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What are your thoughts so far of the new server?Follow

#1 Jun 30 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
221 posts
The new long awaited 51/50 server has opened and first impressions have already been made by some. To let it be known up front I was keenly interested in and wanted another progression server. But that doesn’t matter, it is what it is. So here are my thoughts of the 51/50 for those of you yet to venture forth into Mayong.

I will be as open minded and honest as I can with the little adventuring I did in the first hour or so of playing. First you start off like it was announce at level 51 with 50 AA’s to spend (which by the way can’t be done unless you waste them on stuff like innate stamina and junk. There are no spells or abilities to you have strive to increase, there is no need to work on tradeskills at this stage as you’re already kitted out with a full set of Flawed. What you do need is platinum. They were nice enough to allow you to adventure all of 5 minutes to smack a mob to loot up some trash so you can then afford you merc.

Personally I feel this server is a huge let down. It is like being asked to come home for Holiday dinner for a nicely cooked meal with turkey and stuffing and dessert and such. You show up and there’s no beer, no wine, no snacks, no football game to speak of cause the family room is in shambles from the recent move in. The dinner is actually frozen tv dinners and the drink is nothing more than Kool-Aid.

Not exactly sure what this server has to offer people - other than perhaps allowing SOE to justify shutting down current servers by having the population base voluntarily move to the new server and then ask for a few to transfer characters to more desired servers. The joy of accomplishment in the first hour or two just wasn’t there, and I didn’t see that happening in the foreseeable future.

The sense of accomplishment to seek out something better just wasn’t there. Personally I think Mayong will wind up being a server of toons that want the easy way out all the time. They were born into a world of full gear and armor - never once having to go find a spell or tome they needed. There will be players that can’t play their toon for a damn - and not realize they have spells for stuff because they don’t take the time to review their toon.

The 51/50 server is a disappointment to me - but that’s just my opinion… I am sure there will be others that disagree with me, and to be honest - it would be good for them to post as well, my views are just one - and do not necessarily reflect the views of the entire populace. If anything, I can perhaps say this server “might” be a learning server where you spend a few levels trying out toons of various classes until you catch the one you like. But at that point I think to make the game worth while playing they would have to start a new toon on a REAL server once their class is set in stone.
#2 Jun 30 2009 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Wasn't this server a result of a vote by players? Was there actually little voting going on and this idea won by lack of people voting?
#3 Jun 30 2009 at 2:08 PM Rating: Excellent
25 posts
i agree completely with your comments tripodvi. As a player who has recently returned to eq after a more than 4 year absence i am very out of touch with the playstyles and strentghs and weaknesses of quite a lot of classes. I must admit that i only got my enchanter to higher than lvl 51 at any point in my EQ life.
I will therefore be using this server to get a feel for a few classes before i choose what to start on Antonius Bayle.

I am a big fan of the old school zones and would have loved to have had a new progression server or even better a server that only has the original game without any expansions.

As you say though this was a poll to decide on server type so i guess more people will be happy with the server than myself.

Good Hunting to all my fellow players on all server.

Edited, Jun 30th 2009 6:11pm by guindor
#4 Jun 30 2009 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good

working on my new Doll box (guys in dress hahaha) my experience is kinda different from what you were babling about. Sorry

i had the same experience for looking around trying to understand what new spells needed what new skills needed to learn and how to encounter problems such as platinums.... but you can do that at Tutorial these days... and once you played in this server its like just jumping to mid level so you can cope up with the most players playing at the end stage... and i dont see any wrong with that.

i think thats the purpose of this server... instead of making new toons from scratch from lvl 1 and you missing some raiding fun coz your too low... this gives the chance for even the noobies (even Ebayed ones) to get into raiding and learn stuffs. This game really is for folks who like to interact with other players not just for those .... you know what i mean hehehe
#5 Jun 30 2009 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
1,074 posts
One of the most uninteresting, unimaginative, and pointless additions to Everquest.

