People using older, custom HotButtonWnd.xml files may encounter a client crash as soon as the UI is loaded or just before entering world. This seems to happen if the UI file pre-dates or does not include the multiple-hotbutton-windows feature. The quick work around is to use the DEFAULT HotButtonWnd.xml file or acquire a newer custom one from somewhere like
If you are getting a client crash you can check for this issue by looking at your UIErrors.txt file (C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\UIErrors.txt) and searching for something like this:
Error: Could not find child HB_FileButton in window HotButtonWnd
ScreenPiece HotButtonWnd2 referenced but not found in XML.
ScreenPiece HotButtonWnd3 referenced but not found in XML.
ScreenPiece HotButtonWnd4 referenced but not found in XML.
ScreenPiece HotButtonWnd2 referenced but not found in XML.
ScreenPiece HotButtonWnd3 referenced but not found in XML.
ScreenPiece HotButtonWnd4 referenced but not found in XML.
Devs are aware of this and hope to add a code check for our bad habits in the near future , but it may be a while before it is patched to the live servers. Below is SKlug's response (posted with permission):
"Ok, it is crashing because your custom hot buttons don't create all the buttons. (4 windows, 10 buttons per window). I can add some checking in the code to prevent the crash, but that won't be available immediately."
Big thanks to SKlug for looking at this!