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Old EQ at its bestFollow

#1 Feb 24 2010 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
Its been done and is being done and sometimes with great success.
Progression or purist EQ guilds.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and propose the inception
of one but with the best aspects incorporated that I've seen
to date.

Here they are:

From the very beginning Kunark and Velious are open with no
plans to go further. Luclin is a possibility that will be
left for discussion.

All races and all classes (just can't use or go to Cresent Reach)
In regards to Epics limited access to the Luclin zones will
be granted as per requirement.

Raid or don't raid. Its up to the guild and the players.
Twink or don't twink, but keep in mind that if you do you
are likely to become bored and dissatisfied by doing so.
It would be appreciated if people didn't use their high level
toons to farm items to give to their guilded toons but that
is left to their own conscience.
What I would like to see is people only using the gear that
they solo'd with their true to our code or in a group that
they get exp with but again I leave that up to the player's

PoK use is allowed as well as guildlobby and guildbank.
I myself may not be able to use the guildbank because the last
real expansion I own is the one before Darkhollow. This hasn't
been an issue since I've been playing mostly on Test and on
Test all expansions are free. I'm not clear as to when
Stonebrunt, Jaggedpine, and the Warrens were open so for now
they would remain closed. As always such things are up
for discussion.

No Mercs or Defiant Armor or anything that drops in zones
beyond our allowed expansion/era. I'm leaning toward no loot
from "revamped" zones such as Droga. This topic is one that
I am adamant about. Absolutely no mercs or out of era gear.
If a player is caught using them they are out of the guild.
That includes no augmentations or charms.

Bazaar is ok but not recommended

AA use is ok but not recommended.

Powerleveling is ok (within the guild, only by guildmembers)
but not recommended.

Grouping with people who are beyond our level cap (60 at default)
is not accepted nor is grouping with people who use gear we
are not permitted to. This includes Mercs.

This is a rather long post and I am sorry if it loses some
people's attention.

The idea is to "blend" the best of what I've participated in
as far as purist and progression guilds do.

The issue as to what server to do this on is up for consideration.
I would consider Stromm or Test to be our best bets.

The name of the guild is up for consideration but I would
suggest "Throwbackers" or "Glory Days"

As you can see from my signature that I'm in and have been in
progression and purist guilds and I've seen what works well
and what doesn't.

If this endeavor doesn't pan out I'll keep playing somewhere
and keep enjoying the game.
I'm not giving up on the guilds I'm currently in, I'm just
putting it out there as to what I'd really like to see
get going.

Edited, Feb 24th 2010 7:19pm by heavydrop
#2 Feb 24 2010 at 10:57 PM Rating: Default
244 posts
Welcome our first members:
Arash, wood elf ranger.
Aederic, human bard

The guild is "Glory Days" on Stromm
and I am the leader, Cuthalion

Edited, Feb 25th 2010 1:21am by heavydrop
#3 Feb 25 2010 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
/wave H.Scholar

'The Warrens' should fall within your remit. The way through them to Stonebrunt was 'opened' & came much later.

I like your idea of 'classic with a twist', pretty much leave it to the players own discipline & integrity, hell if you do end up twinking & buying plat, what's the damn point eh?
I'll say hi when i've finally decided a character to play. I imagine that others will take you up on it too as long you don't have any 'Team Good' only policies.


/guildwar :)

Edited, Feb 25th 2010 9:34am by scarcasm

Edited, Feb 25th 2010 9:35am by scarcasm
#4 Feb 25 2010 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
244 posts
Look forward to seeing you ingame.

All races and all classes and a guildwar sounds fun.
#5 Feb 25 2010 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
So will you be staying on Stromm for now & which Timezone are you in?
Do you plan to set up a forum etc someplace?
#6 Feb 25 2010 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
244 posts
Yes, the hope is to get this started on Stromm and if
it is successful I'll spend most if not all my time there.

Our two new members (listed above) are officers.

I am in Arizona so that makes me GMT-7.

Late at night or early mornings are best for me because
of school and kids n all that.

Yes, a forum or website is the next objective.
Any suggestions? I've tried and either
because the guild wasn't that interested in using it
or I just didn't know what I was doing well enough it
didn't satisfy our needs.

Edited, Feb 25th 2010 9:56am by heavydrop
#7 Feb 25 2010 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
We always used to use for guild sites. It is free, and there is a built in forum. They give you tools to customize the site including layout and content using plug-in modules. You can also upload custom graphic elements if you are inclined.

You just can never expect more than 10% of the people in a guild to participate in a guild site/forum. There are people that just play when they want to play and don't have time to browse forums. Then there's people like me that think it's odd when there aren't new posts every day. I mean... I think this forum is tediously slow, but that's more because I remember what it used to be like 10 years ago.

The most important aspect of your guild website is to have a place where people can check out your charter, rules, and goals anyway.

#8 Feb 25 2010 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
Sam are you interested too? No Alignment restrictions, or did you opt for Zek in the end?

Cabilis, London, Grobb, Milan...a whirlwind tour!
#9 Feb 25 2010 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
Oh you can count me in too.

I did roll a character on Zek but living in a PvP world just isn't for everyone. I tried, but I could see right off it wasn't for me.
#10 Feb 25 2010 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
With Haldour, Torvik & Symbius expressing some interest, that's a healthy start.

I did post on your Golden Age forums Heavydrop, but this was before I realised Mel's stance on Evil's.
Sam's made a very valid point though, it's not 2001 anymore & there won't be 100 posts' per day, perhaps just a Runboard or Guild Portal is just what we need for now eh. I'll be creating a character later on tonight once the footy has finished & will give you a holler (I'm on GMT being English btw).

/join eqclassic!

