. In EQ, theres only say ,, 1/5th the amount of people on a server, if that many, but I can usually get a group to do something, In WoW, I have played for a few days now and have yet to get a group. In EQ, ask a question in general chat and you will get several helpful answers, in WoW, you may get 1 helpful answer and 20 people laughing at you for not knowing the ins and outs of a game you only started playing. As for the group thing,, its not really needed, I have yet to go to an area that I couldnt solo in yet, I know there are special dungeons and whatnot that require a group, but you can get by without that better gear if you have to. In the end, this has made me think, how much i love the game of EQ, and also there has been rumors for last few years of its demise finally, if that happens, I sure hope EQnext is very similar to original eq so I will have a game to go to then.
#13 May 08 2011 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
There are many, many, many, many, many mature, exceptionally friendly folks playing World of Warcraft. There are also many, many, many, many, many immature and asinine people who play EverQuest. BOTH communities have lumps of good and bad players. Anyone claiming that EQ doesn't and didn't have its equal share of people having snippy arguments over petty issues in /shout and /ooc (or, ugh, guildchat) for an hour straight is flat out lying.

Anyone trashing WoW's community as "immature" is being as immature as it gets. Great job stereotyping an entire (and massive) group of individuals with no real evidence whatsoever. Moreover, a lot of the complaints about WoW players don't even make sense unless you're refusing to step outside the context of an EverQuest mentality.

When someone wants to leave a group in EQ, they are expected to give advance notice and find a replacement, if at all possible. In WoW, the rule is that if you want to leave, just leave. Don't bother saying goodbye or passing out final buffs.

In WoW, you can get a replacement extremely fast. Often it's a matter of seconds. Even if it's the tank, you're almost surely not talking more than a few minutes. And since you're almost certainly grouping in an instance, the person is teleported directly to you. Moreover, in WoW there are no "critical" buffs. If you have a full party, you have the buffs you need, because whomever replaced the person that left is going to bring their own stuff to the table.

In WoW, if you have a full group of Tank / Healer / 3x DPS, you have the tools necessary to get the job done.

This is NOT the same environment as EverQuest where if someone leaves it can cripple the group (depending on who left) into uselessness (and possibly be a death sentence if it was the tank or healer or mezzer in a dangerous area) until a replacement arrives. Which, in EverQuest, depending on where you are and which era of EverQuest you're talking about, can be anywhere from a few minutes to the better part of an hour. Assuming they can get to the group at all. If not, hope the group has an evac! But even if you do, THEN you get to fight back down to where you were. And replacing people can be a pain if you absolutely need a specific class for a specific ability in order to continue as you were.

Don't get me wrong, I love EverQuest. I really do. I love the flavor, I love the lore, I love the experience. But you CANNOT make strict comparisons like that. The two games are very, very, very different beasts.

The only point I'll concede is that the WoW cross-server LFD is a mixed blessing. On one hand it made forming a group extremely fast. On the other hand it created an environment where people likely never again had to deal with people they grouped with, as it virtually eliminated the need to keep up a good reputation. However, due to the changes in how loot rolls work, ninja-looting became more or less a thing of the past.

And frankly speaking many people in both WoW and EverQuest never let their reputation be a concern for moderating their behavior in the first place. If someone's a greedy sonova, they're going to jack that TStaff in your Karnor's group no matter what you think. If they're an immature twit beyond redemption, they're going to "solve" that camp dispute by training your group with their Monk and feigning ten mobs on top of you.

Jerks will be jerks, no matter what game they play.