And I am not a hater. I like Everquest.

This server offers nothing new to players. It just shaves off a few hours to a few days of gameplay. Then what?

And sorry, the above statements about being closer to the end game raiders? What? Level 51 or 61 or 71 for that matter is nowhere near end game. Raiders who moved to this server will be lv 85 with 1000 AAs just as you are hitting lv 61 and begging for groups to go to PoP to get Ethereal Parchments.

This server is and will be no different than any other server except that the Bazaar will be filled with lv 51 mules instead of lv 1 mules.

Edited, Jul 1st 2009 6:27am by Reyla
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#6 Jul 01 2009 at 3:29 AM Rating: Default
I rolled a toon and played for about an hour last night. Interesting to see 100+ toons in CR. I'll probably not play anymore on this server because it seems to me the A.D.D. kids all flocked to this one.

So much childish banter in General chat and OOC that I had to turn it off. Not to mention about 20 guild invites before I could even get my interface set up properly.

#7 Jul 01 2009 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
I actually had fun...Started a guild of Cazic only worshipers ( except there is an agnostic enchanter witha bad attitudeSmiley: sly)

"Raided " the Froglok King ( didn't get a titleSmiley: glare), but was kinda fun. It was nice to have a caster already at 51 ( hate to chase the lower level spells) and since I had no money for mercs or such, made Howling Stones harder.

Anyway, I can see why some don't like it, but I had fun and will stay awhile. Might try and all int caster box...
#8 Jul 01 2009 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
No interest in new server. A great server would have been to Shadows of Luclin. No place for mercs or defiant gear on this server. Start every toon off a level 1. Take out the hotzone xp, items and augments. This might have kept the rush to level cap people off this server. Make all gear and spells no drop. This would make people actually go to the zone for the item.

This would have been fun actually questing for the classic armor quest, kunark, velious faction armor along with weapons.

This server would actually put the QUEST back in Everquest.

#9 Jul 01 2009 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Reyla wrote:

This server is and will be no different than any other server except that the Bazaar will be filled with lv 51 mules instead of lv 1 mules.


This server is a fresh server, that's the draw of it to many folks, myself included. Everyone is in the same level range. There are no transfers allowed as of yet. I ran around last night marveling at the number of groups I came across. Hadn't seen anything like it since I played on the progression servers upon release, and certainly not on Stromm, the supposed "newbie/returning player" server I rolled on a week ago when I resubbed.

And to the folks complaining about this not being another progression server or a classic server: did you even vote in the poll? Not having an active sub at the time I couldn't, but I would have voted progression, because it was a lot of fun while it lasted.

Frankly, I see 51/50 as enticing because it is new, not because of the special ruleset. Sure, there are other rulesetsd I'd prefer, but I'll settle for seeing other people in game before level 75. Essentially, I'm happy to have folks to play with without soloing for the first four months.
#10 Jul 01 2009 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
221 posts
Barkingturtle wrote:
And to the folks complaining about this not being another progression server or a classic server: did you even vote in the poll? Not having an active sub at the time I couldn't, but I would have voted progression, because it was a lot of fun while it lasted.
There definitely were some flaws in the way SOE ran that so call voting poll asking us what server type we wanted:

  • The poll was set to automatically keep coming up each and every time you logged in (rather annoying if you don't want to vote) so you just vote
  • The default vote for the poll was 51/50 which was the only so called new ruleset players understood so that pretty much cinched the new ruleset players
  • There was no "Not Interested" option for players that didn't care (thus most voted 51/50) and had no intentions of playing on a new server - that allowed the anymosity between regular servers and the old progression/combine servers to resurface and the regular server toons that didn't care less were able to get the last jab
  • The poll (like you already noted) was open ONLY to paying subscribers - They could have conducted the poll using IP logging instead
  • The results were never released - SOE claims fictional reasons like competitors wanting to know the numbers and such - but think about it... SOE rules the MMO world with how many games now?

