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The Weekend Update, It's been ages editionFollow

#1 Apr 26 2011 at 4:00 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
I miss the weekend update. It was a great way to get the pulse of the EQ allakhazam community. Besides, I always rated people up for sharing such positive contributions such as:

-what did you do in game the last few days?
-what insights have you gained about EQ of late?
-what new EQ goals have you set?
-why didn't you play much this weekend? (insight into the EQ players RL without going into pages of detail helps build the community too).

The last weekend update I found was Bbot's goodbye :( from July 2010. If he comes back.. well, we should at least make an attempt?

Origins of the weekend update looked to be credited to Arismus' efforts in 2003 granted the link in the original update appears to be dead.

So what have you all been doing (and let's see if we can't scholar/sage ding some of you)?

Edit: 900 posts over many years... felt like it should be a significant one.

My update? Finally got level 45 on the necro on TLP. Die goblins die!

Edited, Apr 26th 2011 6:02pm by snailish
#2 Apr 26 2011 at 4:11 PM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
This past Saturday I was in a group partly guild, partly pick up folks, in SOL A. Dinged 29.
Sunday I finished a long day at work by doing the last tasks to get my DE Cleric Segundo the Initiate symbol of Innoruk. Big thank you to Adian of my guild Seekers of Stars for the ports, tracking and dots on the mob I had to kill. After I got the mob, I watched the final installment of the new UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS, then logged back on to kill a few skels in Lavastorm.
#3 Apr 26 2011 at 10:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,166 posts
-what did you do in game the last few days?

I imagined that I was getting killed by a spider and a skelly.
Then I imagined that I came out of a deep death-funk and raising my drood's bent and broken body, I concentrated my mind on putting the very last ounce of mana into one last heroic effort and...

>>>reloading please wait<<<

-what insights have you gained about EQ of late?

I have learned that I can survive without playing every night. Or without playing for a couple months.

-what new EQ goals have you set?

I am wondering if I really need to start the addiction again.

-why didn't you play much this weekend?

Travel for work, spending this whole week (Sunday through Friday) in the Portland/Vancouver corner of the world...and it is very rainy.

Note: Grats on 900!!
It has taken me since 2004 to achieve 941, lol are we underachieving norrathians Snail?

Edited, Apr 26th 2011 9:35pm by alwayslost
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#4 Apr 27 2011 at 12:51 AM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
Friday night did Steel Behemoths event, got augs for those that had missed our earlier runs. (heh, was hoping link would just say After Hours, no luck. We're a non guld raiding orginization on Bristle.)

Saturday night we did the much hated S Ro anniversary event, sadly most promptly put aug in bank, LOL.

Sunday night ground in MC or SS (forget which) hoping for a bud's rogue weapon. Never saw it drop in 5 spawns, but folks gained over 40AA's. (helps having a good bard on pulls)

Edited, Apr 27th 2011 2:53am by sarslash

Edited, Apr 27th 2011 2:53am by sarslash
#5 Apr 27 2011 at 4:26 AM Rating: Excellent
641 posts
Friday night our raid alliance on Stromm/Luclin did the first 2 Tower events to get the last few bits of gear drops some folks needed.
Saturday played alts mostly, 73 mage in Barindu/Ferubi, lot of fun re-visiting the goD zones.
Saturday night was the usual alliance raid, first trip into Underfoot and we were missing a few people, took a few shots at the Pelucid Grotto event The Unburrowing.
After 3 wipes we called it a night but we learned a lot and had fun.
Sunday was more alt play until the evening when we did one of the Field of Scale progression missions in Kaesora Library.
Game on!

(thanks for ressurecting this Snailish)
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
#6 Apr 27 2011 at 5:24 AM Rating: Excellent
You're right. It has been ages.

-what did you do in game the last few days?
Not too much. Did finish the shaman warrior newbie armor quests. I did the high elf enchanter and barbarian shaman in the previous week or so.

-what insights have you gained about EQ of late?
Nothing really.

-what new EQ goals have you set?
Would like to get my shaman to the point where I can kill Hill Giants for the moolah.

