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Am glad I'm not on Fippy TLPFollow

#1 Apr 22 2011 at 2:04 AM Rating: Excellent
244 posts
On a lark today I decided to log onto Fippy and see if its as bad as I heard it was.
I was messing around in Gfay and I saw someone in NewPlayers channel ask for a
PC on a Jagged Band.
The response was 200-300pp
My eyes bugged out and I said in NewPlayers
"That price sucks!"
--(on Vulak I've bought 4 Jagged bands... 2 for 50pp each and 2 for 25pp each... for a grand total of 4 for 150pp... by the pricing on Fippy thats not even enough for ONE!!!)anyway...
The response people had to my comment was this
"The price is so high because people came here and flooded the server with plat using alchemy and exploits"
Taking that to mean it was EQ inflation at work...
They did the same thing here on Vulak right? and that didn't bork things up like that...
So glad that Fippy was jammed packed when I tried to log on and I ended up on Vulak instead
#2 Apr 22 2011 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
I'm happy with Vulak as well. I am hoping the votes differentiate the servers, and they allow moves between them (free) before one gets ahead. Only flaw in that is if Vulak votes to progress faster (doh).

The O-boards are almost unreadable on TLP matters since its hardcore raiders (a minority population), pure classicists (another minority group) and anti-tlp forum trolls that make up the bulk of the postings.

I strongly encouraged those playing on TLP to really think about the power the vote has. If a 2-week delay opening Kunark causes some of the hardcore racers to mellow out... the server's overall lifespan just got increased significantly.

The people I don't see posting much are the ones I have consistenly grouped with in Pugs... "I'm here till Luclin", "I'm done after PoP" and so on. NO ONE says "Darkhollow or bust".
#3 Apr 23 2011 at 5:19 PM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
Darkhollow or bust.
#4 Apr 23 2011 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
244 posts
I will stick around after PoP most likely because that is about when I quit EQ the first time.
I remember LoY coming out and then quitting.
I came back in '07 for a super sweet progression guild (Unintended Consequences/Intended Consequences) on the Test
server then quit again a couple years after that...
I kinda want to see and experience some of the content I missed even though I know it isn't they hayday or
most popular era of EQ.
If real life hasn't gotten in the way too much again I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.
#5 Apr 24 2011 at 6:11 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Jonwin wrote:
Darkhollow or bust.

Correction, a bizarre minority is saying "Darkhollow or bust" :P

Leave it to Jonwin...
#6 Apr 24 2011 at 10:35 PM Rating: Good
I like Vulak more... Simply because it's more mellow. At least that's what it appears to me.
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#7 Apr 25 2011 at 6:05 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Well since my experience with raiding was barely the zone mobs in Luclin, having been too poor to buy Kunark and Velious when released, I wouldn't mind going to Luclin again. I am in no hurry however to get there.

If only my guild members would slow down their leveling so I can catch up...

Actually we have a nice group of folks in Followers of the Stars. We are even talking of raiding Sol A or Paw. We even have a channeling of Dot for those who remember him. A member already has 5 alts in the guild.
Pay us a visit. If it is not fun don't stay.

#8 May 02 2011 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
What i don't understand is how the heck do these price gougers expect new players to the TLP server's to be able afford anything.@lvl 11 i have a whooping 71plat.With these crazy prices all you do is drive ppl off the server.
#9 May 02 2011 at 5:49 PM Rating: Excellent
3,212 posts
There was a tradeskill that could be done and sold for a profit. That lead to a plat surge. Some folks of course will also buy plat.

Prices are set by the BUYERS not sellers, however. If you price too high no one will buy it.
#10 May 02 2011 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
jahledan wrote:
What i don't understand is how the heck do these price gougers expect new players to the TLP server's to be able afford anything.@lvl 11 i have a whooping 71plat.With these crazy prices all you do is drive ppl off the server.

