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#27 Jul 19 2009 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
I love watching people stomp their feet over petty incongruances to their own desires. It makes me feel like I am in the third grade again!
#28 Jul 19 2009 at 7:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
mihart wrote:
I love watching people stomp their feet over petty incongruances to their own desires. It makes me feel like I am in the third grade again!

You miss the third grade that much? Smiley: dubious
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#29 Jul 19 2009 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
As one who has been around one SOE game or another for the last ten years, I tend to agree there exists an attitude of entitlement. Interestingly tho, I've always felt it exists on the other side... whenever I've become engaged in discussion with anyone from SOE, I've generally come away feeling they felt they were entitled to my money, and I wasn't entitled to much of anything. It's sort of a theme throughout the EULA actually.
In the interest of fairness, it's not out of the norm for most all the online gaming industry tho. Nor is it likely to change anytime soon. In most all forms of commerce, the overwhelming majority of consumers are perfectly content to receive sub-par customer service. Rather ironic in a national economy that has abandoned so much of its manufacturing production in favor of service industries. When it's practically all we do, you'd think we could find a way to do it a bit better.
#30 Jul 19 2009 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
Elidroth wrote:
The level of entitlement some of you show towards things we do to help you out is amazing. Believe me.. I could have used the time I spent setting up the hotzones elsewhere. The zones were chosen based upon a theme. Don't like them? Don't play in them. I'm inclined to recommend we not do them anymore.

Not surprised at all by this statement. I always knew the devs never gave two ***** about their customer base.
#31 Jul 20 2009 at 4:15 AM Rating: Good
Sippin wrote:

With developer attitudes like expressed above, assuming they're legit, EQ's growth is doomed fer sure.

Seriously? Have you ever spent much time reading threads on the EQ boards?

For a dev to only flash this attitude rarely is an amazing feat in itself considering the childish mess of people they put up with there and still reply to and have discussions with daily...

...I guarantee you if you read enough of the silly, pointless rants and whines on that forum and probably that whole thread the post originated from in the first place, you'd gain a whole new understanding what the devs deal with. And yet they still spend time they probably can barely spare discussing the game with the players.
#32 Jul 20 2009 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
I deal with customer service issues as part of my living.

The FIRST thing you learn in this regard is if you GIVE a customer a benefit and EVER think you'll need to take it away, be prepared to have a damn good explanation. IN ADVANCE! And expect anyway they're going to gripe about it. Cuz that's what customers do when they have something taken away,

Especially if the customers have had the benefit for a long enough period of time to grow accustomed to it.

Personally, I'd be happy to see the end of hot zones, for reasons I've explained in other recent threads. They would have saved themselves a lot of grief with a brief mention in the patch notes that this patch's hot zones won't have augments or other special loot because <whatever-excuse-they-to-use-goes-here>. I've had to take discounts and other bennies from customers and that's what I do. Sure, some will still complain but a lot fewer.

Don't you get annoyed when you KNOW the servers are down yet you go onto eqplayers, check NETWORK STATUS and they all say "UP" in bright green? It's being surprised and misled that pisses people off the most.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
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#34 Jul 21 2009 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
In terms of MY argument FAILING, the best I can infer from your post is that I'm saying it's OK to remove hot zone augs IF they tell customers up front? You're saying that since they introduced them and maintained them for 3+ years THEY CAN NEVER TAKE THEM BACK EVEN IF THEY EXPLAIN IT COURTEOUSLY AND UP FRONT??

That's a tad UNrealistic. I mean in this rotten economy companies of all sorts are reducing employee benefits, product selection, services and other perks just to survive. Nowhere is there any contract between us and Sony as to the current entirety of what they deliver to us for our $14.95 a month continuing forever. They reserve the right to change the game whenever they want and however they want. WE reserve the right to cancel our subscription pretty much whenever we want. THAT'S the contract.

