Reyla says,
Bazaar prices on every and any server are artificial. Don't buy anything for 40 to 90k. It's silly.
The game is ARTIFICAL. But in game prices are controlled by supply and demand. Just like real life. If you can sell a widget cheaper then do so, if you want to lose time and plat then that is your option. Most will not choose that way and want to increase their plat supply. An Example: I have a Sceptre of Destruction ( ) on Trader Armourcarr (plug) in Zek’s Bazaar. Item no longer drops, great weapon from mid to low range and a little of a prestige thing. I own 5 of these now and have paid over 400k each for the latest ones, mostly higher. have not seen one for sale besides mine for 5 months. I sell for 850k…have sold over 10 at 500k or higher. Another example: I have made a popular name for myself by selling prismatic dye ( ). Cost on average about 35p + or - each to make. They are a pain in the butt, with 3 combines and all the fizzles, to craft. On Zek dyes are crafted in a PvP area unless you haul all the items to a safe zone. All of a sudden there was a bunch of dye selling for 45p.each. So to keep my market I lowered to 43p. (supply and demand) now that the competition finds it not worth the trouble and effort to make 8p per sale I am back to the only one selling for 55p and selling about 200 a day. I also use the dye so players keep coming to my trader to buy dye and to look at the SoD plus the other high end stuff I have (lost liter draw). But to blanket statement that anything over 40k is too high is just your opinion and I have to disagree with you…If you think prices are high then farm or craft, yourself Reyla, and sell cheaper. But there is no finer example of Free Trade, Supply and Demand and Market Trends then the EverQuest Bazaar. I think SoE should just make Bazaar accessed by all servers, and given to schools for Economic practice. Just keeping schools in bazaar zone and players can only enter back into their own zones. Restricting shared bank to within players own server. This would be a great tool and besides what better way to expose game to new players.
On making plat my bazaar trader, level one on average sell about 300k a day. But also buys about 200k of items in bazaar a day. I have had a few 2mil days...and days where I bought more then I sold. I started out by picking up ground spawns Yew leaves and Misty Acrons and selling for 10p each. But if you question players on zek they will tell you I do alright. I farm really nothing, and only craft dye and homemade back packs. Hold down two jobs and am mostly 80% afk on trader. One account so I play main when I can. Click on vinney under "your images" is screen photo of Amourcarr with first 10mil.
Edited, Mar 30th 2009 5:54pm by Vinney