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POLL: what EQ really needsFollow

#1 Jul 20 2009 at 5:05 AM Rating: Default
WHAT DOES EQ1 really need? What "major" fix / change would you like to see implemented into EQ1, that is long overdue?
1). Revamping dead zones ("old world", unused zones like: Qeynos Hills; North, South, East, West Karana's; Befallen....etc) and keeping any quest NPC's or items, but adding new 60+ gear that actual applies to todays gamer.:17 (58.6%)
2). Fixing broken quests / or deleting obsolete quest material :5 (17.2%)
3). Adding a /feedback type command that someone would actually read and have an ingame poll that players can rate to see what changes or fixes should actually be added or fixed for future patches / expansions:4 (13.8%)
4). Other...(please feel free to add your own) :3 (10.3%)

( just reading through numerous posts, old and new on various subject matter... it seems as though EQ1 is slowly sliding into "the void" as it has been for years. I guess we'll have to wait until Underfoot comes out, to see whether SoD was the peak of EQ1 or not. My vibe is that EQ1 is dying, a slow painful death and that no one at SOE really gives a flip --- they have too many new MMO's on the table and are losing their focus on what works, and what does not. )

Edited, Jul 20th 2009 9:09am by Mordwar

Edited, Aug 3rd 2009 7:22pm by Mordwar
#2 Jul 20 2009 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
Funny poll... funny in the sense of "strange." Options 1 and 2 are hardly mutually exclusive and they're enormously different in magnitude...despite its name ironically EQ isn't all that dependent on quests for success---not nowadays and probably never was. I'm sure there are some broken quests in the game but I can't remember running into any in a LONG time and even when I did I doubt it ever pissed me off enough that it would have had a significant impact on whether or not I continued playing.

Revamping old zones would make a LOT of sense. In fact, it seems rather obvious given that the constant lament of almost everyone---noobies, returnees and old-timers alike---is that far too many zones are always empty and essentially useless. I mean I kinda like just to roam zones with my druid for ole-time sake and it gets to the point where I feel like I'm playing a solo game on my own PC, or using that old program that somehow designed to allow you to explore zones off-line.

It doesn't take Albert Einstein to ask this simple question: WHAT'S THE POINT OF HAVING DOZENS OF ZONES THAT NEVER GET USED???

This is what I find so frustrating about hot zones... their intention is noble, to give people an incentive to play in the same zone and thereby encourage grouping. But the effect is often more to give rebirth to the worst problem of the old days when these lower-level zones were crowded: excessive population leading to lack of good camps, training, disputes, etc.

A zone should not be the basis of "hot XP". It should be the GROUP. If a group consists of 6 RL players then all should get the best XP available, regardless of the zone. Add a merc or 2 and that should drop... somewhat. Heck, if there was a way to tell, I'd say lower the XP bonus as well if some of the toons in the group are boxed. And I say this as someone who does box toons. IMO the survival of this game requires reviving the best of the social aspects of the game.

Yeah, I know there's already a modest XP bonus for grouping. But nobody factors that in over hot zones. Make the grouping bonus the best available in the game. And maybe do what they used to do: assign XP bonus % to EVERY zone, based on its current level of use and maybe factor in also how hard the zone is to reach. I mean these days at least half the players of appropriate level can't find their way to great zones like RSS! Let's face reality and give them a little incentive to run the risks and actually LEARN how to get around dangerous zones without dying too many times.

So.... um... I vote for OTHER. :)

Edited, Jul 20th 2009 10:22am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
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#3 Jul 20 2009 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
There seems to be a lot of old players that wants the return of the old ways of EQ. There needs to be a true classic server IMO. I understand it would take too much time to do this server with the resources available.

#4 Jul 20 2009 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
We need #1, badly IMO.

Old quests need to have the rewards upgaded. There are so many under used zones with very interesting quests that no one would do because the rewards are junk compared to defiant. You dont have to revamp all the old zones, just go and upgrade the task/quest rewards. Plane of Mischief, for instance, its great xp and alot of fun to explore with good quests but the rewards are out dated.