Please don't put me in the unlikely position of DEFENDING a big company! LOL. But let's be adults here; there is NO Santa Claus, folks.


it really is unreasonable asking us, the customers, to simply accept that they failed to make a dozen new basic augs with all the time they've arranged for themselves.

I don't know if it really IS unreasonable. It's bad business not to warn us and maybe explain the decision at the time of its introduction. I don't know about yours, but none of the boxes I bought of EQ and its expansions over the years "guaranteed" us hot zone augs.... in fact, none mention hot zones at all. And indeed IF any did and I missed it, I'm "reasonably" sure none of them said Sony guarantees to have new hot zones with nice new augments every year.

Edited, Jul 21st 2009 10:37am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#36 Jul 22 2009 at 12:02 AM Rating: Default
Something tells me Sony is hiring the bottom of the barrel devs these days. Still shaking my head on this one.
#37 Jul 27 2009 at 7:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Elidroth wrote:
The level of entitlement some of you show towards things we do to help you out is amazing. Believe me.. I could have used the time I spent setting up the hotzones elsewhere. The zones were chosen based upon a theme. Don't like them? Don't play in them. I'm inclined to recommend we not do them anymore.

OK...I wasn't too upset about the hotzone thing, but I think Elidroth has the sense of entitlements reversed.

SOE didn't implement hotzones and fill them with aug drops to "help out" players. Not any more than they implemented a whole new set of armor (ie, Defiant) that drops everywhere and often, and represents a significant upgrade to what many characters were wearing.

They did it to make their product more attractive to a customer base that was rapidly departing to competitor's products which offered more opportunities to quickly level and equip than does Everquest. And it did help a little. I played in hotzones(in fact, I leveled three alts into the high 60's in hotzones) and met many other players that did, too. It probably kept me from giving up EQ when many of my friends and guildmates left EQ altogether. Maybe it increased subscriptions (or decreased cancellations) a little, or more than a little. I don't know. But that was clearly its intent.

I'm actually ok with a product team that says "we prioritized our time somewhere else this time, but we'll be back on this aspect of system maintenance in the next cycle. Thanks for understanding!"

A product team that says "***** you...we're rolling back SOE's policy of trying to make it easier to level and equip lower level characters" is a different matter. I'm guessing the author of those comments got called on the carpet for them privately. If not, he should have been, because I'm guessing that he wasn't authorized to publicly controvert SOE's stated policy on that matter.

In the end I think the message to Elidroth and his boss should be "if you guys think we're going to continue to pay you to deliver inconsistent results and abuse us for it when we question poor delivery, you've got another thing coming. If you don't like us as customers, then find some others. We could use our money for other things. I'm inclined to recommend we stop paying you."

I haven't logged on in several weeks, and have been debating about whether to log on more, or cancel my subscription. I'm not saying Elidroth's comment will sway that decision. But the availability of fun and rewarding hotzones probably will.
#38 Jul 27 2009 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
Exceptionally well put Saguaro. I personally was bothered by the tone in it, and you hit the nail on the head very well.
Plough E'mundar
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Tinkering (300)+15% - Research (313)+15%
(Alt) Alchemy (300)+15% - (Alt) Make Poison (300)+15%
#39 Jul 28 2009 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
I've seen this discussed in game enough, and i really just don't get it. The perception of hot zones has become so warped that i really hope that they don't do them anymore.

As stated, the hot zones were introduced to offer extra options in underused zones to players who were tired of the very popular zones. Before hot zones the most popular zones were popular because after considering exp, difficulty, loot, access, etc., they were the best, or at least good, options. The hot zone is rarely one of the better options, and it isn't supposed to be. It's just supposed to be an option. Now, if the hot zone is even an okay choice for a group, it is the most popular zone at that level. Exactly the type of zone that inspired the creation of hot zones.

