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Those Were the DaysFollow

#1 Nov 23 2009 at 7:01 PM Rating: Excellent
761 posts
Just to hear some old stories.
Mine, back on Rallos during Loot PKing, Using a level 30 Human Ranger. I would run to Sol A with 26k and four empty slots to buy.
“Bag of the Tinkers”
I did this pre 2004 the very 1st day when you could change the bags into tokens and sell in bazaar. And at that time there was no easy guild port. You had to run from the Bazaar and PoK through Nektulos Forest, through Lavastorm Mountains and into Solusek's Eye (Solusek A) to the bottom of the dungeon. With the weight of 26,000 plat and the Fear of getting PK’d by the gangs that ran around Rallos at the time. Talk about a virtual pucker factor. But was fun and exciting. Missed those days when nothing was easy. Knowing you could not run away from anything because of weight. Never knowing when invis would pop. And dying there with a naked corpse run and trying to loot your stuff in the middle of a dungeon filled with mean ugly fire goblins. And of coarse having 26k on you… Like hitting the PK lotto. Only got PK’d once during the many, many runs, and was on the way back. Had plenty of open slots to bag. <wink>
There’s got to be a lot of “OLD” fun stories out there?
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#2 Nov 23 2009 at 7:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,074 posts
April 1999.

The run to Freeport from Qeynos. The level 13 veteran (Yes, 13) that mentored me said it had to be done naked. The chances of dying and losing everything were too great to risk so everyone banked all their gear and made the run.

For those that don't know, when you died, your gear stayed on your body and literally disappeared if you couldn't get to it in time.

I was level 9 and died first from Orcs in Highpass then next from a Griffin in one of the Karanas but eventually made it on my 3rd attempt.

Those were the days.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#3 Nov 23 2009 at 7:57 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Level 12 human rogue, learning to play on my brother's account. He leaves the room to grab a bite and I go exploring. I make it into Qeynos... hmm kind of boring so I start exploring and end up in the Karanas.

I didn't know about /loc. I had no idea where I died. It was dark and I couldn't really see. I knew I was on a hill. My brother had busted his bank (his main at the time was a level 34 cleric) getting me geared (laughable even by then-standards but valuable to us) so letting the corpse rot wasn't going to go over well.

He spent 2 hours searching out my body, he eventually found one foot sticking out of a hill.

I macroed /loc after that.

...and he rolled a necro, so my lost bodies were never an issue again!

Edited, Nov 23rd 2009 8:59pm by snailish
#4 Nov 23 2009 at 8:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,368 posts
I remember doing level 30, perhaps the first hell level way back in early 2000. I was in a full group outside of Paw in South Karana. It's hard to imagine now but of the 3 or 4 spires there, our group only had 1 because the rest were camped. We would pull roamers when we could but the slow progression we slogged through back then would be totally laughable today.

Between pulls we medded and that meant looking at our spell books. You'd turn your volume up when you did that so you might hear footsteps of something approaching. The group went all day and all night and in the end I finally dinged 31 by morning.

I don't think I ever had such a feeling of relief before or after. Hell levels were no joke and getting through one meant you were essentially free to play and enjoy the game again until the next one. I hope no game ever decides to bring hell levels back - it's not something I'd want to ever do again.

Edit: (I keep thinking of more): Blacksmithing as a dark elf. I had to faction up in highkeep to buy molds there. Molds don't stack so I could only buy and carry so many. I'd then trek back to Neriak where I would do my couple dozen combines. I don't remember what I was making, but whatever the trouble it was I made money doing it. Banded armor used to sell well. Fine plate armor, when it was introduced, sold too. Probably the reason it was a money maker and not a money sink was that it was too time intensive for everyone to just "buy" into it and sit in PoK skilling up. That, and of course that the armor was still desirable since defiant armor hadn't been released like a scourge upon the land.

More edits: I needed to get to Butcherblock and took the boat from Freeport. I'm always exploring so when the boat stopped at an island, I got off. Bad, bad, very dead dark elf. Sisters of Erolisi didn't like me at all and I was faced with yet another corpse retrieval. I remember standing on the freeport docks (invisible I guess? or maybe I had east freeport faction by then) and a dwarf came up and offered to take the boat and loot my corpse (because we had to get our gear back and if you consented in those days, they had full looting rights).