The other alternative is to quest, loot or earn the plat by trade skills or what a concept.
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#11 May 02 2011 at 7:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
What ever happened to the Test server? Is it gone for good?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#12 May 02 2011 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Samira wrote:
What ever happened to the Test server? Is it gone for good?

It's still going, granted recent posts on O-boards are lamenting the lack of population there. I don't play there to really know the exact situation though.
#13 May 02 2011 at 10:56 PM Rating: Default
Vinney wrote:
jahledan wrote:
What i don't understand is how the heck do these price gougers expect new players to the TLP server's to be able afford anything.@lvl 11 i have a whooping 71plat.With these crazy prices all you do is drive ppl off the server.

The other alternative is to quest, loot or earn the plat by trade skills or what a concept.

Yeah what a concept on making a lvl 10 ring affordable for someone at lvl 10.If you think 250plat for a lvl 10 ring is norm then good thing i dont buy or game with you.On a side note there was no need for the rude must be a wow player i take it.

good day
#14 May 03 2011 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
jahledan wrote:
Yeah what a concept on making a lvl 10 ring affordable for someone at lvl 10.If you think 250plat for a lvl 10 ring is norm then good thing i dont buy or game with you.On a side note there was no need for the rude must be a wow player i take it.

Not to play Devil's advocate, but... here's my argument on the matter.

In MMOs, when inflation occurs, it generally has a very small and isolated impact on the overall economy. Let's say Item A used to sell for 1,000 platinum and Item B used to sell for 10 platinum. People farmed up lots of Item B and sold it in order to purchase Item A. Obviously, you needed to farm 100 of B to purchase A.

Let's say inflation occurs, and a year later Item A sells for 10,000 platinum. Well, chances are Item B has also inflated in price and now sells for, say, 100 platinum. You still need to farm up 100 of Item B either way.

Sometimes the item you want has grown proportionally more expensive due to inflation. Sometimes, though, it's grown less expensive compared to the adjusted value of what you can farm. Overall, however, what matters to you and me is time: time required to farm up the equivalent value of what you desire.

Having "played the economy" to make e-fortunes repeatedly in a multitude of MMOs ranging from original EverQuest to Final Fantasy XI to World of Warcraft to many others, I can tell you with absolute certainty that inflation is not in and of itself a terrible thing. The only thing that really suffers is what I call direct farming. That is, in EQ, farming mobs for actual plat drops and vendor trash. Given that this isn't the method most people beyond the earliest levels use to actually make money, it isn't as bad as you think. Even in the 20s you can be farming Najena for Clawed-Knuckle rings, FBRs, and Tomes, just for one example.

In fact inflation can have a beneficial effect. Take Final Fantasy XI. Massive inflation actually made something like raiding Dynamis MUCH more accessible for the majority of the playerbase since the 1,000,000 gil entry fee was subjectively not the same thing as 1,000,000 before inflation. For EverQuest, just off the top of my head it makes things like levelling tradeskills -easier- because the store-bought reagents are actually easier to acquire in mass quantities. Stones to get to PoH or wherever are "cheaper." etc.

In short higher prices generally don't have an overall negative effect on the playerbase once one realizes that NPC goods are actually "cheaper" and what you can farm to sell to other players is generally worth much more as well, whether it be gear or stuff like spider silk or whatever.

Just my two copper.

I play on Vulak btw.
#15 May 07 2011 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
So I was just browsing this forum because the official EQ forum is down as well as the servers due to the hacking incident and honestly I wasn't going to make an account until I read this post. Megido Flare, I am going to have to entirely disagree with your last post as it does not apply to what is currently happening on Fippy. Unfortunately, I waited it out in order to be able to make a char on Fippy and I really wish I had just gone with Vulak.