Also, do more complete zone revamps such as BB was, but leave them in game. Or take it a step further and add new zones to old classic's. The rumored 8th floor of ToFS, a Chardok C or a Sol D, maybe a deepest Guk.

#5 Jul 20 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
I voted for #1. I romp through the old zones sometimes. Seems strange. I came back a few months ago. Don't know if making the Karana river stop shaking like jelly or softening the Karana hills, so they dont look like triangles, would help but I am for whatever would get people in there again.

The only thing I can add is that the same thing is happening to WoW. It doesn't need revamping of most of the old graphics, but the zones in the main game and the first expansion are very empty now. Used to be that you would be in a zone and General Chat had tons of people looking for a group. The latest zone Lich King is also becoming that way. People are doing the Heroic Instances for gear and brownie points but not much of anything else going on.

So you have two classic games, one a few years older than the other, having giant zone voids.

#6 Jul 20 2009 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default

What EQ Really Needs:

1) New PC models, with better animations and more options for customization via various features (e.g., face, hair, etc.) and more options for armor sets/looks.

2) Complete revamp of the UI, including window consolidation (combine all task, quest and adventure windows. Migrate all instances onto the same system and make them easily scalabe (i.e., LDoN).

3) Revamp of the quest journal. Give me the journal in EQ2; sortable by quests with an elements in the zone I'm in. Move most old world quests, over to the new quest journal. Virtual updates, where I don't have to actually loot the item in order to get a quest update.
#7 Jul 20 2009 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
I say revamp old zones and once every three months make one of the dead ends in the old world a new 1 area zone. Like they did the warrens way back when. Don’t announce it, let it be discovered so people “EXPLORE” The old zones and let them try to keep it quite. Nothing will be quite for long. Just like real world no one can keep a secret but would bring back the discovery again.
Also maybe add Mobs in key area’s that can kill but can not be killed just to make a player keep on his toes.
There could be quest that requires a lower level toon’s loot (newer player or create a player, class) that is needed to fulfill a higher level’s quest. Can only be looted from a certain level mob. Would force experience players to be kind, helpful and the need for the new player. Maybe this would kick them, a little, to get their friends to play, even if it is for selfish reasons? Maybe force groups to be multi level and keep the lower levels alive.
But Population is everything; we need the new, never played a mmorpg person. This ball is in SoE’s court, I just hope they don’t take their ball and go home. SoE Advertise and or Market the game some way. Please?????
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#8 Jul 21 2009 at 11:49 PM Rating: Default
I don't know. Pandora's box has already been opened on this game and there really isn't any going back IMO.

I truly think that the spirit of this game is long dead. Not just plain old dead but laying on the freeway for a few days being run over by cars and semi's dead. It saddens me because it was so good there for a while.
#9 Jul 22 2009 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
I voted for 1, but I feel that the new people trying out the game these days are looking for something besides revamped quests and the like when they begin their EQ journey. I'll take a stab at a few that might be of some real help;

1. Go easy on the newbies who have only been playing for a short time. They don't know their way around yet, don't know where to go, or what to do. It's much easier to level these days too, so keep in mind that some newbies may be fairly high in level.

Giving a leg up to these players will say a lot about who we are culture-wise, will impress the new folks (and veterans?), and help to retain players. What they need is a friend or three, and some good advice. It certainly would not hurt.

2. Group with players who look like they may need a hand - engage in conversation with a soloing player to see what they have going on, and if they seem receptive, offer to group with them. Who knows - you might even make a friend.

3. Some folks need to relax their attitudes a bit with regard to things like leveling, loot, and progression. I understand every game has its hardcore set, but elitists can (if they aren't careful) give others the impression that EQ is hostile to new and casual players alike.

If you're uber, then consider that your massed game knowledge gives you the opportunity to educate others - but in a nice way. Teaching should be a part of the fun of everquest - it's a hard game to master.

