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UF = "low Undead"Follow

#1 Oct 27 2009 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
Just a little discussion, as i want your guys input.

Ngreth has just stated that UF will contain low amounts of Undead - now as a pally - this kinda concerns me. Devs have already said they aren't prepared to tamper with Pally SU, unless its a nerf, in which case they'll up pally dps.

Hate being pessimistic, but is seems lately, not alot are going in favor for the paladin class.
#2 Oct 27 2009 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
The developers gave the Paladin community the choice:

Tone down Slay and up Paladin DPS
Leave Slay alone

99% of the feedback they got was leave Slay alone. Paladins did it to themselves.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#3 Oct 27 2009 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
We would like to know if Paladins would be interested in a significant reduction in the power of Slay Undead that was accompanied by a boost in base DPS. Our current parses show that Shadow Knights, using Pets and Spells and Melee far out damage Paladins. We'd be looking to close that gap, but not while Slay provides a 75% increase to base Melee DPS versus undead content.

So the options are:
A) Leave it alone, but can't boost Paladin DPS
B ) Change Slay, and then have the freedom to change other aspects of Paladin DPS

You can assume that the "Change" option would involve creating, to the best of our ability, more parity between the Knights DPS.

They already nerfed it by not giving us an upgrade for the last 2 years, and by making SoD an expansion without undead in the highend zones....

SU is really the only thing that seperates a pally from the rest imho, why would we want to make it even worse then it is?

Slay has been parsed at something closer to a 20% increase over time, not 75% increase. Our 'standard' DPS is the worst in the game, I believe. Most of us will have found ways around it - bots, undead grinds, clicky boosts - so why trade away the one enjoyable aspect of our class? If I wanted to play an SK, with taps etc, I'm literate enough to hit the 'sk' button on the character select screen....

The devs have already shown in the new expansion that they can just mix undead and live to reign in us pesky paladins. Are they going to fix that so we have a solo path again? Not a chance. What's the max we can do in a 30 min LotD against undead? About 7 or 8 AAs? I've never managed that total, I'm talking top end people. Rangers with headshot are doing 15, mages and wizards pick a number they like and stop when they reach it. Why are we being targetted like this?

I agree. NO to everything that involves changing Slay. I don't care if they never increase the slay % - we will get bigger and better weapons that automatically slay for more.

Anyway, how precisely will they up our DPS? Some nukes to run us out of mana quick, so we can't heal. A stealth nerf, it'll be.

The above quote is from a fellow paladin in my guild

Edited, Oct 27th 2009 10:12pm by wuvarien
#4 Oct 28 2009 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
1,074 posts
Slay has been parsed at something closer to a 20% increase over time, not 75% increase.


Whenever a Paladin says in General chat "LFM for Frpstcrypt" I jump all over that. They take down mobs with 34000 damage crits in seconds.

I am not trying to troll this thread but hearing (reading) Paladins underplay Slay Undead is silly. It is not just an 'Ok' skill.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#5 Oct 28 2009 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
I'll ignore the paladin debate since I have always refused to play one in EQ.

Underfoot being "light on undead" makes lore sense to me.

Tons of gnolls, Kobolds, Dwarves, elementals that fits... even goblins.

Cliknars and other insectoids fits too.

The only way undead (in large quantities) fit in for me is if they add a "deeper Old Paineel" zone with tons more of those creepy ghost erudites using the excuse that we have only been seeing a portion of the ruined city thus far in game.


As far as tossing Paladins another undead zone as a bone... Plane of Hate is ready for another revamp, and being a medieval town theme it would be easy to make it 3x larger to encompass the existing difficulty (and quest drops) while adding 65-85 areas of substance culminating in a once-again impressive Inny.

I know hate isn't pure undead, but there should be some challenge to go with the gravy.
#6 Oct 28 2009 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
Whenever a Paladin says in General chat "LFM for Frpstcrypt" I jump all over that. They take down mobs with 34000 damage crits in seconds.

thats not an 'averagely' geared paladin. I max out at ~24k - thats with no discs used, and i'm mid raid geared, 34k is only possible with second spire, combined with being buffed to max, tribe and other clickies. A normal Paladin can't beat 3k dps in FC on a burn, check the paladin part on the forum. Where today we have mages/wizzies breaking 15k dps on a full burn (not saying i want to do 15k dps, just to show that were meant to be slayers on undead and let so far away from other dps).