What is currently taking place on Fippy is not typical inflation by any means, its out right highway robbery. Our server has without a doubt been unlucky enough to be plagued by extreme greed, hardcore guilds, and elitist players. I just hit level 45 on my SK the other day and up until this level I have bought only ONE piece of gear. Why? Because I absolutely can't afford anything else. Want a crested mistmoore shield? Latest price quote, 1.5k. Want an FBSS? 12k. I asked for the price on a Ruby bp not too long ago, get this....50k! Everytime I ask for a price I end up flaming the player on the other end because it has gotten ridiculously out of hand. The responses I get? That I'm a N00B and I should learn how to play the game. I have 1k sitting on my char right now, that is all the money I have gathered since level 20 give or take a few plat for spells, donations, and the 300PP BABS I bought at level 18. On Fippy that 1k will buy me a shiny brass shield, IF I'M LUCKY! The only people trading and selling gear right now are hardcore players (probably play 40+ hours a week give or take a few), those who have purchased plat, those who have exploited to get plat, and those who are greedy enough to fall into this pricing scheme once they acquire an item of moderate value.

To anyone reading this who plays on Fippy, do as I have and set your prices at a FAIR rate and stop this nonsense from ruining the economy on our server. REFUSE to pay these outrageous prices and shame the players auctioning like this! New players, especially BRAND new players, have absolutely no chance at affording gear while leveling up. In the end I see this leading to a very poor community for Fippy.
#16 May 07 2011 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
Vinney wrote:
jahledan wrote:
What i don't understand is how the heck do these price gougers expect new players to the TLP server's to be able afford anything.@lvl 11 i have a whooping 71plat.With these crazy prices all you do is drive ppl off the server.

The other alternative is to quest, loot or earn the plat by trade skills or what a concept.

You sir are the face of greed on this server. As others have said here, there is NO REASON a level 10 item like a jagged band should be priced the way it is, it's absolutely ridiculous. At level 10 it takes A LOT of work to earn 50 plat, let alone 150pp and why should a player spend their entire savings on ONE ring? My brother who plays a druid played until level 50 wearing almost ENTIRELY leather which I bought for him at level 5! Any money he had he spent on spells. Lets not forget that at lvl 10 for some classes it costs 50pp for their spells alone. I can't tell you how up in arms I am about the economy on Fippy.

Seriously considering changing servers. I really hope SOE offers a transfer when Kunark opens.
#17 May 08 2011 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
I have 1k sitting on my char right now, that is all the money I have gathered since level 20 give or take a few plat for spells, donations, and the 300PP BABS I bought at level 18.

This seems highly peculiar to me. Obviously I'm not saying it's not true, but 1000 from 20 to 45?

By the time I got two Magicians to 35, I had about 3500 platinum (minus however much for researched spells.) I suppose, obviously, if you play in full groups all the time then you'd see less, but still. A 45 SK can farm a looooot. And I'd just started in on the stage where mobs regularly drop decent gems and fine steel. And that's just cash drops and vendor trash; all the good items I farmed I either wore or kept for alts, like one of those Clawed-Knuckle rings off Najena.

On Fippy that 1k will buy me a shiny brass shield, IF I'M LUCKY!

Obviously, I play on Vulak. (Or I did. Been trying out "alternative" sources for my EverQuest fix like THF in the meantime and I've been having a frigging blast... great community there, and who knows when the live servers will come back up?) But anyway. Obviously I don't know the exact situation. But can't you just go camp a SBS or whatever it is you need? I mean, if the economy is that inflated, can't you go farm up some items and sell them to get what you want? I mean, at 45 as an SK you can handle a loooot of camps solo.

Hell, on Vulak if you want an FBSS just go to the Frenzied camp and wait in line (if there is a line.) And if you can't take the Frenzieds yourself, other people will help out. The faster they die the faster everyone else in line gets their turn, you know? Isn't that an option?

Hey, maybe every camp on Fippy is locked down. Maybe there's no "line" system. Maybe it really is an unplayable mess. I don't know. Again, I don't play on Fippy. But if it really is THAT bad, then just reroll on Vulak. I've been just given armor and BA weapons and random stuff by passerbyes, and even selling spiderling silks and pelts will net you a BALS or BABS by level 10. Blackened alloy armor is just given away. Forged Firebrand weapons are 20pp each (though the longsword sometimes goes for a bit more.) FBSS is around 5k to 7k depending on who's selling, but you can just camp it yourself if you want. Rubi BP is like 3500. etc.

