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hate itFollow

#1 Apr 14 2010 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
811 posts
I hate the new layout. it's awful to use, half of the stuff is missing (where have the submitted imaged gone, and the trivia??) and I dislike the backgroun color which clashes with the 'alla' sand theme, it hurts my eyes and is not soothing at all!

And personally I think it's totally disrespectful that you have removed Alla's name from the interface, he started all this, at least give the man some credit for starting this, and creating the one of the two sites that has survived all the ups and downs of EQ.
People will always refer to this as Alla's not Zam's.

Edited, Apr 14th 2010 4:37pm by Renaissance
#2 Apr 14 2010 at 4:00 PM Rating: Excellent
I agree 100%. I despise this new layout. I'm not happy about this change in the slightest.
#3 Apr 14 2010 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
48 posts
Meh. Doesn't bother me in slightest. It's certainly cleaner. No more having to scroll to find menu options.

As for soothing or Clashing colors... Wut? Since when was Alla soothing to the eyes?


Though I do agree that removing Allakhazam from the main logo is poor choice. FFS this isn't EQZAM, its Allakhazam and forever will be known as such.

Hopefully they add the featured image to the right column where they have some of the other stuff. I imagine this was a quick roll-out and they don't yet have _everything_ perfect.

Edited, Apr 14th 2010 6:51pm by Dharh
#4 Apr 14 2010 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
Its one thing to tweak, its another to demolish... this is utterly uninviting, especially to those of us who have been members for years. Also less intuitive for newer members. Who ever made this decision obviously thinks flashy is more important than functional. Quick roll out or not if this was even tested, they need to use real live humans to beta test on...
#5 Apr 14 2010 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
Renaissance "And personally I think it's totally disrespectful that you have removed Alla's name from the interface, he started all this, at least give the man some credit for starting this, and creating the one of the two sites that has survived all the ups and downs of EQ.
People will always refer to this as Alla's not Zam's."

Just a Marketing suggstion: "AllakhaZAM" would of eased into the change.

As of Renaissance
"and I dislike the backgroun color which clashes with the 'alla' sand theme, it hurts my eyes and is not soothing at all!"
Have to Agree. not much thought into it just frame and paste.

As for soothing or Clashing colors... Wut? Since when was Alla soothing to the eyes?/boggle
Have to disagree Dhara, the old site, or still using old site pages, example here, did not clash with the outside frame. but maybe AllakhaZAM is going to change these window also in the future? Then they will match, maybe?

Edited, Apr 14th 2010 5:40pm by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#6 Apr 14 2010 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
216 posts
Hate it Hate it Hate it. Did I mention I hate it? I'm considering cancelling my premium membership and never coming here again, but unfortunately no other site has as much info. (hmmm....maybe I'll start using Raspers) If only I could freakin FIND anything. Now all the links are hidden inside drop-down menus so someone has to already know where the function is to be able to use it. Some of the top-level links (such as Underfoot Progression) are now not even listed. I had to use the Search function to find it, whereever it is. A site that requires people to use a Search function to find something is a very poorly-designed site. Whatever happened to simple, logical, CLEAR site design?

This change was without warning, unnecessary, and very very user unfriendly. Also very rude and disrespectful to those of us who've been using it for 10 years. At least give us an option to use the old tried and true, very functional (but less glitzy) interface. Very poor service to loyal customers.

Oh yeah I hate it, too.

Edited, Apr 15th 2010 12:21am by ddraigoch
Buanu Connoy
Champions of Norrath
#8 Apr 15 2010 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
I can live with the new format, but I really dislike that certain features will be taken away.