Paladins SU gives a 50%-60% DPS increase - and thats a parse taken from many different paladins and put on the paladin forum. However, it has a roughly a 10% chance of proc'ing on every Crit we have, From a parse that was done lately:

Slash attempts: 13,000
Slay attempts: 513
Slay % versus swings: 3.946%

That parse was done in Feb and the player had one of the best 2H weapons available

to quote a couple of paladins from the forums:

but you dont understand how far paladins are behind. You have to play a paladin to understand their issues

This quote is from a near end game paladin:

Not to mention my alt box lvl 81 grp geared wizard burns mobs down faster than I can with max slay and raid gear. So again where is the issue?

I myself using Discord Tower lance do at most 3.2 K against undead raid mobs (parsed on FC mobs, as that's the last there really was, Soulbleeder not counting).

@ the lore part - Its underground, so i would of imagined some kind of crypts. Not suggesting one bit, that we have an entire expansion based on Undead, nor an entire zone, but just a few camps of Undead would be nice, as realisticly, its the only thing us Paladins can solo properly - FC? oh the joys of solo'ing LB's and getting 10% AA exp (with lesson).

#8 Oct 29 2009 at 8:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I'm not playing anyway but, damn it, the whole lore behind the kobolds was that they were the first children of Brell but Brell abandoned them and hid their existance so he could get in on a deal to create the dwarves. The kobolds started a bloody campaign against the dwarves and gnomes and their conflict caught the attention of Rallos Zek who elevated one of their own to the rank of demigod (Rolfron Zek) which is the god they now follow. There should be no place for them in realm of Brell Serilis unless its fighting against them.
The kobold creation story wrote:
In the Age of Scale we arrived. The scaled beasts of the Dragon Queen ruled the surface and skies. All else belonged to our people. By Brell Serilis' hand were we created and delivered to the Underfoot of Norrath. As the number of our ancestors grew, so too did the power of our ancient shamans. Tribes began to form and territories became disputed. For ages, the blood flowed and the powers of stone and steel were discovered.

In the Time of Scale a powerful shaman, gifted by Brell with the insight needed to unite the ancient tribes, rose to power. Under the guidance of King Gkar the ancients developed new techniques of forging ore, replacing old tools with new. Brell's most devoted kobolds refined shamanistic rituals to harness the powers of the Plane of Underfoot, blessing the miners with divine strength and speed and resistances to the harsh volcanic and frozen regions of their subterranean world. The united ancient tribes constructed a city for their king. The capitol of Kolbolk was constructed and many monuments where erected to King Gkar and his patron, Brell Serilis.

It was during King Gkar's reign when Brell Serilis decided that he alone could not break Veeshan's grasp on the world of Norrath. Brell met with Tunare, Prexus and Rallos Zek and told them of Veeshan's new world. Brell kept the source of his information about the new world a secret as he made a pact with the gathered gods. They agreed they would assist Brell in releasing the world from Veeshan only if Norrath was divided equally among them. Brell's greed overcame him and he decided to keep our people a secret and created a new race called Dwarf.

Brell had not anticipated the attentiveness of his peers, especially the Warlord, Rallos Zek. Mostly out of fear of the Warlord's wrath for his deception, Brell turned his back on our people leaving our King without guidance and our shamans powerless with prayers unanswered. King Gkar fell into despair as his people and his kingdom crumbled around him. King Gkar died with no successor and our people were thrust into chaos. The howls of our people echoed throughout the caverns of Norrath as we defiled the monuments devoted to the God who abandoned us.

Three hundred years later after the fall of King Gkar, Brell recognized the opportunity to form a second pact, thus allowing him to strengthen his hold on the subterranean lands. This time Fizzlethorpe, Cazic Thule and Rallos Zek agreed to the pact. Brell created the Gnomes and placed them near to the lands of the Dwarves. The societies of the Gnomes and Dwarves expanded rapidly at this time and we kobolds, now reduced to a tribal people, inevitably discovered the kingdoms of the younger races. Recognizing the monuments erected by the short folk as being devoted to Brell, we kobolds were enraged and a great bloody war began beneath the surface of Norrath.