If Fippy really is that awful then just switch to Vulak. 45 doesn't take that long to reach. A single good Unrest group took a couple characters up like 5 levels in a few hours.
#18 May 08 2011 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
MegidoFlare wrote:
I have 1k sitting on my char right now, that is all the money I have gathered since level 20 give or take a few plat for spells, donations, and the 300PP BABS I bought at level 18.

This seems highly peculiar to me. Obviously I'm not saying it's not true, but 1000 from 20 to 45?

Yes, 1000pp from 20-45 and yes I was always in full groups just looting. Also, If I get my hands on anything worth selling I sell at a fair price because I want to bring those prices back down to a normal level. But I havent tried to camp anything in particular to sell for cash yet, I will do that when I'm lvl 50.

On Fippy that 1k will buy me a shiny brass shield, IF I'M LUCKY!

Obviously, I play on Vulak. (Or I did. Been trying out "alternative" sources for my EverQuest fix like THF in the meantime and I've been having a frigging blast... great community there, and who knows when the live servers will come back up?) But anyway. Obviously I don't know the exact situation. But can't you just go camp a SBS or whatever it is you need? I mean, if the economy is that inflated, can't you go farm up some items and sell them to get what you want? I mean, at 45 as an SK you can handle a loooot of camps solo.

All the gear my char is wearing I camped for myself aside from my shield/1h sword which was given to me by my guild. I'm in full darkforge, quite an easy camp in CT. I have no jewelry, and all of my accessories are bronze. So yes, I can go camp the SBS and I was planning to do so. I will end up camping everything my char wears as I have since I created. But that's not my point here. I should have been able to buy at least one item of value that I've needed since lvl 20, like the crested mistmoore shield for example, but I can't. Further, players with much less experience than me will have an even harder time acquiring gear and paying market prices. The point I'm trying to make is that they are out of control, and I don't believe its simple supply and demand thats controlling the prices.

Edited, May 8th 2011 1:16pm by Vassius26
#20 May 14 2011 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I play on Fippy. I am a LVL 50 Enchanter. I have recently joined a Planes raiding guild.

I think the reason that your (most likely correct) perception that newb gear is overpriced on the server is due primarily to one thing. Many people who have gotten their mains to lvl 50 are making twinks now and driving prices up for lower level gear. This story I keep hearing about an Alchemy scam, even if more than an ever-morphing rumor, doesnt affect things as much as good old supply and demand.

I started three weeks after the server went live, but am already working on my third toon, and yes, I have purchased twink gear for my alts.

Its possible that Fippy has more hard core players than the other server that got most of the late comers. I've just returned to the game after 7 years and am blown away with how many people multi-box on Fippy. I was once guilded with a guy who 5-boxed.

If you are at planes raid level, a few 100p for your twink doesn't really matter much to you. Time is more important. People dont want to spend all of their time in Commonlands haggling and looking for the best deal (where is the bazaar?).

On the flip side of the too high argument, I am a tradeskiller, and you dont know how many times I have had an irate guy tell me I am asking too much when he wants to pay less for an item than it cost me to make it with a single combine. If you are gonna be a whiner, at least have your facts right. If you cant appreciate that attitude, go work on your Begging skills and get some perspective.

Anyway, if you want to make cash to buy twink gear, go farm spider silks (1p ea), spiderling silks (1p ea), iron oxides (100p ea), swirling mists (10p ea), LQ/MQ/HQ animal pelts (5p ea)and Honeycombs (10p ea). Thats just to name a few (btw if you cant find a buyer for this stuff give me a tell in game). I guarantee you that you will soon not care about the price of a jagged jumjum jiggy what ja ma callit, and will just pay the asking price so that you can get back to farming so you can afford the next item on your wish list.

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