I know what you're all thinking... dwarf helping out a dark elf in freeport. Dark elf consents corpse and never sees the dwarf again. The truth is even better. I waited on the freeport docks. And I waited. What seemed a very long time later the dwarf reappeared and handed me all of my (pitiful) gear back. He then proceeded to hand me a dwarven ringmail tunic because he must have felt sorry for me. It was a massive upgrade and I couldn't thank him enough!

((more)) Ok, just two more stories. I used to be really into factioning. I guess in a way I was the good dark elf before the Drizzt books. I did north freeport faction and I did surefall druid factions. I banked in freeport and took druid ports without having to go invis first. But factors beyond my control always got me killed regardless of where I was. There was a brief time when (this is going to sound unbelievable) faction loaded after your character entered the world. I could camp out at the North Freeport bank just fine, but got attacked when I logged back in. They fixed that.

The druid faction was tedious and I was stupidly proud of it at the time. Occasionally I would pop by the karanas and visit the druid circles. In North Karana there used to be a druid guildmaster (level 61) named Briana Treewhisper. I was always careful after the freeport incidents, he was amiable to me so I thought it would be ok to sit down and med by the druids. Well what I didn't know was that the QRG protected animal faction had other ideas. A level 10 grizzly bear attacked me at the circle and surprise... the red con guildmaster assisted. I was dead in 4 hits. I still have the screenshot of me asking friends "Why would an amiable con mob attack me?"

You just never knew what curve Everquest was going to throw you back then.

((This reminds me of old timers telling stories about how they walked uphill both ways (in the snow) to get to school. Seriously though, EQ used to be just like that, no exaggeration))

Edited, Nov 23rd 2009 10:15pm by Samatman

Edited, Nov 23rd 2009 10:51pm by Samatman

Edited, Nov 23rd 2009 11:02pm by Samatman

#5 Nov 25 2009 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
761 posts
Forgot all about “Decaying Corpses’”. Wonder how many prized possessions disappeared into Pixel Thin Air?
Back to my naive Ranger on Rallos. Begging to join an enchanter group for “C3” that’s what it was called on Rallos Zek. But “Koadic's Endless Intellect” On all the other servers.
Had to join group, usually in PoK. Cost was about 5-10k including pet if you had one.
At that time PoK was jammed full of players, Lag was bad and the OOC airways were full of chat.
Trouble started that fine night when my OOC was answered, ran over and joined a full group, Great (don’t have to wait for group to fill)!
Immediately ported, blinded and ganked. Too flustered to type /loc. Next stop Bind location, naked and no idea where I came from? Knew it had to be a Wiz port or Druid circle, but which one?. So spent a bit cursing them out, didn’t even disband right away? Why? And of coarse was the butt of their jokes. Knew in my heart that they were waiting for me to get my little naked behind to the zone to loot corpse. But which zone? My night was dictated to me, by them for that session, searching for the "Every Decaying Corpse".
Learned anything? A little, still needed C3 to keep up with the Jones’ but made sure they were guilded and friendly. Created a hot key “/Loc”
But on Rallos everything is fair game including grouping, becoming the tank. Getting low on life and then “Bam” a target for one of your group’s casters and PvP target. So much fun and excitement on a PvP server.
Happy & Safe Thanksgiving.

Edited, Nov 25th 2009 5:57pm by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#6 Nov 25 2009 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
Was called C4 on other servers too...
#7 Nov 25 2009 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
C3 is kei.

I did play in the snow uphill both ways! But then I did a lot of leveling, and dying in everfrost.
#8 Nov 25 2009 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
Correct Jonwin,
C3......C4 is a explosive divise.
Changing on my thread.

Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#9 Nov 25 2009 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
had the same thing happen to me...cept they told me they needed one more for a mission on Vallon ( maybe it was zek )...anyway, got COH'd to the arena in Freeport and if DA hadn't been up, would have been wasted by this mage ( no idea how many levels higher he was)...learned valuable lesson, that day.
#10 Nov 25 2009 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
In the early days of Vallon, used to hunt, with my necro, right at the zone line with North Ro in Oasis. The orcs were great exp and I could kill them. But it was also the place everyone zoned in from.

Every time I would see someone zone in, it was "pucker" time. My prized possession, the Skull of Jentra Smiley: grin, well, I was scared to lose it cause it was soo hard a run to get. And my robe from Najena. I even remember, to save from being pk'd there, running and attacking the orc and his friend in the cubby right there...

and no, I didn't know how to hot key...but I learned, I learned...Smiley: sly
#11 Nov 26 2009 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
902 posts first barb shaman ( was on Povar,99). Friend was a De, so he said "come to Freeport", so of course I had just got SOW, so put everything in the bank and off I went.