4. Hardcore players should ease up on all the multi-boxing - it's hard to justify grouping when you are your own group.

The advantage of the above is not only that these things allow us to take responsibility for ourselves to improve EQ quality of play, but that these points require no input from SOE whatsoever.

In short, life's what you make it.

EDIT: spelling, formatting.

My 2 cents.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2009 7:41pm by zirumkin
If you can't do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.

My Rathe / Prexus characters:

Bigbronze Bloodyaxe, 62 Ogre Berserker
Verbeeg Bearfang, 62 Ogre Beastlord
Glabrezu Spiritcaller, 62 Ogre Shaman
Zirumkin Zenomorph, 62 Gnome Wizard
Korgulon Soulwraith, 76 Ogre Shadowknight <Shining Alliance>
Incarnadine Summoner, 65 Drakkin Magician

Bristlebane characters:

Zalkahriz Ebonscale, 64 Iksar Necromancer
Gnomorre Gniceguy, 55 Gnome Rogue
Whytfire Lonewolf, 55 Woodelf Ranger
#10 Jul 28 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Easy fix #1: validate past accomplishments of significance.

Example: coldain prayer shawl. It doesn't need another impossible stage right off the bat (people already did the hard work for it one way or the other). Put a lost coldain dwarf somewhere in SoD. You hand him your finished shawl and he upgrades it to be a desirable level 85 shoulder item.

Then: Add an impossible stage to make it the elite shoulder item for casters in the game again, based out of the newer content with intelligent tie-ins to the old.

You don't need to do this for alot of things, just the iconic items from the early years.

Easy fix #2: Proper revamps of old zones.

Example: Plane of Fear. Put a goofy summoning room in Paineel where disciples of Cazic Thule hang around and assist you in summoning the particular named you need for you Epic 1.0 drop (and like the alternate method with that druid dragon it only drops the epic piece for the required class).

As in, don't break any quests to their intended level by making fear level 80 with the 1.0 loot table. Put some of the mobs in the Feeroot or Temple of Cazic Thule if need be, since storywise that is logical to develop.

Then: Make fear scary again. Train wrecks of guilds that aren't uber and organized. Make it legendary and worthwhile. Make it a place few dare enter again.

As #1, not that many that need to be done. But 70% of the current 1-50 zones could be redistributed 55-90+ without hurting the ability to do lots 1-50.

#11 Jul 28 2009 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
489 posts
I think there needs to be a more efficient way to get to a camp to start xping. Maybe have the guy in the guild hall to sell crystals to each hot zone. That way you wouldn't have to spend 20 minutes going to a hot zone and for me that's 20 minutes out of maybe an hour or two that I get to play. It would really help casual players out and help people with slow load times. Yeah campfires are nice but having to have 3 people there kind of stinks for people who only have a couple of people who they regularly play with or who's on anymore.

I don't mind the grind, I enjoy the content, and the graphics are fine to me. If I wanted better graphics and and easier way to level I would play a newer game.

#12 Aug 05 2009 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
I can understand your attitude here, if you are someone who can only play an hour here or there. But surely you understand that excessive "dumbing down" of the game's challenges is going ultimately, at the risk of making a lame analogy, throw out the baby with the bathwater.

I mean some of the challenge of the game is supposed to be making dangerous runs to good camp spots.

There are purists already who think campfires were too big a concession to the WoW crowd, altho they are pretty limited, as you mention, plus only work for people actually in your fellowship, which eliminates "casual pickups."

My thinking is that at lower levels (say below 60) there are no camps that take as long as 20 minutes to get to. At higher levels there are ways to shorten the running time, such as friends with Call of the Hero, wizzy and druid TL-to-binds, stealth modes of movement for rogues, bards, monks and others, etc.

Ironically, most WoW players DO spend a lot of time running around. In many ways it's easier to get around in EQ than in WoW... evidence is the huge number of ports spells for druids and wizzies, not to mention the books, the Nexus, etc., etc.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
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