Azalysa wrote:
Arrrgggghhhh!!! I didn't even notice the date of the post, just that it was in the top 5 posts and something on which I could add my 2 cp.
LoL... I've quit EQ and come back again on TLP and basically taken a break again since this post was current...
There's still classes I haven't really played. If SOE would clue in and make LON items heirloom (I have fast mounts on useless to me characters, etc.) and/or put in an "accelerated startup option (like 51/50)" I would be tempted to mess around with a lot more alts.
I occasionally play my old necro that my brother got me to move to FV to help him out.
TLP I lost interest in my necro, druid and warrior...
Other servers I have dead rangers, chanters, beastlords...
I have tried to start playing a wizard on several servers (my FV one seems stalled at level 11). I don't know what I'd have to roll to actually get really interested again.