-why didn't you play much this weekend?
Easter weekend.
#7 Apr 27 2011 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
I haven't really been playing much this year. Did a little in Jan, and a few times in Feb, then cancelled my subscription since both good computers are having problems, and really wasn't having much time to play. Been working on some wiki stuff when I find the time and motivation, mostly just explanations of Lucy's Item and Spell database. I've been thinking about doing some I had planned for, such as the special item clickies wiki and a separate class pages for the AAs.

If I ever get our computers fixed, and find some time, I'll probably come and try the TLP servers, they sound like alot of fun.

BTW: Tunare has an After Hours non-guild raiding alliance. Just thought it was interesting having the same name :)

Have fun everyone!

Yther Ore.
#8 Apr 27 2011 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
Always, it is only an addiction if there are negative consequences to your playing.
Look forward to the guild invite. ...

#9 Apr 27 2011 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
86 posts
I guess thsi is the mid-week update?? :-D
#10 Apr 27 2011 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
1,368 posts
-what did you do in game the last few days?
Haven't been playing at all.

-what insights have you gained about EQ of late?
After doing a quick and dirty comparison of EQMac and TLP, I found myself losing interest. The clear and obvious disparities between what EQ used to be (as shown by the Mac server) and what we got with these progression servers just made me stop and think. I don't want to start a debate about EQ purity so I'll just leave it at that. I'm not a purist. The TLP servers are still a great idea and I am happy SOE took the risk to launch them.

-why didn't you play much this weekend?
I'm still subscribed, and I hope to find some free time to get back into the game. I do enjoy the slow pace on Vulak especially.

-what new EQ goals have you set?
My goal is to get to the progression vote minimum level before the vote for Velious. I know I won't be able to vote on Kunark, but Kunark opening will give me another reason to play more, since I love Iksars!

Thanks for resurrecting the Weekend Update, Snailish! It's hard to believe it's been that long since Bbot's last one.

#11 Apr 27 2011 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
MichaelSBlack wrote:
I guess thsi is the mid-week update?? :-D

Ahh you got me there, 'tis true. We'll have to see if someone does a proper Monday-morning weekend update in the future.

Alwayslost: good to hear from you again. I've been forum lurking more than playing lately too, but am enjoying my time in game. TLP lets you be awfully casual if you want.
#12 Apr 29 2011 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
6 posts
Hit 25 on my TLP wizard this week. Farmed Evil Eyes in the Gorge of King Xorbb for plat and drops after that.

Hoping to get closer to 30 this week (super casual here).

I work weekends, so I don't get to play much :(

Thanks snailish; made me happy to see the weekend update again!
#13 May 03 2011 at 3:43 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
- What did you do in game the last few days?

Levelled from the low 20s to 30 on my two Magicians.
Farmed Najena & Friends.
Farmed Evil Eyes.
Grouped in HHK and Unrest.

- What insights have you gained about EQ of late?

Running from Splitpaw to HHK (relatively close in the game world as a whole) takes FOREVER. As blasphemous as it may sound, I want portal stones again. If I see a group across the world, I can't join because it'd take an hour or two to get there, and unless you're in Commonlands or feel like angering the server's Druid / Wizard population with mass /tells you can't get a port. Blah.

Though, never having played a Magician in classic I forgot how broken they are (much less TWO of them) pre-Kunark. It's like an elemental steamroller.

- What new EQ goals have you set?

Get to 50 on the Magicians by the end of next week. Farm the snot out of nameds to get plat to gear up my Necro / Shaman Iksar duo when Kunark comes out. Find a good guild on Vulak. And hopefully get researched maxxed by the time Kunark comes out, too.

- Why didn't you play much this weekend?

On a date Friday night. Spent most of Saturday sleeping off the hangover.
#14 May 03 2011 at 5:20 AM Rating: Good
I was able to ding 82 on my wizard on Saturday. Burned several xp potions, did a few House of Thule missions, and viola. Been sitting at 81 for so long, grinding out aa's. I hit 1700 and finally just decided to move on.

Other than that, it's been a busy weekend for me. I have finals today and tomorrow and been busy writing 3 papers. My brain is full of moosh now. =)
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#15 May 03 2011 at 9:46 PM Rating: Excellent
-what insights have you gained about EQ of late?

I found myself logging solely into the TLP server and skipping my normal server. Vulak just has a better atmosphere than my normal server.