For years I have enjoyed the screenshot of the day on the front page. Those were always amusing. I also will miss the daily trivia and especially the zone identification screenshots. =( Bring them back somehow please!
Rylaar - 100 Ranger - Bristlebane - EQ1
Trylon - 100 Cleric
Iamken - 92 Enchanter

Fyfe - 95 Troubador - Unrest - EQ2
Rylaar - 95 Ranger
Quinleigh - 95 Fury
Dalarn - 95 Inquisitor

Rylaar - 90 NE Hunter - Khaz Modan - WoW
Rhylaar - 90 Troll Hunter - Shadow Council - WoW
#9 Apr 15 2010 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
The company has been for a while.
The one thing I dont like is the lack of the forum address on the side so i can switch from forum to forum with one mouse click

Anything is is just bells and whistles.
#12 Apr 15 2010 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
167 posts
/on soapbox

Unfortunately, I must agree with everyone on the new website design. While change is normal, upsetting this apple cart will cause more than a few bruised apples. This new format is not easy to use and does not have the "warm and fuzzy" feeling of a well known location that you know all about.

I am both a premium member (years) and a regular contributor on images, data, mob drops, and comments on anything our group comes across. Besides being very surprised, I'm stunned that a company who depends on their audience would take this sort of action. Zam, this is not a good change, it is not a prudent change, and I'm not sure if its worth going premium again. Please bring back the old and trusted allak that EQ'ers know and love.

/off soapbox
#13 Apr 15 2010 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
not digging it either yet.

i liked the side bar with everything to find there.

also i could not easily find the UF and SoD information...

im sure ill find more things that i cant find now..
#15 Apr 15 2010 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
78 posts
OMG Why? I sooo hate the new page. I pay a premium...can't I have the old page WITHOUT the ads back? What am I paying for?
#16 Apr 15 2010 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
I'll tell you something else, too: I see a window in the corner of the main page called Featured Promotions, even while logged in. Something I paid to get rid of: ads. You take my money, you have no excuse.

I completely agree. If I didn't pay to be "premium" I wouldn't mind, but to quote Zam under the "Premium" section:

You already use the ZAM Network for the latest game news, information and access to the fastest growing gaming community around. Now it's time to step up and take advantage of our Premium membership service. Premium members have access to dozens of enhanced forum and database features, as well as contests and giveaways on our entire network of sites. All 100% advertisement free.

So, according to Zam, my premium membership should be completely free of adds, yet there they are.

That's messed up.

Edited, Apr 15th 2010 11:17pm by jpdurose
#17 Apr 16 2010 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
I will add my support to what I hope is a growing number of subscribers who have an active dislike of the "new" format. This "new format" is neither new nor a real format. It is yet another naked ploy by marketing fops to wrest additional money from someone while foisting rah-rah participation promotion in exploit of a loyal and heretofore interested fan base. Zam fire these marketing goons now! Change the site back and sit back and rake in the do re mi... Otherwise run the risk of losing what was a decent profit center because EQ gamers know when they are being gamed. I say it is not a real format because the new site appearance evinces many (newly approved?) associations with SOE maintained web sites. The strategic redesign of websites all too often has nothing to do with content enhancement and all too often everything to do with making a grab at enhanced revenues. It is too crassly commercial; and nakedly greedy. It took years for SOE to realize they should employ people that like gamers to manage EQ. How long will you take to figure this out? Anyone who uses the word "consumer" when the word "customer" would be more appropriate does not fit well in this culture. You have a little time left before EQ players begin to go elsewhere for their information and subscriptions. I hope you don't take as long as SOE did to correct their mind set. Its only recently that many one-time regular players are returning to the game. Remember what happened to the Golgofrinchan marketing executives?
#18 Apr 16 2010 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
I dislike the new layout very much. I have been with Alla for many years now. This is not easy to navigate and a lot of great listings that were along the left side are now gone. I could just go down the list and click and there I was at my screen. I will probably always refer to this as an Alla site.

ZAM could flip it back to the old way, that might ease the resentment that is out here now. I have been a premium member forever. That might change.
#19 Apr 16 2010 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
186 posts
I also hate this new format. Too hard to find anything, not intuitive at all, too busy around the border, etc. etc. I can't believe that you ruined a wonderful site. I have been a premium member for years. I guess it is time to put my money back in my pocket.
#20 Apr 17 2010 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
This looks like crap IMHO. Remember, this is an 11 year old game. I think most of us loved the classic look of the site. Now it just looks like every other game site out there. Change it back! Please!
#21 Apr 19 2010 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
It looks like the added the trivia and screenshot links back on in the side. Thank you! =)
Rylaar - 100 Ranger - Bristlebane - EQ1
Trylon - 100 Cleric
Iamken - 92 Enchanter

