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Poll: Should Mercs Be upgraded?Follow

#1 Jan 28 2010 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
309 posts
Should Mercenaries be upgraded for use in UF?
Yes:200 (69.4%)
No:88 (30.6%)

Edited, Jan 28th 2010 12:51pm by wizdons
#2 Jan 28 2010 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
No vote for me...Make groups and the content is fine.
#3 Jan 28 2010 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
No vote for me...Make groups and the content is fine.

And for the times you can't find a group or a tank, your back to being screwed like the pre merc days.
#4 Jan 28 2010 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
And for the times you can't find a group or a tank, your back to being screwed like the pre merc days.

You can still pop a merc and go play in SoD zones or SoF zones.

Just because there are mercs doesn't mean you should be able to pop one and go play the hardest content. They are meant to give you the ability to do something while LFG or if you don't have the time to get a group that day.
#5 Jan 29 2010 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
but what if you are done with SoF/SoD? then you just log off. do that enough then you just cancle. Thats not good for EQ.
#6 Jan 29 2010 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
297 posts
I voted no...

First reason, where are the DPS mercs? Rather than killing two classes even further, lets spread the pain.

Second reason, balance the mercs. The cleric mercs are effective in UF to some degree based on your gear and/or having two cleric mercs in the group. The tank mercs were lacking in power when compared to the healer mercs in SoD, and the gap is even wider in UF. Balance the tank merc up, or bring the healer merc down.

Third reason, SOE put a huge dent in the number of non-raiding warriors and clerics out there when they introduced mercs over a year ago. Now, they have to deal with the complaints that there aren't enough clerics and warriors for the UF content.
#8 Jan 29 2010 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
297 posts
Just because you don't find a group doing Uf progression doesn't mean you have to log off (that's an incredibly stupid thing to say), there's still plenty to do while yer by yerself and mercs just make you able to do more of it.

Need a group badly enough? Go grab all the other people whining that mercs need an upgrade... looks like there might be enough out there to form a group, so you can zip trap about it and go get stuff done yerselves.

I have usually seen the whine to be more of "I want to group here for a chance to loot that". I have offered my merc places in my group before, but 95% of the time, they don't want to do what I am doing. Something about beggars being choosers.
#9 Jan 29 2010 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
I voted no as well.
I like my mercs, but you really shouldn't be able to use a merc to molo your way through current content, they're just a great way to keep you busy with older content. If you couldn't do it solo, you may be able to do it now.

Mercs kind of trivialized SoD... if you're done with SoD, chances are good you used a merc for some of it. Heck myself and another sk camped T5 gear using two healer mercs no problem. This actually illustrates why they shouldn't be made to function well in Underfoot; it's the current content designed for players, and I want players to do it with.

Can't find a group? Grab a merc and go molo in The Mechamatic Guardian (yes, the instance requires three players, I imagine there are two other solo/moloers on the server willing to group with you just so you can get the instance. I do it all the time)... go see if you can camp the Warleader's Pearl in Beza. Try to complete the Gyrospire relocation device. Go complete a progression arc in SoF or SoD. Go complete a meta item arc in SoF or SoD (Bayle's Heraldic Crest or Mindshear for example). Go see what trophies you can get throughout the game that you couldn't before, like the Darkhollow werewolf skull or your chest piece from Theater of Blood. Go find old raid targets and take them down.

Just because you don't find a group doing Uf progression doesn't mean you have to log off (that's an incredibly stupid thing to say), there's still plenty to do while yer by yerself and mercs just make you able to do more of it.

Need a group badly enough? Go grab all the other people whining that mercs need an upgrade... looks like there might be enough out there to form a group, so you can zip trap about it and go get stuff done yerselves.

You miss the point. The whole reason they introduced mercs into the game was because many people couldn't find groups. Do you think this dynamic has miraculously changed now that people are forced to group in the newest expansion? Somehow I think you do.

If you think people are going to spend the next year redoing old content your nuts. If you think people are going to spend the four hours of play time they set aside waiting for a group, it's not going to happen.