-what did you do in game the last few days?

I hit 17 on my monk and spent most of the weekend trying to skill up FD. I also did the sash quest and just need one drop to finish them. I made the run from Freeport to Qeynos and did the first three headband quests. I logged out in the green room in Blackburrow still waiting for a gnoll skin to drop (4 hours so far).

-why didn't you play much this weekend?

Real life, finished watching season 3 of Eureka and got completely hammered while mowing the yard. I did determine that my yard is exactly 9 beers long in 4th gear.

#16 May 04 2011 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
Honestly, if you are looking to get back into EQ, Vulak Server is the way to go. It's so much fun seeing people running around at lower levels asking for groups/buffs. Haven't seen that in a long time. Merc's made the game more solo enabled, kind of like WoW is. Its better if you just want to level but it's more satifying at least to me, about doing it "the old fashion way".

#17 May 05 2011 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
-what did you do in game the last few days?

Before the suspension I had worked my main up to level 65 and was just starting to look for new zones to work. Also got jewelry TS over 200 along with blacksmithing over 150 something. On the double experience day I worked 4 other characters to level 41 (two from 26 and 2 from 37) over nearly 18 hours of play time. Sunday I worked on cleaning out my bank account issuing built up gear to my alts and establishing which items I would no longer need and could be sold. With Jewelry peaked I also sold off the 30 stacks or so of gems I had accumulated for this event and with the massive experience effort also was able to add to my shared bank raising it to just over 90K (a new personal best). Just before the shutdown also worked on one of the newly minted level 41s to level 45 IIRC with a friend. Oh, yes, worked with my friend to raise his AA count along with my Druid to level 52 ... All in all, I have leveled 7 or 11 characters, raised skill levels, cleaned house, and made money. :)

-what insights have you gained about EQ of late?

Zone design still, er, um, stinks. One of my observations a long time ago is that far too many zones are either good for getting experience or good for drops of gear and plat. Rare is the zone that is good for both... with some exceptions. For example, Nadox, you can get decent experience there, particularly for AAs as well as being able to come out with enough drops that it does not feel like such a waste. I grant I have not been in the Bastion of Thunder for the number of hours I have been in Nadox... but I have killed enough mobs to know that they don't drop plat, or much of anything else for that matter. Not that the plat drops in Nadox are all THAT high, but, with many dropping as much as 6 PP per kill, well, you can come out in good shape as well as vendor trash to sell. Blackfeather also good for experience but no plat though at least the mobs drop items that when you collect enough may help the old bank account. My point being that in Nadox you can be killing two birds or more during your time there... direct plat drop, tradeskill drops (ore for me ATM, and hides), vendor trash, and Defiant armor in Ornate, Flawed, and Intricate levels (to equip alts or Bazaar sell)...

-what new EQ goals have you set?

None... still mean to develop my main, get my friend back in line with my level and AA count or at least close. My 11 (current) alts I intend to get to 61 as quickly as possible and their AA counts set to max as well... In part, this can be done while grouping with my friend with my level 41+ characters while they level or AA up so can he... When I can use loyalty points to extend the account I will do so and make my last two alts (SK and Necro) and begin the process of working them up as well...

-why didn't you play much this weekend? (insight into the EQ players RL without going into pages of detail helps build the community too).

I play a lot more than the average person I suspect in that I don't have much of a real life. Homebound and disabled this is one of my main outlets... though with the outage I am now preparing (shudder, shudder) to play the free trial of WoW for lack of anything better to do ... if that runs out before EQ comes back I will have to look for another game to try (any suggestions?)
#18 May 05 2011 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
509 posts
Heh, been a long time since I've done one of these:p

I have a 90 Shaman that has had some HoT fun. I had some stuff to trib so I hit the book to Cabalis. I always remember the good old days when I enter the field of bone, so I said "meh, lets go see if sev is up". Sure enough, the Fabled Sev was roaming around and I took him out. Always brings back great memories :)
Cactuszach Rathebringer- [EQ]85 Human Pally Karana

Cactuszach- [FFXI] 75 Galka Monk Hades server

Cactuszach- [LOTRO] 50 Dwarf Guardian Vilya server
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