  • Ah but how that vote went is another issue entirely and long since past. You're very correct Barkingturle when you mention the one good thing this server has accomplished, and that has brought back socialization (not socialism LOL - well maybe that too) into EQ. The question is, for how long?
    #11 Jul 01 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
    902 posts
    Not sure for how long, but for now it is a many people...seeing someone with a new weapon or piece of armor is a real big deal.

    BT...give Kraawl a tell anytime you are on and you got an automatic groupSmiley: wink
    #12 Jul 01 2009 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
    Liberal Conspiracy
    I stopped playing over the summer but want to say that this server would only be awesome if SOE reinstituted Kunark-era hell levels Smiley: grin
    Belkira wrote:
    Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
    #13 Jul 01 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
    761 posts
    In my opinion without PvP it is just another "Spoon Fed Player" Blue Server but with a bigger spoon. With merc’s, defiant equipment, augs and other player provided items, level 51 is a weekend away for most players.
    They Needed to bring in a Hard core, level one PvP +, no tutorial, Plat & Item looting (I still think they should have one item loot also, if not augged or no drop, Oh well), "Naked Corpse Runs", Expand the PvP window to + or – 7, make defiant gear “No Drop”, bring back begging for ports or binds, and in general make the game a challenge, hard to achieve goals. It is Human Nature to take the easier softer way out. But when something is hard to achieve the reward, no matter how small, becomes great. I always bring back my memories of the first time I traveled to Freeport from Qeynos, level 10; I was sitting on the edge of my seat, had the sound turned up to hear any noise, moved slowly and took most of the night. When I got to Freeport I felt like I accomplished something. Also when I made it to the bridge from Iceclad to Eastern Waste I felt good. Same with my 1st epic. When SoE introduces a new expansion I have that feeling of discovery again. I enjoy the difficulty of the old game and also look forward to the new content of the expansions. But these expansions need population.
    I know SoE is trying to attract the New Player, but I feel they are going about it the wrong way. All this new server did was reduced the population of the other servers.
    I posted a thread that received a lot of input regarding attracting the new player. This is what I think the need to focus on.;mid=1228771497304713574;page=1

    Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
    #14 Jul 01 2009 at 1:31 PM Rating: Excellent
    264 posts
    Ok so I just spent the last few hours there. Everything is packed. Cresecent reach id full. PoK is bustling, groups are being made. POI is overcrowded, but people are going to other places like PoV, Nadox, Veksar and even Karnors Castle.

    Its nice to see that really. In general chat, people were saying if they wanted to be 85, they would have stayed on their normal server. I hope it stays like this for awhile. Alll the activity remoinded me of when i first started playing EQ. People shouting for ports to Pok, or looking for groups, hearing people get happy when the better non-defiant weps come up. Is all freakin Cool.

    I went there and made a few different characters at first. I made a couple that I never seem to get past lvl 25 on...ranger, beserker, and rogue. I made them, played them at 51 and kinda like them. I plan on using this server as a test server for me, testing race/class combos and seeing which combo i like best.

    There were some names I recognized there too, but didnt want to ask if anyone was from Fennin Ro. Speaking of which, I see a lot of guilds there seeking out server-mates, which is kinda cool. Anyway, I named a toon on either of my accounts after a couple of my toons on Fennin Ro in hopes that someone sees it.
    Why, I realy dont know.
    #15 Jul 02 2009 at 5:49 AM Rating: Good
    for spending aa's just get the basic to start then save the over 30 till lvl 55 and get more at that point. not a big deal.

    the best part of this server. even if you don't plan to stay on it. is you can try other classes. learn whats best to group with or as for curtain quests raids zones ect. it's really just a high level test server.

    but also for me maybe and i'm sure many others. a new server to join new guilds and meet new friends to play with. not having such dead time waiting for groups.
    To play well with others is to NOT GET THEM KILLED