It's basic economics. The casual players are the majority and if you lose them you lose the game. This expansion is not casual friendly and I don't think Sony is going to take money out of their pockets so you personally can continue to play.
#10 Jan 29 2010 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
gosh it takes a while to get some data on this.. anyway to post this someplace to get more input? I know at times there are polls linked on the front page but there pretty old ones.
#12 Jan 30 2010 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
29 posts
"You miss the point. The whole reason they introduced mercs into the game was because many people couldn't find groups. Do you think this dynamic has miraculously changed now that people are forced to group in the newest expansion? Somehow I think you do.

If you think people are going to spend the next year redoing old content your nuts. If you think people are going to spend the four hours of play time they set aside waiting for a group, it's not going to happen.

It's basic economics. The casual players are the majority and if you lose them you lose the game. This expansion is not casual friendly and I don't think Sony is going to take money out of their pockets so you personally can continue to play."

Then EQ isnt for you. EQ is and aways been (and hopefully always will be) a group game. If you want to play in UF then get groups... no other way. Merc are just a filler to help out in older content and quests and such. If your to shy (or just hate people) then yes you prolly be better off in SoD or SoF. But no one is forcing you to do anything at all. I truly am sorry that EQ is not what you want from it, and wish I had an answer for you, but changing the game to match the solo player would be just a horrible thing to a great game.

EDIT: Come on over to the test server some time look up my toons and we will go kill some **** Not much a pally and mage cant kill

Edited, Jan 30th 2010 10:59am by Noshadow
#13 Jan 30 2010 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
I will just leave it there. It's just a game after all and your right, EQ is now for the leet hardcore player. I will go spend my money somewhere else.
#15 Jan 31 2010 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
318 posts
Boomsticker, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
I will just leave it there. It's just a game after all and your right, EQ is now for the leet hardcore player. I will go spend my money somewhere else.

If you think people are going to spend the next year redoing old content your nuts. If you think people are going to spend the four hours of play time they set aside waiting for a group, it's not going to happen.

You'll be disappointed with the other games.

People are not going to spend the next year doing old content, YOU are because YOU can't solo/molo UF. Make some groups and suck it up, progression is possible in UF without mercs, you will have to join a guild, you will have to suffer some horrible PUG's.

Edited, Jan 31st 2010 9:32am by Cilrail
#16 Jan 31 2010 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
They (mercs) were not intended to make Seeds of Destruction an easy expansion, which they did and that's why they're not being upgraded to be able to function well in Underfoot.

OK, that's completely false.

Seeds wasn't an easy expansion because of mercs. Seeds was an easy expansion because it was undertuned (poorly tuned). It had absolutely, positively, nothing to do with mercs.

Mercs not being upgraded in Underfoot also had nothing to do with how easy Seeds was. The two are completely independent of each other.

Edited, Jan 31st 2010 11:43am by amastropolo
#17 Feb 01 2010 at 6:47 AM Rating: Default
QuoteTha's fine, son. Play or get out. Fifteen expansions worth of content a merc excels in, they struggle in the most current one and you wanna take yer ball and go home. Go ahead and go, yer not the only one on the field with balls.d Text

Well ya. If I am not getting what I want out of a game I go play something else. That's the way it works.

The crappy thing is I had a blast in SoD. But in usual EQ fashion they have to suck every good thing out of the game and leave us average players pissed off enough to quit, again.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 6:50am by Boomsticker
#18 Feb 01 2010 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
297 posts
The crappy thing is I had a blast in SoD. But in usual EQ fashion they have to suck every good thing out of the game and leave us average players pissed off enough to quit, again.

So what you are saying is that Sony should have designed the expansion for you?

I know plenty of people that are "average players" that are having the exact opposite experience as you are having.
#19 Feb 01 2010 at 2:15 PM Rating: Default

So what you are saying is that Sony should have designed the expansion for you?