Won't even talk about how many times I got lost ( Highpass, Karana's ) or hitting Kith at nightSmiley: disappointed, but somehow I made it with only on death ( Kith )...

Meet up with my friend, find the bank, gear up ( with my fine steel great staff and leather armor ) and off we go.

( Did anyone notice what I forgot to do?)

Yup, died trying to take on an asp, (the poison was awful) and "loading please wait...welcome to halas"

Crap, forgot to pay for a bind in Freeport ( actually, my friend could have done itSmiley: glare) That second run was even longer, but learned to always ask ( with sow, it was easy to get one) for a bind...Smiley: laugh
#12 Nov 26 2009 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
My best memories were of running around Qeynos hills and doing Black Burrow. The population wasn't very high (in Qeynos) so you tended to see the same people running around everyday.

I think it took me a month to get my first char (half elf Ranger) to level 17 and then I lost his corpse in the ocean going to Odus. That was the last of him.

Started on FV so you could only have one char at a time which was neat as you couldn't just make other char in different cities to see what that was like. You had to actually travel there which made traveling very interesting. I was always amazed at how big the world was as it seemed a challenged to get through just one zone w/o biting the big one.
#13 Nov 26 2009 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
My favorite memories are definitely the ones involving my weekends spent camping Hadden in Qeynos Hills...

After three weekends of getting out of school and setting up an alarm clock and a mattress next to my computer I got bored and decided to continue ruining my faction with my Barbarian warrior. I was roleplaying him as an evil *** who was KoS everywhere but in Kaladim. Definitely loved leveling on the "bards and guards" grind back then. Anyhow, I was about level 30 at the time and came to find out that if you attack Rephas (the human enchanter standing next to the lake) he will try and chain charm you and after enough attempts would succeed. For some odd reason he was coded to send his charmed pet after any PC in the zone, which was usually very low levels running the path, or EXPing outside of Blackburrow...

Imagine my teenage delight at watching my big barb warrior decked out in full blue crafted gear and a polar bear hat charging across the hills, waving his big ol' executioner axe in front of him... Pretty sure nothing else in life has elicited the laughter that came from watching myself run up to a group of 3, one rounding one of them, and watching the other two turn and look at me, curious as to what was happening, followed by the second one being mowed down... That's when the third would start running. Too bad for him I had Jboots!

Unfortunately for me it would end up being a permanent loop of being charmed. I'd stand at the corpse waiting for charm to wear off and then try and run away, usually just to get hit again. Could always tell when someone new zoned in because I'd take off towards the zone line. Thank god people thought I was exploiting and petitioned... Had a GM zone in and watch me, sending me tells that I couldn't respond to because of charm... Finally got him to despawn Rephas and apologized half-heartedly. Man did that help break up that nasty camp!

Can't honestly say that is the favorite memory for me, but it is my favorite to repeat to people who understood EQ back then!
#14 Nov 26 2009 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Vinny C4 is a high explosive compound one uses to make an explosive device.
C4 is also the acronym for a manna regeneration spell in EQ.

My Nightmare welcome to the game was losing 3 different corpses in the Qeynos aqueducts. They were level 6 and 8 so I just rerolled.
Then there was the time I ran from Qeynos to highpass to get spells. And my attempt to run from freeport to ak anon as a level 22 mage. Trying to juggle the eq atlas maps.
#15 Nov 29 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
i paid someone to find my corpse...every pp i had (50) because i had a bracer of erollosi (gifted to me) and it was the best thing i owned. i had stumbled into some weird sewer system...

#16 Nov 29 2009 at 1:13 PM Rating: Excellent
244 posts
So many memories of the good old days.

I played on Mith Marr and Rallos Zek.

Early 99 I remember an EQ friend was quitting. He was a High Elf Enchanter named Fuedaenchat (I still remember it after all this time). He gave me his life savings of 400pp and I was super pumped at being so rich.
I treated my warrior (Druthe) to some badly needed Langseaxs then "twinked" my Druid (Scyros) with some gear. I felt like Donald Trump or Bill Gates.