The surface races, consumed in their own war against the races of Rallos Zek, paid little heed to the turmoil beneath the surface. So mighty were the mortal forces of Zek that the other Gods also overlooked the subterranean war but Rallos Zek, confident in his forces' might and innately attracted to warfare and bloodshed, silently watched the developing conflict and chuckled at the bloody result of Brell's folly and deception. Seeing the opportunity to strengthen his forces and gain a strong grip on the subterranean realms, Rallos Zek appeared before our people.

As Rallos walked among us, he gazed into our souls, seeking the one with the most rage, the strongest will and the most disciplined mind. Rallos found what he sought within an elderly shaman whose years of powerlessness has fed his despair and resentment of Brell and the short ones. His heart had turned black and his spirit was at the brink of decaying into oblivion. Rallos swept the elderly shaman into his plane and yanked the remnants of the shaman's spirit from his body, replacing it with a bit of the Warlord's own life. Rallos then forged the despair-ridden soul into a sword for his new demi-god: Rolfron Zek, the Lord of Despair.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#9 Oct 29 2009 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent

You're not supposed to be dps, and many of your abilities are designed for group play as opposed to solo, so stop whining about your damage output and either do your job or reroll.

Group designed? How many groups are out their nowadays?

Its sad when people can't see past the end of their noses to see when another class is in need of help. AB use to be riddled with paladins, within 5months, all guilds are recruiting paladins..

Edited, Oct 29th 2009 4:00pm by wuvarien
#11 Oct 29 2009 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
1,074 posts
Its sad when people can't see past the end of their noses to see when another class is in need of help.

The problem here is viewpoint.

You are saying Slay Undead shouldn't be considered when talking about ways to help Paladins because it is a skill thrown to Paladins as a novelty.

Everyone else sees it as a Paladins class defining skill.

It's as if a Wizard came here and complained about Wizard DPS or if a Rogue came here and complained too many mobs see through SoS or a Mage came here and complained about weak pets...

Nobody will take you seriously and frankly, most people will be annoyed you are not grateful for what your class has.

The devs offered to tone down slay and up your DPS and all Paladins cried no. That's that.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#12 Oct 29 2009 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
This discussing about paladins is kind of interesting. I still won't play one though. If they significantly up there DPS they could be the new mage though --it would be very bizarre to see paladins as the flavor-of-the-patch class.

Jophiel is right on the lore with Kobolds (I had forgotten that rather significant plotline). I'm wondering if they patched up a plausible explanation for this or if it's another Meldrath concept-gone-awry.
#14 Oct 30 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
jonnypanic wrote:
I think there are more Kobolds than those that live in the Warrens and thereabouts. Those kobolds are smart enough and organized enough to really get upset about Brell and go all emo feeling betrayed (what the lore doesn't say is that Rolfron looks like a cross between the lead singer of Death Cab For Cutie and a black poodle), but they don't speak for every kobold on Norrath.

Yeah, except that's the creation story for all the kobolds, not just the ones in the Warrens (which I assume are the upper sections of the ruins of Kolbolk). So the kobolds in the Steamfonts or SolB or the ones on Velious share the same origins. Kolbolk was created after the kolbolds had already spread across Norrath.

"Brell's most devoted kobolds refined shamanistic rituals to harness the powers of the Plane of Underfoot, blessing the miners with divine strength and speed and resistances to the harsh volcanic and frozen regions of their subterranean world. The united ancient tribes constructed a city for their king. The capital of Kolbolk was constructed and many monuments were erected to King Gkar and his patron, Brell Serilis."

All the kobolds of Norrath got screwed over by Brell, not just the ones in the Warrens. I always wanted to see a "Ruins of Old Kolbolk" dungeon. Kolbolds are the second oldest race on Norrath, after the dragons. You'd think they'd have some neat stuff buried under there.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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