For people like me who like to molo? Yes they should have. Why not? Why does it concern anyone how I want to play? The game wouldn't be forcing people to molo like it is now forcing people to group. It would just be one of many options of game play.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 2:16pm by Boomsticker
#20 Feb 01 2010 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
297 posts
For people like me who like to molo? Yes they should have. Why not? Why does it concern anyone how I want to play? The game wouldn't be forcing people to molo like it is now forcing people to group. It would just be one of many options of game play

I guess I am more of a realist and recognize that every game/expansion can't make everyone happy. Given the vast majority of the expansions that have been geared to the grouper and soloer, I don't feel too bad that this one is geared toward the higher end.

Grouper/Soloer Expansions: SoD, SoF, TSS, TBS, DoDH, DoN, OoW, LDoN, LoY, Luclin, Velious, Kunark, Vanilla

Raider/Higher End Expansions: UF, PoP, PoR

Fubared Expansions: Gates
#21 Feb 01 2010 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
but in todays EQ with the 1 year cycle there has to be content for everyone. back in the 6 month cycle it wasnt so bad if there was a hard expantion than a easier one.

#22 Feb 01 2010 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
318 posts
Boomsticker, pet mage of Jabober wrote:

So what you are saying is that Sony should have designed the expansion for you?

For people like me who like to molo? Yes they should have. Why not? Why does it concern anyone how I want to play? The game wouldn't be forcing people to molo like it is now forcing people to group. It would just be one of many options of game play.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 2:16pm by Boomsticker

Waitaminit! By your logic Boom, people who don't want to molo and/or multibox should be able to progress their characters in the latest expansion the same as you. If that were the case, expansions would last less than a month.
#23 Feb 02 2010 at 6:24 AM Rating: Default
Waitaminit! By your logic Boom, people who don't want to molo and/or multibox should be able to progress their characters in the latest expansion the same as you. If that were the case, expansions would last less than a month.

I didn't say that. I said there should be more options other than having to rely on a group.

The reason UF differs from all other expansions is because of the high requirements to tank even the starting zone. Sure there have been tough expansions in the past but they didn't require you to finish the previous expansion from top to bottom, travel the lands for the best AC augs and have been playing long enough to accumulate 1 or 2k AA's before you even step into the expansion.

I mean really, how many of those tanks are out there? How many of those tanks have their little group of friends they already group with? I would contend most of those tanks are in mid tier raiding guilds grouping with their mid tier raiding guild people.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2010 6:25am by Boomsticker
#24 Feb 08 2010 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Bring the healer merc down are you nuts? It takes 2 healer mercs to = the healing of my shammy. I box war/sham with 2 merc healers. When in full grp i mh with my shammy and do a much better job at it. The problem is mercs were tuned to fit the sod expansion. uf comes out and toons get upgrades in order to progress through uf and unfortunately there is no way to advance your merc. i would have assumed when uf came out they would be able to be advanced past the journeyman lvl. through progression like in sod. I vote yes. there just isnt enough people who want to play clerics out there. the only option for me is to have mercs for buffing and healing just for that matter. as far as adding dps cc mercs bring it on, it should be fun. for all those who say mercs ruin the game...... i assume you have a hard time finding a group and blame it on the mercs.
#25 Feb 16 2010 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
It's like trying to convince a true believer that the great magician in the sky isn't going to raze the planet on a whim. They will argue til you walk away in disgust, then hedge their bets with property insurance.

I'm willing to stake everything I have in EQ that every single anti-merc poster on here and elsewhere owns and uses mercs, and will happily continue to do so once they are improved, as dev's have already stated they will be, desperately trying to lure back the 25% of the base they just shedded with UF.

And they will continue to post the opposing sentiment.
#26 Feb 21 2010 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
definately want to see a shaman, ench, or zerker.. i heard that on some of the emulated servers they have mercs of all classes that act as good as the war/cler official mercs work, so EQ should make soeme of those, and give people incentive to play cler/war toons, so they can play a cler/war and get assist-role mercs
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