Griffons were the bane of newbies in the commonlands. People used to shout out their locations if one was spotted. Players would foolishly hang out near the inns to heal and med up thinking they were safe because of the guards. I saw many a pile of corpses because a griff decided to wander by. The only thing that would fight them off was Sarge Slate. "Grff near Inn1!!" was a common and life saving shout. I remember the first time I saw a druid in wolf form kill one. I thought he was a stud muffin.

Hell levels almost made me quit EQ.

The orc camps in the commonlands were always taken and groups were full. If you wanted in one you had to take a number and wait for a slot to open. Loot orders were usually alphabetical. If you got a piece of raw hide from a corpse you were lucky and happy. I remember being so proud when I finally got my blind as a bat human cleric (Soulman) full banded armor and a Cold Iron morning star. I'd been making my money killing will-o-wisps with my summoned hammer and hunting down any orc pawn or decaying skelly I saw with a weapon. Cracked staves were worth 1pp to a merchant and that was some serious cash in the day.

People used to get married in game. People would "role-play" too.

I used to use Tree Form in Gfay in the newbie ground and talk to the newbies. They thought I was a GM or something. I'd send them on quests to get me random crap then buff them with Skin Like Nature for a reward.
I got tired of being begged for sow and ports so I was permanently anon.

I would use my bard to train all the orcs in Gfay to the lift guards to watch them all die. I would shout out to the zone that that was what I was doing and people would show up to watch. I'd have around 30 orcs on my tail. It was hilarious.

There was some guy on our server that found out that when trading items he could remove the item and put in something else right before you hit the trade button. He would offer you a Blackened Iron ******* Sword, and then swap it with a crappy rusty one. You'd be out X amount of cash and he would get to resell his item. Gfaymart was the nexus of trade on Rallos for the most part.
East Commons tunnel wasn't used for trading. Too many risks.

Enough reflection for now, maybe more later.
#17 Nov 29 2009 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
902 posts
Rate up for the Tree form buffing and GM "roleplaying"..never heard of that...that was awesome Smiley: lol
#18 Nov 29 2009 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
Rate me up so I can be at least a ranking member. Most of my 700+ posts are not in in forums
#19 Dec 01 2009 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
244 posts
Growing up in Gfay on Rallos in '99 was hella fun.

Dark Races (DE, Trolls, Ogres, and even Gnomes) would come and bind there
because the whole zone is one big bind spot and the wars would commence.
They would love to hide in Crushbone because they were only dubious to the orcs. It was wild stuff. We good elves would take the fight to Nektulos sometimes, but it wasn't quite as effective.

Kithicor at night **shivers**

There used to be items in the game called "egg shaped pumices" that would remove buffs and de-buffs from players. I had a rogue friend named Aquemini who would challenge players to a duel. Back then the winner of duels were announced serverwide. This would lead players to make a toon with a name to make fun of someone, such as "Darkenbanesucks" and then kill them in a duel to "send the message worldwide" My friend would duel (or sometimes just fight, it being RZ) hit his foe with the pumice, then hide and sneak, the backstab the crap outta them. They couldn't track him because he would go invis like that and they would eventually die from. I watched it many times and I never would fight him ;)

Mistmoore is still one of my favorite zones. It was always a trip to see the huge trains of plate mail clad Dark Elf chicks go running by. What was more of a trip was getting charmed by a mob there and slowly walking back to the castle as their pet. Creepy stuff! I was fortunate that most of the time it happened to me charm broke and was able to zone before they realized I was free. That zone is when I really started to learn to group and play my class (Druid and Warrior)

Rallos sucked for the risk of losing items but it also made it fun in that people weren't just sitting on their butts camping and fighting monsters. It made the game more "real" and if someone was pissing you off you could round up some friends and hunt them down. My only gripe was about exploiters. Backstabbers sucked too.
Porting naked was always your best option and I always had gate memorized. It saved me many times.

No drop items (Shin Gauntlets and Greaves, etc) were at a premium to get because of course they were no drop.
I lost my prized (yes prized) Dwarven Axe (6 dmg, 26 delay) to a looter before they made it so that people couldn't loot your weapon and ranged slots.
Magic weapons were at a premium too and hard to come by. If you could scrape up enough cash (50pp) you could buy a Combine Weapon and be in the Will-o-wisp/Ghoul hunting business. I finally got a Krysknife (4 dmg 21 delay) for my warrior and that was great because I could now get into house groups in Unrest because I had a magic weapon even as crappy as it was.