Edited, Feb 25th 2010 1:27pm by scarcasm
#11 Feb 25 2010 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
I've been interested for a while on these, but never liked certain aspects of the ones being run now. I really have zero interest in playing on Test or PvP, so those felt like a waste of time trying.

Stromm is a fine choice and I intended on joining Golden Age, but for whatever reason I couldn't get in touch with em and still there were some lingering things that just didn't make much sense to me with that setup. The personal preference restrictions just seemed to make it even harder, which was being counterproductive to me.

The points you outlined I do like though.

Opened up to Velious - Good. I'd prefer Luclin since we'd essentially be skipping a lot of that content if we leveled past it and the available gear upgrades isn't significant in terms of power until raiding.
Any Race / Class - Very good.
Raid - As you said, depends, which is good.
Gear / Twink - Personally, buying and selling was always in EQ, so as long as it's Velious and below era gear I think it's all good.
PoK / Guild Lobby / Guild Hall is stretching it, but if it's only used as a last resort I'd say whatever.

Overall though, I think you've outlined the best setup to date.

And I agree, would be a fine place for a guild site.
#12 Feb 25 2010 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
244 posts
#13 Feb 25 2010 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
9 posts
This sounds like alot of fun guys. I've been watching and reading all the conversations and this just seems to be the vintage EQ most suited for me.

So what do we need? I've rolled a dwarf cleric named Korimar whose just level 3 and ready if needed.
#14 Feb 25 2010 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
I just joined up with my 30 shaman. I'll probably bring my new bard on as well. So far we have 4 officer level (+):


Send a /tell in game and we'll shoot you an invite!

Befallen, Nejena, SolA, Mistmoore, Unrest, Upper Guk, Lower Guk, Crystal Caverns, SolB, well... you get the idea. It's all waiting for you to enjoy again.

Edited, Feb 26th 2010 12:07am by Samatman

#15 Feb 26 2010 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
Excellent & hi 'Korimar' everyone needs a Cleric!

I'll sort something out this weekend, hopefully tonight.(best laid plans & all that doesn't mix well with kid's).

Sam is your Shammy still in Kunark?

My Bard is glaring at me somewhat accusingly, but I'm not sure I want to go back to that caffeine fuelled mess again....something more sedate methinx.

Troll Shadowknight is looking favourable.

As an aside, currently you/we have 4 members & 4 of those are officers? sounds like my work place!

Edited, Feb 26th 2010 3:43am by scarcasm
#16 Feb 26 2010 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
244 posts
The 4 officers includes me the leader so really only
I did that to help maximize recruiting which is our number
one priority.
Tell your friends there is fun to be had.
#17 Feb 27 2010 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
'Scarcasm' Troll Shadowknight is officially a member.

Good to see Lime Green text again :)

Signed upto the site & just waiting on approval.

Edited, Feb 27th 2010 5:39am by scarcasm
#18 Feb 27 2010 at 9:02 AM Rating: Default
244 posts
Roster count at 7 now.

Aederic - Bard
Arash - Ranger
Maloden - Wizard
Samatma - Shaman
Scarcasm - SK
Zaszha - Cleric
Cuthalion (me) - Ranger
#19 Feb 27 2010 at 11:49 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,971 posts
My Halfie cleric is 16 now. I made him for Golden Age, but nobody is ever on. I spam my friends list and have not yet seen anyone.

Having said that, I think the Glory Days ruleset is more to my liking. I'll be on Tues-Fri as a rule so I'll look you up.

Dulkeen is fitted with a full set of Stoutdeacon armor and has his Stoudeacon's Mace as well (the Gorge was skeery!!!). Some kind soul passing through Misty Thicket gave me a swell earring that gives me a see invis. I haven't check the era on that. When I do check (Tues) if it violates the ruleset then I guess I'll sell it or something.

tl'dr: I'm down for this idea! Smiley: thumbsup
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#20 Feb 27 2010 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
Nice one mate, be good to have you along. I'm generally on once the Kid's have gone to sleep & am currently in Guk distributing love to the Froggies.
Give me a level or two & we could hit Najena or Befallen if you're up for it?
#21 Feb 28 2010 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
This idea sounds appealing to me, if I can fit it in.

What times are most folks on? I am currently trying out EQ after a very long hiatus (since EQ2 came out) and might be interested, if I can figure out how to play this game again.

I have a few old players (level 11 cleric the highest) from when Stromm opened.

I am currently just on 11p.m. till 1 or so CST.

#22 Feb 28 2010 at 2:54 AM Rating: Default
244 posts
Come register at our website

one of the forum topics is play schedule and that should
help us all figure out this issue.

Hope to catch you in game.
#23 Feb 28 2010 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
Hey Cujo

That was my concern, would I remember how to actually play? Fortunately, yes I do.
Other than spending an age looking for my Harm Touch it all came flooding back rather rapidly.
I play on GMT being a Brit & there's generally a guildie or two on most of the time though.
Be good to welcome you into the guild mate!
#24 Feb 28 2010 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
244 posts
Welcome Slipnier, a brain buster (enchanter) to Glory Days.

I'm trying to set it up a cross server chat channel so that
we can let others know we're on and ready to go.

I've set it up as /autojoin Stromm.glorydays

Is that going to work? It seems to have on tests on Stromm.
If anyone wiser than I knows how to set it up right let me
know please.

Edited, Feb 28th 2010 1:31pm by heavydrop
#25 Mar 01 2010 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
244 posts

Balzedar the Necro
Weepin the Druid
to our ranks

note: the chat channel works as posted.
#26 Mar 01 2010 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Good Luck with the new guild, hasufel

hope you dotn claim it's 'Classic' tho, mate, with bazaar pok and shared bank and all.

just have fun that's the main thing.

Safe travels from me and arelise
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