There was certainly no need for new augs. If you want augs, just go to the old hot zones. All the augs still drop, all the quests still work. If you do half of it then you certainly will be past the point where the new stuff would be that useful. Of course if you only exp in the current hot zones you'll miss out on the gear, but putting that stuff in every new hot zone isn't the answer. How many augs do you want to drop? Without ever trying, all of my gear is augged and i've let hundreds rot.

The hot zones are such a small part of the game. While this burger and fries analogy accurately preserves the roles of everything, the magnitude is all wrong. The hot zones aren't free fries. That would be quite a large part of the meal. It's more like getting some extra sesame seeds on your bun or a slightly larger piece of lettuce for free. Sure, they can be nice. But they are just so inconsequential.
#40 Jul 28 2009 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
saguaro wrote:

In the end I think the message to Elidroth and his boss should be "if you guys think we're going to continue to pay you to deliver inconsistent results and abuse us for it when we question poor delivery, you've got another thing coming. If you don't like us as customers, then find some others. We could use our money for other things. I'm inclined to recommend we stop paying you."

And this is what pisses me off about the EQ team. We place food on their tables, we feed and cloth their families with our subscriptions. Without us, they wouldn't even have a Everquest job. I think they lost sight of that along the way, due to success.

Edited, Jul 28th 2009 6:25am by missjackie
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#41 Jul 28 2009 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
lonodir wrote:
There was certainly no need for new augs. If you want augs, just go to the old hot zones.

While I somewhat agree with this, the fact is that the new hot zone drops are typically the only thing worth looting in the zones, especially the older expansion zones. The hot zone drops were essentially SOE's way to get around reitemizing old zones -- "Hey, we upped the xp and added an augment, a melee drop and a caster drop!". I suppose with Defiant everywhere, SOE probably feels that reitemization is effectively done.
It's more like getting some extra sesame seeds on your bun

As Saguaro notes, the hot zones (and drops) aren't a favor. The SOE developers aren't trying to be your buddy. It's an attempt to retain customers in a constantly expanding field in which EQ grows progressively more antiquated.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#42 Jul 28 2009 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
343 posts
id be deilighted if hot zones got binned

too many mind controlled zombie spoon fed sheep doing exactly what sony tell them to

another nail in the lets dumbdown eq make it spoonfed cake walk

have some independant thought and play anywhere

bin those jokes of mercs too while we here
#43 Jul 28 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
I like the hotzone concept, but maybe it is time to tweak it (since I agree that there is enough hotzone quests and drops existing from the past few years).

My suggestion is just perma-hotzone everything pre Omens of War. That takes care of the under 70 casual crew very nicely. Most lowbie hotzones are used to powerlevel alts anyways, this would provide choices to the people not trying to do that (aka the altoholics that like to play them up solo).

Then do a 3-4 month rotation of a select few hotzones for the 70-85+ (thinking ahead) crowd.


As far as re-itemization of older content: I agree wholeheartedly that it needs to happen but certainly won't hold my breath waiting on it.

I would have severely limited the introduction of new trash and tradeskill items many expansions ago and just re-incorporated the old drops. For example: a level 85 quest based out of Kaladim would still need an orc scalp from crushbone. Everything needs an orc scalp.
#44 Jul 28 2009 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
My suggestion is just perma-hotzone everything pre Omens of War. That takes care of the under 70 casual crew very nicely. Most lowbie hotzones are used to powerlevel alts anyways, this would provide choices to the people not trying to do that (aka the altoholics that like to play them up solo).

Umm they did do this... just implimented it differently: hence, the xp curve for aas.
Plough E'mundar
Tradeskilling fiend of :
Baking (304)+15% - Brewing (309)+15%
Fletching (305)+15% - Fishing (205)+7%
Pottery (314)+15% - Jewellery (305)+15%
Smithing (313)+15% - Tailoring (312)+15%
Tinkering (300)+15% - Research (313)+15%
(Alt) Alchemy (300)+15% - (Alt) Make Poison (300)+15%
#45 Jul 29 2009 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Sir Plough wrote:
My suggestion is just perma-hotzone everything pre Omens of War. That takes care of the under 70 casual crew very nicely. Most lowbie hotzones are used to powerlevel alts anyways, this would provide choices to the people not trying to do that (aka the altoholics that like to play them up solo).