If you don't like WoW, that's fine. I like both EQ and WoW. I'm currently playing EQ because it seems "fresh" again, whereas years of WoW finally burned me out on the fundamental experience... much as years of playing EQ once burned me out on EQ. You don't have to hate the other game to be a fan of your current favorite. It's as silly and ignorant as the SNES vs Genesis fanboy flamewars from the 90s.
#14 May 08 2011 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
threnSR wrote:
In EQ, theres only say ,, 1/5th the amount of people on a server, if that many, but I can usually get a group to do something, In WoW, I have played for a few days now and have yet to get a group. In EQ, ask a question in general chat and you will get several helpful answers, in WoW, you may get 1 helpful answer and 20 people laughing at you for not knowing the ins and outs of a game you only started playing. As for the group thing,, its not really needed, I have yet to go to an area that I couldnt solo in yet, I know there are special dungeons and whatnot that require a group, but you can get by without that better gear if you have to.

As for the grouping: That is how it is on EQ2 aswell. That is one thing that makes Everquest so unique and special to this day. It's probably the last standing GROUP oriented MMO on the market, and it really pushes people to join forces together. This also helps the community as a whole. Sure, you have a lot of bad apples on Everquest too, but we really need one another to exceed so if one is smart they don't want to burn their bridges by acting like children. EQ2, WoW, Rift and countless other mmos nowadays act more like glorified solo games that you only have to group if there is a few pieces of gear you'd like to have upgraded, and then you can usually find a quick temp group to get your stuff and go back to your solo playstyle.

General chat issue: Has a lot to do with grouping imo. They have no reason to help others out, and would rather flame a new player to try to get a few laughs rather than be helpful. This isn't just WoW either, it happens all the time on other games and there is still some of it on Everquest, but not nearly as much. WoW just has a lot more players so you'll see a lot more crap floating around. It probably also has a lot to do with how old Everquest is and I think the player base of Everquest is age 30-40. Not saying everyone is magically mature if they are older, but most people grow up a little and act a tad more civil to their fellow player than when they were in their late teens/early twenties.
#15 May 08 2011 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts I had a very embarrassing few weeks of being barred from them and accused of violation of some rule because someone hacked my account. They took my money and never re-instated me. I said phooey!
#16 May 08 2011 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
Both my husband and I had our accounts hacked. We both got our stuff back and he got a lvl 80 Death Knight out of it. Whoever got my account got me suspended for spamming; that's the only way I found out. The account had been canceled for months when I got the suspension email. My husband on the other hand, whoever took his took it to play. Until they got banned for some reason or another. He spent a long time on the phone with CS to get it all straightened out.

I do have to say their customer service was great. I got all my stuff back, no questions asked. All I had to do was send an email and the next couple days, I had all my skills reset to what they were and I got all my gear and money back. WoW has done a lot of things right. I love quest journals and quest markers. I always wonder how many quests I've missed out on in EQ because I didn't hail the right guy! I did enjoy WoW when I played it. I just wish something could be done about the spammers and account thieves. I have gotten soooo many phishing emails from Blizzard impersonators. It was like I had to be suspicious of every single thing WoW related because it could possible get my account stolen.

I just miss my EQ! I resubbed 3 days before the shutdown after being gone for 5 years and I wanna play! :(
#17 May 09 2011 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
Trahnse wrote:

I resubbed 3 days before the shutdown after being gone for 5 years and I wanna play! :(

Now that's really rough..
#18 May 09 2011 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Trahnse wrote:
I just miss my EQ! I resubbed 3 days before the shutdown after being gone for 5 years and I wanna play! :(

Exact same thing happened to me. I just resubbed on that Friday evening before it went down on sunday/monday. I has a sad :(.
#19 May 10 2011 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Yep! I tried WoW too. I've played EQ since peeps sold stuff in the commons tunnels (pre-bazaar). After the long 6+ hour complete WoW trial download, I got 15 invites to duel, two whisper tells and experienced some frustration with the cartoonish graphics.

I hope that WSJ was wrong about the possibility of several Everquest accounts getting deleted (accounts found on a 2007 back-up). I recently did a boat load of spell research, which hopefully didn't go to waste. I have to wonder if the recovery would have gone faster if they hadn't laid off all those peeps.
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