Fyfe - 95 Troubador - Unrest - EQ2
Rylaar - 95 Ranger
Quinleigh - 95 Fury
Dalarn - 95 Inquisitor

Rylaar - 90 NE Hunter - Khaz Modan - WoW
Rhylaar - 90 Troll Hunter - Shadow Council - WoW
#22 Apr 19 2010 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
9 posts
The first time I seen this new layout, I would have sworn it was April fools day all over again! - a bad joke...

No warning that the site was going to change on the main screen... as it was not a small change but a very radical change... Some people that use webpages like user friendly pages, or ones that do not have you thinking "Is what I want under this catagory or that one???"

I know I've talked to a few people and I've YET to hear any of the people I know to say that they REALLY like this new format... (and most of the ones I talk to are 5+ year players of everquest, and most if not all know the old layout very decently, if not well)...

Remember Coca-Cola changing from original coke to new coke? and the uproar of people who was about to stop buying the product made them go to coke classic? as much as I'd be wanting to support something... sometimes money (like subscriptions all saying no) talks...

I can also remember when Caster's Realm went from their original page to that more modernized menuized page that had stuff all messed up and some missing... I used that page until the "Classic view" had dissappeared... as the classic format was what I had gotten familiar with...

but I do hope to see the original format on the allakhazam page... (note, I'm not acknowleging the page as "ZAM" page... I think of it as new coke example... after all these years, I'll still be calling it alla / allakhazam and no "ZAM EQ")...

hopefully we'll get to see the old Allakhazam page back... but until then, I guess it's time to get more bookmarks ready to go looking for information at... I still might use the page, but it's lost it's sense of style... and the functionality got condensed into:


6 items...

LOTS of links to various parts of the page, all crammed into 6 catagories... on the old page, with ALL those links listed, of the 6 above, which most was offered there with the rest of the links, I believe I only clicked HOME on any regular basis, and account when I needed to log in/adjust the account... the wikibase on rare occasion directly... I rather have seen the "Wikibase" then the "Underfoot walkthrough" "Underfoot armor sets" and the other parts listed under that without having to go "ok, click wiki, now lets click "Seeds of destruction"? "SoF armor guide"? Alas...

I also know some people will say it's most likely the same as talking to a brick wall to try to get the old format back... But, it's still worth being able to put in our feedback... As everything seems to have the cost going up these days, our feedback, should be worth something, if we're expected (hoped) to be supporting it...

#23 Apr 19 2010 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
I've grown accustomed to the old format and find it almost impossible to even find stuff on the site anymore. Most people come here to find quick information; not to spend an hour trying to find it. Spending so much time finding information isn't productive at all. I give the new layout an F. I've paid up as well as many other people have. Give us premium people the option to have the old layout.
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#24 Apr 19 2010 at 6:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
When the devs changed the "news" page on the site to this layout, a bunch of people complained about it on the feedback forum giving specific issues (as opposed to just "it sux"). Eventually the response was (to paraphrase): "We're not changing anything but your feedback is noted."

Apparently everyone's feedback was ignored because now the EQ page has received the same exact treatment, months later. I let my premium lapse after nearly ten years because I can't see actually paying money for this site after seeing how much it listens to the people using it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 Apr 19 2010 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
When the devs changed the "news" page on the site to this layout, a bunch of people complained about it on the feedback forum giving specific issues (as opposed to just "it sux"). Eventually the response was (to paraphrase): "We're not changing anything but your feedback is noted."

Apparently everyone's feedback was ignored because now the EQ page has received the same exact treatment, months later. I let my premium lapse after nearly ten years because I can't see actually paying money for this site after seeing how much it listens to the people using it.

So they'd rather just go ahead and make changes, instead of listening to their paying customer base? What kind of "company" does that?
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#26 Apr 19 2010 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
187 posts
Proof is in the poll

Edited, Apr 21st 2010 7:07pm by Sparxx
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