Umm they did do this... just implimented it differently: hence, the xp curve for aas.

Well, for 51-70 I suppose you can make the AA curve case. And arguably skinspikes potions are a brainless pocket PL well into the 40s.

Hotzones aren't really necessary at all, we've gotten used to them though. I liked it best when it was dungeon XP bonus (with the Hole being the highest %) that attracted the XP hungry.

The downside to normalizing hotzone xp 1-50 would be that you'd level up too fast if you were truly trying to see the scenery. Not sure many do that nowadays though.
#46 Jul 29 2009 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
Make zone XP bonus directly tied to how much the zone is used. Some combo of recent history and current use. So if 20 people in the zone, the bonus drops... if only 6 it's higher. And/or if a zone has barely been used in the last month, much higher XP bonus. This would encourage exploring and practically force players NOT to crowd one zone too much.

This is hardly ground-breaking; didn't they effectively do this with the alternate currency money awards arising from instances in one of the recent expansions (TBS, I think.) The more the instance was played, the smaller the award at completion---designed to encourage players to do other instances. I remember doing one instance exclusively while working on faction (it was the easiest for my boxed group) and the completion award dropped from around 75 to 45 by the time I stopped---I singlehandedly affected the popularity of that one instance by playing it nonstop for 2 weeks.

Same principle could be applied to zones for XP in general.

Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#47 Jul 29 2009 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
BTW, I amend my earlier assessment of TFS as a hot zone. It's a GREAT hot zone! Each level is much larger than I remember and it's a fun upward "crawl" to go through the tower. The keys to each level drop fairly often (maybe 1-2 hours per level, depending on your kill rate) and they become soul-bound so you can destroy them as soon as you use each. The layout of each floor is different, and interesting, and the mobs change from floor to floor. If you're the right level to get XP here, definitely check it out. One of the better-designed dungeons in the game, IMO.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#48 Aug 03 2009 at 8:32 PM Rating: Excellent
293 posts
Personally throwing my lot in with the Devs this time. Every one deserves to lose it every once in awhile especially dealing with what at the end of day is simple whining. I personally don't think these guys are bottom of the barrell. They are dealing with code that was written what, 13 or 14 years ago? What takes a line or two of script in today's programs to change something probably takes god knows how many lines with this old stuff. The game still works. That a miracle in itself. Give em a bow.
#49 Aug 04 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Sippin wrote:
BTW, I amend my earlier assessment of TFS as a hot zone. It's a GREAT hot zone! Each level is much larger than I remember and it's a fun upward "crawl" to go through the tower. The keys to each level drop fairly often (maybe 1-2 hours per level, depending on your kill rate) and they become soul-bound so you can destroy them as soon as you use each. The layout of each floor is different, and interesting, and the mobs change from floor to floor. If you're the right level to get XP here, definitely check it out. One of the better-designed dungeons in the game, IMO.

Just did ToFS top to bottom last night with a 55 monk (me) and 53 bard (friend). Valsera was dicey, Tserrina not so bad. I spent alot of time spinning in circles from spell effects.

I feel that ToFS is the best 1980's linear-style PC rpg dungeon in the game hands down, and it's a dungeon-style I wish they would do some more takes on.

On of the smarter things they did with ToFS was allow you to get out on multiple floors.
#50 Aug 04 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
1,257 posts
Well oops !

I really posted that because I thought it was quite funny, the devs do put up with an awful lot of crap on those boards and very very rarely bite back. I mean really, they can do nothing right, what EVER they do someone will complain about, it really does seem to be a thankless task. Elidroth generally does okay, as least he communicates and I actually did like his choice of hotzones, for nostalgia's sake if nothing else.

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