If kept in a container in your bank summoned items wouldn't poof when you logged. I kept a summoned sword there for a long time that way.

I remember hunting in West Commons as my SK and getting attacked by another player. He blinded me which was a common tactic. Can't bag your gear if you can't see squat. I targeted myself and hit harm touch. I got lucky and killed myself which kept the other guy from looting me (couldnt loot a player unless another player killed them) after I returned to my bindspot he sent me a tell "How did you know when to kill yourself?" to which I replied "I just know when to time it right" I felt like a genius.

People used to trade and use different languages. It was kinda gratifying to be able to talk with Rogues in their secret language and to cuss out Dark Elves in Dark Speech.

People used to spend days camping, and would fight over the Ancient Cyclops in South Ro to get themselves a pair of Journeyman Boots.

One time I was riding the boat to Faydwer and someone shout out "Seafury Cyclops at the docks!!" I wisely heeded their warning and dove off the boat. People must have been afk or didn't believe them because in short order the Seafury made mincemeat of them all as I watched helplessly from a distance.

Enough for now, maybe more later.

Edited, Dec 1st 2009 9:17am by heavydrop

Edited, Dec 1st 2009 9:21am by heavydrop
#20 Dec 01 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
Heavy, these sound so like my adventures on Vallon, please keep them coming...

In the early days of Vallon, I had a friend bind me in Fay...he was a DE Necro and I was a Erudite paladin...we were gonna hunt elves together.( A week earlier he had killed me in Commons, to keep me from being looted by some other DE's trying to pk me)
As soon as I was bound, I hit HT and started smacking him with my UBER tentacle whip ( which he had just got for me, cause a Erudite would never had made it to Najena at that time ) He had spent so much mana Binding me that even his "taps" couldn't keep him alive, and darkened he wasn't going anywhere. What I didn't know was that HE hadn't binded in the forest yet...ooopsSmiley: laugh

So I waited over his body as he made the run from Nek back ( at that time, always an adventure). He sent a tell asking why I had killed him, and I said I just wanted to test out the new whip I had gotten, and that I thought it worked just fine.Smiley: grin
As soon as he zoned in I shouted " Prexus has deemed it that no dark Elf shall hunt this forest, your death Arkadii,is an example to all" Shouts went up of congradulations and such...Smiley: slyWe ( we had another DE necro friend)were laughing all the way to Crushbone, where we spent the next week or so hunting elves....
#21 Dec 01 2009 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
"Please keep them coming"

As you wish...

On Rallos there was a particularly bad PK guild called Darkenbane (or as I preferred to call them "DORKenbane"
They were more of a nucance than a menace. It was a long time before PK guilds became well organized.
Their leader was a DE enchanter named Kerrygetz who is rumored to have been a professional skater.
If you were in the same zone as someone you could type /guildstatus *name* or type that with the person targeted. Darkenbane and other pk guilds would try to hide who they were by using /anon which would hide their guildtags. I would reveal who they were and either hunt them down or help people hunt them down.

As I said I was a druid named Scyros. I was/am not impressively skilled in PvP but I put in a good effort.
I was running through NK one day and I saw a Bard friend of mine named Gamdarae in the zone. I hit track and found her. She was fighting a griff and losing to it. Behind her stood a dark elf. I didn't look closely at his name only at her failing health. I started healing her and she ended up killing the griff. While I was doing that the DE started running away. I was puzzled by this because I had assumed he was in her group. It turns out he was the infamous Kerryzgetz. He and his guild had been terrorizing the Karanas, their safest haven. She told me that he had charmed her (used to be able to charm and fear other players back in the day. I myself was charmed a few times and made to attack guards or to walk deep into the depths of CB caste and then soon die) and was using her as a pet. The idea was to charm a player, use them to kill or badly hurt the mob, then kill your charmed player, loot them, then kill the badly hurt mob and get exp. A win win for the charmer. Even if the dying player bagged everything you could still get some cash and as a bonus a vicious rep.
A well played enchanter could pk well.

Another time I was playing my warrior, Druthe, and was in an orc killing group in highpass. We were beset upon by a duo of PKs. Being that I was the tank and lower in health they targeted me. One was a high elf cleric. Yes, a cleric. Don't laugh, they could pk if used right and in tandem with someone else they could do it well. It is all about tactics and gear. Blinds and stuns were a pk cleric's bread and butter. Anyway, I got ganked. Upon returning to my corpse I looted and discovered that my newly gifted Crafted Gauntlets, the prize of my collection, had been looted. I swore profusely at my killer to no avail. Imagine that...