    5x eve online (Currently playing 2 accounts)
    1x darkfall "worse game ever"
    8x EQ 1 accounts char's lvl 30-52 7 years (3 accounts active)2nd fav
    6x Asheron's call lvl 40-99 one lvl 132 (FAV GAME ALL TIME)
    2 EQ 2
    3 Horizons
    3 WOW
    3 DAOC
    1 D&D online
    4 FFXI
    2 vanguard
    4 anarchy
    2 SWG
    1 lineage 2
    2 AOC
    1 LOTRO
    1 City of H / V
    beta's AC2,lotro,eq2,aoc, lineage 2, darkfall, crimecraft, fallen earth, aion, Jade Dynasty
    #16 Jul 02 2009 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
    98 posts
    After reading the posts I am still faced with a dilema.

    I am considering returning so my choices are:

    1) Roll "new" on this new server.

    2) Go back to Stromm where I have a 70 Warrior with barely over 100 AA's and a 50 something Shaman that I was grooming to be my new "main" when I quit. I got frustrated with the gear-dependency of the Warrior, but maybe that's changed in the intervening years since I played.

    Anyone have any thoughts on these choices having tried the new server and being "in-the-loop" as far as the last couple of years?

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    #17 Jul 02 2009 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
    221 posts
    Blusician wrote:

    2) Go back to Stromm where I have a 70 Warrior with barely over 100 AA's and a 50 something Shaman that I was grooming to be my new "main" when I quit. I got frustrated with the gear-dependency of the Warrior, but maybe that's changed in the intervening years since I played.

    I do believe you are the exception (if you know what my opinion is already about the 51/50) and indeed YES the 51/50 might very well have been meant for players like yourself that found themselves trying to play catch-up to the big dogs. 100 AAs and level 70... You have about 900 AAs and 15 levels to grind out before you possibly hold your own, maybe 1400 AAs before your Warrior could become a decent MT. The lack of decent Tanks (Warriors for their ability to hold agro - not their AC) is why SOE brought out the mercs... you would be competing against a lot of mercs for group positions and to be honest, a group is going to take a merc tank over you right now with only 100 AAs.

    For you, yes, try the 51/50.
    #18 Jul 02 2009 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
    98 posts
    Thanks for the input. I guess I can try the new server and always go to stromm if I feel like it so it's not such a black and white issue.

    Yeah, my warrior was perpetually behind the curve. Then I got bitter when they buffed the tanking abilities of the paladins and SK's. Now with the mercs (as little as I know about them), I think he'll be officially retired. It's a shame really since I liked tanking and was not too bad at it.

    I was really going to make my Barbarian Shaman my main if I do return. Alas he has only a handful of AA's but at least the catch-up is not as pronounced. I guess the difference may be the population and grouping opportunities.

    One thing I forgot to mention is that my wife would be playing too so we pretty much always have at least a duo. She may even opt to activate a box account that has a 67 cleric (daughter's old account). I'm not sure how mercs work but with one of us two-boxing and a merc we almost have a full group (correct me if my ignorance shows).

    Edited, Jul 2nd 2009 11:06am by Blusician
    #19 Jul 02 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
    26 posts
    Just read this thread, tabbed over to the internet banking, 110$ left...

    Resubscription time.

    Success SoE... You bastards. (I loved PoP)
    #20 Jul 02 2009 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
    902 posts

    I have a 68 warrior with only 120' aa's and I hold aggro just fine...I even tank for the guild with level 75's. When I 2 box I hold it from my merc all the time ( unless I want him to take a beating Smiley: sly) I am not pimped at all...mostly defiant gear.

    Go to Steel warriors ( The, I believe)...great site for tanks to learn to be tanks. I think your 70 warrior with the right weapons ( any one that procs anger or the like) would help you tank. I am able to.

    Not to say the new server wouldn't be good too. It is fun, and I am playing a warrior right now. I do crud damage with the defiant weapons, but I still hold aggro ok.

    And Trip, just to point out, getting spells still isn"t easy. Now at 52, most of them are drops, from older zones ( leading people to have to learn and explore the Old World). And I have played since Zek first opened, so I do remember what it was to play the game before any of this "new " stuff. Just cause you play on a progression server doesn't mean you know how to play your class. Just because you start at 51 doesn't mean you can't play your class. So far, I have grouped with people have been very good.
    #21 Jul 03 2009 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
    642 posts

    more pvp kiddiez. sorry, i don't pay what i pay to play to get ganked as amusement for your ilk. you have zek, and, what looksmore your speed, WoW for all the pvp buttery goodness you can inflict on your fellow 12 year olds.
    #22 Jul 03 2009 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
    902 posts
    Just so you know, the new server is not PVP...
    #23 Jul 05 2009 at 7:24 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,166 posts
    I hopped over there on opening day after Jonwin and I chatted about it in game, it was interesting to have a level 51 wiz with 50 aa's to spend.

    It took an hour to set up my spell book the way I liked.

    I then realized that after run speed 3, regen 3, and metabolism 3 that any more buying would just be a waste...stats were maxed and I had to hit level 54 to get anything else worthwhile.

    I expanded the potion belt by one slot then realized I couldn't buy any cash, lol.

    So I went out joined a couple groups...listened to everyone expound on their idea of the right way to spend aa's and fight and group and spend plat and fight and group and...

    Then I realized that I already had 3 toons at level 76 on AB and 3 toons at 71 on Povar (all six toons have a butt-load of aa's) and I really enjoyed playing all of why go through the grind again?

    I think the wiz will will probably rot there on Mayong at level 53 forever...Smiley: glasses
    Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

    Barack Obama

    Laen - 105 Dru
    Haam - 105 Sk
    Laosha - 105 Shammy
    Lutan - 105 Bard
    #24 Jul 06 2009 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
    I have mixed feelings. The amount of players is wonderful. I can log in, get a group, and get my character moving without any problems at all. I like the fact that there are people that don't know what they're doing when it comes to their character and the patience of group members to help them understand how to do things (general chat can be full of land mines where this is concerned,lol).

    I hate the bazaar and the people trying to get ridiculous prices on a server where PP is still very limited for a majority of players. I'd think people would be inclined to help each other out more, at least when it came to guild members etc. The combination of being 51, without the plat you could've had from leveling, and needing to go farm plat, spells, gear, etc. seems insurmountable at times.

    Right now I'm waiting to see if the things I don't like even out while I enjoy having actual people to level with. I'm not sure what the population is on other servers, but the shear amount of players in PoK and the guild lobby is great to see. I just wish I could find a guild that was full of active players, is 50 to 100 (logged in) to much to ask for? I joined a guild that boasted 130 players but haven't seen more then 10 to 15 on at any one time.

    If things don't even out some I can also go back to FV, the EQ retirement server:)

    #25 Jul 06 2009 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
    1,074 posts
    I then realized that after run speed 3, regen 3, and metabolism 3

    Just curious. Why even bother with regen 3? There are no more "general, archtype, class, etc" prerequisites anymore.
    After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
    #26 Jul 07 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
    221 posts
    Reyla wrote:
    Just curious. Why even bother with regen 3? There are no more "general, archtype, class, etc" prerequisites anymore.

    Because - as you so quickly decided to point out and try to sound really smart - at level 51, the ONLY AAs available to a character are those listed under the general tab. Doh! So what else would you have a level 51 character use all these free AAs on? I do believe that was the point of this part of the discussion - the fact that there are so few options to spend the AAs they give you and some have shared here what they are spending them on.

    Spend them on Arch or class type AAs - LMAO ya that's a good one at level 51.... You're funny! Smiley: lol
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