I rarely killed other players but when I did it was either in retribution
of something they had done, because they were a part of a pk guild, or they had a really bad rep. Rep was everything or it was back in the day on Rallos.

I was playing Druthe again in the Lake of Ill Omen. I was tanking. When I got down to low health my group of 2 others turned on me. I lost my crafted greaves. I logged onto Scyros, told my guild (Wild Hunt) what had happened and we responded in force, hunting down and killing the offenders. I remember one of them was an Erudite mage named Culebra. I confess to doing some corpse camping on him and some others, just to drive it home not to mess with me or my friends.
Another nemesis I had on Rallos was a Erudite Wizard named Civic or Civik(?) I am sure he harassed others but I know I lost a least a couple items to him.

Three times it happened that I had just upgraded some slot, only to lose that particular upgrade to being ganked.
After awhile it became too much of a blood bath on RZ and all of my friends (Rimguard, Dopy, Jozeph, Punani, Blart, Aquemini, etc.) had all quit or moved to VZ or TZ or another server. Rallos was great in the beginning and the server population was lower than the rest. It was a little more exciting than playing on the blue servers.

Edited, Dec 1st 2009 11:52am by heavydrop
#22 Dec 05 2009 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
My husband found a WHOLE stack of bloodstones on the floor at the FP bank.

We were RICH!
Rangers, Necros and Druids OH MY!

#23 Dec 05 2009 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
Early 01 when Lots of toons were still camping The Karanas and I had just started playing. I was just minding my own buisness and was slaughtered by this very small gnomish looking dude named pyzin...thought it was a PC toon and went ballistic on shout. I got a personal tell from a REAL PC toon who squared me away...still laugh about that night when I think about it.

And if you wanted to camp Hadden had to take a number, he was the most camped NPC in the game at that time on the Old Karana Server. Shows how young the game was back then. Lots of stories from the old days when "Verant" ran the show.

#24 Dec 07 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
244 posts
Before the ugly as homemade sin revamp of Freeport there was a locked door in the Freeport bank. What was in there? Anyone remember? I don't know if I ever knew.

Back in the day if a mage attacked his own pet it would turn into a hostile mob and attack anyone that came near it. Some jerky mages would do this on purpose, say at the zone line to Lfay. Imagine a high level pet gone wild in a low level area. Messy messy.
Mages weren't so good in pvp at that time. Pets were easily rooted and or feared (low resists). Also the fact that pets poofed when the mage zoned made it hard for them to pvp since they were so reliant on those pets (root, stun, etc) Also if your pet killed a player you couldn't loot them.
#25 Dec 07 2009 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
heavydrop wrote:
Before the ugly as homemade sin revamp of Freeport there was a locked door in the Freeport bank. What was in there? Anyone remember? I don't know if I ever knew.

Empty except for a guard. High level rogues would skill up their lock-picking on that door (after they raised the skill cap for Kunark) so you'd see inside there sometimes. Or open it yourself if you were said rogue.

I remember Saryrn had two "bazaar" zones -- E. Commonlands for the low end stuff and N. Freeport for the high end stuff. I know people would ***** about the spam but sometimes I'd just hang out in N. Freeport and listen to the shouts of exotic things for sale from Lower Guk or Howling Stones or Sebilis. It was like being in Morocco or something for a lvl 15 paladin.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#26 Dec 07 2009 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
902 posts
I remember that, because in the early days of Vallon there was a lot of ZOne "dancing"...trying to see who would zone faster to get out of, or the advantage in, pvp. I lost alot of encounters due in part to AOL Smiley: sly

As for the bank door, took many a rogue there, never did get it open, but that old layout was great for pvp...the guards were easily spaced and not many between zone in and bank, and a dark sider could make a lot of plat back then getting people on the way to the bank. Actually, people would wait up the ramps from Commons on West Freeport, cause the guards there were well spaced, and catch people there on the way to the bank. Going to the bank in Freeport as a member of the lightside was an adventure.

Before they raised the strength of the newbie guards, I remember a Barbarian warrior that would level on the guards in Nek...and newbies would run there hoping to be saved only to find no guards, and death. Smiley: laugh
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